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Posts posted by Roman

  1. I don't understand how commonplace means 365 million Americans. Of 365 million, many support Obama, many don't care. We weren't even talking about them. Of those who oppose Obama, I do think racial attacks are common in criticism of Obama. Not everyone bases their view of him on race, but many do. It has been a constant presence for his entire term, from the birther stuff, to the secret Muslim stuff, to "food stamp President," to the ugly e-mails and jokes and bumper stickers.

    I was talking about them. Ok?

  2. Racism is pretty commonplace in criticism of Obama. More than once I've gotten e-mails which compare Michelle Obama to Cheetah.

    A federal judge sent out an e-mail to people which said Obama's mother had sex with a dog.

    If Romney has a long record against gay rights, then I'd think he would be proud to be called a homophobe. He seems fine with working with a man who put up billboards attacking PBS for showing a pro-gay special.

    And not commonplace.

    Love those who know every single thing going on with 365 million Americans.

  3. I still haven't gotten a response on what the President should o. All I'm hearing is attacks on Democratic figures and once again skipping the real issues facing Americans. Not one idea. Nothing. And that's all they have. calling the POTUS barry is the best they have. the racist garbage and talking about his manhood is the best they have. But...not one single alternative or idea or legislation that can "turn the country around." Gas prices? really. They have nothing else to blast him on.

    BTW G. clooney has just been arrested at a protest outside the Sudan Embassy. Why this is news.....just don't know.

  4. Nice try, Roman. The fact that "Willard does it too" is not a valid excuse because he has never demonized the wealthy and professed how much he "cares" about the poor. When Barry does something like this, it smacks of hypocrisy, since he is running as the champion of the 99%.

    Again, a higher standard applies to Obama (compared to other politicians) on just about everything because he's the one who promised to be different and branded himself as a statesman who is completely above politics.

    Don't remember you saying any of this when GWB was in office. Oh wait. those rules don't apply to any Republican. LOL That party is really funny, better than SNL.

    What continually bothers me about Romney is just the constant pandering and how extreme this can be. For instance, he now supports "self-deportation." Won't that type of thing (making life so hellish for illegal immigrants that they will leave on their own) set up some very dangerous situations and possibly be even more expensive than just deportation?


    And Romney also works closely with a man who is so anti-gay, he sets up billboards blasting PBS for damaging children.


    What continually bothers me about Romney is just the constant pandering and how extreme this can be. For instance, he now supports "self-deportation." Won't that type of thing (making life so hellish for illegal immigrants that they will leave on their own) set up some very dangerous situations and possibly be even more expensive than just deportation?


    And Romney also works closely with a man who is so anti-gay, he sets up billboards blasting PBS for damaging children.


    Romney won't do that. No Republican would do that. They are just the sort of politicians who will whore themselves to whoever is stading there to receive fudning and votes in Nov.

  5. And while The president has dinner with his doners, Romney was having dinner with his multi-millionare friends at the Ritz carlton in NYC. One is bad, the and other one doesn't get mentioned. That's Republican values for you.

    I', still waiting for Romney or any of these clowns to put forth their plans for job creation. Guess we won't hear that because Romney is too busy eating cheesy grits, catfish and saying yall, Santorum is too busy saying how Satan will take over the country if Obama is re-elected, Newt is TRULY being the arrogant jerk he's always been by not thining of the party, and WTF is Paul? Probably in Oz where he's always been.

    I do now admit it won't be a cakewalk for the President, it will be a tough slog to re-election. But, he and his campaign will use all of this ammo that the RP has given him, and that party has no one to blame but themselves. How being a Republican Moderate is now a dirty word is just laughable to me. But, after viewing the segment on Bill Maher's show this past week, I wonder....

    Do all Republicans think like that?

  6. Well, at least a woman in this country won't have to be forced to have a procedere that is no one else's business but hers. I just love these Republicans who talk small government and staying out of people's homes and then spend their whole time shoving very invasive legislation down everyone's throats. Romney wants to shut down PP? Santorum calls THE PRESIDENT a snob becuase he went to college? Newt is staying in just to piss folks off, while he draws up plans for a space station near the Klingon Home World. And Paul says that tornado victims shouldn't get federal aid because that's just taking money from taxpayers.

    And the POTUS is worst than these ignorant clowns? I think not.

  7. Yeah... nobody remembers Taft LOL! I do say the idea of him getting stuck in the white house bathtub makes me laugh my ass off! Max... I truly don't think it would do more harm than good... and if parts DON'T work, then portions can be repealed, adjustments can be made. Medicare had to have the wrinkles ironed out at first as well. Many Republicans just don't want it because Obama sponsored it. And that's why this new crop of candidates is losing credibility with the public. They are railing against the exact thing that NIXON propsed. I know they've disowned him, but that doens't change the fact that he DID have conservative support before watergate. It doesn't negate the fact that Nixon and the conservative establishment at that time, supported the same thing they decry today.

    And BTW!!! Carbonite, one of Rush's biggest sponsors has just pulled the plug!!! i'm so excited I can hardly stand it... and after Rush back pedaled, and stumbled all over himself to give an apology. Too little, too late!

    This is the frist time that clown has been around where he even half tailed apologize for saying something vile like this. How any of Republicans think they will win anything is beyond me. And, where are their solutions? All they can do is mock and slam the President, and while they're talking about what a woman should do with her body, who can marry whom, and how we should have sex...where is any proposal that will help the country THEY SAY is so horribly off-track?

    No where. Al one can do when they have no options is talk noise. Loudly and proudly, and hope the people listen. Well, they've turned off...


    Gays & Lesbians



    Damn whose left? Romney will change his mind quicker than you can sneeze, Santorum doen't have a clue WHAT he is saying, Gingrich is willing to destroy the party to get his own way (while he builds a base of Qu'nos, the Klingon Homeworld) and Paul is justb a plain nutcase. And these are the people the country is going to intrust? Well, "Barry", with his mistakes and faults, has talk nmore TO the Amercian poeple than anyone of these four idiots. So when that party is wiped out November, maybe the moderates will then step back and ask the party fathers.....

    "How's that ultra-right wing Tea Party thing going for ya?"

  8. A friend of mine just told me that someone at this CPAC conference said they wished Rahel M. Had never been born. I mean, I even have to laugh at the stuff coming out of these peoples' mouths. How they think that party will win a GE is truly beyond me. I don't see the Senate changing, but if Dems do the right things they can take back the House.

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