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Posts posted by Roman

  1. I'm glad you're essentially admitting the fundamental truth of politics: that presidential elections are personal popularity contests. (Which is why Romney can't win, regardless of how bad the economy is.) To hell with those poor, unemployed bastards! Let's stay with the shitty status quo, because having a "cool guy" in the White House is what really matters!

    Your link didn't work for me, so I can't specifically address it. However, the "screen tip" that appears (when I mouse over it) indicates that the article is about a voter registration drive they are organizing (and not about the disputed election going on in Rangel's district). Sure, the NAACP bitches about "voter fraud" when a candidate they endorse ends up losing, but are they coming to the aid of Rangel's Hispanic challenger? It's more than a little disingenuous for an organization to claim it is the champion of voting rights, only to stay silent when some extremely serious charges of voter fraud are levied against an African American political icon.

    You said NAACP fighting against voter suppression. No wonder people are voting for these sorry clowns in the GOTB. They all outright lie about something when they never said it in the first place. get your words straight first before you make another closed minded comment please. Wow. I just read the article. You are the perfect explanation why people hate talking about politics. What was the title of the article? Or are you going to tell me and everyone we're wrong again?

  2. "Barry?" Really? Even I didn't refer to the Republican presidents that I disliked like that. These are the moments that you unintentional unknowingly reveal yourselves. And here is a tip, it is called the Affordable Care Act. You all sound like fools ranting on about "Obamacare." I can't even figure out how you jumped on to health care and frankly, I don't care. The rest of the post is typical conservative incoherent rambling. Small business owner? Please. The only business you conservatives love is your fellow corporations and the one percent. You have no use for small businesses. Never have and never will.

    You know, don't even do that to yourself. Some will not call things down the middle and fairly. I know what is behind Barry and crap like that, but it just makes no sense in the long run. Save your fingers.

    Besides, the GOTBs want to repeal HC because the money they were getting under the table from the HCICs was money they could stick in their pockets or in some Swiss bank account...you know, like their nominee.

  3. Christie is a loud mouth bully who the cable news media has fallen in love with. I'm still waiting for the day someone gets up and smacks the taste out of his mouth for talking to people anyway he wants to. As far as the POTUS economic plan....I still have yet to hear ONE ANSWER as to how he's supposed to pass any legislation while the ENTIRE Republican caucus does nothing but block him at every turn. Now the GOTBs are telling the country that they would repeal the AHCA even if 17 million children would no longer be covered. Their hatred of this man is truly staggering, but remember...it's all his fault, right?

  4. No one should take Politico seriously. Like the rest of the mainstream media, Politico needs stir the pot to keep people from both sides reading. All the articles and many of conservative opinion columns in the NY Times, Washington Post, etc. are trying to find the positive for the Republicans. if the decision had gone the other way, the articles would be about how the Democrats are now galvanized to right back and the enthusiasm for Obama's re-election had increase, yada, yada. So predictable. For what it is worth, the Times and Post's editorial did completely support the SCOTUS health care decision.

    Roberts is getting the positive publicity that he obviously craved with his vote. It should buy him so goodwill as he and his conservative cronies continue to vote in favor of corporations and their allies over the 99%.

    They have turned into this right-wing publication as of late have they?

  5. Reading something like this makes me sad because it's this way of thinking that makes race in America seem as if it's taken a great number of steps backwards. As long as every black person in America continues to be seen as nolthing but black then it doesn't matter how open minded, liberal, and charitable the people seeing them this way are. The message is still the same: "I'll like you, help you" or whatever else you may insert here "even if/though you are black because I'm a good/decent/liberal/open minded person but you're not a human like I am and the fact that I can look past your being black makes me a better person." This places the onus on black people to ignore the way they are perceived in society and that does not seem to be easy for some so it's a cycle. The more aware people become in terms of discussions and labels, etc., the more regressive society becomes.

    Now you may not mean all black people but because you go on to mention enslavement which I think is a term that the segment of the black American population mires themselves in to their detriment, it seems that way to me. Barack Obama does not have any slave history.

    Just like every white American isn't a descendant of the pilgrims, every black American is not the descendant of slaves. America has its share of non-enslaved black immigrants and even the black immigrants that may have slave ancestry have a different history than those black Americans with slave ancestry. All of this matters.

    It's more likely that some black people support Barack Obama out of racial solidarity. People that are inclined to do that don't necessarily have to feel anything for the black person behind whom they've chosen to stand. What they are really doing is trying to defeat the white enemy which right now seems to be the Republicans who are perceived as persecuting Barack Obama.

    Anyway, black voters in this country tend to be Democrats so it's still astonishing that anyone wants to make a big deal out of black people voting for Barack Obama. There's this need to ignore that there have been other black Presidential candidates running as Democrats who did not fare as well with black voters. It ignores the fact that a percentage of black voters supported Hilary Clinton before they jumped on the Barack Obama bandwagon. It ignores the fact that Barack Obama's team ran a good voter registration camplaign. And, it implies that if the Republicans ever have a Presidential candidate who happens to be black that the black voters would see themselves in him/her and cross party lines just to vote "black." Best of all, it makes the false assumption that white voters never vote on the basis of race.

    I believe that those individual black Americans who are preoccupied with white people and busy believing they know what white people are thinking and reacting to it, will be better off when they stop. This preoccupation is what really holds a lot of people back and the more that I listen to people discuss race in America, the more convinced I am.

    And just so I am clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having slave ancestry. The problem that I see is when people use it as justification for not trying. It can't be that people that were never born slaves whine and complain so much about their ancestors who had it so much worse. If they care so much about their ancestors then they should honor them by trying to make something of themselves. If Harriet Tubman sat around and complained about all the things that she couldn't do because she's black and how the white man is holding her back (and in her case it was physically true), there would have been no Underground Railroad. People are so mentally weak today that I feel sorry for the generations to come who are being spoon fed whining.

    I must say that not only do IA with your statement, I thank you for how you stated it.

  6. Black people do automatically see themselves in Obama. I am a liberal's liberal, probably more liberal than most on this board, practically a commie, but when a group has been enslaved both officially and unofficially for 230 years they will obviously take the chance to elect one of their own.

    With Clinton, I agree that he was happy to not only ride the Carter/Reagan/Bush deregulation train but drive it even faster, but at this point in time Democrats had been out of power 12 years. Look at the 2000 election for an example of liberals getting annoyed and staying home -- they cannot be counted upon to turnout for elections. Clinton had no choice but to appeal to centrists. When liberals can be counted on to vote, we will have a liberal president again (which we have not had since LBJ in the 60s.)

    With all due, when someone speaks for 14 million black Americans, I have a tendency to...disagree.

  7. There could have also been the fear of President Sarah Palin. If John McCain happened to be younger then she may not have been a liability.

    Barack Obama isn't even African-American by the definition that I've seen touted as true but people who incorrectly use that term interchangeably with black claim him. I find him to be extremely confused on the topic of race unless he's merely playing a political game.

    I tend to believe that all those politicians who use that coded language that is racial in nature, are merely maniplulating the ignorant people. Republicans, for instance, appeal to certain base individuals who have nothing at all in common with the leaders of their parent but are so blinded by their misguided belief that they are the "real Americans," that they support them no matter what. I think the race game is one of the ugliest parts of this political process and it's shameful that people who claim to love America and care about its future, would selfishly damage young people in that way.

    I see that differently, because imagine what would have happened had he came out and said he would do all he can do for "black America". Now that he says he's the POTUS for all Americans, he now has his thinking on race question. Not saying nothing at you at all, because you at least said it adding to the discussion, and not trying to get posters ticked off in this forum, which I appreciate. I just think and feel he has done the right thing where race is concerned. And since we in the black community still get accused of voting for someone based on color (where there are some in the white community who do the same thing and nothing is ever said about that) it makes some of us just throw our hands up and just say "screw it."

  8. This is one of the most disgusting things I've heard of in politics. A state senator in Colorado, whose campaign is desperate to show just how anti-gay she is, outed her gay son, to brag about how she is so against civil unions that her son is irrelevant. She claims she had no knowledge of this, but her refusal to say anything negative about - much less fire - the woman responsible speaks volumes.

    This is where we are now, apparently (as she isn't the only one in CO's legislature who is praised for voting against their gay children). Having a gay child you discriminate against is a badge of honor, and your party will happily present these children as huge burdens that you just somehow manage to deal with.


    Just sick. Really just sick.

  9. I wonder how many times was Bush called a monkey, gorilla, him swinging on vines, AND his family, hung in effergy since day 1, and had sitting Republican politicians threatening his life? What he's went through any other POTUS can compare to. But many don't see that. They demand that everyone else be fair, while they themselves are truly close minded and won't open their ears to anything they don't agree with. Also, if someone who has differing political views actually says they agree with them for once, they will STILL try and get their shots in. Sometimes and makes on say "Oh to hell with it."

  10. The stimulus wasn't big enough. If cutting and cutting and cutting was enough to get the economy going, Europe would be a paradise, instead of on fire. And now thanks to the endless frenzy for austerity, defense contractors are going to be laying off a million people sad.png

    Plus none of the Forth Estate have bothered to report that Republican governors refused to spend any stimulus money in their states jjst to make the President look bad.

  11. You have no point. I didn't answer your question because not only was it ridiculous on its face, but to answer it would imply that somehow it pertained to me and anything I said. Since it did not and was strictly a construct of your need to take umbrage, why would I waste my time going down that path? As soon as I answered your first question you would come back with some equally outlandish position, pretend I said it, and then demand to know my position on it.

    Let me be clear in case this all somehow was too byzantine for you: I am not a racist and anyone who claims I am can [!@#$%^&*] off.

    Thank you for giving me my laugh for the day. With this post I now leave you alone to wallow in your bigotry. Have a great day.

  12. Perhaps you would like to assign me a whole host of opinions and then you can engage in a full throttle debate? It doesn't seem like you need me at all in this topic to find ever new ways to be outraged.

    And thank you for not only not answering my question, but proving my point.

  13. Qfan, what is wrong with people disagreeing with your opinion?

    Personally I do think it is racist. It makes it seem like all black Americans are so stupid they vote for the black man/woman over anyone else without researching that person. I think it's highly offensive, but its your opinion.

  14. Well, IMO, if he got elected because of skin color, then we should thank former President Jesse Jackson and former President Al Sharpton for paving the way.

    Oh wait. They were never POTUS. They never got elected because of skin color. In fact "Hymetown" is what destroyed JJ's chances of ever coming close to winning the nom. It has always bothered me with this notion that the man got elected based purely on the color of his skin, which to me sells him short on his entire presidency. Even with the ways he screwed up (Nobody is ready forn that seat until they get in itn and start learning from Day 1) this POTUS has done some fine work with NO HELP from the Congress.

  15. Most of what I read was that Rothman would win and if he hurt himself it was by his own mistakes, not any of his opponent's strengths.

    As for Clinton, he has a long history of saying the wrong thing. Even his aides were baffled.


    We read the exact same story today. I guess it gets forgotten all the off the wall statements that have made by members of Congress, particularly those in the Republican Party. I just feel in bones that the RP has not one idea to get working class Americans back to work. I've heard no plan...have you?

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