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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 1 minute ago, Khan said:


    A retired Marine Corps general -- someone who is TRAINED to know how to comport himself whenever the fit hits the shan -- and even HE wasn't sure of WTF he was watching.  That's the beauty of life under the Trump administration. 

    I bet Kelly is CUSSING HIS ASS OUT!!! as we speak. 

  2. 3 hours ago, dragonflies said:



    I can only IMAGINE what Top WH Officials are doing and saying right now, and how they reacted after this stupid mother !@#$%^&*] said this [!@#$%^&*] today. 

    DAVID DUKE just tweeted his congrats to this orange ape. 

  3. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Yeah, that's why I used the word "dubious" because on the one hand, Trump's arm is clearly being twisted- as it was while he was stumbling through the message he read off the teleprompter yesterday but he's obviously caught between who is really is (a neofascist, rascist) and the part of him that wants to be seen as a statesman capable of actual governing (which was never a realistic possibility, tbh).  

    As a result, there is an internal divide between the Nazi/white supremacists in his administration (who more closely align with his own beliefs) and the garden variety conservatives (who are trying to make him somewhat presidential, at least outwardly).



    well, that cuts out the troll we all know, love and LOAO at. 

    2 hours ago, Khan said:


    You know how he doesn't like us darkies gettin' uppity.

    surprised he doesn't have one of us in a Tux standing by the front door opening and closing it. 

    2 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    Oh it's been noticed.

    thanks Jane dear. I was wondering. 

  4. 9 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    So I don't know when these folks left. Maybe before today. Mark Fields of Ford, Klaus Kleinfeld, Arconic, and Mario Longhi, US Steel are no longer on the council

    when it comes to money, they like advertisers will jump ship and split. and they way that idiot handled the whole thing and then retweets crap because he's mad people are once again calling is sorry ass out is causing them to get the hell away from him. 

  5. Just now, Juliajms said:

    Can't say he didn't earn every bit of it though. I don't know enough about history to say that he is the most hated president of all, but he almost has to be doesn't he?  I thought I would always have a basic respect for the office, but 45 has proved me wrong.

    I read yesterday that now Congress is in discussion to remove nuclear powers from the POTUS. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Wow. Tiki puts out a stmt while orange crunch keeps both siding it with his Nazi White Terrorists.

    when Tiki says "we had nothing to do with these inbred hillbillies" you know stuff is real. 

  7. I have no idea how long it's been up....but that's my laugh for the day.

    29 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    What a liar this man is. His daddy was arrested at a KKK rally he was participating in yet Donnie dumbo has no idea who they are?

    That's what he does, like a child......just lies and acts like he doesn't have a clue. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I don't understand how removing this-or-that statue or monument would be like "destroying history."  Lord knows history can be forgotten, but can it ever be destroyed?




    Pics or it didn't happen.


    Frankly, I wouldn't let him off the hook.  If I were living in Lexington, I would remind the mayor as often as necessary to back up his words with deeds.

    oh, that's all of them, regardless of party. they jump on the bandwagon when the heat is high, then quietly go back to being the lousy backstabbers they really are. 

  9. 24 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Hopefully this terrorist attack escalates the removal of these so called monuments


    Joy Reid made a good point  this morning on her show when one of her panelists mentioned removing these is destroying history. Most of these monuments were put up at the height of Jim Crow or when the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts were passed as a stmt of their own so called "superiority" not during the civil war.



    Wonder when they'll get started with this? 

  10. With President Trump’s refusal to condemn the white supremacist fervor that today led to the death of at least one person in Charlottesville, Virginia, it is absolutely critical that white Americans speak out and take a strong stand against the plague of racist hate that Trump continues to stoke.

    Navy veteran Jim Wright is accepting that challenge and pulling no punches.

    Wright published the below below post on his Facebook feed today, sending a strong signal that Trump’s values are not the American values he fought to protect.


    His powerful and harsh words should be read by every American and can be found below in their entirety:

    I keep trying to get to a point in this insanity where I can write a piece, but it’s all going sideways

    So, instead, some observations:

    – [!@#$%^&*] racist terrorists. This isn’t free speech. You don’t bring guns, clubs, torches, and shields to peaceful demonstration. This is terrorism. These people are terrorists. A car just plowed into a crowd of anti-racist protesters. I’ve watched the video. It was deliberate. It was attempted murder. This is terrorism and should be called such. So far as a I know, the terrorists have not been caught yet. [!@#$%^&*] those cowards.


    – [!@#$%^&*] the Confederacy. Every symbol of the Confederacy, every monument, every flag, every statue, should be pulled down, uprooted, smashed into rubble, and burned. [!@#$%^&*] Robert E. Lee, he was a traitor, pull down his statue, melt it down, recast it into urinals. Piss on the Confederacy.

    – [!@#$%^&*] Nazis. I don’t want to hear any social justice warrior bullshit about not confronting these racist shitbags with violence if necessary. They get punched in the head, they take a lead pipe over the skull, well it just plain sucks to be a Nazi. I’m not going to sugar coat that for you. Nazis are Nazis, they deserve nothing but a boot in their yellow teeth and punch in the throat. They’re getting off easy. Our grandfathers hunted Nazis down and EXTERMINATED them and it’s to our everlasting shame that we let this cancer regrow in our midst. [!@#$%^&*] Nazis.

    – [!@#$%^&*] Trump. Trump owns this. Republicans own this. This isn’t the Alt-Right, this IS the right. These sons of bitches are literally shouting “Sieg Trump” in the streets of Charlottesville right now. [!@#$%^&*] Trump.


    These people are the vile residue, the foul distillation, of every failed hateful rotten-tooth inbred ideology in history. Don’t let them hide. Don’t make excuses for them. Get them out in the open. Make them own it. They have jobs — some of them. They have parents and kids and neighbors. They have churches. The Constitution gives them a right to their hate, but not a right to be free of the consequences. Publish their pictures. Publish their license plates. Get them out in the open. Pull their hoods off. They’re standing out there shouting hate, flying the flag of treason, their arms upraised in the Hitler salute. Make them own it. Make them infamous. Don’t let them hide.

  11. 1 hour ago, cct said:

    Because OLTL#1 Fan wanted to know...




    This is the town I grew up next to and lived in for 22 years so my children could attend a progressive school there. This is also the town JD Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy, grew up in and writes about in that book. This is the town and surrounding area where a Democrat has not won the Presidential election since Kennedy. This is the town where I walked the streets for Obama in '08, and we came 137 votes shy of securing victory. There are many many good people there who outweigh the "bad;" so many struggling. So many just looking for ways to turn it around. 


    The problem is very real...from all sides...

    I'm glad you posted this. I grew up and spent all my young years in Ferguson, Mo. I know Charlottesville is a struggling city like many with good, good people....where hate decided to come in and try and take over. Unfortunately, we have people in this very thread that, instead of denouncing this hate, made it political because this person can't and doesn't have the strength of character to look past all this mess and call it for what it is. You have.....thank you.

  12. 11 hours ago, ReddFoxx said:

    Here comes the troll again. It doesn't matter if he supported Sanders, he's still a Republican and attacked a group of people protesting racists. Sanders drew in a number of fringe people who ended up supporting Trump.

    See? told you the troll would defend this POS.

    5 hours ago, MichaelGL said:

    You trolls really do your best to save face....

    sick isn't it?


  13. 45 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    CNN fires Jeffery Lord. I'm sure they'll find another delusional idiot to take his place, but this still makes me happy.


    about damn time. 

    he's been getting away with racist, sexist lies and slander for the last two years. screw him....AND HE STILL ISN'T TAKING ANY RESPONSIBILITY. he says CNN caved to bullies and that he was mocking facists.

  14. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I just saw pictures of an inflatable chicken that bore a resemblance to Trump online. How did someone get it behind the White House?  It does fit in with the state of this presidency though. 

    I think it's in national park land so the person, who was interviewed, put it up and the last time I saw it was still there. 

  15. 14 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    ^ I didn't even know that Joe and Kelly existed until recently. I kept seeing people talk about Morning Joe, but I only watch CNBC and CNN. Point being I got quite a kick out of "Failure Friday" and "Felony Friday", but I didn't know they were Pro Trump at one point. Failure Friday had to be killing 45. I saw a clip and it made me incredibly happy.

    they defended almost everything he did for access. he would call into their show. he actually congratulated them fro being supporters of his. then, after he got 'elected', it just stopped. then they started calling him out.....but MO is that they did this because their ratings wen through the roof. same thing with MSNBC and CNN.....they talk Trump 25/8 because of ratings. same crap from 5am-10pm. 

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