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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 17 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    Ugh. I'm watching CNN, why do they give Richard Spencer so much airtime. You can report on what's happening without showing him speaking. I'm glad Whitefish Montana has rejected him, but do we need to keep seeing him?

    Spencer? let me add Jeffery Lord and Scottie Hughes to that list.

    3 hours ago, JONNYSBRO said:

    The wisconsin recount is in and Trump went up in votes lol. time to ditch any Hilary talk she lost.

    You seem to be one of the few still tripping off of HRC. 

    15 hours ago, Khan said:

    At the risk of sounding like an even bigger fool than I already do, I officially take back what I said several pages ago about being resistant to Mike Pence assuming the presidency.  If "President Pence" is the only trade-off we have for keeping Trump out of the Oval Office, then I say, "Yes, please."  The Democrats can always come back in four years and squash his bid for another term -- because, after all, we can't even be sure anymore that Trump will keep us alive and free by this time next year!

    IMPO, Trump is a court jester...but Pence is DANGEROUS. 

  2. 1 hour ago, GMac said:

    Honestly, y'all.  The last few days of news has me feeling more and more hopeless.   Dylann Roof's trial, the Walter Scott mistrial, the Trump transition, the "heartbeat" bill, fake news, Russia, white supremacists.  


    Its all all so depressing 


    Well, I do agree with you, but I personally won't and can't lose hope. I honestly believe we'll be ok. I do. 

  3. I am now reading more and more stories of people who voted for Trump who are now either angry they voted for him because he has now seemed to have left them behind (SHOCKER!) or that he will remove their health care. I have NO SYMPATHY for ANY of these people....their ignorance is about to cost them and millions of Americans mightily. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    ^ I know I should be incredibly grateful for that, but part of me resents the hell out of it. After all the insults Trump and his ilk have thrown at President Obama he has some nerve.

    It once again cements Obama's respect and legacy.....to help a man who he personally can't stand for the good of this nation. I can honestly say...he will be missed. 

  5. 9 hours ago, Khan said:

    When I was in school, and bullies were handing me my ass everyday, Mama Khan would say, "Kids pick on you, because they know they will get a response from you.  If you would ignore them, they'd go away eventually."


    I wonder whether a similiar approach would work on Donald Trump.


    I'm not saying we should allow him, as President, to commit acts that would step on our civil rights or put our national security at risk.  In those instances, yes, resist at all costs.


    However, if we weren't to react to each new and ridiculous statement Trump makes, either on Twitter or elsewhere, then maybe he would get tired of shouting into the void; and then he, like most bullies, would go away.  Or at least stop tweeting every stupid thought that wanders into his brain.


    It's worth a try, no?

    My dad taught me at an early age to defend myself, saying "you may not win the fight...but you can put something on them to make sure they won't [!@#$%^&*] with you again." Trump is about to find this out. this has been the worst transition in this nation's history....NO ONE on that team has one clue what they are doing, and many in DC and people nationwide are about to put something on him that will make sure he will never [!@#$%^&*] with us again. impeachment is on it's way. 

  6. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:


    I've heard Carson really did help people as a doctor, and was well-respected until the last few years. I'd like to believe he will not just destroy and hurt people who are struggling. I really would. 


    Anyway...it looks like Betsy DeVos will be Education Secretary. Compared to some names I saw, like Jerry Falwell Jr, there could be worse choices, although she's big on charter schools. Her husband is also one of the big Amway people.




    More about her here:




    Nikki Haley has agreed to be the UN ambassador, I guess for Trump's version of "look I can hire people who trash me." That makes me even less likely to believe he'll pick Romney for SoS, although that old smirky windbag Gingrich pushing back against it on Faux News makes me hope he does just for the rictus grins that ilk will have.



    IMPO...Romney may be the next VP, and here's why I say that......Republicans don't want Trump as POTUS. AT ALL. Something will happen to get him out of office, which will make Pence the POTUS....and who will Pence pick as his VP? Romney. 

  7. and now Breitbart "news" is PISSED at trump, as well as The Cryptkeeper Ann Coulter, who now feel betrayed he won;t pursue an investigation. I would just love to see the looks on the faces of my conservative friends today when all this news came out. Trump is going to have MUCH MORE than enough trouble trying to run that office and stay out of jail to worry about HRC. 

  8. Just now, DRW50 said:

    “Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.



    isn't that the funniest thing you've read all year?! Zucker must feel like such a damn fool. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    He also spoke to Ivanka who apparently was there on the call.

    what the hell is wrong with him? he makes W. look like Lincoln. 


    I can't stop laughing because everyone in that room deserved this for kissing this man's ass and throwing journalism out the window for ratings. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Well this might be the first concrete thing at this point that could be used to impeach. Along with the courting foreign diplomats for the hotel in Washington but I am fuzzy on what the rules are prior to taking the oath and after.

    From what I understand there really aren't any rules. the mere appearance smacks of collusion, and can be used by a republican congress to get him out...but, they will probably wait and let the list and charges pile up. he'll spend more time refuting and lying than actually governing. 


    2 hours ago, GregNYC said:


    3 minutes ago, marceline said:



    Give it a year. Republicans always screw up the economy.


    ETA: I didn't notice the avatar. Ugh.

    A year? they'll start on Jan. 20th screwing everything up. how anyone who has a at least 1 brain cell working thinks republicans will fix what they screwed up when Bush was in office is just not there. at. all. 

  12. On 11/19/2016 at 11:21 AM, JaneAusten said:

    Did you read my post? Where on earth are you even getting I am a Trump supporter out of this? Read again. good grief now I have to explain the fact I am not a Trump supporter and what the post means? I didn't realize it was that unclear.

    It was clear to me dear. I know you're not a supporter of his. You have every right to speak whatever opinions you hold. never let anyone tell you different. 

    1 hour ago, Khan said:


    Three words: Hot. Bubbling. Mess.


    I love it.

    this is already the most scandal ridden admin......and the prick hasn't even taken office yet.

  13. 2 minutes ago, DeeeDee said:

    The biggest problem with democrats & liberals has ALWAYS been NOT listening to people of color.

    Until they need something and it's too late. HRC didn't seem to do this until columns started to come out about it during the primaries. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Khan said:


    But the e-mails!  Don't forget about the e-mails!  And Benghazi!  And the e-mails!


    (Did I mention the e-mails?)

    I don't believe you didn't....no. BENGHAZI!!! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry......that just blurts out sometimes...

  15. 3 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Why do I feel like Bill Withers should be singing "Lean on Me" right about now?

    because it makes all the sense in the world. LOL But.....2 of 3 things are going to happen....he will be impeached or resign. I won't mention the 3rd...but Pence IMPO is far worse than him. 

  16. 10 hours ago, Khan said:


    No, I absolutely agree with you, Roman.  (Sorry if that wasn't clear.)


    Too.  Damn.  Funny.

    Oh that's no problem J=Khan. sorry if I came off as an ass. LOL 

    Isn't that so funny? how stupid do you think the people that voted for him feel right now?

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