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Posts posted by Roman

  1. a TEACHER was arrested at a school 90 miles north of Atlanta, who had barricaded himself in a classroom and was armed. the classroom was empty, but the teacher tried to kill himself. 

    and WHO was that who thought it would be a good idea to arm teachers?

  2. 1 hour ago, I Am A Swede said:


    Better late than never I guess....


    Maybe this time is the first that these companies have been subjected to pressure from the public for their association with the NRA?


    when it starts hitting their bottom line, they flee like rats.

  3. welp, Trump just said there are wonderful people in the NRA who only want to protect this nation. 

    and....two schools, one here in St. Louis, the other in East St. Louis, Ill., had bomb threats called in....apparently, kids are calling in the threats to get out of school early. 

  4. 8 hours ago, Vee said:

    As Graham pointed out, from our very own:



    this shows this is a matter literally of life and death....she's a republican from what I heard, and doesn't give a damn about party where innocents are being murdered in schools. 33,000 people died last year alone due to gun violence in this nation.

    Brian Krassenstein  @krassenstein

    BOOM: CNN is reporting that President Trump is trying to force National Security Adviser McMaster out of the White House after months of personal feuds with him.

    8:01 AM - 22 Feb 2018
  5. the orange moron is giving a PC right now. 

    4 minutes ago, marceline said:


    Bernie's just like Trump. Nothing is ever his fault. That said I think we've finally reached the tipping point of his little "revolution." If he really did think about running in 2020, he's toast. Between Russia and his past gun votes, he's on the wrong side of two of the biggest issues we will be hearing about for the next few years.

    I'm tere wit you. because I'm sick of him and his people.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Khan said:

    So, she voted for Trump because she "wanted to shake up the status quo"?  Am I reading that right?  Well, if THAT was her intent, then why didn't she vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein?  Hell, why didn't she do a write-in for some other person?  Why Trump?  You wanna shake things up, fine, but don't do it with someone who represents the very attitudes about the white male patriarchy that you've supposedly been fighting against all your life.  It makes you look like a damn hypocrite.

    she screwed up big and she knows it. but she's so damn arrogant she won;t admit she f'ed up.

  7. 10 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    The finding from the investigation that concluded that certain candidates benefited from the actions of the Russian troll farm.  Stein was one of those candidates who was promoted by Russian trolls. It was mentioned in the indictment.



    this would be a comedy in the likes of Blazing Saddles if it weren't so sad. 

  8. 4 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    There was an Op-Ed piece from a parent who lost a child in the Columbine disaster who gave America, including politicians a thorough tongue-lashing for failing to let her son's death be the last death from a mass shooting at school.


    At the risk of sounding indelicate, on a different topic but also something of a lashing, apparently Jill Stein is being lashed across all media after having something of a meltdown on one of the morning news talk-shows.

    meltdown for what?

  9. 32 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:




    Sadly, this is in the politics thread but it's exactly where it belongs now.  

    IMPO it does, because we have politicians who are once again giving their "thoughts and prayers" and will not do one thing about sensible gun control in this nation. 

  10. 22 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    I can’t find it but maybe it’s finally reached a tipping point for white working class women. I can’t find the Times article, but yesterday it was about how much support Trump has lost with white working class women in states like Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan the entire rust belt. Some of its been building since the healthcare debacle, and that so many women feel he let them down. 


    I also think these abuse incidents might be the next big tipping point. 2 years ago before the flood gates opened and metoo took hold, Trump might have been able to skate on having domestic abusers on staff. Yesterday was the first time I actually heard the normal female pundits who tend to excuse anything they do, question why it’s all about the perpetrator and where is the talk about the women who were abused. 


    I also want to remind all those doubting thomases who still love to prop the GOP (the media can’t help themselves) who love to scream how Dems are failing who actually won those elections in Virginia and Alabama, elections we were all told were going to the GOP. Women in Virginia and BLACK WOMEN in Alabama.


    The patrairchy has been failing for how many years. Institutions engrained in it, churches of all faiths included, have been coddling all bastions of indecency in the interest of maintaining it.

    is it this one?


  11. 10 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Crawling up their own asses for ratings.


    They come in three:




    She's leaving because she's worried about her career. I have a feeling she's just the first.

    It's crashing and burning for that admin. peole are finally getting out of the way so the fire and fury doesn't consume them.  my guess is though...all who leave will be contacted by Muller's team. 

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