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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 4 hours ago, ChitHappens said:


    I just don't understand what's so damn difficult about telling someone they won't be using the character/actor any longer?  Why must these people find out in such horrible insensitive ways they don't have a job.  Didn't Sarah Brown and Eden Reigel find out on social media?  It's insane and folks wonder why there's no respect for Daytime?  Daytime doesn't respect itself!  

    Ken Corday.

    he is always the first and last reason why this show is in the crapper, looking like a HS production (not trying to insult HS productions)...

    2 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    The budget probably didn't allow for 3 goodbye cakes.😂 thus them not finding out about their firing. It's sad though that they were never officially told they were let go.

    it is. so unprofessional. KC needs someone with some serious money and a love for DAYS to buy him out. he has proven has no NO IDEA what the hell he's doing. and so has Sony.

  2. 3 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    Unfriended 2 more people last night when they went passive aggressive - and said - when will your party put someone on the ballot who is qualified?  LOLLLLLL.  I said, we had a person who was an attorney, first lady of a State, first lady of the U.S. for 8 years, Senator of New York, and Secretary of State.  And you had - a guy who knows how much money he has and he's never produced his taxes like he said he would, claimed bankruptcy, and did reality TV.  That was your candidate and you want to know what our quallies are?  *itch please.  

     I just unfriended someone who wante to talk about Clinton's BJ instead of what this twerp did.

  3. 15 hours ago, Khan said:

    Wait a minute.  Have we forgotten the rape allegations against Kobe?  My heart and prayers go out to his loved ones, but he wasn't exactly Peter Perfect, y'all.

    there's not a person walking this PLANET who is PP, but 9 people were killed, with them two 13 year olds. I will NOT bring up this crap that now means absolutely nothing after what happened yesterday morning sir. if you want to...God Bless. But the timing is so beyond way off.

  4. On 1/6/2020 at 3:23 PM, DramatistDreamer said:


    She may perform better than expected in states with a white majority like the first two primaries but by the time the primaries move to SC, I could see her falling back down.  And if her connection to the Central Park exonerated becomes more publicized, she'll have a lot to answer for.  It won't be pretty.

    This. exactly word-for-word what you just said.

    the word I just read on twitter is....if there is no reprisal from the US, all military action will cease on Iran's part.

  5. On 1/4/2020 at 1:19 PM, Khan said:


    If Bernie ends up as the nominee, of course, I will vote for him, because, like hell am I gonna stay home again, or vote third party, or vote for Trump.  But, when Bernie loses the election -- and trust and believe, he WILL lose the election if he ends up being the nominee -- I am gonna give the biggest side-eye and "I TOLD you so" ever to him and his followers.


    Did we even start, lol?  (But seriously.  Was I so busy hate-watching Hallmark Christmas movies last year that I didn't notice Amy Klobuchar becoming an actual contender?  I'm so "New number, who dis" with her right now.)



    For once, I'm glad to be forty and hypertensive.



    Yep.  Followed by the gay and transgendered soldiers.

    Amy lost me when I read that she took a 5 thousand dollar donation from the prosecuter who sent the Central Park 5 to prison.

  6. 56 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I see that Elizabeth Warren yet again caved to voices she should just ignore - she initially condemned Soleimani while also criticizing the reckless killing. The "woke" left seethed and raged, and she then put out another tweet which went on about how he'd been assassinated, similar to what their dear leader Bernie had said. All this has done - yet again - is alienate voters on all sides and made her look reactionary. 


    Meanwhile, Saint Bernie is strutting around telling everyone what a bad-ass he is because he didn't vote for the Iraq invasion, with none of his cultists, or much of anyone else, bothering to point out that he voted for the AUMF which gave Trump the war powers in the first place. 


    Bernie and his cultists don't care about anything but posing and posturing. They are a worthless sideshow, and yet they seem to have more and more influence over a very shaky party. It's not going to end well.


    12 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Another reason why grandstanding about donations is not the best idea.



    Really done with her.

    On 1/2/2020 at 8:10 PM, DRW50 said:


    You're not. We're being taken to war - right as we head into an economic crash too - by a lunatic who will do anything to be reelected. And a war with a very dangerous, capable foe with many allies.


    I need to hear from all those "liberals" who insisted that Trump was better from Hillary and would keep us away from war.

    they all live with Bigfoot now. just talked to a childhood friend who voted for Trump, because she couldn't stand HRC. NOW she wants him out because of "the nonsense". he did this from the day he made that speech 4 years ago about Mexicans. how anyone still voted for this moron.....and how many of their family members are being sent over there? what a crapshow.

  7. I do not and will not put any faith in any poll. period. over 100 million people voted 4 years ago....between 500-1500 people depending on the poll give their responses to questions, and most of them always get the same phone calls from the saqme polling sites/newspapers/radio programs.

  8. 1 hour ago, Fevuh said:

    I'm DC and it's tiring to see a bunch of white "Men" yell at people they're questioning and not let them speak.  There are a lot of angry white men who are Republicans, and now it's clear - they'll defend this ahole of a President.  And honestly I don't understand.  Keep your decorum and ask the damned question.  The guy from Ohio is a deplorable and I tuned in later to see another one yelling and ranting.  Ask a damned question and LISTEN.  The Republicans would support Lucifer at this point.  Jesus could arise from the Dead and Trump could crucify him in front of the world and then they'd get all the Christian vote next election.  And I'm a Christian.  


    And Nunes with the "Do you know XX name?"  "Do you know XX name?"  "Do you know XX name?"  "Are you aware XX name said XX"?  


    What a JOKE.  You're questioning a DOCTOR.  


    The guy from Ohio going through phone call transcripts...Boaz talked to Isreal, and then Israel talked to Bob, and then Blah talked to blah - he went on for 5 minutes and said - why didn't he say THAT when we QUESTIONED HIM!  Yelling!  I was like - I would have said - because he didn't answer your question that you took 5 minutes to ask just now.  I don't know why he didn't say it, but he didn't.  That OH guy is a jack***.  A yeller and an idiot.  I don't know - ask him.  


    And the other white man who did nothing but YELL and berate the female Dr. - Security person - just berated her for whatever he could spit out of his uneducated and likely mysogonistic and racist butt - and never asked a question.  Bully, Butt worthy, white man.  I'm Gay and White and I know it when I see it.  Attacks against a very accomplished woman, who CHOSE to come to this country and become a citizen.  He's NOT pretty. 

    did you see that a couple of male republicans just kept over talking and over shouting her and Holmes, went on some tirade and then got up and walked out?! they have botched this to a degree I honestly did not think was possible. when they get to have soundbites on FN and Chuck Todd and the like defending their garbage, they do well....give them 10-15 minutes to act like adults and they crash and burn. they have destroyed the party...and Schiff and Pelosi have laid the trap for Senate Repubs...defend him and burn for it next Nov., or kick him out, get rid of these fools and rebuild.

  9. 10 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    l’ve seen rumors that Amanda is connected to Hillary, but it’s sad that these exciting rumors never happen — or take so long to happen that we stop caring. Sorry, but Hillary has been walking around doing a lot of nothing, and MiM is being wasted.


    Donny Boaz is not only a MAGAt, but he’s also stupid. He deleted that tone deaf tweet, but it was up for almost an entire day before deletion. He’s an idiot. By then, he’d been DRAGGED and a lot of viewers who hadn’t heard about his politics turned on him in a minute.

    would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when he walked into the studio. shameful really. Y&R will have no choice but to get rid of him. I found myself FF through his scenes on the second episode.

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