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Posts posted by Roman

  1. CNN & MSNBC (with the exceptions of Rachel and Joy) is just GOD AWFUL. I mean I have NEVER seen these two networks give such horrible 'reporting' in their histories. Never. Phil Griffin, Andrew Lack & Jeff Zucker all should be fired one day after election day. This is why i get my news on the net. 

  2. Hillary apparently felt 'overheated' at the 9/11 memorial this morning (it's crazy humid in NYC) and headed to Chelsea's apartment to recover, is fine now.


    The Breitbart crew is of course jubilant that their "Hillary's Health" memes finally has some new traction, but while they will report it and air Trump's crazy surrogates talking about it I don't really think the mainstream media is going to go with them on this one beyond a day or so, it's too unseemly.

    one of MSNBC's lead stories on their site is the overheated story. 

    It was the first article of 40 on AOL's main page earlier (oh wait, still is). Nothing about Trump and his ridiculous or even an in memorial article about 9/11. 2 other political articles... Hillary walking back on fiery comments and Rush angry with conservatives for their treatment of Trump. 

    we have no journalism. there are net sites that really do the job very well....but the 3 24hr. news networks are just horrible. Her health....which means they are, like you said, reading Drudge and Breitbart and running with their 'news'. makes me ill. 

  3. Hillary apparently felt 'overheated' at the 9/11 memorial this morning (it's crazy humid in NYC) and headed to Chelsea's apartment to recover, is fine now.


    The Breitbart crew is of course jubilant that their "Hillary's Health" memes finally has some new traction, but while they will report it and air Trump's crazy surrogates talking about it I don't really think the mainstream media is going to go with them on this one beyond a day or so, it's too unseemly.

    one of MSNBC's lead stories on their site is the overheated story. 

  4.  I have to admit at this point I am a little terrified. I'm struggling to understand HOW Trump is gaining pollingwise when his voting base is not a majority. The demographics in the US is roughly 39% minority and with 90% of them voting for Hillary and enough college educated whites, how is it possible this is oh so close. I know they saw if she continues to carry Colorado, Virginia, NH, and Penn she's in, but it scares the bejesus out of me.


    And I know much of the support is frustration with Washington but all Trump spells is disaster and honestly his policies would cause an economic collapse IMO this country has never seen since the great depression.

    yu know, I haven't trusted the 24hr. news nets in years. IMPO the only one doing her job is Rachel Maddow. and maybe Lawrence O'Donnell. the others? no. Morning Joe for example will use any poll to make the case that the race is still close to get ratings. But IA with you......there is NO WAY Trump is that close. HRC needs to end this email garbage once and for all, because that's all the tv MSM has to go on really with her. and polls.....they survey what, 1200-1500 people and that is supposed to speak for the entire electorate? not IMO. 110 million people voted 4 years ago. and this 'white working class', 'black vote', 'latino vote'...just ways to for them to seem like they are doing their jobs because frankly they are so lzy they don't have a clue what american voters really think. 

  5. well Trump is now being called out for taking donor money and funnelling it to his businesses. 

    The Murdoch Sons want to get rid of all the hate and vitriol on FN? turn it into a real news network? I'm all for it. 

    Jane is right...http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/michael-wolff-murdoch-father-sons-919809

    Ugh I can't stand the fact that that cockroach Jeff Zucker is again considered some sort of wonderboy.

    the only thing I can think of is that he gets ratings regardless of content. JZ never cared for journalism IMPO. He's horrible....and CNN is just bad. Will be interesting to see how the ratings look after the elections. 

    The new Rasmussen poll came out and she's back ahead by 4 points.


    My guess is she picks up a couple more points over the week due to last night(trust me a lot of people saw through that BS) and Gary Johnson's campaign is basically dead after his slip today. When you get no media coverage anything you get has to be handled well. This slip up is going to cost him..

    she's supposed to do a press conference this morning. 

  6. The taco truck outside my office is doing pretty good business today. I think that insane statement made everyone hungry! LOL!

    was that just the most ignorant [!@#$%^&*] you have heard this election cycle? I bet his mates are laughing their asses off at him at this very moment.

  7. So basically some surrogate from Trumps campaign on Morning Joe this AM admitted the trip to Mexico was Bannon's idea to keep Trump in the media cycle.


    I know we keep talking about what  comprehensive ground game Hillary has and Trump doesn't but why bother when the media gives him round the clock daily coverage. Trump is smart in that he knows the media could care less about what's good for the country. All they care about is money and rating. This is the part that scares me the most about this campaign.

    So Bannon put trump up to this. Well, that's it.....the worst presidential campaign I have seen in my lifetime. 

  8. MSNBC and CNN want this to stay close to keep ratings up......which will nosedive after the election. Trump looks like he's actively trying to throw the whole thing. Or he's just a complete idiot. I still can't make up my mind. 

  9. I keep reading this rumor that what he really wants to do is start a tv network. so he's poaching FN talent to do this. this is also why he ran for POTUS...which, if true, makes everyone who voted for him the biggest idiots and morons....because he would have played 15 million people. 

  10. I think CNN wants it too, but then, Jeff Zucker is a stain on television and culture anyway. At this point I'd even take Faux News over that network. 

    To me they want that just as much as MSNBC. Trump surrogates on the network are just awful people. but as long as they draw ratings Zucker doesn't care IMPO. Then we look at the show hosts. There are only one, maybe two IMO who actually call out both sides and try to be equal. Burnett is one for sure to me. ND didn't start doing it until Trump called the one reporter a sleaze at a PC months ago. Ever since that moment, the tv press has went all over Trump on everything he does...where as before all they did was smile and report on his poll numbers and primary wins. It also seemed like the still on both networks they are practically demanding that trump stop his garbage and 'pivot'. Halprin is just a lost case...I still remember seeing a picture of him and Trump together on Trump's plane smiling like two morons. But Zucker? what do we expect from one of the men who helped make "Airplane!"

  11. GOP urges Trump to extend outreach to Black Voters



    Seriously aren't these the same people who have been behind every attempt to restrict voting rights to exclude minority voters? I just can't with this lack of self awareness.

    well the RP seems to always want our vote at the last minute....after spending years demonizing us. they need to be purged from the inside out. 

  12. He can't stand losing so badly that it is literally driving him crazy. 

    Good luck, buddy.





    'Trump is underperforming so comprehensively...it would take video evidence of a smiling Hillary drowning a litter of puppies while terrorists surrounded her with chants of ‘Death to America,’' said an Iowa Republican.

    that is so foul, funny and so very true. 

    Good luck, buddy.





    'Trump is underperforming so comprehensively...it would take video evidence of a smiling Hillary drowning a litter of puppies while terrorists surrounded her with chants of ‘Death to America,’' said an Iowa Republican.

    that is so foul, funny and so very true. 


  13. Hillary's lucky that Trump opened his cakehole today as otherwise the news coverage likely would have been this:




    I totally believe her people that they didn't invite him there or know he would be there, but it's very sloppy that he was let in.

    Well, IA with you 100%...but Trump had Mark Foley, the congressman who had to resign because he was sending sexually explicit emails to young interns and aides sitting right behind him at a rally 2 days later. So it's like they canceled each other out. The connection with HRC's aide in the state dept. and the connection to the Clinton Foundation would be getting so much coverage if dumbass would STHU for 10 minutes. And I'm voting for HRC.

     go to twitter and just read some of the tweets if you just need a belly laugh today. it's based on what she said this morning.....that Obama and HRC invaded Afghanistan. 


    you don't want to retread the past and yet you bring up HRC's past? 


    I think the TV MSM wants to just keep it close so viewership will stay up. both networks (I don't count FN) did the same thing with Romney and McCain. They will find whatever polls they can find to show that the gap is tightening....plus I don't know why people rely on polls in the first place. 

    She's the one running, so yeah.  You brought Bush up because you made the huge leap in logic that because I might think HRC is less than honest I must be a Republican. You can compare her to W all you like, but if that's what it takes to make her look honest, I'd call that a trust and honesty problem for the ages.  All I can say is that it's a damn good thing Trump is looking nuttier by the day.

    you at least said that. miracles do happen. 

  15. What lies has Hillary Clinton told? I'm still trying to figure that out. These phantom tales of her lying are backed up by nothing.

    Have you been watching the news? Don Lemon (and he's certainly not biased against her) just had clips of Hillary speaking and then the FBI coming right in and contradicting her line for line. She lied about not having classified emails on her server. She also lied about the FBI backing her up on not having classified emails on her server. That's just this week. The Clinton's both have a very long history of lying. I'm not going to pretend the emperor is wearing clothes just because I agree with them politically.

    I have......I also watched it when 22 million emails were deleted during the Bush Admin. and not one word was reported about that. 

    I'm not sure what that has to do with HRC's credibility. Because the Bush administration did dirty things everyone else gets a free pass? :unsure:

    and the Bus Admin. started a war based on lies THEY told and how many US soldiers came home maimed or dead? how many Iraqi civilians were killed based off these lies? but you have decided, as do most, to completely ignore that because you have this hate on for HRC. I don't care for her too much myself...but voting for her is like taking the chance Anakin will not turn to the dark side over Trump who is the damn Emperor of the Galactic Empire. but people see what they want to see...and I will not argue facts against emotions or hatred. so..enjoy. LOL

    What on Earth are you talking about? I don't hate HRC. I happen to adore Bill Clinton for that matter (he's still a shameless liar). The fact that you would say that is so far out there, I can't even comprehend it. It's laughable that you are saying I'm the emotional one in this discussion.  Just because I don't put blinders on does not mean I hate the woman, far from it. On a personal level I like her.  That doesn't mean I think she has been honest over the years. Of course, I'm voting for her. Trump is a monster.  I've never voted for a Republican and I doubt I ever will in this lifetime.


    Preaching to me about Bush makes no sense because he's not running. All of the awful things he did has no bearing about the culture of dishonesty that surrounded the first Clinton administration or HRC's credibility. Sorry, but I'm not really looking forward to a retread of the days when the definition of terms like "sexual relations" are in dispute. Not after being spoiled by having an ethical leader for the last 8 years.

    you don't want to retread the past and yet you bring up HRC's past? 

    The daily tracking polls often favor Trump. I can't remember if they favored Romney. 


    The media wants him to win so that will always be a factor too.

    I think the TV MSM wants to just keep it close so viewership will stay up. both networks (I don't count FN) did the same thing with Romney and McCain. They will find whatever polls they can find to show that the gap is tightening....plus I don't know why people rely on polls in the first place. 

  16. CNN just reported that Trump continues to drop with educated white males in NH..more than 20 point drop…and he is dropping in other states that are vital to him winning…..

    Hillary is leading in NH, MI and PA

    the RP has the candidate they have wanted for 70yrs or more....a racist, sexist, misogynistic, bigoted, lying, hateful beyond lousy businessman....and now all of them act like he is the one who has destroyed that party. IMPO this started when Eisenhower picked Richard Nixon as his VP and has slowly been going downhill since then. that party deserves not only him but Limbaugh, Savage, Alex Jones, Roger Stone, all of Fox News, Joe Scarborough, Katrina Pierson, all the bigoted hateful right wing people nationwide and the entire republican majority in state congresses and DC. I have NO sorrows for them.....and this is the turning point this country needs. Too bad we have MSNBC, CNN & Fox News on our air who do nothing but push garbage in the sake of ratings....not journalism. 

  17. What lies has Hillary Clinton told? I'm still trying to figure that out. These phantom tales of her lying are backed up by nothing.

    Have you been watching the news? Don Lemon (and he's certainly not biased against her) just had clips of Hillary speaking and then the FBI coming right in and contradicting her line for line. She lied about not having classified emails on her server. She also lied about the FBI backing her up on not having classified emails on her server. That's just this week. The Clinton's both have a very long history of lying. I'm not going to pretend the emperor is wearing clothes just because I agree with them politically.

    I have......I also watched it when 22 million emails were deleted during the Bush Admin. and not one word was reported about that. 

    I'm not sure what that has to do with HRC's credibility. Because the Bush administration did dirty things everyone else gets a free pass? :unsure:

    and the Bus Admin. started a war based on lies THEY told and how many US soldiers came home maimed or dead? how many Iraqi civilians were killed based off these lies? but you have decided, as do most, to completely ignore that because you have this hate on for HRC. I don't care for her too much myself...but voting for her is like taking the chance Anakin will not turn to the dark side over Trump who is the damn Emperor of the Galactic Empire. but people see what they want to see...and I will not argue facts against emotions or hatred. so..enjoy. LOL

  18. What lies has Hillary Clinton told? I'm still trying to figure that out. These phantom tales of her lying are backed up by nothing.

    Have you been watching the news? Don Lemon (and he's certainly not biased against her) just had clips of Hillary speaking and then the FBI coming right in and contradicting her line for line. She lied about not having classified emails on her server. She also lied about the FBI backing her up on not having classified emails on her server. That's just this week. The Clinton's both have a very long history of lying. I'm not going to pretend the emperor is wearing clothes just because I agree with them politically.

    I have......I also watched it when 22 million emails were deleted during the Bush Admin. and not one word was reported about that. 

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