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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 5 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    He was all over the place in Texas campaigning and he went to cities that had a majority of latino voters. I thought he was going to pull it off. 


    Ugh to six more years of Ted Cruz.......

    I honestly don't see what the voters see in that cockroach. his own party hates his guts, and so does his own daughter.

  2. you know, IMPO, it is so much more than giving us a chance. the people would have voted for checks and balances and winning the House achieves that. that stopgap will now be there, and no more rubber stamps for Trump in that chamber. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Vee said:

    It's way too early to be optimistic about O'Rourke or Abrams. I don't expect either of them to pull it out but they've made it competitive, that will last and this will not be the end of their political careers.


    (And gosh, it'd be great if one won.)

    sorry, I'm optimistic about both. 

    2 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    OMG...just saw this on CNN!!!  Let's hope my state comes up blue tonight!

    I hope so. but Florida.

    damn that state.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Vee said:

    The awesome Amy McGrath way up in KY, surprising some.


    Gillum up 52-47 with 47% in.


    Jennifer Wexton beat Barbara Comstock in VA - my 75-yo mom was out in the rain canvassing for her and others nonstop.

    This one's for @DRW50 - 



    show was canceled?

  5. 1. I hope everyone is getting out the vote today.

    2. I am not gloating, and won't say one word until results come in this evening. we did this two years ago and what happened? I don't trust any poll at all. VOTE and let's do this thing...and make sure this is the start, not the finish.

  6. 6 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Isn't this what these fools in the business community voted for?  The U.S. consumer will suffer when that price tag comes due.


    1. you're right on the money. 2. will suffer? how about are suffering?

  7. 8 hours ago, juppiter said:

    And how exactly are the FBI supposed to investigate an allegation that we don't where when or where it occurred because the accuser can't remember? Also, liberals' sudden love and devotion for the FBI is really weird.


    It is clearly a political stalling tactic on behalf of the Democrats. Once Ford refused to testify, the tide turned back in Kavanaugh's favor, and that is evident.


    Garland didn't have the votes to be confirmed, but I always thought McConnell should have given him a hearing. Now I see why he didn't. It was the right move.

    Bye Felicia. 

  8. 18 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Ellison can be voted out and replaced by the people of Minnesota, a Supreme Court justice CANNOT.  Supreme Court Justice is a lifetime appointment.  One single Supreme Court Justice can tip the balance and therefore change federal laws (for a generation, at least). 

    Any fool knows this.

    You are making false equivalencies.

    You get a grip and stop being basic.

    comment of the day.

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