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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 9 minutes ago, slick jones said:

    Absolutely nothing.  


    Any show featuring Senator McCain was due to bump the ratings after 45's comments. Even HIS presence couldn't help me muster anything nice to say about his "Valley-talking" irritating offspring.

    exactly, if I knew he was on I would have watched. but according to Johnny Boy....ratings always trump quality. how many films have been gigantic moneymakers and sucked artistically? not according to John. they made money so they HAVE to be good. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, MichaelGL said:

    The only people who would have gotten rich in that deal was Uranium One. Now you're claiming a committee of 9 people are involved in this conspiracy to get rich. 


    the best thing to do is ignore the trolls. they come out like bugs in the night but when the light gets turned on they scatter and hide. just try your level best to leave them alone....because they have no rationale to listen to anything you have you have to say if it doesn't fit their narrative and will not try to understand where you are coming from.

  3. 5 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    That episode of the Jeffersons reminds me of the M*A*S*H episode where the guy was racist and said he wanted "White only" blood. The guys ended up convincing him all blood is the same and talked about the guy who died in a car accident cause he wasn't allowed in the "Whites only" hospital. I can't think of the man's name, but he was the guy who had something to do with blood and how it's all divided up.


    Sorry if I'm not making sense lol

    Dr. Richard Drew.  he created blood plasma.

  4. 35 minutes ago, GMac said:


    I've seen this on my social media feeds many, many times.  And not surprisingly, this viewpoint is most loudly shared by "Christians".  Can you imagine that?!?!  :rolleyes:  I guess they forgot about that lil verse that says it's easier for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than a rich person to get into heaven.  But whatevs. 



    :lol: me thinks someone at the FEC may not like the great salmon tinged big mouth


    guess I'll tell dude from the FEC.....Popeye's is hiring. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    ^ Exactly, NBA, lol.


    I feel for those Secret Service agents.  They have the toughest of jobs, risking their lives in order to keep our elected leaders and their loved ones safe; and THIS is the thanks they get: they're out of money, and they work for the shittiest boss ever.


    I almost want to take up a collection to help out these guys.  Perhaps we could start a telethon or a rummage sale or something?


    Of course, you KNOW that all Trump will do is hire his own, personal security, thus bringing us all one step closer toward totalitarianism.

    we had a rummage sale and a telethon....how the hell you think we got TRUMP?

  6. 3 minutes ago, sivad40 said:

    I laughed when I heard about Trump's meltdown yesterday because it was a validation that Trump was who I always thought he was. 


    For all of Trump's bluster yesterday, it didn't deter Baltimore from removing their Confederate statues.



    His ignorance yesterday I believe caused them to do it. overnight.......so this morning they're all gone and no violence. 

  7. 8 hours ago, cassadine1991 said:

    Why did CNN bring on Jan Brewer to speak out?

    the people they have brought on to defend this facist bigot have sickening. 

    6 hours ago, Khan said:


    Right now, a White woman cutting off a non-White woman on television might look, well, not smart?  Maybe that's why she let her speak.



    He's 1000% right.  White supremacy isn't just thugs in uniforms, going around town, chanting disgusting things and beating down anyone who isn't "like them" with clubs and chains.  There are other, far more insidious forms of racism happening everyday in this country; and it's past time for Americans to get their collective heads out of the sand (or somewhere else) and start asking themselves the tough questions that need to be asked.


    Frankly, it isn't enough to say you voted for Trump because "he wasn't Hillary."  (Just as it isn't enough -- again, if I could be perfectly frank -- for people like me to say they didn't vote at all because they couldn't trust either him OR her.  IMO, those who stayed home on Election Day, including yours truly, are as much to blame for the nightmare as the ones who DID vote for Trump.)  Even if we all agreed that voting third-party would be like throwing your vote away, nevertheless, you and I still had the option to do so.  And yet, a frightening lot of you still voted for a man who never concealed the fact that he was, at best, someone willing to pander to the most despicable people in this country to garner votes; and at worst, someone whose line of thinking was not dissimilar from theirs.  Why?

    He did, and the black woman sitting next to him who went back to 1929......he spoke with fire and passion. very proud of him. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Khan said:


    No offense, but that's almost exactly what Trump Nation said and continues to say about Trump.


    Another, even MORE improbable theory of mine: TrumpCo. effectively gave the man enough rope to hang himself.  Why?  Two reasons: 1) They were sick of hearing him complain about how the Monday Statement didn't achieve the results he'd wanted (although, it got people to stop talking about Russia for a moment, so...) and figured it was better just to let him do the damn thing and get it over with.  2) Many from within have had it with him and his constant hot messes and felt they needed to create for themselves the perfect opportunity to bail out.  (IOW, they sabotaged him.). Because, the truth is, even before Charlottesville had happened, people were talking about TrumpCo. devolving into total chaos.

    they may very well be setting him up. Pence is the guy they want...hell I think Pence and his staff are the main leakers in the admin. they knew day one they were dealing with a child. but what will they do about it now? they enabled this child. now what? 

  9. 1 minute ago, JaneAusten said:

    I think there are people in the White House perhaps including Kelly who knew exactly what Trump was going to do. Maddow showed the fact he had prepared talking points in his pocket he used. Doubtful he prepared them. So all these denials from within the WH may very well be BS.

    There were prepared talking points from WH staff which included counter protesters with clubs. so they are lying saying he went rogue. 

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