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Posts posted by Roman

  1. On 1/7/2017 at 3:55 PM, dragonflies said:

    Watching it and it's not bad. It makes me wanna watch the original lol.


    Is that the same apartment from the original? Looks like the same set up(but just modernized).


    No one can do the "OH MY GOD" the way Bonnie Franklin does though LMAO

    Looks alot like the original set. kitchen is in the same spot, and they got the back living room just with the curtain. It's decent right now. but many are probably comparing it to the original, which is to be expected. glad they kept the theme, and Rita looks like she's having a wonderful time. 

  2. 1 hour ago, All My Shadows said:





    I'm aware of that, dear, but I was referring to the hyperbole that was obviously meant to imply that Dynasty had an abnormally large cast.

    Please don't condescend me, especially when your assumption is incorrect :)

    No it was a joke that YOU decided to take so seriously...oh, I'm sorry. you've never had a sense of humor have you? and they did have a unusually large cast. se that's called an OPINION....WHICH EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO. look iy up if you can....DEAR. 

  3. 8 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    Are you referring to the first season only, or the entire series? The first season had a main cast of 9 - Dallas and Knots Landing both began with 8.

    In regards to the entire series, all of the primetime soaps had huge casts. Dynasty was the only one that made it a point to credit every regular, recurring, and major guest characters in the opening credits. The others had no problem crediting significant recurring characters at the closing or under the first act of the show. Mary Crosby literally shot JR and was never more than an "Also Starring," but on Dynasty, she would have had her own innuendo-laden spot in the opening.

    the 53 peole in it....was a joke dear. 

  4. ok...I'm going to have to copyright "well [!@#$%^&*] fire and save the matches". that is classic. 

    13 minutes ago, GMac said:


    Grrrrrrr!  As my dearly missed momma would say...well sh!t fire and save the matches!


    Why do these people keep voting against their own interests??  And in the larger scheme of things, cutting programs for the underprivileged doesn't even make a dent in the deficit compared to, oh I don't know, military, fair tax of the richest Americans.  Hell, even regulating marijuana nationwide could provide a windfall.  


    If they hear what they want (Like deportation, because it happens to "those people") they won't care about their own best interests. what did these people hear? a wall, deportation, emails, HRC going to jail, bringing jobs back, Muslim ban. 

  5. 35 minutes ago, Khan said:

    To be honest, I thought the Shapiros' original vision for DYNASTY (of the rich Carringtons versus the blue-collar Blaisdels) was fine.  IMO, what let the show down during that first season was subpar writing mixed with some questionable casting choices.  (Evans, Forsythe, PSM, Al Corley, Pamela Bellwood were all fine.  Bo Hopkins, Katy Kurtzman and Dale Robertson?  Not so much.)  If I (reluctantly) were the one rebooting/reviving/reimagining DYNASTY, I would bear those two things in mind.  Otherwise, I would adhere to the series' original, pre-Alexis themes, and maybe play up a certain rivalry between Fallon and Lindsay Blaisdel (who would, of course, be aged up to become Fallon's contemporary) in order to bring in the desired demographic.

    IA with you. It felt more grounded, and BH did a fine job in that early run. when he was brought back they made him out and out crazy. plus, the main cast had what...53 people in it? when the opening credits are longer than the actual episode.....

  6. 8 hours ago, Khan said:

    I can see it now...


    "And the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie Special goes to...Melissa McCarthy (as Sean Spicer) in 'The Deplorables'!"

    Is that The Deplorables Book One? 

    President ThatFool will be holding a PC later this afternoon in the Rose Garden to mark the 39th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the Death Star. 

    Always Remember.

  7. 1 hour ago, Wales2004 said:

    FAKE NEWS by all those who hate Donald J. Trump and can't stand that they lost.  The only polls that real are the ones that show him on top.  You saw the crowd he had on Saturday--hundreds of thousands of Americans and six black people who love him:lol:

    Yep, that's about our average. 5 black folks who had nothing else to do (plus I keep hearing people were paid to show up). I would have taken them to Golden Corral but.....

    1 minute ago, JaneAusten said:

    That one gives me pleasure because that actually costs him money and yammering on a book tour.


    Now in allegedly half of Breitbart staff saying they will walk if he is not fired.


    His downfall after all the first amendment pearl clutching done by venomous GOP  is one short lived positive.



    what you do to others comes back on your ten fold. he deserves all of this. all this happened today. wonder if the prick is smiling now? 

  8. 3 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    So he's been disinvited (Milo). I hope that's the start of his irrelevancy. To further that I promise that's the last time I'll mention his name. 

    Look up GamerGate and that's where he got his start at. IMPO he only says all this garbage (well most of it) for the attention. our TV national news is so TMZ-like now that if a clown like him says something stupid they'll play it all day. Tornadoes hit in N.O. what...week and a half ago? barely any mention. This moron? or whatever stuid [!@#$%^&*] Trump said today? all day every day. 

    Trump has a 38% approval rating to a 56% disapproval rating.....the worst since these stats have started after one month in office. 



  9. 16 minutes ago, Wendy said:

    Hi, James Woods! Remember Watergate? SHUT UP.

    Thank you. but, apparently it's fine for the sitting orange moron to delegitimize the former POTUS, saying he wasn't an american citizen. and JW? let's see, the last good project he was in was.......

    11 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    LOL at Fox finding some "ex-CIA Democrat" to claim spies are plotting and breaking the laws.  Did they report that they were under investigation for potentially breaking the law with their sexual harassment settlements? 


    I guess it's only okay to acknowledge the political views of Hollywood actors when they're conservative.

    aint that a real bitch? these people tell Hollywood actors to shut up or get out....unless they agree with said hack actor (who wouldn't be able to star in an Ed Wood film). But then I remember....'Don't feed the trolls'. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    Seriously homie:lol:


    His greatest hits:


    Make America Great Again.  You like me, you really like me.  I'm doing a great job.  'Going to build that wall shortly. The Fake Media be lying on me but you uneducated fools believe what I say right.


    Followed by great Trumpkin interviews: I lurve Trump because he says what he means and he means what he says....except that he was going to lock up Hilary and get Obamacare repealed and replaced on day one, but that ain't his fault because those jealous loser Democrats won't give him his cabinet. He's a good man and he lurves America and I lurves him and everything he does and says and how he does it his way.  And he got his rich friends because rich people aren't corrupt because they already got their own money.:P


    Trumps are excluded from hiring American...



    :D and you talk about me! LMAO!!!!

  11. I think the show is starting to go downhill. IMPO, when he started in on Muslims (the episode where he and Ben Affleck got into it tough) that was the JTS moment for me. I'm not blaming 2.7 billion people of many races, creeds and colors worldwide who practice the Islamic faith based on the actions of fools.....but Bill decides he wants to. Plus he feels it leads to his bigger point that all religions are BS. Now, once again IMO, religions have been used to commit the greatest good and the greatest evil.....but Maher tries to make people who have faith feel stupid because they have faith. many may not practice any religion, but have faith in a higher being. 



    7 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Better move fast, I've read Corporation for Public Broadcasting is on Orange Foolius' chopping block for the budget.  


    You should see the list of things that the administration aims to eliminate, including a program for the Appalachian region and a drug treatment program (which, no offense, had anyone watched Trump's performance during the debates, it seems like there may have been some substance(s) consumed beforehand).


    Most people agree that taking away many of these programs (especially the arts) won't even dent the deficit and many of these programs (again, especially the arts) yield far more benefits beyond what they actually consume financially.

    But it makes social republicans and Trump voters feel so happy like he's getting something done...and once again masking the fact that when it comes to the economy, jobs, healthcare, foreign affairs, policing, drug programs, AIDS programs, the environment.....those things mean nothing to many of them. not all but many.

  12. Jeremy Scahill. he was the one who canceled. he said that even though he loves the producers of the show, has been a guest on many times, and does at times admire maher (and really despises his bigotry towards Muslims and Muslim Americans and Islam) he could not in good conscious go on the show where Maher had invited a known provocateur, racist, bigot and who says the most vile things just for publicity. Maher said that he felt to not invite Milo on would not be confronting what he stands for...but IMPO, he treated Milio with kid gloves and didn't challenge him too much at all. Scahill said because of the invite, he would not share a stage or be on the show. and I applaud him for it. he was not mean spirited, was rude and didn't blast Maher, the producers or any of the other guests....but said he wouldn't be on. 

    1 hour ago, marceline said:


    Agreed. Trump supporters are a lost cause.



    3 hours ago, Wales2004 said:

    I watched the PBS NewsHour Friday which featured a segment about the voters who frequent two cafes (with opposing political views).  One cafe is owned by a couple described as Palestinian Muslim and they renamed their cafe Trump Cafe.  The husband did not appear in the segment but the wife has nothing but praise for Donald Trump and one woman in particular loves everything he does. 


    I think it's an eye-opener for anyone who still believes that hardcore Trump supporters will ever be disillusioned by him.  And it's also sad to see how easily people can be duped.  They are so blissfully ignorant.


    Here's a link for anyone who is interested and there is a transcript below the video:



    Must start watching PBS NH. 

  13. 34 minutes ago, Khan said:


    It's times like these when I hate not subscribing to HBO anymore.


    Is it up on YT yet?  Granted, Maher is not necessarily one of my favorite people.  Nevertheless, I live to see anyone rip Borat a new one.


    And they will probably remain that way for life.


    Lord knows I don't want another Holocaust to happen; and I want Congress and the wiser citizens of this country to stop the current administration before we reach that point.  But, in a way, another government-sanctioned holocaust seems almost necessary for the most complacent and ignorant ones out there to see what happens when pure, unadulterated evil goes unchecked.  Holocaust survivors have warned us over and over to "never forget," but it seems as if we have done just that.

    I don't care for Maher at all. Used to like him, but his arrogance and bigotry towards Muslims turned me off. It was up last night before the show was over on YT. I'm sure you'll be able to find it. 

  14. Trump is all in on bullying the MSM to goosestep like him.....but it's their own fault. they stuck him in there (with exceptions) and NOW, since the day he called a reporter a sleaze, feel it is their duty to call him out...after ignoring him lying through his teeth for two years. 

  15. 1 hour ago, JaneAusten said:

    I am in no way advocating for keeping Trump. But the danger is once he's gone, Pence will look like a relief. And I can just see the media and press calling him some sort of savior not because policywise he is any better but because he won't attack THEM.

    I believe it. But this is a distraction from Russia

    IA. a ploy to get the news off f his and his people's ties to Russian officials. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Khan said:


    Apparently, Rupert Murdoch won't watch FNC either.  Otherwise, Shep would have been fired the first time he criticized Trump.

    He may not care as long as profits come in. if he thought making FN a liberal network would give him the very same revenue.....he would do it in a heartbeat IMPO.

    1 minute ago, MissLlanviewPA said:


    I suppose there's always a chance he could leave for another network. If Megyn Kelly* can do it, he certainly could.


    *Yes, I'm aware of just how flawed she is, but still. 



    well, he signed a new contract not too long ago to stay. I ws hoping he would leave but they probably threw a ship full of cash at him to remain their one reasonable host. and who is flawed? 

  17. Ana Navarro (my new crush) hit the nail on the head....she said Trump put on a performance today to distract the TVMSM from the Flynn mess and his Top Aides being in constant communication with Russian officials during and after the campaign. Now, don't get me wrong....the man is proof Sasquatch exists and is an insult to whale [!@#$%^&*] worldwide...but this whole spiel of his today was just one more performance to stop the tide that is rising hopefully towards his impeachment or resignation. he KNOWS the Intel. Community is mounting evidence against him, and he's thinking he can distract.

    there is only one reason why I don't watch Shep....I am NOT giving FN one ratings point. ever. 

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