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Posts posted by Roman

  1. Trump put one of his supporters in the position, that's why the other man was fired. I saw a video where he was crying. He went all the way back to Kennedy and has done all the POTUSs up till Trump. Trump is such a heartless ass. 

  2. 5:30 in the damn morning. He is SUCH a child! what the [!@#$%^&*] is wrong with him?! he won't say [!@#$%^&*] about any policy but can rant on tv ratings and what an actress said about him? the man is nuts. 

  3. Putin and the Russians KNEW they had a FOOL as the PEOTUS. he tweets his ignorance, taking the word of a liar and rapist who can't return to the USA over the intel. community, and after someone tells him how much of a complete idiot and ass he has once again made of himself....he either reverses course or acts like he never said what he said. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    At the risk of living up to my name and sounding dramatic, it's tragic how, for many people, this is life and death yet some voters and politicians play it as if it were a game.

    It was a game to them...but now look. many are terrified about losing the same Obamacare that they voted for Trump to repeal. once again voting against their own best interests because of building a wall, or "I'll bring all the jobs back..except the ones I have overseas paying slave wages to starving people making my clothes and such." you have to ask yourself do these people actually pay attention? 

    Just now, marceline said:


    The problem is that GOP voters never hold their representatives responsible. Not for wars, not for recessions. Nothing.

    They're so passionate and proud about their ignorance and bigotry it is no wonder they don't hold them accountable. as lomng as they get "Those people" out of "Their country" they skip over everything else that is meaningful to themselves and their loved ones. 

  5. I think what happen today will look like a picnic compared to how americans will react when they try to gut the ACA.....and I also believe today was a test run so they can gauge what will happen when they try that nonsense. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    From what I've read Americans got on the phone and called their Congress-angry as hell!  That not Trump, not changed things. Of course, that won't stop him from assuming the credit.

    That is exactly what happened. House Republicans' offices were SWAMPED with calls from all over the country and had no choice but to back off. and TRUMP didn't have a damn thing to do with it. 

  7. 25 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Republicans never destroy each other as much as Democrats do (Democrats seem to have a passion for it...), but I do think we're going to see some very nasty conflicts these next 2-4 years. Sadly the average person is the one who will pay the biggest price, so we can't even point and laugh. 

    All americans will suffer. neither party cares. if Democrats did they would have done so much better as a party the last 8 years or so...but you must have a backbone to start so...

  8. Just now, DRW50 said:


    What a shocker. And apparently over the objections of their leaders in the House, who probably remember how bad this made Republicans look a decade ago and how it helped them lose control of Congress. 



    They truly don't care DRW. they honestly think they have a mandate to do whatever they want to do....forgetting that, like you said, this is what =doomed them a decade ago. they are truly some really arrogant, sick people. 

  9. 49 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    I'd seriously love to know why this is so pleasing to you? You seem to be a-ok with a foreign power trying to influence our politics. And the fact this was retracted doesn't change anything. Per CBS News:



    U.S. government officials have been notified of new cases of attempted or potentially successful cyber intrusions, CBS News has learned.

    Officials would not go into specifics or reveal the number of new cases. But the revelation raises concerns that Russian cyberattacks have been more extensive than originally thought. Since the U.S released a report on election-related cyberattacks on Thursday, a government official said more cases have come to light, CBS News’ Justice and Homeland Security correspondent Jeff Pegues reports.


    Watch: U.S. releases report detailing hacking allegations against Russia

    The intelligence information made public last week revealed some of the tools and infrastructure allegedly used by Russian hacking units. Those signatures were flagged over the weekend after officials connected with Vermont’s electric grid confirmed that malware code used in “Operation Grizzly Steppe” was found on a Burlington Electric Department laptop


    A team of Department of Homeland Security analysts are working to determine if Russian hackers successfully breached Vermont’s system. But so far, investigators have not been able to determine the intent behind the Vermont incident, and there are no indications the power grid is compromised.  


    “While our analysis continues, we currently have no information that indicates that the power grid was penetrated in this cyber incident,” said Todd Breasseale, Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs.


    Monday’s revelation about new cases of attempted or potentially successful cyber intrusions came just days after the Obama administration announced a series of actions in response to what the White House called “the Russian government’s aggressive harassment of U.S. officials and cyber operations aimed at the U.S. election.” In addition to sanctions announced on Thursday, 35 Russian diplomats have been expelled from the United States.


    While President Obama and most congressional Republicans have denounced Russia for its alleged election interference, President-elect Donald Trump has been reluctant to do so, even after FBI Director James Comey and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper backed the CIA’s judgment that Russia interfered. The CIA said in December it has high confidence that Russians tried to influence the election and that they favored Mr. Trump."


    It's odd to me that American's seem to be just fine with Russia trying to impede our government. Seriously do you ever even ask yourself why kind of honey trap Putin has set for Trump and other members of our government.

    Jane.....1. Greg LOVES to pst stuff like this to cause arguments and posts. 2. all the sites reporting this....are all right wing sites known for lying through their teeth. Don't let Greg suck you in. 

  10. On 12/26/2016 at 9:17 AM, DramatistDreamer said:


    Yet, most Republicans were still never satisfied.


    God-willing, Trump will at most, have one term, so hopefully he won't top Obama's numbers. 

    and now.....Russian malware has been identified as attacking a Vermont Utility Company. 

  11. 3 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Yet, most Republicans were still never satisfied.


    God-willing, Trump will at most, have one term, so hopefully he won't top Obama's numbers. 

    I don't think he'll have one year before he's impeached by his own party or resigns.

  12. and the reason why Jason Miller turned the job down? was because he had an affair with a former Mediate reporter, AJ Delgado, who posted cryptic tweets before deleting her entire account. 

  13. 10 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    Yep. I don't remember him being a troll when he posted years back, but obviously times have changed.

    Yes they do. Greg is like Max was....it isn'w what you say but how you say it. I have changed myself....I was quite the partisan ass back then, but now realize it's not worth all that vitriol. Greg, max and a few others couldn't join the discussion...and we have others that post who, like myself, would join into the scrum. Greg is Greg...but he posts from sites that are now famous for printing and posting lies, hatred and slander. I personally can't take any of that seriously. LOL

  14. 5 hours ago, GMac said:


    Sending good thoughts your way.  So sorry to hear about this.





    @GregNYC It baffles me why the republicans think they have the corner on the market when it comes to national security, patriotism and religion.  You don't.  The worst terrorist attack in America happened when a republican was in the White House.  Not to mention how many of our young men and women were sent to their deaths for an unjust war.  That's not patriotism, that's lying.  A truly Christian president or president elect doesn't talk about women, migrants, POC or any minority the way trump has.  Give it a rest.  


    Greg pops in here just to stir everyone up. it's the only reason why he post what he posts. do your best not to fall for his stuff. 

  15. 26 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:



    Did you watch his news conference on Friday? That's not at all the sentiment that I got while watching. He seemed to indicate that while there was no actual vote tampering, that Russia had definitively interfered with the electoral process.  He also said that the media's constant focus on e-mails that although embarrassing, were neither illegal nor inethical, instead of focusing on issues that were tantamount to the American public, had done a disservice to the public. He also felt the Clinton had been treated unfairly by the news coverage.

    He definitely pointed a finger at Russia though. He said he even talked to Putin about it at a summit they both attending months ago. 

    Oh I saw it. what I'm saying is....I hope he is not diminishing Putin's influence not just in our elections, but around the world. I do agree with you though on the other aspects...I guess we saw it a bit differently. I just don't want him to make that mistake....Lord knows the person who is taking his place in a month it not the person who should be trusetd with a fountain pen, much less the codes. 

  16. 5 hours ago, Khan said:




    IIRC -- and granted, I wasn't alive back then; and what I know, I learned at one of those race-mixing, God-hating, icky-poo public schools certain people hate nowadays -- but the U.S. government actually wanted to stay out of WWII at first.  We became involved only after the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor.


    As usual, I agree with y'all: images and sounds coming out of Aleppo are saddening and terrifying.  However, short of allowing more refugees into our borders (which we are clearly not going to do at this point), I don't know what more we could do or should have done to help them.  


    Some wars, you just can't win; and some people, you just can't help.

    Not only are you right about that (millions of americans felt since the war was happening in Europe it was a European problem) many feel and there is evidence to back up the claim that FDR KNEW the Japanese were about to attack a USA military base and let it happen so the USA could join the war effort. "thousands of lives for the safety of millions more", even though roughly millions upon millions died in that war because of decisions made by a select few. I also believe that WWII is held up like it is because, even with nuance, the villains and heroes were on one side or the other (even with the atrocities committed by both sides). Even when Pres. Obama seemed to have lessoned Russia and Putin's influence, that disappointed me. I asked myself "what about the Soviets when they got run out of Afghanistan? or the USA when they were run out by North Vietnam?" many in positions of political power continue to make the mistake thinking david still can't slay Goliath.....and look at what history has taught us? 

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