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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 5 hours ago, cassadine1991 said:


    Don't feed the trolls please.....for your own safety. besides....who is POTUS now? 

    2 hours ago, Khan said:

    Fascist Mouthpiece Barbie will probably say, "I, personally, was there, and it was jam-packed with everyday, working class people who want to Make America Great Again!"


    What do you want to bet FOB will advocate on Twitter having those 95 protesters brought up on charges of treason?

    Is that the same one who stole a old flag from the late 1800s and put it on?

  2. well let's see......have a Universal Monster Marathon set (Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man and the sequels), ID Channel....which has some good shows on all day..catching up on Y&R.....all after I come home from a fraternity brother's older brother's funeral. Starting off on a solemn note, bt great tv watching after that...so, if anyone can stomach what that creature says today (I saw pictures of the family's reactions to last night's concert.....they looked like they were walking the planks) please let me know. I thank you.

  3. 6 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    So it's being reported that at the concert tonight 10,000 people showed up. Compared to Obama 2009 where the weather is miserable as anything, 400,000 attendees

    he only got 10,000 to show up? how Kellyanne will spin this...

  4. 2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Me too. After soaps ended, I turned my TV right back on ID. I'll be watching Joe Kinda and the rest of ID until Saturday morning. 

    Love JK. He thinks he's Dirty Harry and McClane rolled into one, but when he gets the bad guys...but how is it HE KNOWS everything and more than the other cops do?

    28 minutes ago, GMac said:


    I saw that.  What happened to "getting to work on a Day One"?!?!  haha Another promise he broke.


    CBS is saying that beginning at 8AM tomorrow morning, they are covering the inauguration ALL DAY :o. WTF is that?  Did that happen for Prez O?


    It did...actually some channels started at 7am eastern.

  5. Trump and Republicans....insults to the walking dead. and they are going to call it something else and take credit for it...that's all republicans do. and the stupid folks who vote for them act like they can't realize that...because "HE'LL BUILD A WALL TO KEEP THE ILLEGALS OUT!!" stupid asses....

  6. He now is entering office with the lowest approval rating of any incoming POTUS since polling began....37%. the little punk did this to himself. and the TVMSM doesn't know how to handle it. Carol Costello just said that the Dems should at least try to work with Trump...funny how the MSM didn't cover the true story of Reps having a meeting the night of Obama's first inauguration and discussing about how they wouldn't work with him AT ALL.

  7. 13 hours ago, marceline said:

    We will hold Trump accountable. His supporters won't.


    I was at a fundraiser tonight with someone who works in DC and has ties to Congress. They said that the GOP is getting hammered with outrage from constituents. Much more than they expected. I don't think it will make them change course but perhaps those voters can be turned in 2018.

    They should get ripped. maybe that is why so many have voted on repeal but have stayed silent on their reasons why. to take millions off of health care, even though the legislation needed a lot of work....what do they expect?

  8. 2 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Well, if it helps people like me become more educated about Rep. Lewis and other men and women who marched for my ignorant Black ass, then for once, Fat Orange Bastard did America a favor.

    and you and I both know he didn't mean to do this. wonder if this will teach the whole ass about opening his mouth (unless a hooker wants to use the bathroom)?

  9. 2 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    You know I am no conspiracy theorist - I do believe Russian propaganda was used in our election, but Moscow News is reporting that the Chief of Staff to Putin associate Igor Sechin - the one who met w/Trump aide Carter Page - was found dead in Russia. Could all be coincidence but it does make one wonder. This was back in December.



    Cutting all cords, and this is one that got reported. 

  10. 1 minute ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    How ironic, considering the unusually elevated numbers of American Jewish voters who voted for Trump and how Bibi has been lauding Trump lately. Well, there is often a difference between what Bibi says publicly and what he does behind closed doors.


    Israeli intelligence fears Donald Trump’s administration will funnel their secrets to Vladimir Putin, Russia


    In short, the Israelis now need to watch their own back.

    wonder why they didn't think about this when the prick was running?

  11. 22 minutes ago, sivad40 said:

    What do you consider Fox News, and conservative talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Michael Savage?

    Pieces of rat filth and insults to whale crap. 

    30 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Thanks. I don't trust Huff Post as I see it as a poorly edited vanity project, but I agree about the others. I just think that thanks to our "liberal" media, most these days don't trust major media outlets, and with good reason. 

    Oh IA. HP has sold out at various times as well....but other than those I mentioned and few others, we all were sold down the river for clicks or ratings IMPO. 

  12. 47 minutes ago, MissLlanviewPA said:

    And now he's dissing John Lewis. Disgusting.




    Two reason why I think he's doing this...1. he's a petulant child. 2. he's trying to distract from all the Russia/Trump stories. 

    1 hour ago, DRW50 said:


    What is "the real news media"?

    To me.....some of the media sites I got to. Media Matters, Crooks & Liars, HuffPost (at times), sites like that. I do NOT trust american television corporate news media (save Rachel, Joy and Lawrence). 

  13. 2 hours ago, Khan said:


    Trump Nation has to be the biggest bunch of fools on Earth not to see hypocrises such as this coming from their leader.  I mean, it's the most blatant [!@#$%^&*] I've ever seen.  But, instead of holding Trump accountable, what do they do?  They look away and mumble the same old jive about "Crooked Hillary" and us needing to "get over it."


    Frankly, I'm beginning to see that stuff like the fact that Trump is just as much in Wall Street's pockets as Hillary (if not more so) never mattered at all to Trump Nation.  All they ever cared about was getting a President who wasn't Black or a woman.  Point blank, period.


    Otherwise, what working class individual in his or her right mind would believe a(n alleged) billionaire who's married to an ex-supermodel and lives in a penthouse has their best interests at heart?

    That 20-25% who believe Trump is Christ Himself will spend every day defending him.....but I now feel millions who voted for him feel like the biggest moronic fools, because they voted for a wall and for some BS and are now seeing they're about to get screwed.

  14. 2 hours ago, GMac said:


    That had to be hell for him.  A pilot = failure?!?  In what twisted world, or family, is that even possible.  Wow.


    That's why he's so screwed up, and in that...I really feel sorry for him. Their father Fred Sr. was by all accounts a horrible, vile man. Donald never even mentions his mother. and I'm sire he misses his brother terribly. 

  15. 4 hours ago, GMac said:


    From what I saw on the live feed, it was bizarre.  There was some representative there, supposedly from an accounting team, that talked to how Trump was going to remove any conflicts of interest as far as his business goes, all the while spouting off "Make America Great Again" bullshit. 


    The less said about the "Q&A", the better.  In short, he didn't answer any question directly and the press didn't call him on it.  :angry:


    The whole thing was just silly. He was a buffoon, there was a cheering section, he went off on CNN's Jim Acosta, calling him fake news but let Breibart get a question in....t5his is just ignorance on many levels. 

  16. 1 minute ago, AdelaideCate007 said:


    I think i posted about it here, but I can speak/understand Russian so I watched some footage of the news on their state news network and it was insane. They were calling him not just Golden Boy but "our darling Trump", "our marvelous Trump", and "our wonderful Trump". They also discussed about how Trump has a "weakness for blondes" and will do away with "irritating things" like democracy and will promote Russia to all of America. 

    They know they have a fool on their hands. 

  17. 32 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    Oh goody. A new bad thing I didn't consider has popped up. Trump is an antivaxxer and RFK Jr. is on his side. :ph34r:



    And there goes the respect I had for him.

    9 minutes ago, AdelaideCate007 said:


    I swear to god everyday I learn something new about American politics. I had no idea that anti-vaxxing was a thing outside of religious circles. Are these people against all vaccines or just MMR?

    Reminds me of cult followers....if they hear it from two or more people they believe the BS. shame really....so many families and children will be in danger without vaccines. 

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