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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 47 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Keep us on the plantation?  Where the hell am I?  1865?  And why, in God's name, are we still feeding this troll?

    this is the one question I'm asking myself right now. every time this person comes in here, people respond....exactly what this person wants. 

    LEAVE THIS PERSON ALONE AND MOVE ON. Why is that so difficult?! this person is a damn troll. adds NOTHING at all. 

  2. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    So Trump is not content to try to undo all of Obama's legacy, now he's fixing to undo the one truly good thing that George W. Bush was known for doing.


    he's a vile pig. all of them are. it will take years after this admin. for this nation to start fixing all the crap they are doing. 

  3. 3 hours ago, marceline said:


    It's supposed to replace the individual mandate. But imagine it. One late payment and you lose your insurance for six months.

    I'm sitting here just shaking my head. just. plain. evil and sick. 

    17 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    And then the insurance companies can charge you 30% more

    The Deuce. I mean they are just telling everyone....."YES! we are stealing all your money and don't  care if you live or die."

  4. 2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    We do have one...;)




    Auntie Maxine is one of the few politicians I think is honest & clean (as far as I know).

    From My hometown of Kinloch (St. Louis) Missouri. that's one lady who does NOT have the time for the BS. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, GMac said:


    That tweet was clearly meant to intimidate Comey.  PROOF of obstruction of justice, end of story.


    And why even bother unless the "President" is nervous about something?  Actions speak louder than words. 



    I WISHED you would have seen Jeffrey Lord get his head handed to him about 15 minutes ago. the other guest blasted him, saying if Trump told Lord his name was Richie, Lord would say "well let's discuss that", called the POTUS an outright liar and Brooke Baldwin telling Lord "Now Jeff....give us your reaction without naming any previous POTUS or admin.". 


  6. 1 minute ago, Khan said:


    AFAIC, the Obamacare repeal is a done deal.  The GOP will ram their jive alternative through Congress and down our throats; and if that means millions die because they were deprived adequate healthcare, well, tough s**t for those folks.  But I'm still gonna applaud any and all who protests.  Because even if the AHCA is guaranteed to pass, I don't want it to do so without a fight.

    it passes they own whatever happens.....but I no longer trust democrats to take advantage of it. they won't. they'll sit back and cackle. 

  7. 33 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I am at this point in my life. 


    But those people can keep voting stupidly and against their own self-interest b/c they are not hurting us minorities at all. 


    We (African Americans) have always been without since we were brought over here in slave ships. We'll always rise above during strife as it is instilled in us. We know how to make due with little or nothing. That won't change that. 


    However, I am gonna sit here and smile gleefully when all these poor, White people who vote stupidly really start to suffer. Especially, when Trump/Pence cuts off food stamps, welfare, SSI, healthcare... Sometimes you gotta hit rock bottom to get a rude awakening. Maybe that time is now for them. Oh well...

    Trump getting in is happening for a reason. we as a nation need to go through THE FIRE to come out the other side. 

    23 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    So you agree with someone using the word c*nt and then talk about sexism? Not sure how that works. Reducing a woman to her vag because you don't like her political stance is classic sexism. 

    and my opinion. period. 

    23 minutes ago, juppiter said:

    Dems must dump Pelosi ahead of 2018 elections. The fact is, Karen Handel was able to drive Republicans to turn out tonight by showing them a picture of Nancy Pelosi. As long as Republicans can do that, Dems have no chance at regaining the House.

    I've been calling her out and wishing dhe would just go away fro over a decade now. she did nothing to help the party or Obama when he was in office. and her arrogance.....she's a member of the 1% and she's helping to keep the party in the crapper. 

    37 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I am at this point in my life. 


    But those people can keep voting stupidly and against their own self-interest b/c they are not hurting us minorities at all. 


    We (African Americans) have always been without since we were brought over here in slave ships. We'll always rise above during strife as it is instilled in us. We know how to make due with little or nothing. That won't change that. 


    However, I am gonna sit here and smile gleefully when all these poor, White people who vote stupidly really start to suffer. Especially, when Trump/Pence cuts off food stamps, welfare, SSI, healthcare... Sometimes you gotta hit rock bottom to get a rude awakening. Maybe that time is now for them. Oh well...

    well, IMPO, alot of our white sisters and brothers not only helped put Obama in office, they helped keep him there. I personally can't lump an entire group of people into the same cup because of the idiotic actions of a segment of them. I don't like it done to me, so I'm not doing it to anyone else. I understand how you feel.....but for me, it now goes deeper than race, gender, preference or religion. it's now for the very survival of the nation. as long as we stay divided the 1% will stay on top. The Rs and Ds are just for public consumption IMPO.....because I believe that the majority of both parties get behind closed doors and just divy up our money among themselves. because all we do is boil politics down to "We won!!! they lost!!!" 

    and it comes back around full circle....to the idiots who don;t even realized they are being owned by a group of millionaires and billionaires who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:





    couldn't have said it any better. 

    It's only been 6 months. give it till the end of the year....and these Trump idiots and morons will realize then (if they can actually think for themselves which I doubt) that they screwed the pooch on this Orange Creep and that God awful party. BUT...that's what happens when you have people vote with stupidity, sexism and racial hatred instead of good common sense. 

  9. IMPO, HRC made the same mistake John Kerry did. You just run down your opponent and give someone to vote against.....you must give them someone to vote FOR. plus, she didn't visit the small towns like Obama did.....can't tell you how many stories I read in the aftermath were towns and small counties that voted for Obama overwhelmingly voted for Orange Hutt this time around. Then we have the Moron in Chief, who I now wonder....do some of these people now see what they did because of their blindness to what affects them instead of some stupid ass slogans like Marceline said?

  10. 3 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    I kind of halfway agree with this but finally the democrats have agreed to withhold consent and people are now submitting amendments  - we need to get thousands of them in - to force a vote-a-rama.  I've pretty much given up on O-Care but if the democrats can accomplish stalling long enough to get the R's to release their bill, it's a big victory.  Now the question is will they squander it?


    I've been very bummed out locally due to our own town council's recent decisions on min wage opt out. But some villages that have actually changed leadership in the last election won over. And I am finally convinced that single payer is the answer after being ambivalent. The costs are not nearly as high as projected. In fact my R friend who is mega conservative is also on the single payer bandwagon. He has a small business and I think he sees it as a cost saving and benefit to his business more than the idea of helping people, but whatever reasons someone supports the same thing, more power to them.

    That an incredibly powerful ad. With GE leaving Waukasha, and Ryan being a reason why, it would be nice to see some people in WI wake up. This state is going to end up like Kansas in no time.

    I know. I was going to pass it(he's already on my ignore list) but damn these people are stupid. They brag about the stock market numbers going up under Trump as if that helps them personally, celebrating in the 1% taking more of their own tax dollars for corporate welfare, like it helps them. Dumb. And I have no intention of responding to such troll again.

    Right On. they are brain dead. they heard "build a wall!" "Mexicans are rapists!" "Muslims are terrorists!" and "Make america great again!" and then proceeded to the polls and screwed themselves and this nation. SAND has more good sense. That person and some others are on my ignore list as well, because they bring NOTHING to the discourse. Nothing. you did the right thing. 

  11. 11 hours ago, Khan said:

    Normally, Roman, I'd agree with you.  However, the GOP's victories in the last election proved to me that we've become willing to put party over our own interests.

    we'll see when between 19-24 million people lose their HC. I understand exactly what you;re saying......I don;t have much faith in the american people right now myself. but when things hit close to home...you maybe stop worrying about [!@#$%^&*] walls being built and campaign slogans and grow up to take care of yourself and your family. 

    8 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    Such bullshit. The bill was made public and there were hundreds of hours of hearings for over a year. Obama met with GOP members in the house and senate several times to discuss concerns. The GOP added over 160 amendments to the bill


    Why don't you trolls try listening to something other than fox news filling you with lie after lie. You sound ignorant and stupid, Well look who you voted for.

    Jane, I know it's VERY hard....but people like this only post to rile people up, get responses and get pub. ignore, ignore, ignore.....because this person has NO INTENTION of listening to anything anyone says that they don't agree with, nor will they have a respectful passionate debate. L:ies are what they know because they must get their truth from clowns on networks....because they can't think for themselves. 


  12. 27 minutes ago, marceline said:


    He is. If he weren't there wouldn't be lawyers hiring lawyers and Mueller brought on, I heard, 13 people just last week.


    Also, remember this story about how law firms turned down Trump's business because he doesn't pay and doesn't listen? The real news is in the seventh paragraph: "Others mentioned potential conflicts with clients of their firms, such as financial institutions that have already received subpoenas relating to potential money-laundering issues that are part of the investigation."

    and the faucet continues to drip, drip, drip....

  13. 5 hours ago, marceline said:


    That's not it. Newt doesn't care about his wives. Never has, never will.


    He's scared. In some ways he seems even more scared that Donnie.

    He cares about this one, because when the SP was appointed he praised it. now, with his wife going for this, he's blasting it. timing is everything......Trump is finding that out, and Newt will sell his soul and put party over nation especially for the current woman he may or may not be cheating on. 

  14. 2 hours ago, GMac said:


    I hope so, but this hearing isn't going to be the catalyst for anything.  It's redundant and tiresome.  Both sides will claim "victory".


    You know, one thing I'm doing is just being patient. the intel. community, who Trump PISSED. OFF are lining everything up so when the hammer drops he has no recourse but to resign or face prison. Nixon was re-elected in 1972.....he didn't resign until 1974. and every day is a crap show of proportions that many have NEVER seen. a WH who lies with impunity, two PSs who have 10 minutes briefings and don;t say squat because if they do, the orange man that escaped from the zoo will get on Twitter and screw everything up. 

    Please.....just give it some time.

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