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Posts posted by Roman

  1. On 9/13/2018 at 10:48 PM, Sindacco said:

    Steve Wilder (Jack Deveraux on DAYS in 1997-1998) had his scene cut from the new Predator movie after Olivia Munn found out about him being a registered sex offender. Director Shane Black knew about Steve Wilder doing time but has cast him in several of his films to "help a friend".



    is that what he looks like now? if so he looks HORRIBLE. 

  2. did NOT agree with his politics or how he handled things at times, but a true warrior. an american patriot who served a nation that always didn't serve him, and, rightly and wrongly, felt he did the best he  could. and now, he has gotten in the Fighter Jet, and strapped in to take one last flight Home. 

    Godspeed Sir, and Thank You.

  3. 19 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    I've never seen The Brady Girls Get Married. Was it good?  I suppose it's somewhere on YouTube.  That reboot, The Bradys, a one-hour drama with a faux-Marcia was just so bad. I mean, great to see the show resurrected, but the topics covered should've been long arcs covered over a season (Marcia's alcoholism, Bobby paralyzed, etc.) instead of wrapped up in a single episode. 

    the only time the entire cast got back together was TBGGM. and it was very good. to me. they had a Christmas reunion that was sugary like TBB was, but it was very good. The Bradys? CBS said it would be a dramedy, but they added a laugh track in the final two episodes and used Marcia's alcohol problem as a punchline. all kids of truly awful. 

  4. On 7/13/2018 at 7:29 AM, DramatistDreamer said:



    My point is, they're not even bothering to stay underground, they're openly shooting people in the streets like they're the Corleones at the San Gennaro festival. This happened like two days ago.


    EDT: I actually pulled the video because it's probably too graphic but if you want to see the footage, do a search and you'll find it. In broad daylight, no less.

    I've researched the Bonnanos. dangerous family. I thought they were all but down, and now they make their sorry statement. shameful.

  5. 44 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    P.S. the mob is back in NYC. 

    Rudy didn't get rid of them all (as they probably guessed correctly that Rudy is corrupt now too and would be the least of their troubles).  

    I guess the crime family that resides in the White House has only emboldened other crime families to re-emerge from their money-laundered hiding places.

    which mob family? IMPO, all they did after John Gotti was go back underground where they always have been./ 

  6. On 7/4/2018 at 12:58 AM, Wendy said:

    If you need entertainment, head over to Twitter and read #secondcivilwarletters


    With thanks to wacko Alex Jones (yes, THAT Alex Jones!) who tweeted that Dems/Liberals were going to start a second Civil War today, July 4th. The response was epic. And funny as all hell.


    Read the letters and laugh. Better than crying!

    was that some of the best LOL stuff you have read over there? and the Ken Burns-type postings....

  7. On 6/20/2018 at 8:48 AM, KMan101 said:


    I'm with you. (I enjoyed the show as well but felt the last season or two it was time to go; having watched it a lot again now that it's on LOGO I enjoy it still). I think the woman who played Fran's mother did a guest stint a few years back on her TV Land sitcom but that was of course a few years ago now. I'd hope so.


    I don't necessarily see the appeal of a series again. But I guess many could say that about all of the revivals.


    I'm not totally against revivals, honestly. I enjoy seeing the casts get back together. But I also understand those sort of exhausted by the idea. We are so used to living in a world where, when a show is gone, it's gone and I think many still live in that mentality. It's hard to come back around.


    Imagine in the 90s if Three's Company came back? or All in the Family. It's weird to think about. But "back in the day" there was The Brady Brides, The Bradys, Gilligan movies, The Munsters and Addams were rebooted with new and less than stellar casts, Leave it to Beaver reunited for a revival ... we went back to Mayberry a few times. I guess revival series are the new reunion movies. (Oh, Green Acres, I Dream of Jeannie, Dallas until it became it's own revival ...)





    And to be fair, Growing Pains, Facts of Life, etc. all had reunion movies. Hell, remember the trash that was Mary & Rhoda (nothing against MTM and Valerie Harper, but lawd I hated it)?


    Now they'd all be reboots on television or streaming. It's really no different.


    I'm kind of stuck on this thought too. I'm not against, like a movie, but I don't really care about a series again, as much as I did enjoy it.


    It seems they took the idea of a reunion movie, like back in the day, and now everything becomes a revival series, lol.


    :wub: lol


    Personally I'm shocked it's taken this long. I actually never even thought about The Nanny being revived when I was thinking of reboots.


    Meanwhile I'm still waiting for my Family Matters and Sister, Sister revivals ... and no one but Paul Reiser is waiting for a Mad About You revival.

    the two I really loved...The Brady Girls Get Married and The Brady Brides, which was an adult contemporary show. only lasted one season. 

  8. 20 hours ago, Khan said:


    Frankly, whatever respect I might have held for Rudy, I lost it the day he chose to announce publicly his separation from his then-wife, Donna, without bothering to tell her first.  Seriously, what kind of asshat are you to do that even to a wife you probably couldn't stand?

    is it true he ,married his cousin?

  9. the original show won;t be off for too long. stations will wait for all this to blow over and then they'll put the show back on their airwaves. IMPO. but I never knew Ambien caused racism, bigotry, transphobia, homophobia, posting crackpot conspiracy theories, comparing black women to apes, and having one's head shoved up the backside of the most vile thing ever to hold the office of POTUS. need to call my doctor and see if Ambien is right for me.

    8 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    I have to wonder if Whitney Cummings saw the writing on the wall and she opted not to return for reasons other then being too busy with her other venues?  



    probably. I think one of the reasons she sought treatment was probably having to work with her. and it may have majorly triggered some things in her. I feel bad for her and everyone at the show.....but I must say, ABC KNEW what they were getting and turned a blind eye. I hope the young lady will be ok. 

  10. 35 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    Is she in jail?  No.  She was free to say it and now she's free to pay the nonlegal consequences.


    ETA: Although frankly, I wish George Soros would/could sue her.  Accusing him of being a Nazi, selling out Jews and stealing their property, when he was a 13 year old Jewish boy surviving an occupation should be actionable.

    especially since he was 2 years old at that time. didn;t know 2 year olds could turn people in back then.

  11. production team, other cast members, with no job......because of her gigantic racist lying mouth. she still has a ton of cash coming in, so I guess she'll go on the circuit in Trump country and do stand up. and Roseanne said she was 'joking'.....you called a woman an ape and later after you got BLASTED!!!! then you were joking. 

    and to ABC......you knew what she was when she dressed up like Hitler. but ratings wee great so you ignored that. did ratings start to fall?

  12. 9 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Fortunately for me, it's been years since I last subscribed to cable so I've never actually seen an episode of Wallace's MSNBC show and it's been about eight years since I've seen a full episode of Morning Joe. I don't doubt that they've all been complicit in underplaying Trump's vileness, like most of the MSM.


    That clip stood out to me because in today's mainstream media landscape, it seems so rare.

    and isn't that the biggest problem? that it is rare. I used to tune in to get some news, facts and truth. now it's "which side will give us the bigger ratings?" and they whore themselves to that side. if a Dem gets in there in 2 years watch and see the pendulum go in the opposite direction. 

  13. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Just saw a video where Nicole Wallace refused to read Trump tweets because he lies so much.



    but she, along with Mika & Joe and the majority pushed these very same lies in the run up. now none of them act like they should take any responsibility for their part in this mess. 



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