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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 3 hours ago, Costello said:

    I caught today’s Hot Topics, and the tension on that set is THICK. Meghan is being really quiet and muttering under her breath and got into a very passive-aggressive exchange with Whoopi before the first ad break. It’s better soap opera than anything the four daytime dramas are putting out.


    I think we’ll see someone storm off stage or quit before this season’s out.

    that little girl was so nasty.


  2. 7 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    He also said he had no business deals with Saudi Arabia, which is a whole lie.

    the end is nye. and he knows it. the walls have closed in. but, for me......I'm sick of this waiting for Mueller to drop the bombs on him. is he waiting for the Dems to take control of the House before he does that IYO?

  3. 14 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    And McCarthy gets awarded for this with a minority leadership position. While democrats are fighting over Pelosi who helped win them the house back

    seems like many  have dropped off and will not challenge her. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    Not you. I blocked you (and have since unblocked you) unfairly and I admit that. However, there is one obvious troll and one person who has not apologized for the terrible racist comments (calling people animals, saying blacks should stay in their place) they made in the past that are in this thread right now.

    what I am saying is that many conservatives have came back and all of us are having passionate frank respectful discussions. I no longer have the patience to continue to comment with someone who honestly won't listen to a thing I have to say. provocateurs. like I used to be, and then did some growing up. we live in dark and difficult days now, and we all are trying to see the light at the end of this tunnel. what you say or how you feel is cool. I just won't be apart of trolling that people do for the sake of trolling. that's all I'm saying.

    4 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Let's nip this foolishness in the bud. The ignore feature exists (existed?) for a reason. No one is entitled to our attention. I hope this will get fixed soon.

    so was the feature removed?

  5. 1 minute ago, Max said:


    Alphanguy, I believe that the election heads to the House if no candidate reaches 270 electoral votes, and that each state's delegation has one vote. Also, I believe that the newly elected House (i.e., the House that is elected in the 2020 election) would have the power to cast the votes for president.





    Roman, I wish that were the case, but I unfortunately do not see Trump facing any serious primary challengers in 2020, because there are too many cowardly Republicans who refuse to stand up to Trump and his cult (and the awful showing for Republicans in the midterms will do little to change them).






    I actually do believe that Trump will face a primary challenge, but it will be one or more of the usual suspects, such as John Kasich, Jeff Flake, or Ben Sasse, all of whom are pariahs within the GOP. Those who are serious threats, such as Nikki Haley Ted Cruz, are too craven to challenge Trump, because such individuals know that challenging Trump would be seen as an unforgivable sin by much of the GOP base.






    Of course, if Trump’s presidency implodes (either because of the findings of the Mueller investigation or because of some other scandal that has yet to be made public), then the 2020 GOP nomination will be a free-for-all. And I suspect that Haley, Cruz, Mike Pence, and other serious contenders are busy laying the groundwork for a presidential run (despite their public displays of loyalty to the POTUS) in the event that happens.



    let me say something you thought I would NEVER say.....I agree with you. I still feel the worst he gets, he will get some primary challenges, but now I have to see...what GOP will rise from this? they need many more moderates in the party, and from what I see, this is the beginning of a civil war within the party.

  6. 52 minutes ago, alphanguy74 said:

    I bet it has. This is disappointing to hear. Facebook is a double edged sword, there are so many good things about it, and so much bad. For instance, before facebook, I suppose I lived in a bubble, and never knew the depth of ignorance of the American public in general. One thing it has done, give me big insight into Trump's basket of deplorables. That statement may have been a politically bad move for Hillary, but it is SO TRUE. In Missouri we have a free casenet website, where you can look someone up and see all civil and criminal action against them. The hardest core Trump supporters that troll facebook.... WELL over 50% of them  have one or more multiple things going on legally, One in particular in my area is a registered sex offender that was arrested for exposing himself to a 15 year old girl. I've seen hardcore Trump lovers that are convicted felons of every stripe and permutation, at the very least, they are usually being sued by creditors and have paycheck garnishments, or tax liens against them. 

    Missouri? WE'RE PAISAN! 

    17 hours ago, Khan said:

    I didn't know about the rumors regarding Roberts and Kavanaugh.  That's interesting.

    I honestly didn't either. this is the first I've heard of this. he's even turning away SC justices? what a crapbag he is.

  7. 15 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    Sherrod Brown doesn’t represent me and Marceline can likely share a lot more about him, but an interesting topic the last few days about comments Brown made about the Abrams race in Georgia. I have to say he didn’t let weasel Chuck Todd get away with his usual finger wagging at democrats for using the word “stolen”.



    I bring this up because there was a battle on social media the past couple of days at why and why not the term #stolenelection may or may not be appropriate when referring to the election. A debate between Richard Hasen and Charles Pierce.  Me, Brown is right and Abrams is right.





    Thank you so much for posting this. it's been past time someone, ANYONE, called Todd out for his hypocrisy and fawning over everything. this is classic.

  8. 16 hours ago, Max said:


    Alphanguy, I would be very surprised if Ojeda got the Democratic nomination. However, I've been wrong before in my predictions, and the fact that the 2020 Democratic field is likely to be very large increases the odds for longshot candidates like Ojeda.


    Regarding the whole Bernie/Hillary feud, I hold opinions that are going to be unpopular with those who are die-hard supporters of either of them. I think that Bernie would have done even worse than Hillary in the general election, for all the reasons that DramatistDreamer mentioned. (I know that polls showed Bernie handily defeating Trump, but such polls are meaningless because Bernie never went through the grind of a general election campaign. This is an extreme example, but many people forget that Michael Dukakis once led George H. W. Bush by 17 points, only to get crushed on Election Day.)


    At the same time, I am very sympathetic with the Bernie people when they express their views that the 2016 nomination was not a fair fight. Some in the Bernie wing of the party, such as Elizabeth Warren (who granted didn't formally endorse Bernie but shares most of his ideology), claim that the nomination was rigged:




    I would not go so far as to say that the 2016 Democratic primary was rigged, but it's evident that the scales were heavily tipped in Hillary's favor. Here's just one article that elaborates on this:




    "It’s easy to imagine Democrats who might have run in 2016. There’s Biden and Warren and Hickenlooper, but there was also New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, to name just a few. But all of these candidates, and all the other candidates like them, ultimately passed on the race. Why?"


    "But part of it was the way elected officials, donors, and interest groups coalesced behind Clinton early, making it clear that alternative candidates would struggle to find money and staff and endorsements and media coverage. Clinton had the explicit support of the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party and the implicit support of the Obama wing. She had spent decades building relationships in the party, and she leveraged them all in 2016. “Hillary had a lot of friends, and so did Bill,” says Elaine Kamarck, author of Primary Politics. This, in reality, is why Biden didn’t run: President Obama and his top staffers made quietly clear that they supported Clinton’s candidacy, and so she entered the field with the imprimatur that usually only accords to vice presidents."


    "The 2016 Democratic primary wasn’t rigged by the DNC, and it certainly wasn’t rigged against Sanders. But Democratic elites did try to make Clinton’s nomination as inevitable, as preordained, as possible. And the party is still managing the resentment that engendered in voters."


    IMO, immense pressure was placed on Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and others not to challenge Hillary for the nomination. This pressure most likely wasn't explicit (e.g., party bosses advising other prominent Democrats not to run), but rather implicit (e.g., big money donors solely giving to Hillary, top talent choosing to only work for Hillary, etc.). The other candidates who did run weren't viewed as serious threats to Hillary. That was certainly the case with Martin O'Malley, Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee. And I believe that it was the case with Bernie as well, because--keep in mind--that few people outside Vermont even knew who he was four years ago at this point. As the Vox article pointed out, the fact that the field was essentially cleared for Clinton ironically ended up helping Bernie, as there was a large appetite among a segment of the Democratic base that wanted someone to the left of Hillary. Had Warren run, it's very likely that Bernie would never have caught fire, as she was (at the time) the most prominent figure in that wing of the Democratic Party. In fact, I suspect that Warren would have beaten Hillary for the nomination had she run, since Warren would have had a considerably easier time than Bernie attracting support among minorities and the Democratic Party elite (such as superdelegates). Warren made a mistake not running in 2016, because that was the year when her prospects were the brightest. Of course, Warren isn't alone in missing her big moment: I'm sure that Chris Christie deeply regrets not running in 2012, and I believe that Hillary's best chance of becoming POTUS was in 2004. To his credit, Obama understood that 2008 represented a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him, and that he would not be viewed as the hot new political phenomenon had he waited to run for president at a later time.

    I personally believe many Republicans will throw their hats in the ring. Trump will get primaried.

  9. I got used to the first season and really enjoyed the cliffhanger. but with the S2 premiere,  this show has turned into a comedy, where no one has any substance at all (save Fallon and Anders, only because of the actor and actress playing the roles),  everything is wrapped up at the end of each episode, and the writing is horrible. I was hoping the SP would have started either at the grounds or the hospital, but instead, I saw just a pure mess. I don't see a 3rd season for this show, and I personally am barely hanging on.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Khan said:


    We can only hope. ;)


    I'm sorry to hear of the allegations against Avenatti.  However, if this means he's been knocked out of contention for 2020, then perhaps there's a silver lining.

    IMPO, he was never in contention. he always struck me as an ambulance chaser and mob-like lawyer.

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