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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 11 minutes ago, GMac said:

    Is anyone watching this train wreck of a "press conference"?!?  Trump is in the East Room, masturbating about all of his accomplishments.  WTF?



    when I see his face I turn down the sound. I'm sick of this creature. 4 weeks tomorrow and he is the worst POTUS of the modern age. he so narcissistic that he keeps going on about this victory of his. DUDE.....YOU'RE PRESIDENT! MOVE ON!. we have Russian ships off our coast and he's waxing about his victory and why retail outlets won't carry Ivanka's crap? he's delusional. he's nuts.

  2. 1 hour ago, Wales2004 said:

    @Juliajms Trump was asked about the rise in anti-semitism at that joint press conference yesterday and his response was to wax poetic about his electoral victory and point out that his daughter, son-in-law, and three grandchildren.  Then he mentioned how he was going to get rid of crime which was more Trumptopia.


    Netanyahu gave him a hyperbolic assist--no one love Jewish people more than Trump blah blah blah.


    His base will continue to believe the "illegals and blacks" are sucking up all the welfare until some of them take their last breath.


    Meanwhile he is going after the deep state by putting his buddy Stephen Feinberg in charge of sussing out the leaks (at least that's the rumor).


    I wouldn't expect the GOP to investigate anything more than who leaked the information.  They don't (except maybe a handful) seem to care about anything except pushing through their repeal ACA and cut taxes for the rich agenda.  Russia is a distraction to them.


    he just did it again during a PC. he truly can't stand he lost the popular by 3 million. it's eating away at him. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, marceline said:

    He's been getting increasingly incoherent. Even his tweets. My only question is whether or not this decompensation is all natural or is it being helped along by someone in his circle.

    Those two plus drugs. and I am very serious about that. Bet Bibi said to himself "Maybe I should have been nicer to Pres. Obama" while Obama is saying "KISS MY GRITS!!!" 

  4. In this afternoon's presser, when asked about the alarming rise of anti-Semitism in the US after his election, the President had this response: "Well, I just want to say that we are, you know, very honored by the victory that we had," Trump replied. "Three hundred and six electoral college votes. We were not supposed to crack 220. You know that, right?" Trump asked, turning to Netanyahu.

  5. Just now, GMac said:


    The last few days have been unbelievable to watch



    it is honestly difficult to keep up with all the F ups, lies, slanders and deflections from this admin. I was born a year after Nixon was in office, so all I know about him I learned later on. but from what I've been asking my elders, they say to a person that this whole episode is reminding them of Nixon, with one caveat.....they say Nixon at least had enough sense to run the gov. some experience to do some legislation and such. they feel Trump is wholeheartedly incompetent, doesn't want want to be there, never wanted the job...and a few think he may be doing all this on purpose so he can resign. IF it is proven that Pence knew all this as well, he'll follow him out the door. 

  6. wow......you just can't be civil? LOLOLOLOL good luck with Ryan. 

    1 minute ago, Vee said:

    I guess you'd have to change your avatar.

    he won't....no matter what republicans do, he will defend them to the end....which is why I am now going back to ignoring him. now where did I put my "don't feed the trolls" sign....

  7. Which proves Obama, on his way out the door, knew exactly what he was doing.....he knew Trump with run off at the mouth and instead of saying something then, he wanted Trump to have to deal with his own BS...which he has screwed up IN AN EPIC FASHION. 

  8. 49 minutes ago, Vee said:

    The hypocrisy of MJ is staggering. how many times did they let that woman on their show allowing her to lie with impunity and no pushback and NOW she's a huge problem and they won;t have her on there....which wasn't a problem before. 

    24 minutes ago, Vee said:

    This is everywhere this morning and I think it's true: The intelligence community is what is starting to shake Trump and his people apart with the rapidly widening Russia leaks. They are calculated, they are timed to coincide with and contradict the administration's latest lies (Spicer's yesterday) and they are deadly and increasing. Everyone this morning short of Fox News and Breitbart is calling this "what did Trump know and when did he know it?"


    He and his people are in collusion with a foreign actor, and that would be enough for the CIA and NSA. Further, he mocked and dishonored them in their own house (in front of the CIA's memorial wall) and that is suicide. Only Trump would be too stupid to realize that. The intel community is going to keep this up until the Republican Congress is forced to take action. They have everything on Trump and they know how to do this kind of work to a sitting leader they want dismantled, they've done it all over the world. As terrifying as that prospect is, their worst capabilities are now our best assets.

    Memo to Trump: DON'T PISS OFF, CALL OUT AND GET INTO A CHILDISH FIGHT WITH THE AMERICAN INTEL COMMUNITY. The fool is now finding out the same way Nixon did.....and republicans are working BTS with them IMPO to get rid of Trump. 

  9. 41 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Since he has been tone deaf about the whole situation up until this point, I'm going to guess that his hand is being forced.

    Oh of course. he had made statements as early as this morning that there would be no investigation...and this evening it changed. I believe Republicans and the Intel. Community are now starting to slowly circle the wagons, get evidence together (they may try to flip Flynn into testifying) and get members of this admin out of office. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    He said something about them having breakfast with their wives in response to why they haven't commented.  He said  Flynn's a good man and we need to move on.  You know like how they moved on from all those things of which they accused the Democrats.  Here's a link:


    And Pres. Obama. just like W.....let's move on when scandal hits or we f'ed up really bad. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Wales2004 said:

    Not surprising but they did go after Stephen Miller yesterday.  Hannity attacked Joe over Miller.


    A GOP rep told Chris Cuomo on CNN that they cannot comment on Flynn today because it's Valentine's Day and the republicans are spending time with their wives.:lol:

    That literally came out of that person's mouth. 

  12. 1 minute ago, Wales2004 said:

    Are the criminals with the very bad track records that he is keeping out because of his very very big electoral college win making America more dangerous than the psychopaths working with him or even his own pathological self?

    I no longer know. like watching a speed chess match and I'm lost after the first two moves. that group of people.....what honestly can be said? and where are their defenders on this site?

  13. 1 hour ago, Wales2004 said:

    Did anyone happen to see Stephen Miller on the morning shows yesterday?


    I watched him with Chuck Todd and was disturbed by him whereas the usual Trump puppets are more on the annoying liars level.  He just seems diabolical and power hungry.  After watching the first minute of this Morning Joe clip, he sounds even more disturbing.




    something is WRONG with him. he looked like a robot just spewing stuff. 

    1 hour ago, marceline said:

    People in the intelligence community are now purposely withholding information from Trump because they think he's untrustworthy. 

    his big mouth blasting them and talking on unsecured phones maybe why, and I honestly don't blame them. 

  14. Just now, DramatistDreamer said:


    Haha, feel free!  


    It's not of my invention, I heard it during A Tribe Called Quest's performance last night at the Grammys when rapper Busta Rhymes coined the moniker, LOL. It was trending all over social media last night.


    No they didn't!!! LMAO!!!

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