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Posts posted by Roman

  1. I've always maintained that Obama would win against Romney. But, you should be careful what you wish for, because Chris Christie--a man even I despise and who liberals will find far worse than Romney--is going to win in 2016 once Barry gets his additional four years.

    Rpman, if you read my words carefully, you will note that I "suggested" that you thought I was childish (as opposed to you actually stating I was childish). To prove my point, I bring up this following remark that you made on November 4, 2011:

    Believe me, I would be thrilled if you never discussed politics with me again.

    Then be thrill;ed Max. Enjoy. And when Romney gets his tail kicked in Nov., don't say you weren't told.

  2. Carl, it's definately true that the intensity of the JFK worship has gone down over time (and I expect the same thing to happen to Reagan twenty years from now as well), as fewer and fewer people remain that were alive during his presidency. (I really appreciate you sharing that article, because I can't recall a liberal ever trashing JFK before.) Still, you have folks writing "inspiring" biographies of JFK, such as Chris Matthews. And I have seen recent public opinion polls rank JFK, Reagan, and Clinton among our greatest presidents, right in the same league with Washington, Lincoln, and FDR.

    Perhaps I am in the minority, but I believe that having one or two affairs is not as bad as having dozens of them. And Roman, I never said that Ike's affair "was just one of those silly little things" and that his affair shouldn't be brought up because he was a "crazy old lark." (So please don't put words in my mouth.) It's really funny that you suggest that I am childish when you are hardly a paragon of maturity yourself.

    I never said you were childish, and this comment is why I wioll now go back to not speaking to you about politics. You take this stuff way too seriously and the personal attacks that you seem to like are not what anyone else is doing. So, enjoy watching the GOP crash and burn this year. I know I am. :)

  3. MO voters certainly screwed it up when they elected Claire McCaskill to the Senate (even you have been very critical of her).

    That affair was reprehensible. However, there is a difference between having a couple of affairs and being a serial adulterer. Also, I don't seem to recall Ike being worshipped by millions many decades after his presidency ended. (Besides, many liberals often say that Eisenhower is their vision of what an ideal Republican should be, so I am sort of surprised you attacked him.)

    Well, we see that completely differently. I though an affair was an affair. But you seem to think that if a Republican has an affair, well that was just one of those silly little things. You know, Ike just went on a crazy old lark that shouldn't even been brought up. But now Kennedy? What a scumbag for cheating on his wife. I also didn't realize posting a link to a article about a possible affair is attacking him, when you called Kennedy a scumbag. Now whose attacking who? I never said one word against Ike.

    And you wonder why I decided to calm down talking politics with you, Max. LOL.

  4. Yeah... everybody's bitching about it. I live between Kansas City and Sedalia, and it's been reported on alot with the Kansas City Stations as well as the ones in Columbia. They spend 7 million on this crap, and now they want to put a toll on I-70 because they don't have enough money to fix it. PLEASE.

    My goodness. This state is so damn backwards. We are now hearing about a rumor that the city and state may go ahead and introduce a 1 cent sales tax to help either build or refurbish a new football stadium. There is nothing wrong at all with the building the Rams play in now. many of us wish we had a stadium like Arrowhead here. But, that once again proves how backwards Jeff. City is.

  5. MO voters certainly screwed it up when they elected Claire McCaskill to the Senate (even you have been very critical of her).

    That affair was reprehensible. However, there is a difference between having a couple of affairs and being a serial adulterer. Also, I don't seem to recall Ike being worshipped by millions many decades after his presidency ended. (Besides, many liberals often say that Eisenhower is their vision of what an ideal Republican should be, so I am sort of surprised you attacked him.)

    And we screwed up even bigger when we sent Roy Blunt to DC. Those of us who know how much of a classic jackass he is are still regretting that one.

  6. Carl... here in Missouri the turnout in the urban areas was 3%, and the rest of the state was 7%... and people are really PISSED that the state spent 7 million dollars for all this, and it didn't even count. All these republicans in the rural areas just all vote the straight abortion ticket. That's what this is all about. the RNC totally is aware that there's no chance in hell that Santorum will deliver the IMPORTANT states in a general election, like Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.

    A fellow Missourian. What's up neighbor? IA with you. The news here in STL is reporting how ticked people were to spend that kind of money for a show vote. But, that's Missouri. Our motto: Why Do It The Right Way When We Can Just Screw It Up.

  7. I was just wondering when so many millions will stop worshipping this man and recognize him for the scumbag he was. Also, I believe that the age of majority back in the 60s was 21; thus, given that this intern was 19, the affair may very well have been illegal.

    The fact that she didn't cash in back then says a lot about her character. Actually, according to the article I posted, it wasn't until 2003 until the public was even aware of her; that year, a JFK biographer mentioned that he had an affair with "a tall, slender, beautiful 19-year-old college sophomore and White House intern, who worked in the press office." Since she was "outed" involuntarily, I am assuming that this intern chose to write this book to tell her side of the story.


  8. I watched the Gingrich ad which declared Romney is more liberal than Obama. Seems like a nasty catfight to me.

    A nasty, childish catfight. Whoever wins that nom will be of such damage goods there will be no chance of that person becoming POTUS> Unless we have a repeat of Florida and the SC gives the Republican the win once again.

  9. Gingrich won the South Carolina primary. This had been forecast as a tight race, but Gingrich won in a blowout.

    Overall I think this is good for Republicans - it keeps the story on their party and adds excitement, it toughens Romney up.

    This is a fascinating take on the result, although the bewildering idea that the GOP is waiting for someone to jump in or that Mitch Daniels - who is disliked by many in the part for his comments about a "truce" on social issues and is mostly just known as a forgettable governor - is going to somehow show Romney up by giving the State of the Union response. Those never get anyone anything, even the ones which garner a positive response (remember Jim Webb?).


    More on Newt's win.


    More on this being another example of how unpopular Nikki Haley is.


    I wonder if Romney will just back out of the rest of the debates.

    They gave up winning the POTUS when Huntsmann dropped out. There is not one man left who can possibly beat back all of the truly negative things that has been said just to win the Republican Nom. Do they honestly think everyone is going to overlook their words and actions? if so, I have some beach front property right under the Arch.

  10. At a 2008 campaign event in Oregon:

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EpGH02DtIws" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I realize, Roman, that only "idiots" like Bush are supposed to make mistakes like this, and not your beloved Obama. (To be technically correct, however, Obama actually indicated that there are 60 states, since he had yet to visit AK, HI, and another state.)

    I can't imagine the s#itstorm the "conservatively biased" media would have made if Quayle or Palin made such a remark.

    I'm glad you realize Bush was an idiot. Thank you for saying that.

  11. His saying that he likes to fire people was taken totally out of context. But, since these bullshit political games are going to be played, I guess it's OK for the GOP to take Obama's comment that "we've gotten a bit lazy" out of context as well (and generalize it to mean that Obama feels all Americans are lazy). And what about Barry's comment that people who live in rural areas "cling to their guns and religion"? I guess this must mean he feels he is so superior to the people who live in such places.

    I guess Romney (who knows there are 50 states in the union as opposed to the 57 Obama thinks we have) is the only candidate who says foolish things.

    Whden did Obama say we have 57 states?

  12. Candace probably has said to herself "Darn. Those exes weren't wrong after all."

    They all, excepty for Huntsmann, have shoved themselves so far to the right just to win the Repub. nomination, they are destroying their chances in the general. Obama might just win for no other reason that the alternative is so far over the top voters wouldn't DARE elect that person.

    Gay rights? Everyone should have have the very same rights under the law. Some republicans always say "keep Big Government out of our lives.", then, spend all their time sticking their noises into everyone's lives, so they don't have to say they have not one solution for what really matters in this country to Americans.

  13. The funny, and yet very sad, thing is, the Republican Party has allowed itself to be taken over by Tea Partiers. I saw a Iowan reporter state that the establishment arm of the RP despises the TP, but are scared to death of them. That party is crashing and burning, and now with Newt making it his mission to destroy Romney (and the others joining up with him) this has turned into the carnival freak show many had predicted. And, once the Obama machine gets going full steam, romney or whoever else wins that nomination won't be able to win the majority of the states, amybe except their own.

  14. That's fine. barack will win re-election hands down...and in a electoral college landslide.

    The hated Lieberman not only provided the decisive vote for ObamaCare, he was also the Senate co-sponsor (along with Susan Collins) of the bill that allowed gays to openly serve in the military.

    Even when the Democrats had 59 Senate seats, that is still a very lopsided majority in my book. (The GOP has never had more than 55 seats since the Great Depression.) However, the Democrats (and those who caucused with them) had 60 seats for more than just the time period from 7/7/09 (when Franken was seated) to 8/25/09 (the day Kennedy died). That's because MA's Democratic governor appointed Paul Kirk to the Senate; he served from 9/24/09 to 2/4/10. It was during that time when Reid shoved ObamaCare down our throats (without a single moderate Republican voting for it).

    Thanks for reminding me. I also forgot to say that the "conservatively biased" mainstream media, the Supreme Court, and DINOs (like Ben Nelson, Evan Bayh, and Joe Lieberman) are also responsible for the nations problems.

    While Barry isn't going to win re-election in a landslide, I have maintained all along that he will still defeat Willard in November (since general elections are merely personal popularity contests). Given that there will indeed be five more years of Obama, I can only hope that you don't join the ranks of the unemployed anytime soon. Should you be so unfortunate as to lose your job, don't count on getting another decent paying one until 2017; you see, in the Obama economy, employers are so reluctant to hire, and--as a consequence--it has become commonplace for any one particular job to receive several hundred different applicants.

    Then what do you want him to do to fix all of these things?

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