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Posts posted by Roman

  1.  No questions about emails other than a follow-up by Holt to Trump's nonsense about releasing his taxes if HRC releases her 33,000 deleted mails. She finally answered it in a few words that sounded fine and moved on. I am glad her team finally knows how to handle it.


    It's clear Trump thought he was going to be able to get away with how he ran over everyone in the GOP debates. I thought Holt did a decent job and while he didn't fact check he did probe further with Trump when he didn't answer the question or babbled on. I thought the Birther stuff really caught him and I would have thought his campaign would have worked on a better response for him than the babbling he did. The deflection to HRC didn't even work IMO because I doubt 99 percent of the people watching knows who Sydney Blumenthal is.

    he did fact check Trump on stop & frisk and Trump said Holt was wrong, which he wasn't. 

    Trump telling AP he had a defective mic and is wondering if it was on purpose. :lol:

    Lord Have Mercy. so a defective mic caused him to act like a lunatic? 

  2. I have to laugh. All the complaints about HRC's coughing, and I didn't see her take one sip of water while Trump was gushing water down by the glassful

    I was worried about her coughing because I know the media would run with it if that happened. Meanwhile, I have a cold and while I was posting on the other site found myself coughing repeatedly... Was thinking, "Glad I'm not debating." I was coughing a lot at work today too; kids were actually concerned (or maybe they just wanted me to take a sick day, so they could get a sub - ha!). :lol:

    I don't think she coughed once or took a sip of water. meanwhile, Trump should have just took the entire pitcher and just glugged the whole thing. he was all over the place. all the fidgeting and jerking back and forth and the faces.....the world watched him tonight. 

  3. Carl I don't see anyone in the media awarding him anything. Maybe Fox. But this was a disaster.


    What impressed me the most. Obviously HRC is knowledgable. But on the stage she stood equally. The visual side by side really worked to her advantage. He actually kind of looked unbalanced next to her.

    Then don't watch CNN. Jeffrey Lord and the blond woman both said he did FANTASTIC tonight. 

    Can't stand either one but Kayleigh McEnany is just downright awful. Donald could fart in her face and she'd say it smells good!

    DAmn. LMAO!!!!

    Donald looked like he was on crack or losing his mind. 


    Ive legit never been more proud of Hillary Clinton than I am tonight. That was just a masterpiece performance for the ages. There were very small hiccups (2-4 at most) but compared to Donald it was non existant. Her performance at the last Benghazi hearing was almost as good as her debate performance tonight. 


    Just donated $20 to her campaign and I'm praying this moves the needle in her direction once again. All these Gary Johnson fools have to see what a danger he is. This is just not the time or year to flirt with third party and send this country into chaos.


    Woah Chuck Todd is a hack? In what universe? Andrea Mitchell on the other hand def is just a product of DC hobknobbing and yes only has her job cuz of her husband. But let's not throw Chucky T into the usual lame stream media. 

    CT is a hack. That's my opinion. you don't like it? tough. I'm not changing it. K? K. 


    Then don't watch CNN. Jeffrey Lord and the blond woman both said he did FANTASTIC tonight. 


    Oh, they're Trump surrogates. Forget 'em. When even Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell are giving up the ghost it's done.

    Yep. CT is a hack and AM only has her job because of her husband IMO. they can spin all they want...millions saw Trump destroy himself. 

  5. They're showing the highlights here on our news stations and holy !@#$%^&*], this is a train wreck on Trump's part. Like Vee said, the sweating, snarling, and fidgeting are horrendous while Hillary looks calm and collected beside him. The split screen is killer. No way can anyone say he won this.


    How much longer till the actual election? I have to imagine (or maybe Im being naive since I dont really understand the American election cycle) that this has basically locked up her victory no?

    well, we still have two more debates. the next one is a town hall I believe. he just....that was the worst debate performance I've seen. Is saturday night live premiering this week? because if they are...they are going to be BRUTAL towards Trump. 

  6. Carl I don't see anyone in the media awarding him anything. Maybe Fox. But this was a disaster.


    What impressed me the most. Obviously HRC is knowledgable. But on the stage she stood equally. The visual side by side really worked to her advantage. He actually kind of looked unbalanced next to her.

    Then don't watch CNN. Jeffrey Lord and the blond woman both said he did FANTASTIC tonight. 

  7. Even Giuliani who ran one of the laziest Primary campaigns in modern politics, thinks Trump did poorly.


    Well he'll be gone by tomorrow. Good riddance to Rudy and his decaying teeth

    The audience cheered when he said he'd only release his tax returns if she released her deleted e-mails? 


    They did, but then they loudly applauded her (and laughed at him) multiple times. Then it became a competition between the Trump holdouts near the end while the rest of the audience was heavily with Hillary.

    Watch it yourself. It was a slaughter.


    CNN: 18 of 20 undecideds say they will now vote for Hillary.

    And the guy at the end that spoke that Trump won the debate came off like an idiot....

    Reporter: Why do you think that Trump won the debate?

    Guy/Man: Nothing/pause....I just want change....



    He already had his mind made up before the debate. That's not undecided.

    decaying teeth.....and I was drinking something. thanks Jane. LOL

  8. The audience cheered when he said he'd only release his tax returns if she released her deleted e-mails? 


    So much for the audience keeping quiet.



    I don't think people realize that this debate took place in the suburbs of New York. Hempstead, in Long Island has pockets of very conservative people. These are people who often picket and protest if someone proposes the idea of apartments or anything resembling affordable housing.  Many parts are quite anti-Latino, claiming that too many Latinos change the 'character' of their neighborhoods, insisting that some Latino homeowners rent out illegal basement apartment dwellings to Latinos, while also happily using migrant (mostly Latino) labor for their landscaping needs and roofing, housepainting work.


    I watched the debate on PBS. I think that was the only way I could've watched with my sanity intact.

    had no idea about this. thanks for this info. 

  9. I've asked before but I think I've blocked out there answer so Im going to ask again- what exactly is the birther thing all about? Why does it matter where Barack Obama was born? Is the whole thing based around the Republican side being racist?


    If it makes anyone feel better, Trump has been getting slammed here in Australia by our media for weeks now and I'm sure it'll ramp up after this debate.


    It's about a conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Kenya and that any claims otherwise are a lifetime forgery. This tends to go along with talk about his father and his father's side being dangerous or out of control and implying he is as well. 

    Got it. I figured it was all based around him being "African and foreign" and thus all based around race.


    However, if you have to be born in America to be president, why were John McCain and Ted Cruz allowed to run since it looks like neither of them were born in America?

    McCain was born on the panama canal which I believe was considered american soil so he was born as an american. it was a HUGE thing when he was running 9 years ago, but it was quickly shot down. 

  10. The only group of black people who aren't in this for Hillary are black millennials who bought into Bernie's hearts and flowers routine and even they are starting to come to their senses now that cops are shooting us for sport on a weekly basis. Even Shaun King's crazy ass is voting for Hillary and he once claimed that she wanted to have him killed. Most minorities know that we simply don't have the luxury of a protest vote.


    Flowers now won't be at the debate. It's amazing how Trump's supporters like to claim that Trump doesn't back down and yet that's all he's done during this campaign.

    well, me personally....I don't think anyone has a clue about how anyone will vote. I feel that HRC will win convincingly. I had to stop looking at polls because the TVMSM has gotten so lazy that instead of doing actual reporting and journalism they sit in NYC or DC and guess as to how a certain ethnic group will vote. as a black american I'm voting for HRC...and have yet to get any phone calls to take a political poll. Also, how do any of us know if the information gathered and giving to the public via polls actually is legit? the 24hr. networks have shown that the only narrative they care about it keeping it close so ratings will be high...which I do predict will tank after the election. 

    The only group of black people who aren't in this for Hillary are black millennials who bought into Bernie's hearts and flowers routine and even they are starting to come to their senses now that cops are shooting us for sport on a weekly basis. Even Shaun King's crazy ass is voting for Hillary and he once claimed that she wanted to have him killed. Most minorities know that we simply don't have the luxury of a protest vote.


    Flowers now won't be at the debate. It's amazing how Trump's supporters like to claim that Trump doesn't back down and yet that's all he's done during this campaign.

    she may have gotten tired of getting cussed out on Twitter. some of the tweets directed at her were just downright BRUTAL.

    Yeah this is going to backfire bigtime. Hillary's popularity and sympathy numbers soared when Bill's liason's became public. Plus it's not going to fluster her one bit. She sat through 11 hours of being grilled by the GOP and looked refreshed while Gowdy looked like he was run over by a train.


    It's funny. The Cuban invite must have really gotten to Trump. She should have invited the Kahn's and Pastor Timmons also.

    IMO it won't even matter who's there....the lights will be dimmed so no one will be able to see who's in the audience. BUT....if the TVMSM starts showing shots of her every time HRC speaks...it will truly be a dark day for journalism and I PRAY they get blasted for it....like they should now for even covering this mess. Huff. Post has it as their number one story right now. 

    Yeah I don't think it matters. But the media has been the ones playing it up as usual. So hopefully it gets put to the sideline where it belongs.


    So here is what I am tired of hearing how BLACK PEOPLE are not at all enthused about this election and turnout will be down. Uhm are people crazy. This is one group I could say with confidence will vote. HRC now has 94% of AA support in the recent polling - Obama level. I keep thinking the MSM is trying to depress people into not voting.

    I heard that from some clown on MSNBC the other day and laughed HARD. how does he or any of those people know how 40 million people roughly will vote?

  11. Yeah this is going to backfire bigtime. Hillary's popularity and sympathy numbers soared when Bill's liason's became public. Plus it's not going to fluster her one bit. She sat through 11 hours of being grilled by the GOP and looked refreshed while Gowdy looked like he was run over by a train.


    It's funny. The Cuban invite must have really gotten to Trump. She should have invited the Kahn's and Pastor Timmons also.

    IMO it won't even matter who's there....the lights will be dimmed so no one will be able to see who's in the audience. BUT....if the TVMSM starts showing shots of her every time HRC speaks...it will truly be a dark day for journalism and I PRAY they get blasted for it....like they should now for even covering this mess. Huff. Post has it as their number one story right now. 

  12. Trump has invited Gennifer Flowers to debate #1 and she has accepted. 


    Can anyone tell me how Gennifer Flowers has anything to do with Hillary allegedly silencing those Bill allegedly sexually assaulted? (And what's the story behind that?)


    I just thought Gennifer was someone Bill had a consensual relationship with while he was married to Hillary, way before he became President. I think he denied it, but then Gennifer had audio tapes. Clinton's aides at one point said were edited, and so she sued them and then later added Hillary's name to the lawsuit. 


    I wonder if this will actually work to Hillary's advantage because after Monica, her approval reached its highest level ever. 

    I believe it will because it once again shows Trump's pettiness. he can't do anything with getting to the lowest point of the gutter. this once again proves it. HRC is supposed to get flustered by this, but sat for 11 hrs. being grilled by republican hacks with an axe to grind and came up pretty much unscathed. 

  13. You seriously are not comparing staying friends with someone who has political differences and opinions different than people who are blatantly racist. Gee let's all tolerate racism and bigotry and just nod our heads and enable it. I guess all those Germans who turned their heads to genocide were a-ok also. I've had friends for years who are on the opposite end of the spectrum but I put a line in place when people are openly hostile. I was at a party 2 weeks ago and 2 of my best friends are a gay male couple. A friend of mind came up to me and said why did they let those "fags" come. Something I never thought I would hear from her. I said what exactly did you say. She said nothing and I walked away from her. And this is someone I thought I better of than that. Was she ashamed I doubt it. She had no qualms saying this to me knowing these two were good friends of mine, so pardon me for being outraged. And if you think this is just about political or irrelevant differences, I don't know what to say. Enablers to this kind of hatred don't get my pity either nor do people who act so impressed that the "carnival barker" has conned a lot of gullible Americans into believing in him.

    nobody IMPO owes anyone any explanation about who they deal with and why. the same people who call out those for being 'closed-minded' do the very same things themselves. Do you. if you're being rude....feel how you feel. and IMO you're right...if one doesn't want to put up with certain behaviors they don't have to. 

  14. I literally finished reading an article about that. First time in nearly 100 years that the paper endorsed a Democrat. 


    Jane, you were the one who said it's hard to go back to being friends with people are voting for Trump, right? I was thinking about that guy at work and what he said and the job he does every single day with those kids. We're not friends, but we don't hate each other either. We just talk here and there like regular colleagues, I guess. Anyway, I ran into him today, and after we exchanged the typical, "How's it going? Happy Friday," he continued on his way, and I just glared at him with so much disgust. I will never look at him the same way, and I kind of feel like I'm being dramatic, but I don't know.


    I'm still kind of not over the one woman at work going with the whole they're both flawed approach... but at least she doesn't seem to support Trump. 


    The people in my life that are supporting are irrevocably damaged to me forever more.  In my view, it's not only a betrayal to me personally, but to our entire democracy.  I simply can't pretend like it's ok and I won't.  



    if feels like "I honestly didn't know you were that damn ignorant and stupid." How can any sane person support that creature? 

  15. I have given up caring what the MSM thinks. And honestly based on the polling on trust, I think most Americans have as well. Many news sources people get these days are from the internet. Not that that is all good because a lot of the news sites are biased but if you read a couple of credible right leaning sites and a couple of left leaning sites, that are not like Breitbart or PoliticsUSA on the left, you can get a decent balance. The Post has been better. Fahrenhold has done a fabulous job on the Trump foundation story and Eichenwald at Newsweek has done the same on the business ties, So there actually has been some decent journalism that has happened. The New York Times IMO is past redemption despite their attempts. I have not been more disillusioned with journalism as I have been with their coverage. Based on their reputation it's been a disgrace. Yes I know they have hated Clinton but that is no excuse. I have cancelled my subscription with them along with the Chicago Tribune(another story)


    I was actually shocked to see that piece on ABC about the Trump Russian financial ties. Never expected to see any real journalism on the main news channels anymore but we'll see if there is followup.

    if I can add.....it seems to me that the TVMSM is so much more worse than the internet MSM. Really, IMPO, the internet news media have been covering Trump ever since he announced....the TVMSM didn't start calling trump out until he called a reporter a sleaze at a PC about Trump U. and CNN & MSNBC (Besides Rachel and Joy mostly) are just now covering SOME of the stories the net news media have been covering for the last year and a half. 

  16. The media will pull their puds to this for ages and remind us that the GOP is now unified while the Democrats are divided, blah blah blah. Cruz has always been a gutless loudmouth who craves attention beyond anything else. 

    CNN is doing it now.....from what i just read on the same day Trump was caught perjuring himself. Cruz apparently is losing his re-election battle. his numbers are tanking. 

  17. Giuliani was expressly making statements claiming that Lower Manhattan was safe and that you can come down and shop.  That is a fact. I lived in Manhattan during that time, I heard the press conferences in news clips broadcast on NY-1 and evening news.


    The lie may not have generated from him (by the way, Christine Todd Whitman was pretty useless as head of the EPA, everyone knew she was a joke pick) but he propogated it, doing Press Conferences and Photo Ops of himself walking around without a mask. Many first responders and residents followed his example and spent hours, days in Lower Manhattan, some without using any protective covering. What many people were not noticing was that Giuliani spent a 20 minutes for a Photo-Op then got into his vehicle and was driven away while the First Responders spent 16 hour days digging through rubble in toxic air. 


    Yes, NYC had been going through a recession that started in early '01 made worse after 9/11, so I'm sure the decision to encourage people to come to Lower Manhattan and shop was a cynical one to raise $$$ for the local economy but Giuliani pushed himself to the forefront explicitly telling people in NYC that it was safe to go down to Lower Manhattan and shop. The guy wouldn't even go away when Bloomberg was elected.


    Squeegee men were a genuine nuisance but they were mainly an annoyance to commercial drivers who had to make deliveries and were stopped and harrassed for money and suburbanites driving into the City and found them intimidating. The average New Yorker who took the subway or the bus would've had little to no contact with squeegee men.


    much of this I didn't know. thank you for your information. 

  18. Just saw this and all I can say is Go Don Cheadle!




    is it true Trump's numbers have risen 20 points in the last week with Black Americans?



    NO! There was a new poll released this morning putting him at 6% (which I still think is inflated) with AA compare with 89% for HRC.






    thanks now...and IA....it's 6% too high. 

  19. is it true Trump's numbers have risen 20 points in the last week with Black Americans?

    LMAO no. It's that LA TImes poll which has been proven to be faulty many times. I don't know why it keeps getting quoted or used. A polling expert at Princeton even took an indirect swipe at Nate Silver (not directly) saying anyone using that poll has questionable numbers because its based on an antiquated flawed approach.


    Next you will tell me blacks now support Trump because of his all white townhall meeting on Fox yesterday


    Stop giving bandwidth to the left wing tea party. They are every bit as nihilistic and hateful as the right. 

    You can't talk to these people either. I was arguing with a Bernie supporter yesterday. Guess what a young white "progressive" male who kept insisting how he would be beating Trump by 30 points. I told him he was a fool that the same people who voted for Romney are voting for Trump and Bernie would not have anywhere near the support HRC does from minority voters. I asked him where Bernie's own black outreach was or Hispanic outreach and that the GOP would have gone after him accusing him of being a communist to smear him. These people are as looney at Trump voters and as white and elitist as well. I told him he can look in the mirror if Trump gets elected and civil liberties start getting curbed.


    On a side note

    This is sickening from a campaign manager in Youngstown for Trump. Apparently racism never existed before Obama


    thanks for that update dear. I KNOW we're not that damn crazy.

    I saw that about that woman saying racism didn't exist until Obama. Guess she missed her morning meds today. 

    And yes...all die-hard Trump fans are batcrap crazy. all of them. nothing rational at all about a single one of them IMPO. 


  20. This is the only place online I can even talk about politics (I don't talk about it offline either, really, other than to a few people I'm close to), but I'm so disgusted by this whole election and by the realization that Trump can say and do anything and voters and the press will just support him more - I'm not even sure if I'm going to keep following it. I've always said Hillary will eke out a win or Trump will have a solid win, and that seems more likely by the day. I'm terrified for the country and the world, but I'm at the point where I'm starting to think ignoring it all (beyond voting on election day) is the best way to go. If Hillary wins it will be in spite of so much that has been built to favor Trump, in spite of a public that rewards bigotry and apathy at every turn and in spite of a media that openly talks about how giddy they are that Trump is on the way to the White House. At the moment it's a steep climb, and I don't know if I can see her making it.

    I follow it on the net but now that's it. the 24hr. networks are now just TMZ. the polls mean nothing IMPO. 8-10,000 voters may be polled but when over 100 million vote that is NOT a representation of what voters are thinking. they have sold the entire country down the river...and they want to keep it close for ratings. that's it. the TVMSM entertainment industrial complex get their marching orders and do same. 

  21. Trump Jr jokes about gas chambers. 




    If any Democrat anywhere - even a mayor in a population of 2 - said this, the media would destroy the party for weeks.


    Trump Jr is another media darling (the press had a big circle jerk about how he and Ivanka were political superstars in the making), so they won't make a peep.

    IA...but we have no journalism anymore. just a few sites and a few people. Dems always get reamed. this "both sides do it" is sickening. 

  22.  So listening to the radio on the way to work this AM.


    Talk about Trump taxes and how Trump Jr. now says he won't release because it would deflect from daddy's campaign message. So nothing to do with audit. Unreal.


    And Michael Steele says tax returns are not an issue because American people don't care, yet polling shows 65% of American public cares.


    This is what our MSM has come to.


    I am a pessimist by nature but I am concluding Trump is going to win unless more and more people get their asses out and vote and I think we need bigger turnouts that Obama got in the minority communities to do this because some white people I work with don't like him but do want him elected just to blow up things period. They don't care that the stock market will crash, our economy will tank, our standing in the world will drop, our foreign policy will be a shambles, and we'd likely get into another war.

    I honestly believe Trump will lose big. But if ANYTHING comes out of this....HOPEFULLY....that party and the TVMSM will pay for the God-awful crap they have put this nation through. 

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