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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 5 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Again, though, at what cost?  The racially-tinged and gender-tinged fervor that has come out of this election is not going to go away as easily as the man's promises.  

    I did not say it would at all Khan. what I'm saying by saying The Big Con is that those who honestly think he cares about them in the SLIGHTEST are about to suffer right along with the rest of us who tried telling these people that he is nothing but a con artist. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    I've been thinking about the fact that DT got 53% of the white female vote.  At first I found that pretty shocking, but then I really thought about it.  Although I grew up in the white working class over the years (because of education) I've become part of the liberal elite. I let myself forget how many women aren't even feminists. If you don't believe you are equal you certainly aren't go to stand up for other people's equality. I really wonder where this whole debacle leaves the democratic party going forward.

    Exactly where it should be......destitute. BUT.....we need people like Sen. Warren. she hopefully will become the new standard bearer for the party and can bring in people such as her. also, we will do our part to fight this......fool who, because of ignorance, blind hatred, and just plain stupidity was elected to high office....with not clue 1 of what the hell to do.

  3. 3 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:



    I keep trying to tell people this but they aren't listening. Michelle was very adamant that she did not have the patience for what goes on in politics. Any who saw her roll her eyes at John Boehner at that dinner years ago, should understand this.  

    Liberals need to stop fantasizing and get realistic. The Republicans coalesced around their candidate, though he was a detestable choice (there is a date set for his rape trial next month, we'll see if that gets cancelled) while people allowed the media to obsess about HRC's e-mails.  

    If Hillary is messy, Trump is a rolling garbage fire. In the end, it came to this commonly used saying. "Democrats (need to) fall in love, Republicans fall in line. I really hope Democrats find that next candidate that liberals can fall in love with because clearly this is what it's gonna take to get that support.

    DD, you hit the nail on the head. Democrats want the perfect candidate or they will either stay home or vote for someone else. 260,000 votes went to Johnson in Flo. He's the Ralph Nader of this election...he and Stein. Dems need to start looking NOW for a solid group of candidates who can destroy trump in 4 years...if he makes it that long. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Toups said:

    Maybe it's  too early for this, but I need hope.  Does the Democratic Party have any good "prospects" for 2020? It would be poetic justice if it was a Hispanic who defeated Trump in 2020.  What about Michelle Obama? Would she ever consider running? Trump winning shows you don't need experience. 

    Both Michelle and Pres. Obama have flatly said that she will  not run for any office. and after watching what was done to her and her husband the past 8 years....I honestly don't blame her. What Dems need to do starting today is find good solid candidates for '18. then find a group of presidential candidates for '20....and get all of the old establishment OUT ASAP. they all need to go. 

  5. I live in Illinois and just went to https://www.elections.il.gov/


    Jane, do you know if this is what I should be looking for? "Permanent Early Voting with Grace Period Registration?" It says October 24th through October 28th. 


    Early voting actually started on Sept 29th but there were a limited number of sites open. Tomorrow starts widespread early voting. Normally 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 on weekdays and I believe 9 to 1 on Saturdays. Early voting is supposed to go until Nov 7th.


    Just to note as I was browsing it seems some locations have different hours and dates. But I think it you use this search engine you will find multiple sites close to you and then you can decide which works best for your timetable. Some are open for a week where others are open until Nov 7th with longer hours also


    Here is the site where you can locate an early voting location close to you.



    Hope this helps

    Early voting starts tomorrow in Illinois and I plan on voting tomorrow. Despite the multitude of problems Illinois has, voting is not one. I am proud to say we have one of the most progressive voting registration and voting process in the country. Starting during primary season, we actually have same day registration, meaning you can register and vote on the same day including election day. My neighbor is an election judge and was in charge of registrations at her polling site in the primary and said that they had about 200 people who registered on election day. And it was bumpy as expected considering it is Illinois and it was the initial rollout. Hopefully it goes much smoother once general election voting starts, but there has also been a huge voter registration effort in Cook County and the Rockford and Springfield areas. Also oddly Bloomington-Normal in the center of the state(which is normally GOP) except this pocket is a college town and with State Farm's corporate HQ there, a lot of young urban professionals.


    When I see the lines in places like North Carolina it makes me almost cry but I can't be prouder of people willing to give up so much of their time to ensure that their vote matters.

    Congrats to The Cubs!!!!

    Thanks. I'm not a big Cubs fan but as a resident of Chicago you can't help but get caught up in the excitement. And it's a grateful distraction from the election crap.

    I was so happy last night. felt like the Cards had went to the WS again. and SUCH a wonderful distraction from this mess. these 2 and a half weeks cannot come fast enough. 




    North Carolina Finds 2,214 Registered Voters over the Age of 110



    and the source is Breitbart......next please. 

  6. Early voting starts tomorrow in Illinois and I plan on voting tomorrow. Despite the multitude of problems Illinois has, voting is not one. I am proud to say we have one of the most progressive voting registration and voting process in the country. Starting during primary season, we actually have same day registration, meaning you can register and vote on the same day including election day. My neighbor is an election judge and was in charge of registrations at her polling site in the primary and said that they had about 200 people who registered on election day. And it was bumpy as expected considering it is Illinois and it was the initial rollout. Hopefully it goes much smoother once general election voting starts, but there has also been a huge voter registration effort in Cook County and the Rockford and Springfield areas. Also oddly Bloomington-Normal in the center of the state(which is normally GOP) except this pocket is a college town and with State Farm's corporate HQ there, a lot of young urban professionals.


    When I see the lines in places like North Carolina it makes me almost cry but I can't be prouder of people willing to give up so much of their time to ensure that their vote matters.

    Congrats to The Cubs!!!!

  7. Is it true that during today's speech Trump claimed that he intends to get reimbursement from Mexico after U.S. taxpayers pay for his Wall?!  Who's stupid enough to believe that?! The Mexican President already said he's not paying for that stupid wall.:rolleyes:  Ask Trump's unpaid vendors about how good a promise to get paid back is worth.

    the 25 million people who will vote for him. that's who's that stupid. 

  8. My Mother told me that she was on the phone with my sister earlier this week and my sister (who had been evacuated from her apartment because of Hurricane Matthew's aftermath in NC) had to cut her phone call short because it was the first day of early voting and she was going to vote.


    Women are indeed rising up to "Grab 'Em by the Vote" as one slogan put it.


    Oddly enough, even though I haven't seen Moore's Trumpland, the review I read made it seem as if it were less about Trump and more about backing Clinton even proposing that based on her work with organizations like the Children's Defense Fund speaks more of the kind of President she may truly turn out to be, rather than the political figure that many have come to demonize over the years.


    Article on how Texas is now within striking distance but that has been the case for se4several weeks, as the GOP Governor reached out to the GOP base in fear of losing the state several weeks ago. Why not ask yourself why the media has never covered this?




    And early voting in Virginia, up by 63.2 %in Northern Virginia but down by 5% in the rest of the state.



    Would you say that N. Virginia is more left-leaning or more conservative?

    I have lady friends who have registered to vote for the first time, or are voting for the first time in years. The irony.....that women who he treats like utter trash is going to show him and the world who REALLY has the voting power in this country. 

  9. He also did not shake Wallace's hand.


    From Nate Silver

    "Huge surge last night in Google searches for how to donate to Clinton's campaign. (Much bigger than for Trump.)"

    no, he did shake it. I saw that myself. he's a POS be he did shake Wallace's hand.

  10. Holy shït: A disgusted Bill Kristol, of all (terrible) people, just got into a major scrap with those two when he said Trump should be treated as 'a fluke' in the future. Mika protested that he was the nominee and had achieved a major triumph, and Kristol basically called her and Scarborough on giving Trump a pass. It exploded into a tiff, he shouldn't have backed down. It's a weird moment when I find myself rooting for Bill Kristol.

    I saw that and how Joe treated Harold Ford. disgusting. Both need to be fired and this show needs to be canceled. apparently that meeting they both had wit Trump at Trump Tower to make peace must have worked because they're back to kissing his backside. and Mika? Know Your Value my ass. For me to EVER agree with BK is a feat...which means J&M are just horrible and childish.

  11. I find it funny that this year's airing of It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown--the 50th anniversary airing, no less--is on right before the debate tonight. Talk about a study in contrast. 

    From a poll I read this morning, HRC is now up by 2 points in Texas. 

    I've always wondered how it's remained red all these years, given it's diverse populace.  Same goes for a lot of the South (my home) - this region is more than just rednecks...


    I've been thinking that. I know Texas has millions of Latinos and white voters who don't vote republican.

    now as far as Missouri, the rural areas vote overwhelmingly republican.....but St. Louis, Kansas City & Jefferson City Vote overwhelmingly democratic. 

    AND both the MO Senate and Governor's races are VERY competitive--and right now, the Democrats have the edge.

    yes they do. 100% truth right here. 

    God he's going to get HIS ASS KICKED!!! in 3 weeks. he is just horrible. 

  12. From a poll I read this morning, HRC is now up by 2 points in Texas. 

    I've always wondered how it's remained red all these years, given it's diverse populace.  Same goes for a lot of the South (my home) - this region is more than just rednecks...


    I've been thinking that. I know Texas has millions of Latinos and white voters who don't vote republican.

    now as far as Missouri, the rural areas vote overwhelmingly republican.....but St. Louis, Kansas City & Jefferson City Vote overwhelmingly democratic. 

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