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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 1 hour ago, MissLlanviewPA said:


    I'm just curious what he's going to do until he decides (if he decides) to run for office again (and what he WILL run for). 


    Then again, he did start an organization called Let America Vote, which seeks to end voter suppression, so he does have that.


    Maryland could use a few rising stars nowadays--we used to have Martin O'Malley, and I still love him, but that hasn't turned out so well as of now. And Chris Van Hollen--and he's great, I've met him a few times before--but he's going to be in the Senate for a long, long time more likely than not (that's certainly not a complaint!).


    Like I've said before, beating Larry Hogan will be harder than it should be here, but we CAN make it competitive. 



    We tried our level best to get the vote out for Kander. I honestly thought he would win...but many of us in Mo. didn't vote at all. McCaskill is not very popular right now in some sections of the state. if she is primaried depending on the candidate she may not win her seat again. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    You may read this one for yourself, then wonder why anyone wastes time talking to these people whose souls reside in some special place.



    Not surprising is that good ole Devin Nunes who sees no reason to investigate Trump's Russian ties would think it wise to investigate Trump's claims against Obama


    I'm glad I don't live in the district he represents or that horrible Issa and I am far enough from O.C. as well.


    Twitter's like Donald Trump's own grave digging shovel.  I am for the moment not going to be pessimistic about his wiretapping rant coming back to bite him in the worst possible way because he needs to be stopped from the harm he's inflicting by stoking more of this hatred and the general global damage he is doing to the U.S.  He is making it so much easier for China and Russia to be what the U.S. is to the rest of the world.


    Now here's a bunch of rollbacks, etc. that are going to potentially cause problems for everyone:



    Dear God. Thanks now Wales. 

  3. On 3/2/2017 at 4:49 PM, ReddFoxx said:

    Blake was toned down after the first season, because he was a nightmare. Granted, he was still not that accepting of Steven, but nevertheless he was toned down. There is no way that Blake in the reboot will be portrayed anything like he was in season one. As for the casting, that's not a great choice.

    Also...John Forsyte wanted Blake to be toned down. he didn't like Blake being how he was....almost out and out evil, their version of JR. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Wales2004 said:

    Mike Hucakbee's daughter is the down home version of Kellyanne Conway.  That whole Trump team needs a collective enema and especially after their Sunday appearances. 


    MTP had someone from the WSJ on their panel who was happy to point out that James Clapper said their investigation did not uncover any collusion between Trump's team and the Russians on the election hacking.  Then she turned around and said the wiretapping needed to be investigated.  Sure, investigate it after he hands over the evidence he has to support his accusation.  Since there have been investigations into Russian business dealings, maybe they have recorded conversations regarding Trump's discussions with them and that would be incidental. 


    I'm just waiting for Trump Fatigue Syndrome to become a thing.

    how bad were their appearances this morning on the talk show circuit? 

  5. 1 minute ago, Juliajms said:

    Yes, I do think it's deflection. The sad thing is some people will believe it.

    some believe everything that comes ut of his mouth. the TVMSM needs to make this garbage the second or third story and keep hammering on Trump/Russia Ties....while also actually telling news stories that have nothing to do with this fool. 

    1 minute ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    It diverts attention from his disastrous Cabinet picks like Sessions but he also gets to look like a lunatic with no discipline in the process.  Any trace of the 'presidential' bearing that the press claimed he had has been blasted away.

    His minions and fans also get to look increasingly delusional in the process.

    Someone who is on a panel on CNN said that the MSM who called him presidential after the STOU address should be taken to task for trying to normalize this man after what he tweeted this morning. from what I have now read, most of his staff didn't even know he tweeted any of this until after they woke up this morning. 

  6. The troll IMPO only posts items to see if that person can get arguments started and hijack the thread. it is hard at times.....but in the long run, it's so much better to have reasonable discussions instead of shouting matches started by those who love to feel important.....you know....like Trump. 

  7. On 2/27/2017 at 1:43 AM, Chris B said:

    Fallon was only interesting in the first and last seasons so I tend to give Emma Samms a bit more credit than most. I wish the writing had stayed as in was in season one for her, but when Joan Collins joined they completely defanged her and turned her into a weepy heroine. At least Emma Samms was over the top and at times hilarious as Fallon, especially on The Colbys where I enjoyed her. Pamela Sue Martin completely gave up once the writing was gone, hence why she quit the show. One interesting thing is that she almost returned the final season but when David Paulsen met Emma Samms he thought she had so much more personality and spunk than what he saw on screen so he decided to give her another chance. I wonder how it would've been had Pamela Sue Martin returned.

    Thanks for this. I thought I remembered that PSM left because Fallon was turned into a heroine and she hated that she lost her fire. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, MissLlanviewPA said:


    I love Dexter Fowler. As a Cubs fan I wish he hadn't gone to the Cardinals (they're our main rivals :lol:), but good for him for standing up to the idiots out there. 


    All of this. Congrats to Tom, and I'm looking to seeing him and Keith work together. 

    Born and raised here....and the comments SUPPOSED Cards fans said to this man was utterly vile and disgusting. people are now calling for the FB page all these comments were posted on to be shut down. hateful, racist, bigoted.....and this crap about STL having the best baseball fans in the nation.....bullshit! which is why, for the 6th season in a row....I'm pulling for the Cubs to repeat. 

    and tough-as-nails Orange Man has now apparently said he will not attend the WHPC Dinner. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Wales2004 said:

    And guess who will tweet feigned concern over violence in Chicago and whatever in Sweden, but remain silent on these kinds of crimes...

    Republicans IMO want Pence in. I wouldn't doubt Pence is slowly placing his own people in certain positions so when te hammer falls on Trump he's off on day one...and that's when the real fight begns, because he is DANGEROUS. 

  10. 42 minutes ago, marceline said:


    He did? That's a shame. He was my choice


    Stephen Miller creeps me the hell out. Everything about him screams "serial killer."


    42 minutes ago, marceline said:


    He did? That's a shame. He was my choice


    Stephen Miller creeps me the hell out. Everything about him screams "serial killer."


    42 minutes ago, marceline said:


    He did? That's a shame. He was my choice


    Stephen Miller creeps me the hell out. Everything about him screams "serial killer."

    marceline, I must say...you just made me LOL calling him a serial killer. looks like something on the ID Channel. LOL

    42 minutes ago, marceline said:


    He did? That's a shame. He was my choice


    Stephen Miller creeps me the hell out. Everything about him screams "serial killer."

    marceline, I must say...you just made me LOL calling him a serial killer. looks like something on the ID Channel. LOL

    42 minutes ago, marceline said:


    He did? That's a shame. He was my choice


    Stephen Miller creeps me the hell out. Everything about him screams "serial killer."

    marceline, I must say...you just made me LOL calling him a serial killer. looks like something on the ID Channel. LOL

    42 minutes ago, marceline said:


    He did? That's a shame. He was my choice


    Stephen Miller creeps me the hell out. Everything about him screams "serial killer."

    marceline, I must say...you just made me LOL calling him a serial killer. looks like something on the ID Channel. LOL

  11. 2 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    Uhm no....simply no.  I can't imagine Bob Marley wasting any time with someone like Reince Priebus.


    Maybe one of those movie characters like Jeff Spicoli (Fast Times...) or the one Matthew McConaughey played in Dazed and Confused


    I saw a clip of Stephen Miller from his high school days and he was quite hateful.  These immigration raids are probably giving him all sorts of thrills.

    He's going to get his tail in a mess of trouble one day here (always looking like he's trying to stifle a fart). 

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