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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 16 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    What the hell is "Executive Time"???


    And am I reading this correctly, 77 hours spent in policy meetings since the election???


    a much more official sounding term for being a "lazy [!@#$%^&*]" as this man is.

  2. 5 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    The odious Ron Fournier, who helped destroy the longtime reputation of the AP, is now out there passing himself off as a "bipartisan" voice (we all know what that really means).




    Reading the comments I see that "liberal" MSNBC is fighting for him tooth and nail, as they are the Starbucks guy. This is why I will never say a word of praise about that network just because they have a few progressives in front of the camera.


    I can't do either network.

  3. I despise the TVMSMnow.have for years. it's like TMZ.

    I remember just like the week when Brian Williams started in on the "both sides" [!@#$%^&*] when it came to the shutdown. the 3 networks have whored themselves to the RP and other entities for access. they have turned themselves into celebrities. I don't give a damn Joe and Mika got married......they both are now doing the same thing with Schultz they did for Trump.

    thank you for starting this thread.

  4. fascinating how having one of your closest friends and top campaign aides arrested in the early morning dawn after having been linked to you makes you open a government that should never have been closed over a wall.....maybe the same wall your son and yourself will try to escape through when you both are sent to prison (no wonder he wanted slats).

  5. 17 hours ago, Khan said:

    Trust me, Lara, it's more than "a little bit of pain" for those people (and their families).  When your mortgage is past due, and the creditors are calling your house day and night, and your babies are hungry and need to see their pediatrician and/or obtain medicine because they're sick, you can't make all that disappear just by holding hands and singing "C'mon, Get Happy."


    But...I guess that's rich, white folks for you.

    rich people period don't care about how anyone not in their social strata. never considering that one day it may be them. 

    1 minute ago, marceline said:

    I have to admit that I've been kind of surprised by the hostility directed towards Biden. I'm clear on his problematic past but I've always found him likable enough. But so many voters in the Dem base have gone full "no old white men ever again" and they look at him like the enemy. It's kind of disturbing to see the various forms of bigotry coming from people on the left, especially the ageism. Mind you I'm not shedding tears for white men but I think it's unwise to reject potential allies.

    IMPO this is the same crap that got us where we are now. this litmus test. now if a candidate isn't exactly what many Dem voters want they become unyielding and then make decisions that cost the nation........TRUMP. the reason why I think he shouldn't run now is that it was perfect for him 3 years ago. because of the death of his son, who told him to run, I still do understand why he didn't, but for him now to come out and make statements such as "had I ran 3 years ago....." I don't want to hear that from him now.

  6. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Chris Wallace seems to be taking a harder and harder line against Trump and friends. I wonder if he will get any blowback. 


    Weird to see Will Saletan saying that stuff as I mostly remember him writing a lot of contrarian and covert right-wing articles at Slate, usually about social issues.

    The other day, Shep Smith checked him after Wallace used the "Two to tango" line, by telling Him Trump is responsible for this entire horrid mess. 

  7. 16 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    Me too and even more astonishing how many members of congress are just going along. Ted Cruz for example:


    I must ask...can you figure out any reason why Republicans just won't distance themselves or call this creature out? I mean I am honestly at a loss.

    19 hours ago, I Am A Swede said:


    I find it absolutely astonishing that 37% actually think Trump is doing a good job!   :blink:

    There are people I have seen interviewed who are losing everything due to his shutdown but still back him all the way. I can't understand this.  really, because this is just crazy.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Pelosi is playing Trump's game, making shady digs at the fact that everything Trump has came from his dad.


    Right on, girl.  :D



    IOW, Cohen has not a thing to lose.

    and it PISSES HIM THE F OFF. he can't stand a woman calling him a childish brat who was given everything by his Joker-looking dad. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    He just does not give a damn who he hurts.

    Yes. I wish I had more compassion, but I don't.

    JJ, yes. he just......I've never seen a more heartless thing...creature...in my life. really. he makes our worst POTUSs f the last 60 years all look like Lincoln.

    SS, yes. they are that stupid and that evil. he's screwed everyone except rich white people and the rubes seem to love him more. he's just.....and his entire staff and the RP. 


  10. According to a source familiar with the meeting, the Senate minority leader had confronted Trump in the situation room about the human cost of the partial shutdown, which has left some federal employees with diminishing means to pay for basic necessities

    “You’re using people as leverage. Why won’t you open the government and stop hurting people?” Schumer said.

    According to the source, Trump replied: “Because then you won’t give me what I want.”

  11. 14 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    A lot of the media coverage I saw (including from some I'd half-expected better from, like Colbert) was making fun of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. It feels like whatever criticism Trump would have gotten has been pushed away for the usual bot-driven meme culture and the media's general need to remind us that Democrats are 'uncool' and a waste of space.


    What a [!@#$%^&*] joke the AP is - not that this is a surprise. It's just unfortunate this represents the Beltway at large and too many in the public.



    have you read some of the responses? I would like to know who wrote this.

  12. 3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    We are incredibly lucky that the first time an authoritarian came for our country he turned out to be extraordinarily incompetent.  I only hope that the next time we aren't caught asleep at the switch because we won't get this lucky again.  That's not to say that he hasn't caused incredible damage to many people and our country at large, but it could have been much, much worse.  Of course, it isn't over yet, but at least the end is (hopefully) in sight.



    3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    We are incredibly lucky that the first time an authoritarian came for our country he turned out to be extraordinarily incompetent.  I only hope that the next time we aren't caught asleep at the switch because we won't get this lucky again.  That's not to say that he hasn't caused incredible damage to many people and our country at large, but it could have been much, much worse.  Of course, it isn't over yet, but at least the end is (hopefully) in sight.



    3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    We are incredibly lucky that the first time an authoritarian came for our country he turned out to be extraordinarily incompetent.  I only hope that the next time we aren't caught asleep at the switch because we won't get this lucky again.  That's not to say that he hasn't caused incredible damage to many people and our country at large, but it could have been much, much worse.  Of course, it isn't over yet, but at least the end is (hopefully) in sight.



    3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    We are incredibly lucky that the first time an authoritarian came for our country he turned out to be extraordinarily incompetent.  I only hope that the next time we aren't caught asleep at the switch because we won't get this lucky again.  That's not to say that he hasn't caused incredible damage to many people and our country at large, but it could have been much, much worse.  Of course, it isn't over yet, but at least the end is (hopefully) in sight.



    3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    We are incredibly lucky that the first time an authoritarian came for our country he turned out to be extraordinarily incompetent.  I only hope that the next time we aren't caught asleep at the switch because we won't get this lucky again.  That's not to say that he hasn't caused incredible damage to many people and our country at large, but it could have been much, much worse.  Of course, it isn't over yet, but at least the end is (hopefully) in sight.



    3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    We are incredibly lucky that the first time an authoritarian came for our country he turned out to be extraordinarily incompetent.  I only hope that the next time we aren't caught asleep at the switch because we won't get this lucky again.  That's not to say that he hasn't caused incredible damage to many people and our country at large, but it could have been much, much worse.  Of course, it isn't over yet, but at least the end is (hopefully) in sight.



    3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    We are incredibly lucky that the first time an authoritarian came for our country he turned out to be extraordinarily incompetent.  I only hope that the next time we aren't caught asleep at the switch because we won't get this lucky again.  That's not to say that he hasn't caused incredible damage to many people and our country at large, but it could have been much, much worse.  Of course, it isn't over yet, but at least the end is (hopefully) in sight.



    3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    We are incredibly lucky that the first time an authoritarian came for our country he turned out to be extraordinarily incompetent.  I only hope that the next time we aren't caught asleep at the switch because we won't get this lucky again.  That's not to say that he hasn't caused incredible damage to many people and our country at large, but it could have been much, much worse.  Of course, it isn't over yet, but at least the end is (hopefully) in sight.



    3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    We are incredibly lucky that the first time an authoritarian came for our country he turned out to be extraordinarily incompetent.  I only hope that the next time we aren't caught asleep at the switch because we won't get this lucky again.  That's not to say that he hasn't caused incredible damage to many people and our country at large, but it could have been much, much worse.  Of course, it isn't over yet, but at least the end is (hopefully) in sight.



    3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    We are incredibly lucky that the first time an authoritarian came for our country he turned out to be extraordinarily incompetent.  I only hope that the next time we aren't caught asleep at the switch because we won't get this lucky again.  That's not to say that he hasn't caused incredible damage to many people and our country at large, but it could have been much, much worse.  Of course, it isn't over yet, but at least the end is (hopefully) in sight.




    well I screwed it up but you get the point....


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