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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 1 hour ago, MissLlanviewPA said:

    The love child of Ann Coulter and Kellyanne Conway if she were cloned from Hayden Panettiere and sent off to be sold at Dollar General is OUT! And trust me, pro-choice or not, I sure as hell don't claim her.




    (Also, my apologies to Hayden Panettiere and Dollar General.)



    Isn't that laughable that being pro-choice (not racist, bigoted or an outright liar) was the reason her show was suspended? 

  2. 31 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    @JuliajmsSome body language experts were interviewed on their thoughts and they pretty much said that Trump knows he is not the most powerful figure in that room, she is. From the first handshake, it was obvious that Merkel does not trust Trump, the way she closed her arms around her body, crossed her legs tightly-very much in protective and wary mode.

    By the end, Trump was slumped in a defeated position, surly and looking like petulant child who had been put in his place.

    The 'handshake snub' was a last-ditch attempt to assert some type of dominance over a powerful woman that he obviously doesn't know how to deal with but everyone pretty much thinks that this childish move makes him look even weaker compared to Merkel.


    The German media, politicos and general public are fuming over what they see as Trump's petulance and rudeness.


    Vladimir's instruction to Trump clearly got lost in translation as no one was supposed to catch on to what was happening and Merkel was clearly not intimidated.




    Recently, on Twitter, I read about a woman, a Trump voter, complaining about the possibility of her Meels-On-Wheels being eliminated. In the subtweets, a Latino man, responded that he didn't feel sorry for her at all, since she obviously thought it was fine to vote for someone who separates families. 


    My first instinct is to harden against these people who are now complaining, similar to the response of this man. There is a lot of attention on these people who are now waking up to the damage that their votes have caused but is there equal focus on the people whose everyday lives are being upended by the micro-aggressions of Trump voters?


    A California waiter refused to serve 4 Latina women until he saw ‘proof of residency’





    The boldness of the ignorant is just disappointing. sad, pathetic, bigoted....maybe he was being a smart ass, but it cost him his job and made the business and company look horrible in comparison. some people just tend to be evil and ignorant, and are so very proud of it. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    ^ So embarrassing. I wonder why he snubbed her, but maybe there is just no understanding that man.

    IMPO< Trump can't stand any woman who is equal to him. all women must be subservient to him. all this dos is just add one more notch on the belt that will get him when the right time comes. 

  4. Rachel I'm glad at least is showing a sense of humor about this....but she's been doing this for years. through comedy is truth and the truth is she's way too long winded. 

    16 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I guess I just find this type of behavior to be very shallow. To be honest, as cynical as this makes me sound, my first thought was he didn't even vote and he just wanted to get in front of a camera. I do see what you mean though.


  5. 1 minute ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I've just read that the tax return doesn't detail anything about where the money came from. That's really important!  If it doesn't detail where the money came from or how it was made, what's the point?

    starting to really look like she screwed the pooch on this one....

  6. 16 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Yeah, no Geraldo's Al Capone vaults mess, please.


    I don't have MSNBC, so I guess I'll have to keep an ear open to social media for the responses.

    you know how it takes her 40 minutes to get to the damn point....

    she says she has his returns......from 2005.

  7. 5 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Rachel Maddow says she has Trump's tax returns.



    The PBS show Frontline had a pretty informative one two years ago called Putin's Way

    These better be the Real Mccoys....because if not, she will do herself tremendous damage. 

  8. 18 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Are you guys and gals watching Power of Putin on CNN? This documentary is putting so much stuff into further perspective...

    One of the most informative docus I have seen in a year or so. very well done. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Wales2004 said:

    Now the DOJ is asking for additional time to collect evidence on wiretapping or as Jim Acosta (CNN) tweeted " to provide info to House Intel Committee to back up POTUS wiretapping claims." Because Jeff Sessions or whoever is supposed to be handling this can back up those claims. I really hope Jim Acosta's wording is wrong.


    @Roman my microwave has been spying on me a lot lately and even though I am concerned, I still used it to heat up some pasta.  Maybe I'll check for the hidden cameras tomorrow.


    I'm not going to broad stroke the people of Kentucky since I am sure some of them appreciate having health care. I do wonder how many people toting a Bible ever opened it up and tried reading it, as I suspect most people rely on their good reverends to translate it for them. I'm going to take a wild guess and say they would be shocked to find out that not only was Jesus Jewish but that he wasn't European either (and not just because Europe didn't exist yet).



    Burn some popcorn in it...that'll fix the little f'er. 


  10. 4 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    He actually promised them a better plan and that no one would lose health care.

    and they listened to him. My goodness.....they heard "build a wall and make Mexico pay for it" and "make america great again." 24 million people losing their health care makes america great again to this moron. I'm sorry, and.....


  11. 16 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    Michelle is a shell of her former self. All her pluckiness is gone. Seeing Michelle subservient towards Preston is the worse. The original old recipe Michelle i remember never took any crap from anyone.  

    she didn't. if she hurt someone she honestly didn't care.....and would cuss out Den, Sharon, Arthur....anyone who pissed her off. it may be the casting choice as to why they are writing her like that. ST said she would never come back...the writing coupled with ehr movie behind the camera could be the reasons why IMO. 

  12. he can't stand a black man is more popular than him IMPO. he's done it to himself. he's so out of it mentally I don't think he remembers what he said from one moment to the next. 

    4 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I just saw New Day and Steve King basically admitted his tweet was about saving the White patriarchy. Like Chris Cuomo said, this is gonna serve as great recruiting material for terrorist groups. 


    With KellyAnne, they need to put her ass back on mute. She was a flip-flopping mess this morning. When Chris talked about healthcare, she'd bring up jobs. When Chris would switch to jobs, she'd skirt back to healthcare. I was glad when Chris shut her a** down again. Give that b*tch an inch and she'll take the whole damn ruler. 

    wasn't that just a crap show? even CC said "why are you pausing that long after I ask this question?" he honestly thinks it's just fine to come off like a racist. bet other Repubs hate his guts....or those who don't agree with him. Kellyanne just kept talking because IMO she knew she had no clue about what she was saying and just kept rattling on about nonsense. 

    BTW...and word from Trump on the evidence or the Obama wiretaps? and will CNN & MSNBC continue to cover this one story ad nauseum for the next 7 days?

  13. 8 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    Even through i'm not fan of this story i love this trailer. Preston comes of as unlikable and bland. Michelle is being written out of character. I can't imagine Susan Tully version playing this.

    how badly are they writing Michelle? 

  14. Steve King was just embarrassed by Chris Cuomo on New Day in a interview you all should take a few minutes to see...and right now Kellyanne Conway is lying her tail off right now on the very same show....meanwhile on Morning Joe.....

  15. 5 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    A statement from Preet Bharara.

    The irony is that this wouldn't have been a big deal (new administrations replace appointees from previous administrations all the time) had it not been for the fact that the Orange dope made such a big show of inviting Bharara to Trump tower at the end of November to ask him to stay on as AG for SDNY. Perjurer General Sessions also asked Bharara to continue on at the end of last year.




    On the shortlist to replace Bharara is said to be former attorney to one-time sexual misconduct plaintiff, Roger Ailes, Marc Mukasey. 




    Bharara was said to be critical of Wall Street so I think this is yet another clear signal that Trump could care less about draining any swamp-he intends to fill it to overflow.




    Speaking of things that were never true. 


    Weren't we supposed to believe that the economy (rather than racist and sexist tropes) inspired many to vote for Trump?




    Well, take a look at what some of his supporters are up to now....but but, the economy:rolleyes:!




    Trump supporters call for ‘liberal genocide’ and deportation of Jews at Arizona Rally



    Trump did it to get back at Chuck Schumer. 

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