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Posts posted by Roman

  1. On 10/21/2019 at 3:30 PM, Khan said:

    Nancy McKeon is literally phoning in her cameo, lol.

     a cameo. on the phone. Nancy has not made any secret of the feeling that she doesn't really want to do anything FOL-related. she said she wanted to direct a reunion in which Jo is dead. but she didn;t want to come back in character. I've seen some of her other work.....The Last Mafia Marriage and A Cry For Help are two performances she should have gotten Emmys for.

  2. 3 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    This show is a hot ass mess. Why the high turn over rate for this role???

    the show is written so poorly, it really should be cancelled. it is an all-out comedy. to me, only Fallon can act her tail off...the rest starting with Grant as Blake are just horrible. they need to make up their minds if they want a comedy or a drama with humor.

  3. 15 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I am positive I read that they didn't get along. She didn't go to his memorial when he died. Larry taking less money I find hard to believe too....LOL....I know Victoria wanted a certain amount and she was offered less and she left. I thought she had left on her own....they did the same with Linda Gray two years later by not paying her and writing her out. Once Linda left the show was just terrible. There was no one left....with Victoria and Linda gone the show felt very empty. 

    there were quite a few instances where LH wanted to take less money to keep people on the show....and the time he almost quit the show because Leonard Katzman fired Linda Gray because she wanted to direct. LH and VP had a working relationship, but SHE came off as a diva at times until other cast members put her in her place. listen to an interview she did with Dallas Fanzine where she goes in dept about her time on the show and why she quit.

  4. LH and VP didn;t hate each other. In fact, Larry was the one who offered to take less money the year Victoria left DALLAS. SHE has stories about her diva behavior on set.....once, when she once again showed up two hours late on set, a bundle of dead roses were placed in her trailer with a note that said "these were alive two hrs ago." she didn;t show up late for the remainder of her run.

  5. On 9/3/2019 at 1:28 PM, Vee said:

    I feel it could've been a retread of Carpenter's Somebody's Watching Me, but it was a neat idea.


    The H4 script Carpenter worked on with Dennis Etchison was overtly supernatural. It was very out there and basically stated that the Shape lived on through the town's fear and hatred of him. At the end he turns into a fifty foot tall Shape towering over a burning drive-in - it was a lot, LOL. IIRC Carpenter wanted Joe Dante to direct.

    a 50 ft Shape? no wonder they didn't use this. where can I find the script or a breakdown of H4?

    On 9/30/2019 at 2:01 AM, Chris B said:


    I didn't know they changed the plans to film them back to back. I assumed they would've made sure writing was complete before they went into production. Now I worry it'll cause spoilers if they still plan on filming Ends before Kills is released. When only certain actors return for filming, it could lead to spoilers. I hope they can keep it under wraps because I find it pretty exciting that they're giving a horror series this type of treatment and I still want to be surprised. I want it to be an event much like Marvel or Star Wars where I can go in not knowing what to expect.

    this is the same thing that happened with H5. they were still writing the script during filming. damn.

    On 8/30/2019 at 10:42 PM, Chris B said:

    I'm really excited for these and I'm happy Kyle Richards is back as Lindsay! I know some are upset that they're bringing these characters back, but it makes sense in the context that only the original Halloween and the 2018 sequel exist. Haddonfield is a small town. In the original Halloween not many people actually died and murders happen everywhere and it doesn't cause everybody to leave town. Considering the big gap in the murders it's logical that those kids would've remained in the city and married and raised kids there as well. While Michael didn't necessarily return for Laurie bc of the sister angle, she did put a target on her entire family's back by pursuing him in the last movie, so I could see him showing interest in Lindsay and Tommy as unfinished business since they were at the scenes of his original murders. I'm very curious what story they'll go with!


    I also love that they're treating it like an event film after the success of the last one. I love that they're filming two sequels back to back. I feel that will help with quality control. Especially with Halloween, you always have a good sequel followed by a really bad one (4 to 5 or H20 to Resurrection) because the entire creative team is replaced and nobody is on the same page. I hope these two movies are plotted out in a way that makes sense for a trilogy. Now the biggest worry is that I don't want spoilers!! This is so unique since you have such high volume of people that die in slasher films so I don't want actors, etc. slipping up and revealing that they appear in both or only one film.

    they may film all the co-star's scene at once while HK is in production.

  6. 11 hours ago, mikelyons said:

    Melody Thomas Scott is a diva behind the scenes. Whenever she has scenes with Eric Braeden or has to kiss him, she rolls her eyes and makes a huge deal about it. From my observations, her closest friend on set is/was Sharon Case. 

    Eric Braeden isn't a diva...he just likes to get in and get out and he likes his scene partners to be prepared. No joking around or calling for lines when you're in a scene with him!

    don't know why MTS is still a diva. IMPO her acting is AWFUL. but I'm glad to hear that about EB. has MTS alienated everyone else on set?

    10 hours ago, VanessaReardon said:

    Mike, we should talk! Mel is a TOTAL diva. Not a nice person. Trillions of stories about her. Eric is great as long as you just come prepared, know your lines. He doesn’t put up with unpreparedness. 

    so she is a real piece of work. she was one of my faves for YEARS. but had heard little tidbits of her behavior. One thing....why in the world did she just stop talking to JC? that makes no sense at all. and she treats Eric like that? you're supposed to be a loving couple. and that eye rolling....aye Melody....as I just posted, YOU CAN'T ACT ANYMORE. YOU'RE HORRIBLE. STOP WITH THE DIVA BEHAVIOR. One person on that show who had the right to be a diva and wasn't was Jeanne.

  7. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I've been reading social media every time Y&R gets messy (which is a LOT) and from what I've seen over the past couple years there are some hard 'truths' to be told about some of these "Lane" fans and it's all starting spill, lot hot tea, all over social media.

    I'm just going to put it out there for discussion: some have suggested that there is a portion of "Lane" fans who are color-struck women who guard the idea of Lily being with a white guy, either because they perceive it would give her more screen time, or as some sort of strange 'wish fulfillment' but it seems as if the majority of "Lane" fans have morphed into Cane fans who relished the idea of seeing this guy (who they're fixated on) with a 'hot young exotic' wife from a 'prominent/core family' and having a foothold on the show. These people weren't so bothered with KSJ and his character were exiled off-screen and in the wake of his death have sought to cast Cane as the new "patriarch" of the Ashby-Winters (as if there were such a thing) family. Cane the con-artist.   


    When I used to watch the show, I noticed that these particular "Lane" fans have always been bitter and vitriolic toward Lily (and at times, the actress) at those time when "Lane" didn't go according to plan (i.e. Lily, half-naked, wanting nothing more to seduce her husband Cane, on the couch in the middle of the day, everyday).  That is why the racist dog whistles were so ear-deafeningly shrill when the show dared to try to pair Lily and Tyler (even though the chemistry was visible to anyone with eyes) and why some could barely restrain their ire when Lily took off with Joe (although some women seemed to be gravitating to a possible pairing...and you know who :ph34r:) and many "Lane" fans all but blamed Lily for Cane cheating on her, that she had the nerve to waver about forgiving him and still refused to believe that Cane got a woman pregnant.  Like, honestly, these people thought that Con-Man Cane was the best Lily Winters could do??


    The whole thing was just weird and toxic, which is why so many of us had wanted this pairing off the show for years--their fans are toxic.  It got so bad that even CK couldn't stand it anymore.  Even though I stopped watching over a year ago, I really hope Cane never makes it back onto the canvas of Y&R.  Some of these fanbases have been corroding the show, courting them really hasn't worked to the show's favor.

    the only thing I'll add is that i have....nothing to add.

  8. 18 hours ago, Khan said:


    Shhhh.  We're not supposed to talk about the Joan Crawford movie, or she'll get us.  With wire hangers.


    But seriously.  Rutanya Alda, who played Joan's longtime, loyal assistant, Carol Ann, wrote all about Faye Dunaway's on-set antics several years ago, in "The Mommie Dearest Diary -- Carol Ann Tells All."


    Apparently, everyone, including the film's producer and director, were afraid of the woman, and did whatever was necessary to stay out of her way, and her crosshairs.

    she would have been fired day 1. and my next phone caqll would have been to an actress with the words "you ready to come in and film this movie?"

    I guess I'll add Dan Stoddard to this list, seeing as his diva behavior and high self worth got him fired from Y&R yesterday.

  9. On 10/21/2019 at 10:52 AM, Khan said:

    Hey, let's hear it for me!  ;)


    But seriously.  I -- I mean, HE -- is right about the many demographics in this country, including African-Americans and South Asians, who are woefully underrepresented by the network and cable news networks. 


    J.C. Watts' involvement in this venture aside, I'm excited to see where this goes.  (J.C. Watts might be a football hero to many Oklahomans and OU fans, but to many African-Americans here, he's seen as an Uncle Tom, because he virtually ignored our support when he ran for office, choosing instead to cosy up to old, white Republicans.)



  10. On 5/14/2019 at 11:41 PM, Khan said:


    Just ask Faye Dunaway, whose shift at In-N-Out Burger ended a half-hour ago.

    Oh God that woman. on The Towering Inferno, she and Steve McQueen didn;t want anyone to walk up on them during production. Paul Newman said he didn;t want to be surprised, but any other cast members and crew who wanted to talk to Paul he didn't mind at all. heard she was a DEMON on Mommie Dearest and Chinatown.

    On 5/15/2019 at 8:06 AM, SoapDope said:

    George Peppard who was cast as the original Blake on Dynasty was a major Diva. John James said when he walked up to introduce himself to Peppard, Peppard blew cigar smoke in his face and walked off. Just about everyone who has ever worked with him has nothing good to say about him. He made his sets his play ground and expected cast and crew to cater to his demands. The A-Team set was a nightmare and he got rid of Melinda Culea by season 2 and by the series end he and Mr. T. used a go between to communicate. 


    There has been rumors of behind the scenes behavior on the Dallas set. They said you scored big if you were on team Larry Hagman. Hagman supposedly gave Donna Reed a hard time because he wanted Barbara Bel Geddes back. Dack Rambo also said Hagman was less than friendly to him for being bi-sexual. Victoria Principal also seems to be kind of an outcast with the main cast. She admitted that they all had a good work relationship, but she was never that close with them off set. She was closest with Jim Davis and Ken Kercheval. 

    I'd beat that ass for doing that. you blow smoke in my face? no wonder Blake was an ass in the first 2 seasons....GP would have played himself. Most of that is true about LH. he apparently got DR fired, and she found out when a reporter asked her about being fired. she sued the show and CBSand won. VP...it was just a job for her.

    On 5/15/2019 at 4:14 AM, Paul Raven said:

    I guess Melody Thomas Scott completely shutting down Jeanne Cooper on and off set would have to count.

    I still don;t understand why she treated her like that.

  11. 2 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I think he’s a very genuine guy, but dude will cry at the drop of a hat. (And I know he got choked up about the passing of a dear friend, but PB clearly has a lot of emotion brimming under the surface. I suppose anyone who watches him as Jack can see that.)


    It’s just sad what daytime has become and the tricks actors employ to do even passably interesting work. But it’s funny hearing the little snippet of Julianne Moore talking about trying to salvage the heavily expository dialogue even during an era we deem a golden age of soaps. 

    I would love for Peter to write his biography, because I really believe he would let loose on what he has really gone through being on the show. 13 shows down to 4 because of bad writing, horrible stories, recycled stories, bad acting, and the networks no longer giving a darn.

  12. 8 hours ago, StepBack said:


    Yes, those scenes were great and heartfelt. I know people say that Braeden doesn't try as much, but he always hits scenes like this out of the park.


    And call me crazy but Theo and Lola have some great chemistry! Much better than Kyle/Lola. Theo actually makes Lola tolerable

    I am digging them more. just got back into Y&R for a bit.....I think Cane is masterminding this entire thing with Katherine's estate.

    On 10/10/2019 at 9:53 PM, AdamNewmanFan said:

    Stafford doesnt want to work with old Bergman atleast that was her thoughts i  2013.

    I honestly prefer Gina. I have given Michelle a chance, and I honestly believe it to be the writing, but she's all over the place, and the screaming again...GT could do understated SO much better than Michelle.

  13. On 10/2/2019 at 4:07 PM, BetterForgotten said:

    Peter Bergman did this interview with Alex Baldwin of all people about his career:



    thank you so much for posting this. very informative....with Peter saying "it was written in the stars" that Victor has to win every battle. loved how emotional he got when talking about his wife. and how he would like Jack to leave Y&R.

  14. On 9/29/2019 at 3:36 PM, Bright Eyes said:

    His original plans for DAYS were very promising. I also enjoyed his beginnings on Y&R. And whatever good or bad he did to ATWT, he definitely gave the show a jolt of energy and a watercooler buzz.


    I can't help but think of his brother who I enjoyed on One Tree Hill. Rest in Peace.

    what were his original plans for Days?

  15. On 6/4/2019 at 10:28 AM, KMan101 said:


    Right? How do you just buy a company not for sale? I get the whole "stealing a company" thing but ... lol


    And it all sounds so petty. Adam going after everything Nick has. What are they? 12? Does anyone find this at all interesting? I don't.

    this show is written so a.ss backward you really have no idea what they are doing from week to week.  I expect JG to be gone once again this time next year.

    13 hours ago, Khan said:




    Hopefully, Adam will own DH long enough to change the company's name.

    If memory serves, wasn't Nick just thrown into Adam's story? like since Adam wasn't there the writers tried to make over Nick in his image?

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