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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 15 minutes ago, YRBB said:

    Our dear friends, the Russians, just voted for domestic violence to be decriminalized. Figured we'd remember things suck elsewhere, too. But, remember, beat your wives WITHOUT causing substantial bodily harm and ONLY once per year. Sorta like the purge, get it out of your system.


    I wonder, will he see this and think, "Great idea!"?



    This is why I made my most recent status update. It really wasn't a joke. Things can get to that point SO easily, as many, many countries have discovered.


    Yeah, the "pawn" phrasing may be taking it too far. But a mother manipulating her daughter in such a way sounds very plausible, though.

    The Pawn? You mean John Black is really Ivana Trump?

  2. 3 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    They may not have a lot of options, even with Trump. 


    I think Obama had a lot of bad luck in geopolitical events, and I think racism made foreign leaders more willing to ignore or belittle him. The only real criticism I had of him is I think he just never really got the base connection that would have stopped some of the bigger gaffes like going to the UK and telling voters, in so many words, that he'd be flushing them down the toilet if they didn't do what he wanted on Brexit. That wasn't what he meant, of course, but that seemed to be how it came across to many over there. I think he did mean well and had a lot of smart plans and was ultimately just somewhat frozen by exactly what to do in an increasingly unstable world. I'd love to say Hillary would have been better, but with Hillary we'd likely be lurching toward a nuclear arms race with Russia. And then of course there's Trump...


    Anyway, have any Republicans spoken out about the last few days, or gone to any airports or anything? What about those "thoughtful" Republicans who are going to be "a thorn in Trump's side," like maverick McCain and media darling Marco? Or are they mostly just hoping we'll ban anyone from Cuba?

    so far 4 republicans have spoken out against it. the majority in DC have, from what i have read, [!@#$%^&*] down the telephone service and their email service. NOW they don;t want anything to do with what Gilligan has done. but they were all for it until they realized..."this man is truly a childish little boy who is letting Steve Bannon run the country."

  3. . left wherever he was in white tie & tails 2 join protest at PHL to get detainees released.

    6 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    It's so bizarre how unsustainable a course this Trump administration seems to be on already!  I mean, it really looks crazy!!

    From everything I'm reading, it just seems like a complete clusterf*ck behind the scenes. I cannot imagine how things continue this way.


    Crazy people all of them. I mean out of their minds. 

  4. http://bipartisanreport.com/2017/01/26/first-alleged-w-h-whistleblower-comes-forward-trump-sure-to-freak-screenshots/

    51 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    If people remember the Emmitt Till murder case (it was one of many events that touched off the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s), there is an upcoming book in which the woman at the center of the murder case, whose husband and another man were acquitted (but later admitted guilt in a magazine interview) in the grisly killing of the teenager, has admitted that SHE LIED in court!


    Anyone with a conscience knew that she lied, her husbands lied and they all got away with it by benefit of a racist jury and legal system but how does someone live with this knowledge and for so damn long??!


    How Author Timothy Tyson Found the Woman at the Center of the Emmett Till Case


    We all knew that woman had lied for the last 60+ years. the shame she should feel (but doesn't) for sending a young man to his death based off of her lie. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    F-cking hypocrites. They stayed on HRC for the same crap but NOW they wanna use private servers? 



    I just chuckled. Honestly. and I remain STUNNED at the FOOLS who spent 2 years going on about some funky emails but now....you can't TEACH this kind of stupid. And CB can kiss my ass as well as those Democrats who voted against prescription drugs being allowed to be brought in from Canada so Americans can maybe get some of them for a much cheaper price. lining their pockets like Republicans. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Khan said:


    I think the former president of Mexico just got Black on everybody.


    I'd trust the ladies who attend Mama Khan's church over CNN.


    Forgot to add:


    The hastag, of course, is the best part.  It's such a me thing to do. ;)

    That's my point Khan. Very few hands are clean.....but WP started calling him out months before CNN decided to confront him with his lies and slander. when net news sites, newspapers and news mags were trying to do their jobs....what was CNN, FN & MSNBC doing? every time they started a new hour, their anchors had these gigantic smiles on their faces proclaiming how Trump won some primary or how he's racking up the delegates and states or what he said in an interview. they were giddy about his rise...until he called a reporter a sleaze. other than Rachel, Joy, Lawrence and Chris (the majority of the time) all the others ignored his misogyny, bigotry, lies and hatred untl he attacked one of their own...then they spent the next 3 months FINALLY calling him out, after they sold their souls for ratings and access. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Khan said:




    Seen on one of my (left-leaning) FB friends' posts:


    "Who's Barry?"

    "A black guy who used to live in government supplied housing."


    That moment when you feel the need to defend a president you were critical of against another blatantly racist remark.


    Thank goodness, though, my FB friend wasn't involved in this exchange.  He didn't even call him "Barry," which is something even I have been guilty of.

    I never called him Barry. But of course, he did some things that royally ticked me off. on the whole, a fine POTUS. so much better than the turd we have now. worried about crowd sizes, women marching against him, millions upon millions hating him.....the list tragically goes on and on.


  8. 18 hours ago, Khan said:


    the crap CNN is covering honestly to me has now made their coverage WORSE than it was during the election cycle. with all the crap he has signed by executive order, they still are talking about the [!@#$%^&*] crowd size...and covering how this child is pissed that he lost the PV, now saying 3-5 million people voted illegally. 

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