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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 6 hours ago, te. said:

    I'm one of the few who liked the original Kirby, but never did I think the new show would make me excited about her arrival.


    Sociopath with a certain hate for Fallon!

    no you're not. LOVED original Kirby. what shocked me was that it was the same actress who was in The Godfather, and she hadn't aged a day in the 10 years since the film. 

    I loved the entire show. it needs to have much better pacing. scenes and dialogue go too quickly. so for next season the need to streamline the cast. way too many people. and, I'm trying to like Crystal, but she can't emote, she has the same look on her face every scene, and the only time I've seen her stretch herself was in the SF. my hope is that that changes for next season, because I'm quite sure she's heard the blowback from fans.

    But, even though it took some time for it to find its footing, it is where it needs to be, and the finale made national entertainment news. 

    7 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    I'll always be team Alexis.. no matter if it's Joan Collins or Nicholette Sheridan.  At least when Linda Evans was Krystle.. it was evenly matched (JC's Alexis had the smart aleck remarks, but Linda Evans' Krystle had the ability to throw a good punch).  The current Cristal is just dreadful.


    And I agree that the actor playing Sam is hot.. but Heather Locklear was superior as Sammy Jo.

    this Crystal is weak where Alexis and Fallon are concerned IMPO. she's always left just standing there when those two get a great jab in, so for me it makes the battles very uneven.

  2. 43 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Seriously, folks, when is Sean Spicer going to leave the stage?


    I'm SO proud of Michelle Wolf.  And she's right: the media, both liberal and conservative, helped create the monster, no matter how much they are reluctant to admit that.  The truth is, we would NOT be in the messes we are in right now if the media and others hadn't been so enamored with the idea of Donald Trump, a reality-TV "star," running for president; or if they hadn't been swept up by Hillary's Damn E-Mails (TM).

    very few true journalists on CNN and MSNBC called that man out from Day 1. the rest sold out for access. they ignored all the lies and slander that was being covered by internet news sites, and had big smiles on their faces when he won a primary....and now sit back and act like they are the aggrieved party. AC asked him on the trail what he ordered from McDonald's. softball questions while HRC was getting grilled left and right by these networks. how many stories about Trump were ignored by the majority of on air talent? and now their ratings are high because they blast him every single day. where was this during the campaign? 

    Michelle IMPO did a splendid job calling all of these high priced bellhops out for what they have put this nation through in the last year and a half. 

  3. BREAKING: Dr. Ronny Jackson withdrawing as VA Secretary nominee: “Unfortunately, because of how Washington works, these false allegations have become a distraction for this President & the important issue we must be addressing – how we give the best care to our nation’s heroes.”

  4. 36 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I'm surprised Trump even wanted her to be there. 


    I could say something very bitchy but I won't...

    Trump IMO can no longer tell her what to do. or even suggest it. she's done with him. and seeing her sit next to Obama like that....and how pissed Michelle looked....

  5. 7 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    I wonder if this cult is why AM seemed determined to leave Smallville, barely appearing in the final season

    Not only her, but the actress from Battlestar Galactica. she left the show for the very same reason....this cult. and charges are pending for her as well. 

    4 hours ago, ChitHappens said:



    damn. LMAO!!!

  6. 15 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Boy, they sure do love their witch hunts, don't they?

    sir, it's all they can do. you know....the party of "moral responsibility" who has a sick jackass as Gov. in Kansas, one here in Missouri and POTUS running this crap show in DC.

  7. 54 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Ya know, that doesn't really surprise me?


    I did some quick googling, and already, I see Seannie denying everything.  That doesn't surprise me either.  But, why would Cohen's team give the judge a name JUST to give her a name?  If they WERE lying, wouldn't THAT be exposing them to some MAJOR trouble?


    Oh, Seannie.  You ignorant prick.  Just 'fess up.

    it was the judge  who forced Cohen to give up the name, then Hannity destroyed client privilege when he got on his radio show and admitted he had talk to him 'on a few occasions' and got 'some advice' about legal matters. another article said he was using Cohen to get dirt and go after liberal groups who have been calling him out and calling for boycotts against him. 

  8. 23 hours ago, Ryan Chamberlain said:

    And, yet these idiots who voted for him believed Hilary would get us into a war. 


    Jesus Christ...We're screwed if Russia decides to retaliate.



    I don't think they will because it was reported this morning that France said Russia was warned by the US of Archie before the strikes occured.  so Trump saved his master Putin and just did for 1. show, and 2. to try and get the Cohn story off the front page. what I"M scared he might do is pardon some mass murderer or launch nuclear missiles because CNN and MSNBC are reporting he cheated with two prn stars (but that won't happen because now both networks are too busy blaming Obama and saying he's as bad as Trump where Syria is concerned).

  9. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    He's doing great today:



    McCabe is Comey? so next John will be the real Roman on DOOL, but then WN will come back and claim himself to be Roman...shoot where's Zapato when I need him? this. man. is. NUTS. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Here's my position on Comey, yes, I hold him responsible for where we are but there are people far higher on my [!@#$%^&*] list. Namely Bernie Sanders and the rest of the TYT/Chapo/dirtbag left who have spent all their time out here attacking Democrats and giving Trump cover.


    Comey at least understands that Trump is the enemy and like it or not Comey has knowledge and connections that are valuable in the fight. Also, he seems to be trying to make amends. He became a guest lecturer at Howard University and donated his entire $100,000 salary to a scholarship fund for kids raised in foster care. Also - and I confess this is just my final crumb of faith in humanity asserting itself -  Obama chose this guy for a reason and that still means something to me.


    But no, I wouldn't read Comey's book if you paid me.


    agree 100%

  11. Mad About You? REALLY? if Battlestar Galactica was not well received, along with Hawaii 5-0, these shows would not be happening. but now like Hollywood, IMPO, they are rebooting even b-grade shows instead of serving up fresh ideas. all about cash. makes me sick.

  12. 35 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I don't mean to say anything about anyone in this thread, this is more about people at large, but I can't help judging anyone who actually buys Comey's book after what he did to Hillary and the country at large. 

    Right. ON. the MSM and many others have made Comey out to be some folk hero. He's one of the MAIN reasons why we are stuck with Trump.

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