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Posts posted by Roman

  1. I notice most of the people condemning him are people who have to for political reasons. 


    I hope he doesn't drop out because Mike Pence terrifies me. 

    This has been brought up. Voting has already started, ballots printed. No way can they replace him on the ballot now.

    Actually, they can replace him at any point up until election day. For major party candidates, the name on the ballot is largely irrelevant. People are technically voting for the party's electors in that state, not the candidate themselves. If Trump were to step down (he must step down, the party can't rescind the nomination once it's been awarded), the RNC would choose a new nominee. They don't have to choose Pence or any of the people who were in the primaries. They can choose any registered Republican willing to do it. They could try to distance themselves from Trump by going with someone like Kasich, Romney or Jeb Bush, none of whom ever endorsed him. They would try to change the names on the ballots by election day but, if they can't, it doesn't matter. Any votes cast under Trump's name (like on absentee ballots that have already been sent out) would go to the new Republican nominee.

    So ok what about people who still want to vote for him? Do they write in Trump or check the box off? Because many of the deplorables would still want to vote for him.

    well voting has started. his name is on the ballots. I don't know how that goes but the party may have no choice but to keep him on the ballot. had this happened a couple months ago...sure. but now? 

  2. ^That about covers it, homey!


    Trump has signposted his insanely stupid Clinton plan for Sunday. It is absolutely suicide and most of his team must know it. "Looks like the product of a plea bargain," Lawrence O'Donnell says of the video. Everyone hates it.


    So far the unendorse count is at: Huntsman, Jason Chaffetz, Mark Kirk and... the governor of Utah whose name I can't remember.


    Did Halperin really call in to MSNBC upset?



    Halperin called MSNBC so upset he couldn't go on? and this !@#$%^&*] still has a job there?! REALLY?!?!

  3. I didn't realize he was already with (married?) to Melania at the time.


    CNN just ran it as well.

    but now how long have they been married? because the headline said this is from 2005. have they been together since then?

  4. From Maggie Haberman at the NYT on Twitter:



    Trump campaign is canceling hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising in Fla, NC, OH, possibly other states, per two buying sources.


    Hillary is also way, way up again on a variety of Nate Silver, etc. forecasts, and the polling continues to surge for her.


    I can't lay my hands on it atm, but I saw another journo (John Harwood?) say that some of Trump's senior advisors will not be voting for him, calling him 'unhinged and unfit.'

    If you can find it I'd love to read it. 

  5. No problem @marceline, I didn't mean to come off as cavalier but I guess early in the morning, my initial post may have come off dismissive, which was not my intent.


    Having sat up and watched this debate, I was hoping that there would be more probing questions and responses. I think I have to just accept the fact that we're at this point in our politics where debates will resemble verbal jousting or one candidate constantly making funny faces while the other person speaks. The last couple of President election cycles, it seemed as if the conversations and topics were so much more substantive, now  'looking President' seems to have taken on more importance than actually answering questions about policy.

    I definitely feel your frustration. I know that the MSM definitely has a large role in framing the context and circumstances in which these debates are taking place but I also wonder what the general public's role is in all this- in terms of the tone?


    In other political news, Governor of NY Andrew Cuomo is now being tangentially implicated in the Bridgegate Scandal.


    Cuomo ordered halt to Bridgegate probe after talks with Christie, former Port Authority executive says


    One of Christie's former aides had already accused Christie of knowing about the bridge closing, albeit after the fact and doing nothing about it.  Between this and the possibility of a gas hike in NJ, I think Christie is done once his term is up.

    I was looking for the same policy discussions. a chance for Pence to answer for his hatred of gay & Lesbian Americans and the legislation and money lost by his decisions. to see if Pence can say anything concrete about healthcare, social security, rogue police, etc. nothing....because the moderator was horrible and it devolved into a shouting match. 

  6. why can't Bill Clinton just keep his fat mouth shut?


    He's probably still bitter that he isn't at center stage, and I do think he genuinely loves his wife (in spite of everything) and he probably thinks if they listened to him, she'd be winning in a landslide. 


    You can see the slavering over how this helps Trump in this article:




    The media has been waiting for the chance to help Trump get a comeback, and as relatively mild as his comments were, this is the start of the kick in that direction. I imagine some out there will be waiting to gush over Pence tonight too (a media favorite before he tanked himself in 2015), to further cement their Trump fantasies. 

    IA with every word you just said, and thanks for the link. Never have liked Politico that much, even if MSNBC & CNN always quote from it like it's the only news source in the country.

  7. A rundown of his speech. It's - well I guess it's about the norm for him, which is sad. 




    Meanwhile, first reported in the paper of Trump's son-in-law (which might tell us how they feel...), Fooliani spews more racial positivity at a business dinner, thus further burning away his "mainstream" credibility. TPM had a good analysis of this:



    Rudy has always been like this. The man is just sick really. For him I have no words. 

  8. And Trump strikes again....apparently he did a late night phone interview with the NYT I think where he called out HRC and called her an enabler of Bill's affairs, but when Trump was asked about his cheating on Ivana and Marla he didn't want to talk about that at all. 

  9. Is it true the Newsweek story alleges he laundered the Cuba money through his charity? Because that will be a blow.


    Trump is getting pilloried all week about Alicia Machado, on top of Hillary trouncing him. So what does he do? This. Amazing.

    well the full article will be out tomorrow morning. Rachel had just got hold of the cover. It may.....if it does....the TVMSM will not even cover it because Trump will do something stupid to get those people to cover THAT instead of this story. 

    sources inside the Trump campaign have now said that trump didn't do any prep work at all for the debate. Alies tried to get him to prep but when trump wouldn't he sat around telling old political war stories. The Trump children blame the two generals and Ailes and Rudy for Trump's lousy debate...and Rudy took over main debate prep by the end. 

  10. Carl I don't see anyone in the media awarding him anything. Maybe Fox. But this was a disaster.


    What impressed me the most. Obviously HRC is knowledgable. But on the stage she stood equally. The visual side by side really worked to her advantage. He actually kind of looked unbalanced next to her.

    Then don't watch CNN. Jeffrey Lord and the blond woman both said he did FANTASTIC tonight. 

    Can't stand either one but Kayleigh McEnany is just downright awful. Donald could fart in her face and she'd say it smells good!

    DAmn. LMAO!!!!

    Donald looked like he was on crack or losing his mind. 


    Ive legit never been more proud of Hillary Clinton than I am tonight. That was just a masterpiece performance for the ages. There were very small hiccups (2-4 at most) but compared to Donald it was non existant. Her performance at the last Benghazi hearing was almost as good as her debate performance tonight. 


    Just donated $20 to her campaign and I'm praying this moves the needle in her direction once again. All these Gary Johnson fools have to see what a danger he is. This is just not the time or year to flirt with third party and send this country into chaos.


    Woah Chuck Todd is a hack? In what universe? Andrea Mitchell on the other hand def is just a product of DC hobknobbing and yes only has her job cuz of her husband. But let's not throw Chucky T into the usual lame stream media. 

    CT is a hack. That's my opinion. you don't like it? tough. I'm not changing it. K? K. 


    youre entitled to have whatever delusional opinion you want. I'm just laughing wondering who you consider credible in the world of journalism such that it is these days. It's widely acknowledged that he's one of the few remaining folks who tries to call it fair for both sides 

    not CT. and I'm sorry that I am delusional because I don't agree with your opinion. that is very sad. and shows your ignorance. 

    well, Morning Joe and AM Radio here in STL are saying RUMP won the debate. 

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