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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 7 hours ago, Golden Duck said:

    My BF seems to think Trump will get impeached.


    I don't have that much faith in the system.


    If he does though. Then we are looking at President Pence. Which, will be just as bad.

    IA...not only as bad but worse. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    What kind of CEO allows his own employee's to investigate him? :lol:  Can this administration get any more insane?

    oh, let's wait and see......because I think this is just the tip of the iceberg. this behavior from this POTUS is about to get beyond crazy. he's trying to fire his way out of being impeached. just..,.,....beyond silly. 

  3. 26 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I'd be surprised if McConnell would let that happen.

    May not....MAY not.....be up to him. I'm not sure. this all is crazy. I was 4 when Nixon resigned.....is this actually about to happen twice in my lifetime? what does Trump think he's going to do...fie his way out of being investigated? 

  4. Never thought I would say this.....Condi Rice just read Joe Scarborough for filth a few minutes ago....and it was a thing of beauty (her answer to his state,ment that problems in Afghanistan may be cultural). 

  5. 20 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Now compare that to Mo Brooks saying good people don't have pre-existing conditions.

    You serious? he said that?

    Just now, ReddFoxx said:

    That stupid ***** is from North Alabama which is hardly the epitome of good health or affordability. Republicans in Congress are always willing to vote against the their constituents best interests.

    until their seats come up. then they "serve at the pleasure of their constituents". 

  6. 8 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    It's pretty ridiculous - he isn't even trying to focus on ratings, he just wants to help his pal Brian Williams be a star again. Just as he twisted NBC News into knots to push penis head Lauer. What is going on up high at NBC that this is encouraged? 

    seems as though Lack wants to be FN. that is the only thing I can think of...for him to hate the fact that 3 progressive hosts during the week have the highest ratings, and his morning program gets beat by a weekend morning program tells me he wants his network to be just like Fox....who now seems to be finally getting rid of the horrible people on that network after 20+ years. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, marceline said:


    I never thought of that one as a troll. The original remark...yeah.


    It's just so funny because the 2008 primary is the only time my mom and I have ever been on the opposite side of a issue. We've had issues where our level of engagement is different - LGBT rights for example - but we've never been opponents. Of course when I remind mom of that she's very quick to point out that she had nothing against Barack but she simply didn't know him while she'd been a supporter of Hillary's for decades. Hillary was family and Obama was that cousin that we'd never seen at a previous reunion. But don't dare make it sound like she likes one more than the other. She loves them both like they were made of cake.

    I'm sick of purity ponies screaming "sellout" whenever they encounter real world politics. I have my dealbreakers, one of which is reproductive rights, (I could and will never vote for an anti-choice Dem.) but I am one of those dreaded establishment pragmatists so I'm going to do what needs doing. Also, as a black woman, purity politcs are a luxury I can't afford, like trusting the police. It's the reason I'm sending money to Rob Quist in Montana. He was a Sanders supporter and is anti-gun control and other most circumstances I wouldn't send him a dime but every seat in Congress matters. Every single [!@#$%^&*] one.

    I've gotten to the point that I just ignore the purity people. they want the perfect Democrat.....then build her/him in a lab. they don't exist....I had to realize that you have to take things as they are with candidates one votes for. I was a HRC fan but Obama stayed more consistent to me. I remember the last DNC last year....every speaker was a firebrand. every single one was lighting the place up...except her. But, I KNEW she was so much better than the idiot we have in office now. Dems need work in many areas....but people not voting because the candidate isn't exactly they way they want will keep Republicans winning, because they truly don't care IMO how that person is. 


  8. 2 hours ago, marceline said:


    I'll tell that to my mother, a woman raised in Jim Crow Mississippi who took a colored bus to school. I'll make sure to let her know that her support of Hillary over Obama could only be the result of her being a MSM sellout.


    Seriously. This purity bull is ridiculous.

    dear...don't feed the trolls. they say ignorant, stupi crap like this to get nothing but a rise out of people. let them be ignorant on their own...YOU know the truth.

    2 hours ago, marceline said:

    Jason Chaffetz has suddenly decided he needs foot surgery. He'll be taking a month off.

    He probably tripped trying to run from his wife after the cheating scandal. foot surgery.....he knows he'll have to investigate so he doesn't want to.

  9. Seems like Flynn is getting his backside ripped out on national television....which will all lead back to The Trump Admin. 

    1 hour ago, marceline said:


    It's kind of funny how he's gone from "I can defeat ISIS in 30 days" to having a slap fight with Canada over milk.

    He's such a freakin' moron......

  10. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/330219-trump-i-gave-face-the-nation-its-highest-ratings-since-the-world

    35 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Trump is unintelligible was trending on Twitter this morning. I don't know whether it still is though.


    Is sexual harrassment a damn epidemic at Fox NewsChannel?!


    She has walked back a bit of it now...saying he asked to meet her at his hotel not hotel room, but....she still stands by her initial story.

  11. 28 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    All it does is allow the rehashing of the same stuff from the election. If people want to move on, that means from Bernie also. If he were participating in good faith we wouldn't get this kind of crap from him.

    Agreed. I voted for him during the primaries last year....but he wouldn't get my vote now. They have young dems who are ready to get in the scrum....time for the old guard to move out and let the young turks take over. 

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