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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 1 hour ago, Wales2004 said:

    He said they were without merit.  So you know.....they must be without merit because he said so.  And only he knows the truth.


    On the other hand, he told the congressional leaders with whom he met this evening that he lost the popular vote because of voter fraud. You know like 3-5 million fraudulent votes. No evidence or anything but since he said it then it must be true.


    If ThinSkin wants to cut down on some wasted taxpayer dollars he would ban Jason Chaffetz and Issa from holding useless hearings.  But then what would they do to pretend they're all about their constituents?

    if all the money flows back to him he doesn't care what anyone does...so long as they kiss his ring while he puts Clemenza on the case and tells him "I want reliable people, people who won't get carried away." 

  2. 1 minute ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    So Trump is being sued by a group of ethics lawyers over constitutional violations and guess who will foot the bill for Trump's legal counsel?  The American taxpayer, is who.


    I saw that. there might be so many lawsuits that have been filed or are coming down the pike that...who knows? but you're right....as always, we'll foot the bill. 

  3. 43 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    There are a lot of people out there who might disagree if they were still breathing.

    and there are alot of people who may not be breathing a year from now.

    43 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    There are a lot of people out there who might disagree if they were still breathing.

    and there are alot of people who may not be breathing a year from now.

    43 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    There are a lot of people out there who might disagree if they were still breathing.

    and there are alot of people who may not be breathing a year from now.

    43 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    There are a lot of people out there who might disagree if they were still breathing.

    and there are alot of people who may not be breathing a year from now.

  4. 45 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    Maybe it's me, but I get the feeling that Trump wanted to win the election more than he actually wanted to be President.

    He did. like W. he now has this look like "Oh I have to do some work now?" he just wanted it in his portfolio, and I also believe this is nothing but one gigantic business deal for him.  I am now also almost convinced that  Melania can't stand him, and is only with him because of her son and his money. She is looking the way she does because IMPO she hoped he get his ass KICKED and she would finally get TF away from him, sue him for divorce and get her son away from him.  I just saw a video where she smiled at him when he said something to her...and the second he turned back around she had a look on her face like she had threw up a bit. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, Khan said:


    That wouldn't surprise me.  We've been saying all along how Trump supporters had voted against their own interests.  Losing jobs through this and other means might not convince ALL of them -- and frankly, IDC anymore whether they will be convinced -- but it would serve them right to get exactly the kind of government they wanted (even if, I'm sorry to say, we have to suffer right along with them).




    To the people who didn't want this to happen and don't deserve it, I'm sorry.  To the rest?  Well, hopefully, you'll learn that misery doesn't always love company.


    Is Hillary Clinton done with politics?  To the extent of running for office again, I would say so.  If she were to run again, the other side as well as the media would rehash all the scandals.  Of course, who KNOWS where this country will be once Trump gets through.  More voters might ignore the static to keep from making the same mistake twice. But I don't know whether she should take that chance.

    I think by the slight chance she ran again, she would do worse than she did this time. JMPO. you know FN, MSNBC and CNN and like you said they would rehash the same old [!@#$%^&*]. but I will say this....after Trump, no republican will win the WH in many years after this idiot is done. 

    28 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I think they're just going to rebrand it and take credit for it....you know, like republicans always do. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Just read an article showing the list of lies that Spicer and Kellyanne (Ms. "Alternative Facts") Conjob have been spouting over the last several days.

    This administration is definitely now known as the Compulsive Liars Club. They make demonstrably false statements that are easily proven false, possibly as a diversion tactic in order to obfuscate, confuse and muddle while they proceed to wreck the ACA, Medicaid (with their disastrous idea of 'block grants') and civil rights policies.

    and it's only THE 4TH DAY. 

  7. right now Trump is being read for FILTH by both Morning joe (the hacks who helped put that moron in office) and New Day. BTW...the cheering at the CIA PC were pad for Trump supporters who were brought to the event by Trump himself. 

    1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    She's done with party politics IMPO. she seems more happy now than I've ever seen her. she wants to do the projects she feels will have the most impact, but I feel she's retired from politics. why get involved in it? we have 4 yrs now to LAUGH OUR COLLECTIVE [!@#$%^&*] ASSES OFF at Trump. she should just sit back...and ENJOY THE CIRCUS. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Wales2004 said:

    So what if Michael Moore lives in a mansion? I'm no fan of his but he's not out oppressing poor people and plotting to pay them all sub-standard wages.  Is he pretending that he lives in a rundown neighborhood or something?


    I don't know how many times I've heard people trying to stifle the liberal media by "threatening" that they would somehow lead to his getting a second term.


    The liberal media does not have that much negative influence on anyone and basically that statement is an admission that there are a bunch of idiots voting.  Yes childish idiots.  Anyone who would vote to "stick it to the liberal media" and their welfare and their fellow citizens at risk is a childish idiot.


    He does not have a mandate.  Not only did he lose the popular vote but tack on the other 7 million who voted for third party candidates. 


    There are so very many things that could happen before ThinSkin even gets close to seeking a second term.

    Don't feed the trolls brother. He and the other one just post things to derail the thread. 

  9. Melania and Barron don't want to be a part of this at all. Barron is 10....because of his father, he's been thrown into a life and situation he doesn't want to be in at all. Melania loves her son more than anything, and has seemed to be uncomfortable from day 1 IMPO.

  10. 3 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    It's like someone read the first tweet and went to him, saying "Mr. president....stop being a reactionary [!@#$%^&*] idiot and tweet THIS sir." he wakes up at 5am and starts his garbage, but the TVMSM then waste most of their day talking about what he tweeted.....like they wasted yesterday arguing about him being mad about the size of the crowd at his coronation. 

  11. 25 minutes ago, Sindacco said:

    When you don't have any real arguments, use the "nazi" or "russian agent" cards. Everyone has the right to their opinion. You don't have the right to punch someone, vandalise stores or burn cars.


    Btw, weren't you the one who said that Trump wouldn't be the republican nominee, that he wouldn't debate Hillary, and that he wouldn't win the election? You were wrong every single time. You have no credibility no matter how much you try to bully others who post in this thread.

    so it was just as wrong when Trump supporters at his rallies were hauling off and sucker punching people who had the right to be there right?

  12. Just now, DRW50 said:


    That's letting Trump dictate the coverage. 


    The media wants cheap laughs to remind everyone how smart, important, and cool they are. Policy, executive orders, etc. is boring in comparison. 

    The TVMSM also doesn't want to continue to be blamed for putting that moron in office. 

  13. 11 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Of COURSE Obama's first inauguration would attract record-breaking crowds.  That's why I'm kind of on the side of those who want to move on from "Crowdgate."


    Also, MSM, drop Cakegate.  Carl's right, there are more serious stories you need to cover.

    Clogging up the drain pipes so the rest of the country doesn't talk about how much....on day one....of a fcking idiot we have in office and the FACT he has NO CLUE of what he's doing.

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