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Posts posted by Roman

  1. Trump could win Maine, New Hampshire, Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio , and Florida and still lose in the electoral college 271-267.

    He has conceded Virginia and Colorado, and is trailing Clinton by double digits in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. He has no path.

    This isn't even covering the fact that Hillary is nipping on his heels in states he shouldn't have to worry about like Arizona, Georgia, and Utah. He's toast.

    and Missouri. 

  2. https://mediamatters.org/blog/2016/10/11/hill-trump-campaign-ceo-stephen-bannon-gave-explicit-orders-breitbart-staff-destroy-paul-ryan/213766

    Now Trump and Breitbart are going after ryan to outright destroy him. Is Trump playing TGVN, Stefano, one of the Cassadines, Carl or J.R.? 


    This is alarming.  First he threatens Hillary with imprisonment, and now any perceived political threat is removed by any means necessary.  I'm no fan of the Republican Party, but this is unprecedented and needs to stopped.  


    Its time for R leadership to remove him from the ticket.  


    the problem is these republicans are so scared of all the down ballot races and losing the Congress that they won't come together to kick this psycho. this has been building for decades. this needs to happen. that party needs to be broken down to the stump and rebuilt with moderate conservatives who actually don't see race or color or gender or preference. and they need to jettison FN and the Limbaughs and Co. of the country. 

  3. Another Trump tweet


    "The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my support during his primary (I gave, he won), then dropped me over locker room remarks!"

    I just read that. And they are pushing him to do it. also....Kellyanne Conway has now accused the male GOPers of sexually discrimination for fleeing from Trump. 

  4. 2 things. 1.....Trump is now sitting in Trump Tower, having goe on an anti-republican party twitter storm, blasting Ryan and everyone for not being loyal to him and being egged on by Ailes and Brannon. 2. Steve Deace just BLASTED Joe Scarborough by saying we are where we are with trump because Joe turned his show into a 6 month superpac for Trump and defended him and now acts like he never did any of this.

    Where's my damn butter for this popcorn.....

  5. they all are gutless.....but they are EXACTLY where they should be after 60 yrs. of their hateful mess. I have NO sympathy for that party or any of its members. They put themselves before the people, thought they could once again win with the same hateful garbage they've always used and NOW the chickens are having a feast on their dying carcass. 


  6. Is there a reason the Republican party in America is so against what Im assuming is basically a version of socialised medicine? It works literally everywhere else so why not there?

    because IMPO they won't continue to receive under the table money from Big Pharma and Healthcare Insurance Companies. 

  7. By the way, Access Hollywood told Don Lemon they have lot more stuff even more damaging than what we have heard.

    Do we know the source? A network, specific journalist, someone on Hillary's campaign? Could it be someone from Trump's team? I had to laugh at the tweet about the tax returns using the line from that movie When a Stranger Calls... "The tax returns are coming from the inside of the house." :lol:



  8. Scottie Hughes last night and Jack Kingston this morning DEFENDED this slimebag to the hilt. Scottie was indignant when Ana N. said the p-word, saying her 5 year old daughter was watching (while she was up at 2am EST) and Kingston said "This was ten years ago when Donald was a member of show business and was just speaking to the hollywood elite. But Bill Clinton.,...." Scottie said the same thing last night. Trump's name is on the ballot. it can't change to the best of my knowledge..but that's not my point. I am not so jaded to think this too shall pass. Erin Burnett read a story about a friend of hers where Trump took Tic Tacs and leaned in and almost kissed her on the mouth without her consent. That does NOT sound like the TVMSM at least is letting this slide....all the women on these networks are PISSED OFF. But..those republicans who say they won't vote for him IMO will still vote for him...because this party has been like this for decades. 

  9. the GOP has been like this for decades IMPO....Trump just brought it to the top of the ticket. But this didn't start with him...republicans have been winning with this same boorish behavior for years. NOW the chickens are cackling their asses off at that entire party and this child that they backed. 

  10. just watched the clip on CNN...they have went crazy on that network. shouting at each other....and Scottie Hughes being 'offended' that one of the other ladies said the p-word but NOT at Trump for saying it in the first place. 

    this is better than Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein combined. 

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