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Posts posted by Roman

  1. The evening hosts on MSNBC are giving Newt, Willard and the Republicans the blues. That party comes one step closer to destroying itself every single day. I really hope the moderates take back control after that party gets destroyed under a year from now. If we want working government again, I hope that happens?

  2. Just becuase people have sterling personal lives doesn't mean they can't be criticized. (I don't recall Democrats ever limiting their criticism to social-values hypocrites.) If people disagree with Pelosi's viewpoints, or think that Carter and Obama are incompetent, then they have a right to express their dissatisfaction (much like liberals have the right to reject conservatives who lead perfect personal lives).

    This is coming from somebody who is a bellwether of independence and non-partisanship. Seriously though, I am surprised you believe that I think I am right all the time, given that you previously trashed me for being wishy-washy.

    Did I mention your name?

  3. Then those people will demand that I or others keep it fair while they say things that add nothing to the discussion. I have made comments about Dems and Republicans, and guess what? i will continue to call it the way I see it. But, I can bend or change my mind if the counter-point is strong enough. I am not, though, going to play silly games with people whose mind set is so closed off, they think they are right all the time, and that anyone who disagrees with them is some kind of partisan idiot.

  4. What gets me about everything with lionizing Democrats who cheat is that the top hate figures for Republicans are Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Jimmy Carter, none of whom have ever cheated (unless you count "lusting in [his] heart"), and who are in many ways ideal pictures of marriage and family.

    That when those same people will go back to Ted Kennedy's past or bring up Robert Byrd and the Klan.

  5. They should have a World's Dumbest Politicians on TruTV. But, the majority of the hour would be taken up with Republicans.

    I'm not sure how many of those who don't like Gingrich are Ted Kennedy supporters.

    I don't think Ron Paul supporters are Newt supporters.


    From one of the few Republicans who talks the truth.


    Boehner once again shows where his thoughts lay.


    From a home state Republican.

    Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman Refuse To Attend Donald Trump’s Debate: It’s ‘beneath the office of the presidency’ | In what’s been characterized as “the clown hosting the circus,” business mogul and media hound Donald Trump will moderate Newsmax’s GOP presidential debate this month. Current front runner Newt Gingrich happily accepted Trump’s invitation, but candidates Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul are declining to participate because they question the seriousness of the event. “The selection of a reality television personality to host a presidential debate that voters nationwide will be watching is beneath the office of the Presidency and flies in the face of that office’s history and dignity,” Paul’s campaign said, adding, “To be sure, Mr. Trump’s participation will contribute to an unwanted circus-like atmosphere.” Trump naturally returned fire: “Few people take Ron Paul seriously and many of his views and presentation make him a clown-like candidate…I am glad he and Jon Huntsman, who has inconsequential poll numbers or a chance of winning, will not be attending the debate and wasting the time of the viewers who are trying very hard to make a very important decision.”

    Muslims compared to cockroaches at St. Louis ACT! for America event | St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Tim Townsend attended an anti-Muslim event hosted by ACT! for America this week where he witnessed the following remark. “They’re everywhere,” one woman in the audience whispered to her friend. “They’re like cockroaches.” Townsend concludes, “Unfortunately for American Muslims, we are about to enter a presidential election year, during which groups like ACT! for America and the Clarion Fund have historically spread anti-Islam messages that promote fear of ‘the other.’” As we explained in Fear, Inc., the hate group ACT!, founded by Islamophobe Brigitte Gabriel, has a budget of nearly $1 million and comprises over 550 chapters and 170,000 members worldwide.

  6. I doubt it. Wisconsin has always been mixed. Walker just conned people by hiding his true agenda. Voters always fall for it.

    That's the shame, Carl. They fall for this garbage and then have to wait 6 months to a year to correct their mistakes. It they succeed next year, it should serve as a HUGE message to anyone who thinks getting into office and then ignoring the will of the people is the right thing to do.

  7. I just saw that Tom Ridge might take over as Penn State's President. I'm now catching up on this story, and I just cannot believe the truly horrific things that happened at that university under the watch of so many people.

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