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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 1 hour ago, JaneAusten said:

    Yep and more layoffs or perhaps early retirements coming this year


    Also in retail


    "Like coal miners, retail workers don't typically have a set of skills that's easily transferable to another industry, according to Cohen.

    The retail industry, which employs about one out of every 10 American workers, typically pays low wages but provides employment to people in every age bracket, as well as those who are low-skilled and need flexible scheduling options."

    Losing jobs left and right now/....

    27 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    The decline of retail really scares me. That's an area that people with low skills can go into, even if they aren't physically strong. I hate to see people in that group hit harder than they already have been. One difference between retailing and coal mining is that coal miners made a high wage and I do think it's a bigger loss if you are just looking at it on a job by job basis.   At the same time, someone capable of coal mining can probably do other kinds of manual labor that pays better than a "pink collar" job. Automation of jobs is really going to affect our whole economy and a lot of people are in deep denial. More people are going to be plunged into the gig economy and I'm not sure any politician can stop it.


    I'm enjoying Billy O'Reilly getting the boot. He was always an insufferable ass. In the end it doesn't make that much difference at Fox because a new jackass will arise, but maybe for the sake of the women around him we can hope the next won't be a harasser.

    You know, the way I'm reading articles....on top of how horribly he treated female staff, he was just an out and out [!@#$%^&*] to everyone. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:




    I just hope the turnout remains strong (or even stronger) for Ossoff in June. 

    He came up 1.4 points short. he performed very well IMPO. ad now he has two months to blast Trump and link the republican candidate to him. 

    Fox News is preparing to cut ties with its biggest star, Bill O’Reilly, according to people close to the situation. A final decision on Mr. O’Reilly’s fate could come as early as the next several days, the people said. Mr. O’Reilly, host of “The O’Reilly Factor,” has been ensnared in a sexual-harassment scandal related to previously undisclosed settlements he and Fox News paid to women who worked on or appeared on his program.

  3. can someone...ANYONE....explain to me.....why Jeffrey Lord is employed and allowed to speak to anyone via television? I just saw this man defend the crap he said this morning...comparing Trump to MLK....and Don Lemon got so pissed off he yelled at the man and called him stupid. 

  4. what's the over/under on CNN hosts saying "The Mother Of All Bombs"? 

    3 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Trump must be hiding some really foul sh*t to risk annihilating us all.

    what you say? that must be some HUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEE shite.....in mean jail shite to risk complete destruction. 

  5. and Spicer.....who took the day off yesterday, but is back at work today. he knows CNN and MSNBC.....they love war so they can help ratings and ad revenue. they dig marching us into one conflict or another...and they are going to talk about this all weekend into mid next week. when they turn back to all his illegal activities....another military strike....

  6. 6 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Why do I feel like Trump just sees this all as a video game? 


    I don't want to think about all the dead innocents. 

    ANYTIME the news starts turning back to the scandals, a strike happens or a bomb is dropped. he's getting us closer to WWIII just to keep bad press off of him...how childish and stupid is that? 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    Not only that but when they think you should take the tweet of someone who does not get that the object of his hatred actually requested something she had a right to request, seriously. If they think her actions should be considered criminal then they should request policy modifications to exclude the NSA from being able to request and obtain access to that type of information. But instead they want to pretend that it's illegal to support the fabrications of their ignorant leader.


    CNN needs to re-brand and own up to just having a little news on the side. They can just have an anchor read some news at the top of the hour and devote the rest to their insipid panel discussions yapping.

    First paragraph....thought provoking. 

    Second paragraph.....LMAO. 

  8. I never feed the trolls, but I must say this....

    Isn't it the HEIGHT of hypocrisy that, the very same people who say "these celebrities need to just STFU and stay in Hollywood" are the same ones coming in here posting articles when they say something they agree with? 

    I now return you to this political thread calling out buffoonery and hypocrisy, already in progress....

  9. 31 minutes ago, Khan said:

    From "I Have to Dream" to "I'm Gonna Make 'Em an Offer They Can't Refuse".

    My favorite all time film. period. 

    WHY does Zucker and CNN continue to give this moronic clown airtime? I understand they care more for ad revenue and ratings than actual journalism, but this idiot and Jack Kingsman are truly two of the worst people they have on that network. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    And they both know that without China, this is simply a declaration. Talk is cheap.


    Speaking of cheap talk, what about that campaign promise about branding China a currency manipulator?  Well, Trump is backtracking on that declaration apparently.


    Trump Says China Not FX Manipulator, Sees Dollar Too Strong


    (*speaking of campaign promises, Robert Reich appears to be cataloguing them on his FB page, I don't normally follow him but that post is a hoot*).

    The Orange Prick is on tv right now....but since I turned my sound down I have no idea what lies he's telling.....

    6 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    The bigger story is that Russia blocked the UN from investigating Syria's chemical attack so all that Assad must go won't mean a thing without Russia agreeing.

    Oh look which idiot is now saying NATO is no longer obsolete.

    is that what Pres. Hutt is saying? now he likes NATO? WHO VOTED FOR THIS MOTHER !@#$%^&*]?!?!

  11. 20 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    So now Trump is publicly pretending that he barely knew Steve Bannon when he joined his team. Either they've worked out some kind of deal/plan or Trump thinks he can take cover. He should do the smart thing and go away but he's far from smart and the notion that he thinks he can triumph over the people who put him in place just demonstrates his ignorance.


    Manafort is now caught in a huge lie regarding the Ukraine https://apnews.com/20cfc75c82eb4a67b94e624e97207e23.

    Carter Page https://apnews.com/5bf4c269b9a243a495761130524d2cd4/Report:-US-sought-to-monitor-Trump-adviser-last-summer

    Spicer has the day off and maybe that will blow over and maybe not.

    Nunes' lie has seemingly been uncovered.

    Tillerson is not too swift (and that's an understatement) http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/04/tillerson-asks-why-americans-should-care-about-ukraine.html

    At least Mulvaney is being honest http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/04/trump-budget-director-wants-high-inequality-not-low-deficit.html


    And Bill O'Reilly is taking a spring break from which he may not return, if you believe this




    Wales, thank you sir for gathering all these. means alot to me. you know what stories I always want to keep informed about sir. 

    SS KNOWS he screwed up BIGLY YUGE yesterday. taking the day off.....I wonder will he be off the rest of the week and come back Monday? It's better for him to get right back out there and face the heat. the WHPC will not let this go IMPO...and doing this may come off as hiding. 

    And now Trump is trying to distance himself from Bannon? LOL Wonder of his 35% approval rating has anything to do with it (Nixon had a higher AR while going through Watergate and when Ford pardoned him)?

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