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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 2 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Yes, they did. 

    she deserves it. she's been doing silly crap for years...but WTF did she think would happen? that was just sick. 

    2 hours ago, GMac said:


    @Fevuh good question - I often wonder that myself and I think this hits the nail on the head.  Nothing is any better.  It's actually considerably worse.  


    @Roman He's a modern day Herbert Hoover


     and I have read Hoover sucked Godzilla balls as POTUS. 

  2. 1 hour ago, marceline said:


    No not yet. He's doing that reality show thing where he acts like he might. Remember this is a thing the White House always does when Donnie has a string of failures. They leak an upcoming EO or some other disastrous thing to get everybody all worked up. How many times have we heard about an impending EO on LGBT rights? When he has policy failures he ratchets up the culture wars stuff to make his base feel good. 

    I just walked in the door and saw this. Now the WH is saying THEY DON'T KNOW if he's made a decision....which means "he had decided to pull out, saw the backlash from BOTH SIDES and changed his pea sized brain mind."

    6 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I think what she did was stupid (and again reminds just how poor many on the left are at optics) and I'm not sorry she's losing gigs (I'm sorry she won't be on New Year's anymore as she was the only one who ever made me not feel bored to tears by Anderson Cooper, but even if they weren't Republican Central they likely couldn't keep her after this), but I have to laugh at one of them being "Squatty Potty." We are in strange times. 

    she lost the CNN NYE gig huh?

  3. 20 minutes ago, Khan said:

    We're out of the Paris Accords AND Corey's poised to make a comeback?  Oh, the covfefe just keeps getting deeper.

    But how do we stop it? I mean it's now an avalanche of covfefe every single day.....

    1 hour ago, GMac said:


    :angry: seethe.

    He is the WORST POTUS in the last 60 years. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, GMac said:


    They should throw him and Flynn behind bars for contempt. 

    Now why would you put common sense and equality of law into this GMAC?! I'm shocked....SHOCKED I TELL YOU....your winnings sir....oh thank you very much....


  5. 22 hours ago, Wendy said:


    I continue to feel little to no pity for these folks. Probably not nice of me, but hey... Maybe listen when an ass tells you...he plans to continue to be an ass if elected?


    As Maya Angelou said, when someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them.


    Now, though? To his voters, you broke it, you buy it. Have fun!

    Wendy......the post of the weekend. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    Hell, yes. I can't bang my head against troll bridges at this stage of my life. It's block and forget for me.

    Did the very same thing. too old to argue with someone, anyone who won't at least TRY to have a civil discourse. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Merp said:

    It's called fighting back.


    I guess you missed all the Leftist attacks of Trump supporters prior to the election. Or the Antifa attacks on the Rightist free speech supporters. How many Clinton and Sanders supporters were attacked? 


    The left started this, the right will finish it. Just a heads up.

    here we are again......someone who didn't hear one word that was said. makes me wretch. 


    When THIS MAN says Trump is a failure.....the tides are turning....

  8. 2 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    So it begins?



    this thing said he would not bring up the story...then waited after the show was over to say he was real close to the truth and to stay tuned. this was after FN retracted he story and the family pleaded with him to stop. he deserves to go...what an ass. 

  9. 1 hour ago, rhinohide said:

    ????? Source


    the Repugnants will not get him out of office until he's served two years. That way Pence can run two cycles. 





    says the lyingest orange liar who ever lied. America First my backside. 

    It was on a picture I saw today on twitter. can't upload the picture. 






  10. 17 hours ago, Wendy said:

    These town hall folks ain't playing! But they need to put it to the best use - at the midterm elections in the voting booths.

    Wendy.....please repeat this every week until next November. it does no good to get mad and people won't go to the polls. thank you for this.

  11. 50 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Also the narrative of Pence as innocent in all this has been destroyed. He's as complicit and compromised as everyone else. Even if he survives this - which is becoming a bigger "if" by the day - he's going to be kneecapped. If the IC and FBI are as hungry for blood as they seem to be, we might very well end up with President Hatch.

    exactly...that's why I agree with others who say Pence is just as bad as Trump...and worse than Trump in some ways because even though Trump is a fool, Pence is jst outright dangerous with his neo-christian beliefs....which I feel he will try to wrap legislation around them if/when he becomes POTUS

    The best way? kneecap them both. Ryan is gutless and can be handled with ease. well, easier than the two fools in charge now. 

  12. 19 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I'm glad to post. I agree more people need to speak up and more people need to hear this. Trump is trying very hard to obstruct and subvert but the narrative needs to be very clear and somethings (like life and death) are as clear as day.


    Bumping this.

    see...Trump has opened the entire warehouse of whoopass from the FBI by what he did. what a moron.

  13. 32 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:



    precisely why millions need to speak up such as this gentleman. this jerk needed to hear this in the manner in which it was spoken. thank you for posting.

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