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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 3 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    This wall crisis is ridiculous....I am in the area where this supposed wall will save us....GMAFB.....feel safe as could be.....what a waste of money and airtime tonight....ugh

    is it true that he wants to seize private property to build this fence?

  2. 16 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    I read that Andrea Mitchell (who of course would love Liz Cheney as the Bushes employed her husband for 8 years) was gushing about Liz being a "rising star." To the media, I guess she is. She has the right last name, she's cold, she's mean, and she's a hatemonger. That is their ideal Republican. 

     I honestly, truly can't stand AM. really. she gushed over Sarah Palin, and we see how that worked out.

  3. 5 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    To secure donors and gain name recognition I suppose.


    I do wish we had a system more like Canada's, but politics were bound to dominate the next two years in any case.  It's like the Kardashians or the Royals. If you don't want to hear about it 24/7, you have to make a conscious decision to block it out. Even then you'll hear about it more than you want to.

    I have too. I watch about 15 minutes of news and tv in the morning then turn it off for the day. it's very refreshing. 

    thank you for what you said. you nailed it.

  4. 5 hours ago, marceline said:

    I'm to the point where I'm not even trying to predict what happens in 2020 or beyond. I look at 2016 like 9/11. We're in uncharted territory now.



    They also aren't prepared to deal with multiple Dem candidates.They only know how to campaign against Hillary.

    I am right with you. I'm not throwing my hat behind anyone right now. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Me neither.  To him, "compromise" means "you give me what I want, and maybe I'll think about giving you some of what you want."


    I just hope they don't add insult to injury by offering those gov't. employees who won't get paid for the holidays memberships to the Jelly of the Month Club.

    to me, he comes off as "give me what I want, and I aint giving you all s***".

    now Trump wants to fire the Chairman of the Fed because of the rate hikes and the stock market tanking.

    all we need is rope, a blanket and a 7/11 to get coffee and donuts....

  6. 1 minute ago, Juliajms said:

    You just know some of these people are salivating at the possibility she won't make it another two years.


    I would have thought things would calm down as we approach Christmas and the new year, but nope. Still chaos.

    well, they way things are on this night.....it's just depressing. I mean a 72 year old adult throwing a child snit about the wall he wants for Christmas and just told fed workers "oh well. not my fault." 

    I really can't stand him.

  7. 18 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I wish these pundits would dispense with the sports analogies.  This is not a game for most of us, it is deadly serious, something many of us were trying to get across in the last presidential election but many ignored.  

    I doubt the media has learned anything since then.



    1 hour ago, marceline said:

    She's really odious. I really hope someone primaries her in two years so she's one and done.

    thank you. I am sick of her now. she acts like she was elected queen.

  8. 1 hour ago, marceline said:

    I wonder when it's going to sink in that the Republican party is nothing more than a criminal enterprise and an arm of a global attemp to disrupt democracy around the world.

    IMO, for the majority of America, it sunk in decades ago, but for the idiots.......never. Trump could crap on their foreheads and they still would vote for him.

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