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Posts posted by Roman

  1. The context of the cartoon was that those on the fringe right thought that Obama was as bad as Hitler (while those on the fringe left thought he was as good as Jesus Christ), but in reality he was just like President Bush: not some terribly evil person, just incompetent. I can direct you to that cartoon if you have forgotten what it was about. Neither I nor the cartoon's artist thought Obama was a Nazi. Contrast Vee's animation, which showed the very process of Romney being burned alive.

    Edit: Here is that cartoon:


    So, not only is he dressed up in a Nazi uniform, but Obama is also in a Superman costume and in Jesus' garb. But Ann, the way you may it sound, it is like you have implied that I think Obama is some sort of Nazi.

    It's offensive. Period. And she was right, it's rather hypocritical to now say this was meant as a statement when others saw it as vile and disgusting. You and many others hated it when it was done to Bush, and now what she posted is vile? This is also the kind of behavior that got the RP defeated on Tues.

  2. Earlier in the politics thread, I lost my temper and used incendiary and possibly threatening language against Vee after he posted a .gif of Mitt Romney essentially burning himself alive (just like the terminator does in the closing scenes of Terminator 2). While I was appalled at what I saw in the .gif--and believe that public reaction here would be very different if the same .gif was made of Obama--it certainly did not give me license to behave the way I did. I wish there was a way to convince Vee that I did not mean the words I wrote, and that I am not a threat, but there is nothing I can do except to say I am sorry (which is meaningless).

    I know that a lot of people are jubilant over Obama's re-election victory, and I am sorry for acting like a sore loser. But the flip side to sore losing is obnoxious gloating, which must also be avoided. Things like that .gif just reek of obnoxious gloating, rub salt into the wounds, and are completely unnecessary (to say the very least). For me, the Romney loss was devastating, because I feel that it will take much longer for a meaningful economic recovery to start (and for me to get a decent paying job). I have been extraordinarily depressed these past six months or so, to the point that there are times I think I would be better off dead. Please note that I have never attempted suicide nor will ever do so (thus don't panic over the statement that I think I would be better off dead), it is just that things seem totally hopeless in the Obama economy, and I am not convinced if things will ever turn around.

    With all due, you have said some VERY horrible things not only the President, but Democrats and other voters as well. I have said things about Tea Partiers and Republicans, but also said positive things about moderate Republicans, which still seems to be like the plague among the Ultra right-wing. These comments and reactions are exactly why the Republican Party was once again rejected. We have passed 2010. Many voters stayed home and other voted in Tea Partiers because they wanted checks and balances (And for other reasons already discussed in this forum). We as a nation saw where that got us for the last two years. Nothing. And either Republcans or Democrats or the POTUS getting all the blame, when blame should have rested with Americans who vote those people in based off of what they saw on tv or heard on radio.

    But now, for an imcompotent POTUS, over 3 million more Americans really seemed to dig where the country was going under his leadership. And "Barry", as you have called him on many occasions, even after many on the forum expressed how rude that was, stayed in line at the polls despite the Republicans nationwide voter suppression (which never existed) and Governors and SOSs guaranteeing states that would have went to Romney. All of the voting blocks who voted for the POTUS have once again sent a world-wide heard voice that they are sick and tired of the hatred and bigotry and sexism and homophobia (not to mention getting high in your house being illegal). That all was rejected wholeheartedly. Now, I know you and many others say it will be different in two years. And it will...

    Because if the reaction by conservatives continues like it has since Tues night, LIKE I SAID BEFORE, the Party will be wiped out.

    Some of things you have posted have appalled many. And I would like for you to know that it came down to simple common decency. I also hope that if there is a reply, it will contain some growth from all of us. If not Max, and you still continue your negativity, I will move on, just like the vast majority of Americans. It's no longer about bashing the other side (Which I did in spades, no matter if I thought it was right at the time) but the people have said....

    "We are sick of this shite. Time to move on!"


  3. If the RP wants to triple down on their BS, go right ahead. In two years dogs won't even vote for that party.

    Chris Matthews has been saying crap like that for years. He's been called out in private but not like he was on Twitter. He got blasted and I'm sure Phil Griffin told him this morning that he better say how sorry he is if he wants to keep his job. This is what he gets for always blowing off at the mouth.

    And now...my flight to Denver is waiting.

  4. The Republicans now have a choice they won't take. Because two years is around the corner, and if they double down on their mess from the last 4 years....like I have said so many times in this forum...they will destroy the party.

  5. I am ecstatic Obama was able to win, but it sucks he does not have the popular vote. Republicans have to ask themselves about the legitimacy of their theories about skewed polls and democratic oversampling. I believe they honestly believed that, even the people on this board who cited it, but if you get your news from FOX and republican blogs you are in a fantasy world devoid of actual facts. It also doesn't serve the republican party well to run such extreme candidates in the caucuses. The conservative zealotry cost republican the senate also and until they free themselves from the maniacal warriors of the tea party the republicans are doomed to face ongoing disasters.

    I think Obama owes a huge debt of thanks to Bill Clinton, who all by himself got the Obama steamroll this summer, and to Joe Biden who had to recover for Obama after that disastrous first debate.

    CNN has reported that he now leads in the popular vote.

  6. CBS has called Minnesota for Obama.

    You and CBS beat MSNBC. Thanks for the news. :)

    Just saw a video of a touch screen voting system and when that person was trying to vote for Obama, the checkmark would instead go to Romney. What happened to just putting a checkmark, or circling, the person you want to vote for? That's how I vote. And I don't understand the long lineups either.

    Paper ballots. Period.

  7. CBS has called Minnesota for Obama.

    So he is has won every single state so far the MSM said if he didn't win he would be screwed. They seem to be shocked, but I'm not.

    Also they are suprised by the African American turn out.....lol.....they meaning Republicans...LMAO.......the turnout was huge....LOL

    They are shocked that we stayed in line no matter how long it took to vote.

  8. So i'm flipping through channels and i can't remember which station I saw Guilani say the response to Sandy in NY, specifically Staten island, has been abominable and likened it to Katrina. Then pundits chimed in and said it's a double standard because when Katrina hit everyone blamed Bush for the lack of relief efforts and now the media is turning a blind eye because they want Obama to win. It was even suggested that Bloomberg is taking the blame because he also wants Obama to win. All these conspiracy theories... And MSNBC is still saying it's too close to call and we may not know the results until tomorrow.

    The lines to vote here in Maryland have been insane. MSNBC is reporting in other states people are waiting as long as eight hours to vote and some are leaving. I really hope there's no overwhelming fuckery nationally.

    I agree with every word.

    I get really fuckin' annoyed when the Morning Joe crew mocks Howard Dean for talking about ongoing voter suppression and poll [!@#$%^&*]-ups in Ohio. "Oh, you're setting that up." It is happening on the ground, and it happened before. I don't think it'll be anywhere near enough to stop Obama from taking the state, but it infuriates me when these people pretend like this is some crazy fringe issue.

    They need it to be to avoid having to ask real questions and take an honest look at the Republican Party beyond all this ancient "hail fellow well met" [!@#$%^&*] that only exists in their fantasy bubble. They sit in a heated studio with hot coffee and designer clothes while real Americans sit in the cold and wait for one or two blinkered machines or deal with voter intimidation. It's real easy to pretend the rest of the world is just like you and your 'bipartisan' cocktail parties when you refuse to actually deal with anything that might ruffle your beautiful minds.

    They also were whining and bitching about Nate Silver this morning, whose honest analysis will put them all out of a job over time. Pimping some editorial by a Bush speechwriter about how Silver's "cold, sterile" analysis discounted character, voters' feelings and "the issues." Because as we know, these morning pundits are such fans of discussing the issues.

    This is the reason why, out of 30 cable news shows, MJ ranks 27th.

  9. This crap about sampling is a completely non-factor, yet the right-wing loves to push it, because they need a reason to dismiss the polls and because they are completely crazy with fear that Romney could lose.

    Party ID is fluid, which means polls should not weighted by it and are not weighted by it (except the ultra-Republican Rasmussen, which gives 2% weighting to Republicans in their polls). A whole lot of extremist Republican who don't believe the Republican Party is far right enough have switched to independent, which makes the sample of independents fairly right leaning. Not all independents are swing voters and they certainly aren't all moderates. A different set of independents tends to show up every election.

    Plus, the state polls are consistent with a +2% Obama lead nationally. At this point, Obama is in the driver's seat.

    Well the sorry MSM has been pushing it for 2 years now. That Democratic enthusiasm is no where close to the TBs. I don't now where these morons are getting their data.

  10. For some reason I can't resist this one. I'm inclined to think they will just leave him alone and go with the whole single-mindedness of black Americans, if they want to dismiss his decision. I don't recall what they said last time he did this. But if they are going to claim his not really an American then they'll dig up "evidence" that he was really born in Jamaica which is where his people are from. I'm actually now a bit disappointed that Barack Obama's dad wasn't Jamaican because I'd love to have seen Dinesh D'Souza concoct a theory based on some connection to Rastas. I love when people assume that Jamaicans all smoke ganja and wear dreadlocks.

    In my ideal reality, people will start speaking for themselves and not entire groups of people they don't know.

    It's important to maintain the right of a woman to have an abortion if she so chooses. I used to believe that because I would never choose to have an abortion that this issue did not concern me. Then I realized that it's not my place to inflict my beliefs on other people. I have friends who've had abortions--some are still troubled by it. I get tired of hearing what women want and I wish they would phrase their opinions and beliefs in ways that get the message out that being able to make that choice is important without making it sound as if this is every woman's desire.

    Some time ago, I read a magazine article about a woman who'd been raped and ended up pregnant. She said she was afraid that she would look at her baby and see her rapist but she decided to have the baby anyway. Her daughter, according to her, has become the greatest love of her life but she does struggle with what and how to tell her child about her father when the time comes.

    I don't believe that God wants bad things to happen to anyone but I do believe that He allows both good and bad things to happen. How we handle those things is entirely up to us.

    Thank you as well my friend.

    D'Zouza is in some water as it is. He was caught in a hotel room with a married, and also forgot to tell his own wife about this woman. There's some family values for ya. those who talk great amounts of stuff always gets caught in the end...

    With their pants down, as it were.

  11. If you were talking about actual Barack Obama supporters at MSNBC this would be surprising but not from Joe Scarborough's show. I'm surprised it wasn't worse.

    It's kind of tiresome for people to place Barack Obama in some idealistic box and feign shock that he's become this jaded politician. He doesn't wear this halo that radiates light wherever he goes. If he did then all his goodness would have rubbed off on Mitch McConnell and John Boehner (I don't mean that bizarre tan) causing them to become better people who enabled him to maintain the optimism he once had. We should try to accept that he was unable to change Washington and instead he changed...mourn what we hoped he'd be and move on to the reality that he isn't and life goes on. Or we can just beat this drum over and over and over.....I vote for moving on.

    I say thank you for being down the middle with both men. Some should take your lead.

  12. This is true and on MSNBC Chris Matthews is leading the charge. I turned him off pretty quickly last night because I get tired of hearing him shout about all the white people that won't vote for Barack Obama. Before he used to keep asking what Barack Obama was going to do about it as if that made an ounce of sense. If he's saying that white people don't want to vote for Barack Obama because their racist then did he want Barack Obama to go to the Appalachians and hypnotize them into thinking they should vote for him anyway?

    Matthews is an arrogant fool. He offers nothing every day. Then there's SE Cupp who has stopped just short of calling him an "uppity negro (You know what I meant to say) who doesn't know his place." Then there's Scarborough. What a moron. Then Jansing, Todd, Mitchell. And the beltway media as a whole, who seem to look at different polls to make any argument that supports their case. I have calmed down watching these people. And will stop altogether once the elections are done.

  13. let me add...

    The deficit has came down by $200 billion. And 10% unemployment is now down to 7.8%....with NO HELP from Republicans. All they worried about is finding out which rape is real and how these men can get into the underwear of women and tell them what to do with their bodies. But, I got it a long time ago...

    Facts mean nothing to certain people.

  14. I agree. There is no excuse for Obama not dealing with immigration reform when he had the Democratic Congress. Also, he has not told us what his agenda is for his second term. However, Romney is so vague and is such a liar that he flounders when he is confronted directly.

    The debate had good ratings: http://tvbythenumber...-debate/153433/

    And there was a tremendous amount of filibustering by Republicans for those two years. Now, Harry Reid is gutless and spineless, because Nancy Pelosi passes more everything in the House. If there's blame to go around blame Dems and Reps in the Senate.

  15. Oh, people care. I thought Romney was effective in pointing out Obama's failure with the economy because Obama still hasn't laid out an effective plan for the next four years and he was absolutely right in stating Obama did not keep his promise to even file legislation for immigration reform when he had both the House and Senate. Obama had no answer for the latter. Both should have been slam dunks for Romeny but he's such a flip flopper all Obama has to do is continue to pick apart the lies he told which isn't very difficult.

    I'm looking at some of the highlights again and I'm trying to understand why Romney thought it was a smart move to start rambling about Obama's pension during the immigration segment. It was a huge WTF moment.

    MSNBC is stating that the woman who asked him how he' differs from Bush wasn't satisfied with his response and she'll be voting for Obama. It's hard to imagine there are still Undecideds at this point.

    If he was affective...what is his 5 point plan?

  16. The national polls have begun to turn back in the President's favor and he has held his lead in Ohio. All Obama has got to do tonight is show empathy for the struggles of women and the middle class and show confidence in his plans to improve the economy and their lives. But he also has got shut down Romney's lies. He has got to show Romney for the liar, flip flopper, and hypocrite that he is, just like Biden did with Ryan.

    He did just that, while Romney came off as an arrogant, rude self serving bully who gets offended if anyone ask him how and what he will do as POTUS. Jon Huntsmann was their very best chance to win the election, but he ran in the year of the crazy in that party, and it cost him.

  17. He will do it this time. All the Republicans have is a man whose own friends and inner circle called vile, and VP candidate who goes and cleans clean pots, and a RP who apparently now have NO PROBLEM with saying or spewing the most hateful vile disgusting things in the 3 weeks leading up to the election.

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