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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 2 hours ago, Khan said:

    The WH says Acosta's press credentials were revoked because he was rude?  Who's their official spokesperson now, Stephanie Tanner?

    yes but the stupid woman Sanders didn't stop there.sheran off at her mouth so much in her Twitter response she may lose BIG in the case. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    So true. Then it looks like they are getting rid of the head of Homeland Security as well. It's not like I have any sympathy for people who choose to work for this administration. I sure don't, but the instability is alarming.  I guess we just have to hope that there is someone still there who is in on the plan to tackle 45 before he tries to nuke anyone. 🙃

    she's getting fired as well? what is going on?! the only thing I can think is the news the last two weeks have been so bad they are doing this for deflection, which means   MUELLER NEEDS TO GET OFF HIS TAIL AND SERVE INDICTMENTS. 

  3. 52 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    This administration is so unstable. Well, in more ways than one, but they just cannot keep people.



    He needs to do every minute of that sentence.  One of the saddest parts to me is that the shooter is a retired firefighter. 

    she was escorted off WH grounds after being fired about an hour ago. what a shitshow. I mean really. over an argument ABOUT PLANE SEATS. and now Kelly is strongly rumored to also being shown the door because he has had clashes with Melania the Immigrant Porn Star.

  4. 1 hour ago, alphanguy74 said:

    They did it with Amy Carter, too.. I don't know how that became acceptable in mainstream society.  

    but got pissed if anything was said about the Bush Girls. that was evil what they did to those two girls, and children should always be off limits if they are underage.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Khan said:





    You know, I will never understand why 18-year-olds are old enough to vote and serve our country in the armed forces, but not old enough to gamble or get their drink on Friday nights at the Bada Bing.




    This country.

    Man, I'm just.....excuse me while I buy a new saw.

  6. 9 hours ago, sivad40 said:

    The other side is claiming victory because they increased their numbers the Senate (Newt  Gingrich gave Trump an A+ when he compared to the GOP  midterm House losses compared to what Clinton and Obama lost in the midterms) so they can pack the courts with conservative judges, won some governorships  in the Northeast, and beat they Beto, Gillom, and Abrams. The Senate can vote down and Trump can just veto anything the House passes. Trump can just blame the House if the economy starts to slow down.

    Gillum and Abrams' contests are far from over since they have gained votes and there being thousands of ballots left to be counted. and......a bill has to make it to the Senate by way of the house.  he once had free reign.....it is now DONE.

    Florida facing unprecedented three possible statewide recounts. Some counties -- Palm Beach, for one -- have equipment that does one recount at a time. State says deadlines can't be extended and if a county misses it state law says its votes are to be "ignored"

  7. 12 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Seriously, what in the hell is WRONG with Florida?  I know what our (Oklahomans') problem is: as one of my FB friends said, we're just a bad electorate.  But, Florida.  Dear God, Florida.  You can't ever pick decent people to run your state AND the way you go about picking 'em almost always ends up being a big, honking mess.


    I'm with Roman: hand me a saw, too, and let's cut Florida from the map like the dead weight that it is.



    And when I see it, I'm going to unleash a Pointer Sisters playlist that the world has never known.

    thank you khan. 

  8. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Krysten Sinnema is currently leading in the very close Arizona Senate race. Her opponent, Congresswoman Martha McSally (who had Gabby Giffords' old seat), is yet another media darling, one they've been gushing over for most of the decade. She let the mask slip on who she really is when she was practically doing handstands over the thought of repealing Obamacara. 




    It's still too early to tell what will happen here, but if they do win in Arizona, and somehow manage to win in Florida, that would mean the Republicans only got a 1-seat pickup in a year that was absolutely perfect for them.  It also, ideally, means even more pressure on phony moderates like Susan Collins, making it more likely she will retire to wingnut welfare.


    Now that Chuck Todd and friends (who were gleeful over the possibility of Republicans romping) didn't get their cookie, expect focus on Mitt Romney and how Mitt Romney is going to be a moderating voice in the Senate and blah blah his father blah blah blah. It's all BS, as is anything involving Mitt Romney, but they also spent a lot of time and money hyping him for a decade - can't let that go to waste.

    I saw one clip of Katy Tur (I think. she's always on morning joe) with the huge smile on her face saying "it's going to be a great night for the Republicans"....until the results started coming in.

    so that's why Trump fired Sessions and put this clown in.

    News sources on Twitter are now saying Donald Jr. may be arrested as soon as tomorrow. don't know how true this is, but sources close to Mueller have made this known. 

    Stay tuned.

  9. 34 minutes ago, Khan said:


    When I read the article, I thought of you immediately and knew you would have that reaction, lol.

    I mean, the Sasquatches in that state have more common sense. "FLORIDA CAN'T [!@#$%^&*] THIS UP AGAIN CAN THEY?!" Florida: "HOLD MY BEER!"

  10. 32 minutes ago, Khan said:


    That is REALLY good to hear.


    Okay, so I'm back, lol.  And here's why:



    Florida. again.

    now where's my saw......

    1 hour ago, alphanguy74 said:

    Not always... they will vote for a Democrat if he's a "Good ol boy". Bill Clinton won 84 counties in Missouri. Reynolds county in the Ozarks is another big Democratic area.  In 1992, Clinton got over 70% of the vote there. The area around Springfield is what is really bad. They never voted for Bill Clinton, or even Jimmy Carter. 

    He's a populist. I voted for him, I would love the USA to have a more European model of government. 

    That was 1992. this is 2018.

  11. 1 minute ago, Khan said:


    Does that include West Plains?  My ex-sister-in-law's mother and father are from there, along with many of her extended relatives.  Do you have any idea at all about what kind of town WP is?  I'm just being curious.

    no, because I don't live in that state. I DO live here, have all my life....hence my comment.

  12. 25 minutes ago, alphanguy74 said:

    I've heard many say that. This election was good as far as ballot initiatives, especially great that Sharice Davids won in Kansas (She's an amazing person)... but to get stuck with Josh Hawley and Vicky Hartzler (Ma Barker) is depressing. How are Missouri voters so damn dumb to vote in candidates that are openly against the very ballot initiatives that they just approved?

    If he does, it will be exactly like the firing of Archibald Cox. The sh!t will hit the fan. 

    ask all the rubes that go right down the middle of this state. what some don't understand.....the ONLY dem strongholds here are STL and KC. that's it. the rest of Mo. is FILLED with stupid, ignorant people who would just as soon set themselves on fire than vote for a democrat.

    1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    I guess they'll be returning to daytime soaps. Just watch!

    did both run as Republicans? in Cali?

  13. 4 hours ago, Soapsuds said:



    The media was saying how Texas isn't as red as it use to and is slowly turning purple. I firmly believe O'Roerke will run for President in the near future. I really hope he does.

    well he should since Trump just fired Jeff Sessions.

    35 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    ^ 45 is working hard to keep himself out of jail. I'm starting to think he really will fire Mueller.


    well, IMO he just shoved him dufus kids in the line of fire.  if he thinks these two moves will help him.....he has just screwed the pooch.

  14. 1 hour ago, JaneAusten said:

    I think Beto did a great job and it showed democrats can be competitive as did Gillum in Fl and Abrams in Ga. My biggest complaint with both is the laziness of the party. Dems need to come in a build the ground game in both states.  And they better start now.


    What is the deal with McCaskill. My brother who lives in St. Louis area has been down on McCaskill but he as a republican said he would reluctantly vote for her.(He voted Kander in 2016 also). I am a huge Jason Kander fan and was hoping he might run for state office there again or try again for the senate. I know his PTSD issues forced him out of the mayoral race in KC. But why is McCaskill so hated?

    well, her and her husband are very very rich, which doesn't bode well for a state which runs Republican from rural areas. also, she voted to protect payday loan businesses and has received money from the lobbyists here in Mo. to do just that. the reason why she didn't lose the last two times was that a Republican (like Todd Akin) said something so foul that she ended up keeping her seat, being the lesser of two evils. I think people have had enough of her here....and her getting on FN and backing Trump with the caravan this past weekend may have sealed her fate, on top of not coming back to the state or our city of St. Louis (where I live and was born and raised) until election time rubbed people in KC and here the wrong way. that was where the majority of her votes came from, and she garnered enough of the rural vote to stay in.

    she changed. she was not the person I voted for for Gov. or her first Senate victory. she fell in line with Republicans for the most part and lost this state along the way. 

  15. 19 minutes ago, I Am A Swede said:

    I'm happy that the Democrats had a successful election although I have to admit I had hoped for even more.  I guess it's hard for a foreigner to completely understand the mindset of the American voters, but then again I'm baffled that so many people here voted for a xenophobic and homophobic party with neo-nazi roots. So maybe it's me who's out of touch with what people want.   :huh:

    no. you hit it right on the head. not out of touch in the slightest. many of us just keep our heads buried in the sand until things affect us. but many more were just sick and tired of what happened. it's a great start, and in a way, I'm glad we didn't take over the senate.....because many would have rested on their laurels and not did the hard work that begins anew this morning.

    8 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Yup....I don't get it either......most of Trumpsters have left big areas and now are living in small rural areas.....

    now, today, Democrats need to start looking for more Dems like O'Roerke for two years from now. Rafael will get into some serious trouble here soon, and if Repubs think they will act more Trump-like in the Senate....look at the House and see where that got them.

    as for McCaskill here in Missouri.....she deserved to lose. people, democrat voting people, hate her guts here. and her making that statement on FN might have sunk her chances, even though she was picked to lose this seat anyway.

  16. 36 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    I see your point, but I meant a chance to stop the creeping fascism.  I understand that not everyone thinks that's what's happening, of course.  Beyond that I am very thankful to have  a check on Trump when it comes to day to day business.

    exactly, and my apologies for coming off wrong. he needs both chambers to pass anything....but these Dems better not go crazy with the subpoena power they now have. if the people get a whiff that they care more for running orange Cheeto stain out of office than helping Americans the House will flip 2-6 years from now.

    Steve King is losing right now in Iowa.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Yup....I don't get it either......most of Trumpsters have left big areas and now are living in small rural areas.....

    F them then. they get what they deserve. shame is others who didn't vote for this madness will now once again be caught in it because of rubes who all together have 3 teeth among them.

  18. 14 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    I don't know how he lost. He won the Dallas area, Austin, San Antonio and was ahead in Houston. Cruz won most of the small cities. I still don't know how that adds up to win for him.....sigh.....

    he won big areas as you named but Rafael won small rural areas? I don't get that state. how did The Ewings vote?

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