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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 1 hour ago, marceline said:


    Yes. Only members of the party are allowed to vote on who should represent it. Somehow this became radical this year because...Bernie. A lot of people who wanted to vote for him didn't even know what kind of primary they were trying to vote in and instead of taking responsibility for their ignorance the Berniacs have decided they were the victim of voter suppression (because remember, it's always someone else's fault). Oddly enough they don't seem nearly as concerned with the poor and minorities who are actually removed from the voter rolls.


    Firing Mueller would essentially be shooting himself in the head, not the foot, the head. Donnie thinks he can fire his way out of this. Adam Schiff is now at the point where he can't even pretend to take this mess seriously. I read this tweet in Jenifer Lewis' voice.



    He has become one of my heroes. Love that man. and JL? from my hometown of St. Louis, Mo. My grandmother and her mother were like sisters since they were little. But....I wouldn't put it pass Trump. He has no thought  process on nothing. He reacts and takes no blame, blaming others when he [!@#$%^&*] up. because no one will tell him no....but from what I saw on tv this morning, apparently many in that admin off the record would LOVE to testify before Congress and blow him right out of that office. they hate his GUTS. 

  2. Paul Ryan briefly grew a spine a few moments ago and said it would be pretty disastrous if Pres. Orange Crush fired Bob Mueller. we now return you to Ryan's spineless lies where he puts party above country already in progress....

  3. 4 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    @Roman, Whew @ Vicente Fox, he is merciless with the taunts and shade!:ph34r:  That was FIRE!  


    He is right about the sophistication of drugs being transported via the dark web and fyi about that, most of those labs producing the deadliest supply of opiods like fentanyl are actually located in China.  

    Some of the most successful Mexican drug cartels use a system of tunnels (similar to ones El Chapo used to escape prisons) to transport narcotics.

    Those tunnels are comprised of a complex and vast system of underground tunnels, a few of which where excavated before the U.S. was a country!

    I also saw video of two teenagers who were able to scale the border wall faster than Spiderman!  People need to be realistic and stop believing the hype of what Trump claims he can do.



    wasn't that just classic? I mean, he took his time with that. is Trump the most hated person in the western hemisphere?

  4. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    Unfortunately, when I attempted to play the video, I received a message saying it was "private." :(


    ETA: I went to YT and downloaded it from another user; and I think Ice Cube's opening statement -- "I knew you was gonna f**k up sooner or later" -- is just about the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.  I mean, it can't GET any better than that.

    I just saw the clip.....I'll say this.....IA with IC on 98% of what he said. BUT......the n-word needs to be stricken from our national vocabulary PERIOD. That's me. my opinion. but I'm SO GLAD Bill sat there and didn't say [!@#$%^&*], because I feel; last night he would have gotten cussed out. 

  5. KAMALA HARRIS: Let's talk about Sessions JOHN CORNYN: Let's talk about Hillary MARCO RUBIO: Let's talk about me JOHN MCCAIN: I got bingo!

    ok, I just walked in the house......did McCain honestly says HRC's servers hacked themselves to help Trump win?

  6. 1 hour ago, GMac said:


    You must not be paying attention.

    GMAC...do yourself a favor.....don't feed the trolls. it's hazardous to your sanity. 

    23 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Seriously? If I had voted for this man, I'd be damned embarrassed. SMH.


    are. you. SERIOUS?!

    WH reporting that Trump didn't know the sun was in the sky.

  7. 1 hour ago, GMac said:


    No offense taken :-)  



    I had forgotten about Bakker.  Thanks for reminding me (I think LOL) - it gives me another reason to despise the Persimmon Overlord (:lol: @ Mango Mussolini)


    Bakker is completely nuts now. his son even says he only talks to him once or twice a year. 

  8. 4 hours ago, GMac said:





    Right down the street from me.  Of course, he won't say shyt because it doesn't fit the Republican/NRA narrative.  Remember for YEARS they talked about how it was a mental health problem and the minute The Donald got into the WH, they dropped any restrictions based on it.  He won't say a damn thing.


    I read somewhere that Melania is having an affair and really, who could blame her?  The thought of that thing on top of me...ugh.  


    They sleep in separate bedrooms from my understanding. she may be the reason why he doesn't see Baron. she hates his guts and hoped he would lose....now she's shackled to him until he either resigns, gets impeached or.....that other thing. where did you read about the affair?

  9. 4 hours ago, marceline said:


    He's reporting for The Young Turks. They're only mission on earth seems to be attacking Democrats for not being ideological pure enough for them while they simultaneously take money from the Republicans. If it give them the chance to attack a woman, POC or someone over the age of 40 even better so you can see where Maxine would be worth triple points.

    I can't stand TYT anymore. and I saw the video...she told him off right and pushed his hand out of the way. gutless punk. Jenk and Co. thinks "either kiss Bernie's backside or you're a traitor to liberalism." listening to them would have made the Dems lose worse. can't stand ultra liberals like them and Maher. 

  10. 23 minutes ago, marceline said:

    The day will come but it's going to take much longer than people expect. I believe the "deep state" is going to leave no stone unturned and I'm fine with that. But I do agree that Comey's testimony is going to be geared at making the case for obstruction.


    In other news, this alt-left dudebro got in Maxine Waters face then tried to claim she "shoved" him. Twitter promptly handed him his ass.



    now...how is he alt-left again?

  11. 8 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    @Roman A separate thread has been started in the Off Topic Lounge.


    I don't normally watch CNN but there is an interesting CNN Interactive feature about Trump and his somewhat tenuous, fuzzy relationship to religion.


    One of the most interesting sections talks about how two days before inauguration, Trump meets with two Presbyterian pastors and he starts bragging about how much of the evangelical vote he captured. One of the pastors mentioned that they are not evangelicals. Trump asks them what Presbyterians are and they respond that they are mainline Protestants.  

    Now this next part had me saying "Wow".

    Trump proceeds to ask both pastors if Presbyterians are Christians! Keep in mind, Trump was supposedly a member of a Presbyterian church growing up in Queens! One of the pastors there is currently from the Trump's former church in Queens- the same one he attended as a child (it is a LOT more diverse now).


    Also, there is a video where some former fellow Sunday school attendees talk about their impressions of Trump then and now, including a man who was part of the first Black family at the Queens church.


    It's worth a read.


    God and the Don

    separate thread for what?

  12. 3 hours ago, MissLlanviewPA said:

    I'll admit that I've been a fan of Bill Maher since I was in college--I started watching him regularly in 2009, when I was 20--and while this season has made me even more frustrated than ever before, I really can't believe he went that far. Interestingly enough, he and Kathy Griffin (who I also love, for the record, and who I feel deserves WAY less vitriol than she's gotten, especially compared to what Bill did--not that I agree with she did, mind you) have been friends for years, and I almost want to believe he did this intentionally to get the heat off of her (almost). Either way, he was VERY stupid and tone deaf to say it at all. The fact that BOTH of them have now apologized--something both have publicly boasted about NOT doing in the past, in terms of their comedy--is pretty damn telling.


    Also, hi, guys. Sorry I haven't been around in awhile. Even though I love and am involved with politics, sometimes even I get overwhelmed. And I was afraid at times that my at times very Pollyanna-like outlook about the future might get in the way in legitimate worry (I have to stay somewhat positive, though--the alternative would eat me alive). I do love you guys, though, and will try to keep up more with this thread again. 

    IMPO, you are ALWAYS welcomed here. as long as dialogue is respectful, please......state your opinions. 

    any news on the terror attacks in London tonight?

    Maher makes me sick. he's SO arrogant and until today has never admitted he was wrong about anything. it took Wayne B. threatening to kick his ass live on HuffPost Live 4 years ago to get him to shut up about him. Maher's bigotry against Muslims was why I stopped watching his show early last year. 

  13. 8 hours ago, Khan said:

    I guess Bill Maher grew jealous of all the attention that Kathy Griffin was receiving.

    I just saw this this morning. he's so arrogant. 

    21 hours ago, OLTL #1 fan said:

    Kathy Griffin went off the deep end in her press conference

    she did herself NO favors yesterday. she should have apologized and moved on.....but now she's the victim? she would be where she is if SHE hadn't done that stupid crap. 


  14. 11 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Yep he pulled out

    words have never been created or spoken to describe this wretched POS here. like to thank those who were tripping off of emails and servers and put this [!@#$%^&*] moron in office. screwed the entire nation. 

  15. 1 hour ago, marceline said:


    The business community wants to stay in the accords. The only people who want to leave are the members of his drooling base. Frankly his pulling out would be a gift to the Resistance because it would screw up the stock market and start turning some of his corporate sycophants against him.

    Then I have him doing stupid at 5 lengths.....race time starts in 10 minutes. 

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