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Posts posted by Roman

  1. To add, I have always found it funny that after 8 years of the policies of the worst POTUS in this nation's history, GWB, Barack seems to take al the blame for what has happened to this country. Yet, the Repubblican caucus, who have been hyjacked by the worst type of people relected to public office, have caved in to these social amendments because none of them have idea one on how to fix the very same problems they almost ruined this country with. So, just deflect and not take responsibility for anything. The 'It's not our fault! Look at them!" aproach.

    It's going to be funny once again when the Democrats, if they don't screw it up, regain the House and grow the majority in the Senate. how dare we have universal health care in this country?

    Just funny.

  2. Since liberals keep saying that raising taxes will solve our problems, I would think that you would heap praise on St. Ronnie for doing this.

    When something goes right--such as Bin Laden's killing--Barry deserves all the credit. However, I fully recognize that the fustercluck our economy has become is not at all his fault. Rather, these are the evil parties responsible:

    1. George W. Bush

    2. Wall Street (Never mind the fact that they gave money to Barry.)

    3. Ronald Reagan (We are now seeing the long-term effects of supply-side economics. And everybody knows that the ultimate goal of supply-siders was to destroy the middle class.)

    4. The Tea Party

    5. The GOP controlled House

    Despite the fact that his own party had lopsided majorites in both houses of Congress for his first two years (and still controls the Senate), Barry is merely a "likeable" but hapless victim of circumstance. In addition to being a tireless crusader for gay marriage, he is doing all he can from preventing us from going into an economic depression, so he deserves to win re-election in a landslide.

    Well, hang on to all of this good and tight. You'll have the next 4 years to blame Obama for everything else.....once he destroys the nominee in the GE.

  3. I was surprised that all my predictions turned out right, except the part about Santorum finishing ahead of Romney. Yet, if we are to be consistent, Santorum really did "win" last night, since Romney suppressed the black vote and/or employed other dirty tricks in order to squeak out an eight vote victory. (Whenever a Republican wins narrowly--like when Bush won FL by 537 votes in 2000 or won OH by over 110,000 votes in 2004--it is a proven fact that some voter fraud always takes place; Mitt is just warming-up for November.)

    I'm not sure what caused Perry's about-face today. Usually, one drops out after stating that he is reassessing his campaign. Perhaps he has deluded himself into thinking he will get Bachmann's votes in SC (when those will really go to Santorum).

    Perhaps you have forgotten that Reagan also spent two terms as governor of America's most populous state.

    I'm glad that you feel an extraordinary foreign policy achievement entitles Barry to a second term. Unfortunately, this was not the view of members of your own party twenty years ago, when unemployment was lower than it is today. Instead, Democrats kept on telling us that foreign policy was virtually irrelevant, that "it's the economy, stupid," and that George H.W. Bush needed to go ASAP. While this is just my opinion, this type of flip-flopping makes Mitt Romney look principled in comparison.

    And Republicans (inclduing W.) decided to give up on fidnng the man who put 9/11 together. i also see no mention of the private sector jobs that have been created in the past 18 months. But, I unfortunately didn't exspect that to occur. As far as Reagan, here is the same man who raised taes 11 times during his 8 years and left office with what was then the biggest national debt in the countr's history.

    But or course, BARACK is to blame for all of this. These Republicans take no responisibilty for damn near destroying this country in '08 while their frineds in Big Buisness got richer and richer. Now, they are spreading their message of bigotry and hate. They say they want governmnet out of people's lives, but all of them are talking constitutional amendments to say who someone can marry, who can and cannot make a decision dealing with teir own bodies, and have protecting the top 1% with no shame at all.

    A rather sticky buisness to me.

  4. Yes. And he actually has good sense. See, Barack has done his best, whether I have agreed with him or not, for this Country. All Willard can do is lie his tail off and flip flop on whatever he said before and then act like an indignant child when he is called out on it.

    That, among other things, is why it will be a landslide for Barack Obama, the President Of the Untied States Of America.

  5. Obama loves to talk about bipartisanship, but back when the Republicans had slim minorities in both the House and Senate, he never asked for Republican input on health care reform (and only sought advice Congressional Democrats). (The president did, however, invite Republicans to golf outings and to a White House Super Bowl party, so I guest that counts as bipartisanship.) It wasn't even until the Summer of 2010 that Obama first reached out to McConnell.

    We sure remember that differently.

  6. Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to post this before I forget (don't have time): I know a lot of people have given up on America/the world, I had for awhile, but that changed last year.

    When I was at school in England, there was a girl there from China. She'd never met an American, and naturally she'd only ever heard bad things about us. She and another Chinese girl mentioned to one of our module leaders that they understood the American accident better than the English one...he thought it would be nice if myself and the two other American's in the class worked with them. Slowly, as we worked with them, the girl who went from wanting to run from us, said hello to us in the halls, who sat by us at the Politics get togethers. And who last year, at graduation ran over and gave me a huge hug. It didn't matter anymore that she'd grown up hating American's. We were just friends, you know?

    I like to believe that's how this world is going to change. One person at a time. She probably went home to China and heard all the things she'd heard growing up, but at least she knows that at the end of the day, we're all the same and that we can all work together.

    That is how it will change. People looking past old hatreds and dislikes to grasp the future. Thank you for your post.

  7. An interesting article on the newfound conservative hostility towards the working poor:


    Meanwhile, the economy is again being kicked by Tea Party people in Congress, and what does the media tell us? More of the classic "both sides do it!" tap dance.


    I just saw some guy at 10am central on MSNBC do the very same thing. He puts as as more the Senate Dems fault more than any other group.

  8. The media has ignored Ron Paul but he's still the third or fourth most popular candidate and has many devoted supporters.

    I just don't think there was ever any real place for Huntsman. He's just out of step.

    Well, I don't personally feel he's out of step. He's ran in The Year Of The Crazy.

    With respect, no one can say what "mainstream Americans" want because everyone has their own biases and everyone is influenced by the media, of which I previously addressed.

    Very true. Very true.

  9. The Tax-Dodging Owners Of Zuccotti Park Owe The City $139,000 In Back Taxes | It turns out that the owners of Zuccotti Park — the historic site of Occupy Wall Street — have been engaged in some of the very same tax-dodging that many of the protesters were enraged about. The “city Finance Department says park owner Brookfield Properties and its parent company, Brookfield US Corp., currently owe the city more than $139,000 in unpaid business taxes from 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.”

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