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Posts posted by Roman

  1. I'm not going to say how any one voting block will vote. And, IMPO, if anyone thinks they know the electorate of this country I feel they may be making a mistake. The same way the CNM thinks they know how everyone will vote. They follow polls that mean nothing and then, when they are embarrassed this November 6th, they will blame everything else but themselves.

  2. Let me see. The Dixie Chicks get blasted, almost had their careers ruined and received death threats from the right-wing crazies in this country for telling the truth about Bush. Yet now, the ultra-right look the other way (As they always do) when it comes to this clown bashing this POTUS.

    Ok. I got it now.

  3. I read some articles saying they are concerned about the handling of Bain - do you remember which articles mentioned concern over the whole campaign?

    I think they must know the campaign is a mess but know their $$$$ wins out over all else.

    Speaking of $$$$, I hope the money train stops rolling for Palin now that she's saying Condi's pro-choice views shouldn't disqualify her. That is treason to the base of the GOP.

    I check my email. When I find it I'll post it.

  4. But someone told Romney and his campaign that if he plays to the ultra right-wing base he'll win in a walk. He and that party have turned off every other voting block in the country, and all he does is get mad when legit questions arise about the lies he's been telling. But, if the "Liberal Media" had been doing their jobs in the first place, instead of pushing this crap that it was so undignified for the POTUS to go after his record, maybe we could finally get to the bottom of things.

    And I just read that Republicans are now getting really scared about how badly Romney has screwed his whole campaign up.

  5. And of course, hardly anyone in the cable news media is reporting it. Guess they're too bush with "Is a tax or isn't it?" stuff they have running for the last week and a half. It'll be on starting at 3pm central.

  6. The jet skiing isn't a bad thing. I don't think people should find that problematic but we live in a society where people can be "made" to resent just about anything whether they actually care about it or not.

    The offshore accounts are a problem. No matter how you cut and slice it, it seems very odd that someone who wants to preside over a nation would have his money in other countries.

    The Cable News Media is the one who blew this all over the place. Whoever said "let's report whatever crap we can to fill up the 24hr cycle." A guy on a jet sky. What's next? oh yes. Tom and Katie. No wonder CNN and MSNBC during the day really stinks.

  7. Are Romney and his contingent including his wife that clueless? Does she really believe Romney or the republican party have some sort of political high ground? The fact is Mitt Romney and team including his wife, forgive me for saying, just come across completely stupid, naive, and clueless. I'm not infatuated with the democrats or Obama but really is this the best the GOP has to offer? It's making John McCains team look like political genius's.


    It is the worst presidential campaign I have even witnessed.

  8. The right wing's newest hate figure:


    Tucker Carlson's site ran a whole article basically just to say that some anonymous conservative thinks he's a douche and always was. Funny how that didn't stop them from giving him money and a speaking slot in 2009...

    Carlson was a half tailed hack when he had his show on MSNBC. Now he's so out there even Fixed Noise won't have him.

  9. More blatant flip-flopping from Romney. Not that anyone ever notices or cares.


    I honestly have to say this one more time. It is incredible that this complete moron is being taken seriously. And I still haven't heard why some in this forum hate the POTUS as much as they do, and for what reasons. Hell, I'm still waiting for an answer to what Romney will replace the ACA with, and how Obama could have done better as a POTUS by some. But, those answers have been replaced with other stuff I guess.

  10. You are right, but here is my final response:

    No one ever referred to George Bush I or II as "Georgie" or Mitt Romney as "Mittie." It is not a coincidence that you call the President, "Barry" and Charles Rangel, "Charlie." You and your ilk do it because it is killing you that you can no longer call them "boy" or worse.

    Well that's what happens. Once called out,, those same people then get indignant because you may have struck a nerve and told some truth. I know in my lifetime that if someone works so hard to tell you they're not racist, I have always thought "Well maybe you are." Kinda like that "Well, some of my best friends are black/gay/women/Latino." And then...

    I just let them stay exactly the way they are. tomorrow celebrates those who actually got past whatever bigotry they have and made this land a better place for millions of people. So, I'll just eat some BBQ and drink some Bud Light (LOVE that and Stag beer) and just know that i'm trying my best to stay on the right and positive side of history.

  11. Wales, I've never pretended that I don't have disdain for this man. What I take issue with is the suggestion (made by Roman and Ann) that I despise the man because of the color of his skin. In fact, his policies aren't even the main reason why I despise him. Instead, it's because he masquerades as somebody who is honorable and doesn't play politics, all the while living the high life amongst the elite.

    It just doesn't matter anymore.

  12. Again, the article that link took me to had nothing to do with the issue of what (if anything) the NAACP is saying about alleged voter fraud on Charlie Rangel's part.

    I can't refer to you personally, but Bush was called much worse things than "Barry," such as "murderer," "deserter," and "election stealer." The crazy things that enemies of Bush and Clinton accused them of doing (being responsible for 9/11, killing Vincent Foster) are far more severe than floating around absurd theories like the current president is a Kenyan-born, Muslim socialist. Obama supporters conveniently forget the s#it Bush and Clinton went through in order to advance the narrative that their commander-in-chief is the most persecuted president in history.

    You're one to talk, Roman, given that you have called Governor Romney "Willard" on multiple occasions. So if you're gonna suggest that those who call the president "Barry" are racists, then you are anti-Mormon for calling the governor "Willard." You can't have it both ways. (If somebody wants to use the terms "Barry" or "Willard," I'm perfectly alright with that, since those are their actual names. What's not acceptable is for you to trash me for using "Barry" while you yourself proudly use the term "Willard.")

    Exactly how do you know that all conservatives have "no use for small business" and only care about the one percent? Instead of actually addressing the concerns that small business owners have (as laid forth in the article), you go and make a very broad, simplistic generalization (as if you know exactly what all conservatives are thinking).

    Are you currently unemployed (like I am)? (I not assuming anything, which is why I asked.) At least in the field of accounting, there are few decent paying jobs available because companies are so reluctant to hire. (Just about all the employers I see are being extremely selective in the Obama economy, where they won't even give you an interview unless you've done essentially the same exact job in another company, and also are knowledgeable about some obscure IT system.) So yeah, I get more than a little emotional when talking about the very likely prospect of four more years of this s#it. If one's job prospects seemed hopeless--though no fault of their own (I was laid off 14 months ago because the failing company I worked for was acquired by a competitor; as what always happens in these situations, all overhead personnel in the acquired company were terminated)--I'd venture to say that person would want to change presidents as well (especially when one reads reports that business owners are even more reluctant to hire because of his policies). Racism has nothing to do with it, nor the desire to worship the one percent.

    The 2016 GOP nominee could certainly be somebody very far to the right (who is unlikable/unelectable), but I suspect that the most likely right-wing fire breathing nut isn't Brownback (who failed badly in 2008) or DeMint (who realizes he is unelectable, which is why he didn't run this year). If the GOP wants to go the far-right route, their darling will be Rick Santorum, whose supporters will be super-energized and say that he's "owed" the 2016 nomination because he correctly warned that a moderate nominee (which is the perception many have of Romney, whether you agree with it or not) would lose.

    If you don't mind me asking, I am curious as to which states you think Romney will carry. (I don't blame you for thinking that Romney will win, because if I was a Democrat, I probably would think/fear the same thing.) Right now, the only safe Romney states are the 22 McCain states, along with Indiana and North Carolina (which total 206 electoral votes). Strangely enough, Romney is leading in historically Democratic Iowa, so that brings his total up to 212 (which his how I foresee the election turning out, barring some major game-changing event). Romney can basically only win if he also carries Florida, Ohio, and Virginia, but he's trailing in all these places.

    Well you also have no problem saying "All liberals" so why can't someone say all conservatives? i'm still waiting for you to tell me what Romney will replace the AHCA with.

    Romney's career wasn't based on firing people, as he had more successes than failures at Bain. Private equity firms maximize profits when they invest in successful start-ups (which themselves obviously need to hire as they are growing). Of course, not every investment is successful, so it's easy for Democrats to cherry-pick the failures and dupe the idiot public into thinking this is typical (and--all the while--switching the discussion away from the country's horrendous economy). Thankfully, President Clinton--whose popularity and economic record will forever eclipse that of Barry's--had the bravery to point out that Governor Romney had a "sterling" business career:


    Regarding Romney's statement that he "likes to fire people," the Obama campaign and the liberal media distorted what he said. The context of the statement was that he likes having the option of firing people who provide bad services to him (which is hardly something reprehensible).

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/nBfWB64iHAs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I'm not at all surprised that these types of vicious attacks have succeeded in making Romney unelectable, even in the Great Recession. The stupidity of the American people never ceases to amaze me.

    The silver lining of an Obama victory will be that nobody will be able to credibly bitch about SuperPACs, the "conservative" media, or about what a "homophobic" and "racist" country the USA is. Also, four more years of Obama will lead to four more years of the economy in shambles. While that's terrible news for America, it will lead to hugely lopsided GOP Congressional majorities, and the GOP nominee in 2016--most likely somebody "likable" and extremely conservative like Marco Rubio or Chris Christie--will handily defeat a Democratic nominee who is "not as cool" as Obama. (I foresee even a strong Democrat like Andrew Cuomo or Hillary Clinton losing in 2016 in a similar manner to John McCain's 2008 loss.)

    It wasn't based on firing people? Ask those who lost their jobs if they feel the same why.

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