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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 27 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    Aint that something dude? *phone rings at house*..."Aye man....we're coming over in two hours to rob the place, so get all the [!@#$%^&*] you like out before we show up. Deuces." well, the man IS a complete moron and this did get the gutless TVMSM off of the Trump/Putin story as was said....thank you for my laugh for the day. LOL

    and Wales....did you hear about the Chinese ambassador Xi calling him weak after his visit this past week? 

  2. 40 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    I watched the MTP replay on COZI and it's almost amazing to see how politicians live on separate islands in the same space. Draper appeared alongside Lee of Utah on video and both were against the bill for different reasons. Lee used the this close line that is supposed to represent something less than failure but Draper seemed more candid and realistic about it. Mulvaney was first up gloating about the impending failure being the Democrats fault and making out as though Trump is cool with Paul Ryan. Trump is delusional if he thinks the Democrats are going to watch the AHCA fail and then come running to him. That idiot doesn't get that he's supposed to be the one with the plan not them.


    Tom Brokaw didn't sugarcoat the shortcomings of Trump.


    Too many people in the media seem to be stuck in this perplexed state where they seemingly believe that Trump is going to suddenly morph into a real national leader. Unless Fox News is going to compile a series on how to handle policy that he can absorb in less than 15 minutes, they can forget about him learning anything. They need to accept what and who he is and stop trying to present him as what they want him to be. Even the way they summarize his tweets and actions make him sound better than he is. Chuck Todd managed to turn his threat about how the Democrats were going to have to come to him to get a healthcare bill done into some sane statement about his knowing that he will eventually work with the Democrats. They constantly normalize his insanity when they summarize what he does and says in such reasonable terms.

    I don't at all believe she said any such thing. I think she basically ignored his attempt into provoking her into giving him the upper hand. He was the one pouting.

    well, we see it differently.

  3. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:


    I have a tough time believing she would actually say that. She's tough but seems to be very diplomatic and wouldn't lower herself to his level. 

    I believe she did say that because IMPO that kind of response is the only thing he seems to understand when his bullying tactics don't work.

  4. 3 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    When Ted Koppel sees someone like Sean Hannity on TV, he must get so disgusted.


    and Sean wouldn't STFU and let Ted speak. now he's tweeted that the 'fake news' edited out all of his responses to Koppel.

  5. Well, Trump got on Twitter this morning and NOW is blaming conservatives and alt-right and right wing groups for the failure of the ACA. Diane Feinstein has also said that Trump is getting ready to resign as POTUS. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    The best part is on twitter this AM I saw that Lindsey Graham's townhall was packed with people. And these are not all little Trumpbots showing up.

    were they screaming at him? how were they behaving?

  7. 9 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Let's put it this way: if they're talking about it, Mary Frackin ain't listening.


    Speaking of Governor Fallin: for the third time in four years, Oklahoma has been hit with some kind of economic shortfall.  Her answer is to tax the hell out of everything.  They've even begun applying OK state tax to purchases made online through Amazon.com.

    A republican?

  8. 49 minutes ago, Khan said:

    But seriously: because I live in one of the states that refused the expanded Medicaid funds ("Obama money," as I call it), this news doesn't really impact me.  I'm still without health insurance; and unless and until our governor changes her mind (or -- God willing -- I am finally employed again AND I'm able to purchase insurance either independently or through my job), that will remain unchanged.


    Nevertheless, it serves the GOP right to lose this after squawking for the past seven years about repealing and replacing President P-Funk's legacy.

    Now the game really begins. The Democrats will now start trying IMO to get legislation passed that will strengthen the ACA, and to them hopefully show that since the Republicans screwed SO royally, they will look bad to their hometowns when they have town halls and people demand what will they do...will they FINALLY work across the aisle with Dems and make health care work? IMO, Ryan saying it's the law of the land means Repubs will run on it next year, never mind what he looked like. that was an act. we're really about to see how down and dirty both parties will get where it comes to universal health care. as John McClane said in Die Hard "This is just the beginning." 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    The obtuse working on healthcare saying such things as "I wouldn't want to lose my mammogram."


    I don't know how to embed tweets but Sally Field has one about Trump Truckster that made me laugh.



    she would know who the Bandits really are....

    35 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I'm not sorry it's been postponed but I do worry what will pass that will be even worse (either that or they will just let ACA die and have nothing as a replacement as they also gut Medicare and Medicaid). I'm also dreading the inevitable pud pulling from many over the "principled" far right Congress hacks.



    IMO, the postponement of this vote not only hurst rump tremendously it hurts Ryan just as bad....it also puts the GOP behind the 8 ball and makes them look horrible because, after 7 years of trying to gut the ACA, this proves they never had anything ready as an alternative and what they just tried to get passed seems to go back to the healthcare system we had BEFORE the ACA. all they had to do was work on the bill across the row and work with Dems...but that made way too much sense. now, they are stuck with a God awful piece of legislation that has badly damaged the GOP, cause (among other things) Trump's numbers plummet and have even started to turn republican voters against them...because these people were so ignorant about their own self interests they woke up (slightly) to find out "HEY!!!!......they're screwing us like porn stars!!!"

  10. This is what happens when you spend almost 2 years talking [!@#$%^&*] about everyone when you're running for high office....they remember every single word and band together to wipe your ass OUT. that is what is happening right now.

  11. 1 hour ago, Wales2004 said:

    Methinks he wanted barbecue, was out of meat, and threw himself on the grill. John McCain wants to run this now so at the very least Nunes should have stayed in the sandbox. I have no idea why he thinks trying to help Bigly is going to do him any good, but I guess loyalty has its rewards.


    Trump associates may have coordinated with Russia is CNN's latest breaking news. Before it was that he was making phone calls to try to put the squeeze on House conservatives. I wonder how many of them are ignoring his calls now.


    Some humor for someone in need of it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/lincoln-was-a-republican-slavery-is-bad--and-more-discoveries-by-president-obvious/2017/03/22/3360c622-0f2c-11e7-9b0d-d27c98455440_story.html?hpid=hp_no-name_opinion-card-f%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.ee91f53ae84a



    Nunes fucked this all up royally. thanks for the update Wales. you say he's from your state?

  12. 1 hour ago, Wendy said:

    This thread needs a bit of positivity. So, I offer this: Today, Joe Biden was at Capitol Hill to commemorate the 7th Anniversary of the ACA (how timely). Well, he soon made a friend - a golden retriever puppy also named Biden. Biden met his namesake, and the resulting pictures are adorable.


    Biden's owner - a DC staffer - named the puppy after Joe because of the great respect she has for him. Remarkable if just for the fact she says this even as she identifies as Republican and does not necessarily agree with him politically. Respect despite ideological differences. Who knew?!


    A link to the cuteness.

    I saw that story. very wonderful. 

    31 minutes ago, Wales2004 said:

    I thought Issa was a case but now here's Nunes reminding me that I can't shake my head enough over how the people in this state get elected. At least there's Adam Schiff. I am glad he at least is asking whether Nunes wants to be a Trump surrogate but I don't see how there avoid any kind of move to get him ousted. He started out trying to provide cover for Trump before they even decided to investigate.


    The thing is he now put himself out there to say something that was already floated regarding information being collected as part of surveillance on a foreign national or multiple foreign nationals, which is a bad look for Trumpsters regardless of whether it was direct or indirect. The fact that Trump feels vindicated in any way shows how completely ignorant he is. Plus Nunes doesn't even know whether Trump Towers was involved which is a major part of the lie leveled by Trump.


    Now all those people who scoffed at the idea of an independent investigation might buy a clue as to why some called for one.

    I just woke up from a nap and saw all this. Did Nunes [!@#$%^&*] up that badly? I only saw a snippet of his PC and he seemed to lie 3 different times in less than a minute on one question. 

  13. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:







    London has always been one of my favorite cities and I've been on that bridge quite a few times.




    It was also reported a woman was killed after being run down by this fool. 

    4 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    And Both Carl and John would know about how much of a [!@#$%^&*] POC liar Trump is compared to Nixon.


    That orange prick and people in his admin. and on his team better hope they don't end up in prison. 

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