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Posts posted by Roman

  1. Max, I was going to finally give you some credit, but then something ended up happening.

    This poster at a site I go to actually put it in good context:

    "If she can't handle criticism from bloggers, then how could she handle al-Qaeda? And conservatives like Greta should stop complaining about attacks on her and her family because they started the trend by holding her family out as public political props, and have never stopped. I'm not condoning the personal attacks in any way -- we avoided them at C&L and kept our criticism focused on her abilities (or lack thereof) and her public behavior as a candidate and a public official. It's up to you to decide how she's been treated.

    But conservatives are total hypocrites on this issue and the media allows them to get away with it. They've made their living out of smearing anyone on the left. The Clintons have been subjected to the lowest attacks possible. I haven't seen anyone write widely published books that calls her a lesbian, or have I missed that one? Or that she murdered someone like, oh...Vince Foster.

    On the September 19 and 20 broadcasts of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh resurrected his scurrilous suggestion that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) had then-deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster murdered while she was first lady.

    That's just the tip of the iceberg. And then we can talk about the scurrilous and wingnutty "birther" attacks on President Obama, but you get my point."

  2. Your contempt for this woman is amazing. I wonder what exactly has she done to garner these kind of remarks about her (disgusting liar, little credibility, stupid twit, foolish hag) from you. It's interesting that someone of such supposed high morals and "values" would stoop to name-calling to get a point across.

    While you ponder that, let me just say that it's too early in the investigation to call her guilty. There are some rumblings of hearings on this matter and I think we should let them take it's course. NP has said she wants some sort of special counsel or investigation - but that's too far. Let the Congress investigate and see what they find. It's all evidently a matter of record.

    If she is found to be guilty, Brian, I will say she needs to go. However, if she's not, would you apologize in this thread for the remarks you made about her? Hmmm.

    Sorry to get in the middle your little spat with Roman (for the umpteenth time). Continue on with that if you must.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    No spat with me. I stopped listening to Brian months ago. Can you imagine how he would react if I or you or someone else called GWB or DICK Cheney or anyone at FN the names he called her? I have called them names in the past and he tels me I shouldn't get personal, but he does it and its fine?

    That the hypocrisy that keeps me from holding a civil discussion with him about politics.

  3. This whole memo scandal confuses me. I don't even like Pelosi that much, but what does it have to do with the overall issue of torture though?

    But I tell you this. If Republicans AND Democrats knew about this, they ALL should be gone, regardless of party. I'm an American first above all else, and others can play that BS partisan crap all they want. I'm tired of being lied by both parties, and even though I will vote Democrat because they speak to my values a HELL of alot more than Republicans do (on top of the fact that I will not vote for a party who has Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, Malkin and the like as their representitives) that will never excuse them from being as hip deep in this torture business as the Republicans are.........

    Which may be the reason why the President doesn't want that to get out.

    i dont care about polictics

    there just a waste of time for me

    With all due, if you don't care, the why did you post in this thread?

  4. This whole memo scandal confuses me. I don't even like Pelosi that much, but what does it have to do with the overall issue of torture though?

    It has nothing to do with it. People who post this still have not answered the question of if it was torture or not, so crap like this gets posted to distract everyone from talking about the real issue.

  5. Well, it looks like we're in for the first of what will likely be many ethical lapses on the part of Democrats, resulting in casualties amongst the leftist rank and file. First up, Nancy Pelosi.

    This woman is a disgusting liar with little credibility to spare... Whatever reputation she made have had has been blown to bits with her antics over CIA briefings on waterboarding. This certainly isn't the sort of "change" we were to expect in the era of complete Democratic control in Washington.

    What rationale... what excuses could possibly be offered in her defense? If any of my friends on the left here have something to offer here, I would love to hear it. If anyone here thinks this stupid twit should be thrown to the wolves, I would love to hear that, too. Do any of my left-leaning friends here feel comfortable trashing this extremely foolish hag?

    And this is exactly why I don't talk politics with you. After everything you have seen, you choose to look at one side and not both.

    And my friend, it is that close mindedness that makes me not hear anything you have to say on the subject. Shame, really. If you were to actually see both sides, we could have meaningful discussions. But, once again, you choose not to do that.

    A real pitty.

  6. I'm hoping that very soon that soon that SOMETHING will be done about the state of health care. If the government could simply provide a non-profit "buy in" to medicare, that would help alot of people. I hear so many pundits talk about "rationed care"... blah blah blah... theyr'e acting like the governenment is going to FORCE people to partake in a national health care plan. It has been said time and time again that if you like things the way they are, nothing has to change for you. Theyr'e just afraid they mgiht have to pay extra taxes so the working poor can have basic health care. I've also heard conservative pundits say over and over, "Why do people think the government owes us free health care"... well my question is this: WHY does the government owe us a free education? Unless I'm very much mistaken, nobody has ever dropped dead from lack of an algebra lesson, so which do you think is more improtant? I've heard suggestions on extra taxes on products such as soda pop... and I have no problem with that.... extra taxes of food or drinks which have no nutritional value. I think it would help ALOT if the government simply funded the hospitals, or at the very LEAST required all hospitals to be non-profit. If you compare the costs that the "for profit" hospitals charge in comparison wiht what the non-profit catholic hospitals charge, in many cases... the facility charge if HALF.

    IA 1,000 percent. We do need a new health care system. Something that doesn't continue to make the owners billions of dollars while Americans are put into the poorhouse.

  7. Steve ;) Thanks bro. Same back at 'cha.

    Well, Roman. You're still the bomb in my book. :D:D You can talk to me anyday buddy. And speaking of the bomb, Wales just went MIA after the election, huh? Talk about someone that added a lot of value to our discussions. Man, I miss him/her. If you're out there, Wales, please jump in anyday now. We miss ya!

    Just a random thought about posting on SON in general. Why is it that you can type "fucked" and it's not bleeped out? But if you type "fu.ck-ing" it is?!?! Jo no say. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    I don't know. This is the only thread I look at or post in over here. Do this. Ask Scotty, Toups or Errol and maybe in 6 months you may get a reply as to why that is.

  8. Revisionist history? Puh-lease... I never said how WONDERFUL (in all caps, mind you) the last 8 years were. The key to the last 8 years is that Bush kept us safe from another attack. Will Obama? I have my doubts. I had big issues with Mr. Bush and some of his policies and I have stated it time and time again (a lot more objective than you and your 3 incher for Obama) -- or did you not read those posts? Probably not... because I posted it in English rather than Roman's language of Lame.

    I don't respond to your links, Roman, because you don't respond (at least in any intelligent way) to stuff I post. I would love to engage you in intelligent debate and pleasant conversation, but you are too busy spankin' it to Obama pictures that you don't have time for anything else.

    Dude, wash your hands when you're done. And why are you so angry, anyways? Did you get your ass beat a lot in school or something? If so, I'm sorry about that... must be painful to live with that, then have your ass verbally beat regularly in the forum here.

    <<hugs and kisses>>

    You know Brian, I was going to type some really silly response from this. But, you just showed what type of person you are. And, from now on, don't wonder why I think you are just a sorry individual.

    Oh goodness folks why can't we discuss without the attacks on each other. That is what I hate about this thread and have to take breaks from it.

    When we all discuss the issues it's fun and we accomplish stuff.

    All this [!@#$%^&*] back and forth calling each other names and judging one another gets us no where.

    And GD it is easy to fall into. I am quick to respond to some of the other remarks too. That is the reason I have someone on ignore. I don't get mad and my life doesn't go into freefall. And I can enjoy SON and this thread.

    Because people like GregGL and so many others have constructive stuff to say and add so much to the conversation and I do not want to miss that.

    Oh and the thought of all those boners is making me horny too.

    This has nothing to do with you. This is between me and Brian, ok?

  9. Ouch. <<Looks to Roman>> Is Brian a bit grumpy this morning or what?!?!

    <<hugs my buddy Brian back but pulls him closer when he notices his boner>> :lol::lol::wub:

    This is getting way outta hand with all this boner talk! I can't concentrate on anything else now....

    Obama hasn't done anything for the GLBTs lately. Nada. But he's been in office for 5 months and there are more pressing issues at hand than GLBT ones, IMHO. I have faith that he will address them eventually. But when there are things as fucked up as the economy and healthcare that affect a much greater portion of the population, it makes sense to tackle those first.

    Campaign promises? Let's see. Repeal of DADT, adding sexual orientation to the federal hate crimes bill....and uhhhh....I think that's about it.

    I will message you, I promise! I want to hear more about this boner of yours! :lol: No, seriously...I will get around to it. You do know, my good buddy, that YOU could always email ME first and I'd respond. You get that, don't cha?

    And the way he responded is why I can't get on a page wit him. Maybe he'll wake up and we can finally start a dialouge where WE BOTH ARE LISTENING to each other, instead of this BS.

  10. Lotta boners in this thread. :lol: :lol:

    hat was just a very stupid way to ask a question, Greg. Brian wants to always bitch about no one giving him respectful debate, yet he ask me a question in a stupid ass manner and then bitches about why I won't answer it. This is after him spending all of his time telling me and you and others that the last 8 years were just WONDERFUL and that WE are the ones who got it all wrong. How is that when the Republican Party, the party he wants to always apologize for, now sits with a 23% approval rating? I posted material that had proof that some Republicans in Congress were beyond the pale. I still have yet to hear any response from Brian on that. Probably because he agrees with that crap. And Reagan being a friend to Gay Americans? WHEN? When he didn't even want to acknowledge that people were dying from AIDS because they happen to be Gay?!

    This revisionist history from Brian really makes him look bad.........and makes me laugh my ass off. :lol:

  11. Your boner for trashing an administration out of office notwithstanding, what is your actual opinion on the issue, Roman?

    Once again, you have it wrong. My BONER started the night of November 4th, 2008, and it'll stay hard for the next 4 years.

    Also, see how the clown who engineered that stupid fly over got canned? Hmm. Seems in the previous admin., that very same person would have been told "You doing a heckava job!"

    Now, Brian, the next time you ask me a question, and want my honest opinion, try leaving out the BS smart ass crap, and then I'll answer it (that is, if you actually interested in hearing an opinion that disagrees with yours).

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