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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 4 hours ago, Khan said:




    (By the way, Roman, I apologize for stepping on your toes by posting my link after you posted yours.  But I couldn't resist the "ME WANT PARADE!!" joke.)

    Khan, sir....no problem at all sir. 

  2. 30 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Why not spend the money to pay military better wages and help the homeless vets get permanent housing!!  


    Maybe France could do a parade because they have socialized healthcare for everyone over there! 

    Also, you don't hear/read anything about them having a population of homeless armed forces veterans.

    no words to add. right on.

    2 hours ago, GMac said:



    I thought it was a joke too.  It's absolutely unbelievable and all to feed trump's ego, I'm sure.  Why isn't anyone saying no to this?  I've said this so many times over the last year, but everyday is a new pathetic surprise from Cadet Bone Spurs.

    the only thing I can think of now is that the Pentagon will drag this out so long he'll either be out of office or he'll forget about it, because like a child he can't keep his mind on any one thing for more than a day.

  3. 1 minute ago, Wendy said:

    Apparently, Trump needs more adulation. Deficit, schmeficit. Like Russia and North Korea, Dotard has ordered a full military parade and the Pentagon is looking at possible dates.


    Guess who's paying for it?

    THIS is what is in the OO. this..this thing. can you imagine the other countries either laughing at us or are terrified for us with this jackass in office? I honestly thought this was a joke at first. are we communists now? is this Russia II or NK II over here? WTH is wrong with this creature?!

  4. 5 minutes ago, Wendy said:


    But that's the best part! This was a REAL nothingburger that backfired spectacularly in his fat orange face. And now Intel HATES him.

    Hates his guts my dear. I believe this is the day that will end him. I had been out, and when I got back I saw them talking about the memo. then they moved on to two other stories, one of which is the stock market plunging 700 points. which told me "they spent an entire week for this BS." Nunes......what a damn fool. he has cost himself his seat this November. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    I've said it once, and I'll say it once again: if and when Trump finally goes down, it won't be for anything connected to Russia.  I realize that seems impossible at the moment, but my gut instinct tells me it'll be over something that, when compared to the ongoing Mueller investigation, will seem banal and mind-numbingly stupid.  (That's why I think people are too quick to dismiss and/or ignore the Stormy Daniels situation.  Not that that could lead to anything, but...well...you just never know.)


    It'll be one of those "not with a bang, but with a whimper" kind of deals.  Trust.  Watch.

    it's never the crime......it's always the cover-up. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Khan said:


    Not only that, but we need to cultivate more left-leaning types with deep pockets.  As I've said before in this thread, we need to fight money WITH money.


    Oh, you know it.  Just as you know that, constitutional crisis or no constitutional crisis, Trump is going to get fed up and fire Mueller eventually.  Regardless of the bombshell that dropped yesterday about McGahn threatening to quit when Trump broached the subject back in June of last year.


    Well, I'll bet Fox News is just LOVING this!

    yes they are. reporting this like she hid Hitler/Mussolini/Stalin from scrutiny to let them tell it. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Khan said:


    Frankly, I think Lou Dobbs went full-on Howard Beale after CNN canned him.  But I could be wrong.

    if memory serves, that's why CNN canned him....he was starting to go full on FN when he was on there. 

  8. 23 hours ago, Khan said:



    Well.  That just shows to go you how ignorant that organization is about a great many things.  Even if a (fake) news network COULD openly declare war on the FBI and the Justice Department, don't they realize that at least one of those entities might have files on their top execs that could be leaked to the media "accidentally"?  Do they REALLY want to poke that bear?

    How can they now not be called Republican State News? LD used to call it down the middle. I have not clue 1 what happened to him.

  9. 18 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    And this is the internet where people get to respond to your opinion. I wasn't snarking at you. I was presenting you with reality.  Since you can't handle that, I'll put you on ignore.


  10. 4 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    What proof do you have of this? You really think "they" have the cure for cancer and have managed to hide it?  We all have the right to believe what we want I guess, but that sounds like conspiracy theory to me.  Especially since American big pharma is not the only one doing research into these diseases.

    How about all the vaccines disease and the diseases that have already been cured?  There is more money in managing every illness we have a vaccine for.  Just like vaccines big pharma would make a mint of the cure for cancer. Not that cancer is one disease anyway.

    you know, there is something called an OPINION. try looking it up without all the snark next time.

    6 hours ago, GMac said:


    Yes.  Big Pharma isn't interested in curing anything.  They're interested in making money and the way to do that is to manage illnesses, not cure them.  


    The NIH, CDC and to some extent, Walter Reed will the be driving forces behind curing folks.


    True. glad you understand this...even though some don't.

  11. On 1/15/2018 at 11:55 AM, Khan said:

    Frankly, I've never held much faith in "Big Pharma."  They can come up with a little blue pill that will help an old fart sustain a woody in his pants, but they can't find a cure for AIDS, for cancer, for diabetes, and for a million other chronic, life-shortening diseases that are out there?

    They have the cures for all the diseases you named......but what is making them more money? people being cured or people being sick? how many pills does a HIV-Positive or AIDS patient take a day? many forms of cancer have been cured but not all forms. BP loses oney then. 

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