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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 24 minutes ago, marceline said:


    Yeah, I've seen that too. I think quite a few Republicans have gone the Joe Scarborough route and declared themselves independent.

    Personally, I think he's still a republican. he just said that for ratings. to get him off the hook with republicans who probably kept contacting his sorry ass (after he and his fiance' helped get Trump elected) and demanding he shut up about Trump. 

  2. 2 hours ago, marceline said:


    A few pointless EOs and a limited Muslim ban. Everything else has been him taking credit for Obama's policies.



    Happy to help! But seriously I'm all over this thing. What I find so fascinating is that Mueller is playing everything so close to the vest. Apparently the grand jury has been empaneled for a while. We're only hearing about it now. Subpeonas have already been issued.

    I jst read this morning they have been at it for over a year. I was shocked. Mueller hasn't said word one to the press, and neither has anyone on his team. that's how you do it...keep your mouth shut until you're ready to present your evidence. I love the guy personally. LOL

    3 hours ago, Khan said:


    You could DEFINITELY say the same about Mike Pence.  From what I understand, his home state of Indiana detests him; and if not for being Trump's VP pick, his political career would be all but over.  (Honestly, if I were Pence, I think I would pray for Trump's impeachment.  After all, how ELSE would I ever get to be president?)


    That's not a bad theory.  But you know whose name crossed MY mind for a brief moment before collapsing into laughter and sliding away?  Steve Bannon.  Don't ask me why.


    Thank. God.  Because that net neutrality business is so damn putrid.


    But it's a double-edged sword.  Yes, his laziness and ineptitude have resulted in very little of his and the GOP's agenda being fulfilled.  However, North Korea remains a threat, and I think there's a good chance his let-China-handle-it attitude will result in our being dragged kicking and screaming into war.


    Dennis says "ALMOST none," which has me wondering, what HAS been enacted?  Srsly, has Trump accomplished ANY thing on this agenda?


    I honestly wouldn't put it past Bannon to do something like that. if he can't have everything his way, he'll burn the whole damn thing to the GROUND. 

  3. 12 hours ago, marceline said:


    I've been tracking Mueller's team like it's my version of fantasy football. "Okay we've got lawyers with expertise in money laundering, terrorism and racketeering...That's nice but we need to add some folks with background in cybersecurity. Oh good. Done. And now we've just added an expert in foreign bribery! Excellent!! Woo-hoo!! We're going to the Super Bowl!" 

    Ok......I was in a funk until I read this. Thank you so much dear!!! LMAO!!!

    I'm starting to think Pence and his staff are behind the leaks going on..

  4. 1 hour ago, Fevuh said:

    The way things have gone thus far - I think Kelly is tough, but will try to save face as long as he can.  Won't want to be a quitter.  But, I think if his advice isn't being heeded (it won't, because Dump isn't smart enough to listen to anyone) - I think I give it...2 months.  But - It depends on whether there's a war or not - there probably will be.  If there's a war, he'll be there for - I say the tenure of the Presidency. 

    IMPO, Kelly is gone this time next month. he's been COS for what, 3 days, and already he and Orange Cheeto Puff are butting heads? Trump is just God awful. Kelly is his last chance to have anything that comes close to even the stupid Trumpians to restart this crapshow....if he gets into it with him, gave over man, game over. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Khan said:


    And I agree.  But I also think the military would have no other option.  Trump simply cannot be trusted in matters pertaining to our protection against enemies from abroad; and if the Pentagon and the IC can't see WHY he can't be trusted at this point, it's because they don't want to see it.


    I'm starting to wonder whether McCain's actions have been some calculated form of payback for the comments Trump made about him during the campaign.


    Trust me, it comes from years of practice. ;)

    I'm not wondering about it at all.....IMPO that's EXACTLY why he did it.to teach that POS a lesson.....you don;t talk [!@#$%^&*] about someone and think it won;t come back to rip out that funky ass of yours. he did it to himself......and the worst for Trump is yet to come. 

  6. 1 hour ago, GMac said:


    No.  What makes you a troll is saying something and never engaging in authentic, meaningful discussion.  Oh, and your constant deflections about President Obama and/or Hillary.



    GMac, my apologies sir.....you seemed to have dropped your mic.....

  7. 4 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    So the CBO indicates premiums will increase by 20% a year each year from 2018 to 2026. That's going to make the sabatoged premiums under the ACA look like pocket change.


    i do wonder if any of these geniuses know Rubios only claim to fame was getting the reinsurance payments to the insurance companies blocked out of the ACA, which sabatoged the ACA. It forced insurance companies to raise premiums because the original obligations committed to ins companies through the bill were no longer being met. Oh and our GOP congress was responsible for doing that.

    I don't think they care Jane. they wnat to line their pockets again and hate that black man so much they would put 16 million people at risk.

  8. 5 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

     the funny part is none of these trolls can defend anything on its own merits. It's Obama did this, Clinton did this etc. Nothing about the current anything without deflection. But we were promised orange Julius was better?


    i don't think the Russia stuff and other things happening will matter in 2018. Women being prohibited now from going to Planned Parenthood for cancer  screenings and treatment(a renewed war on women), old white men overturning what the first black president accomplished, and middle class families who rely on the ACA and the marketplace for their insurance, these people being hurt are certain to get those voters riled up. Taking away healthcare is going to matter. 

    Oh IA.....because it has to hit home for many people who put this orange clown and the republican SS in power. wonder if these people are thinking about walls in mexico right now....

  9. 6 minutes ago, OLTL #1 fan said:

    and y'all keep talking about the Republicans passing this at midnight, but forget the Dems also did that w/ Obamacare.  

    and in sports.....

    10 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    FIX OBAMACARE. Your trolling is tiresome. We aren't talking about Obama we are talking about what your president promised when he campaigned and this is worse and he lied. Can you actually defend the orange buffoon without deflecting to Obama or Clinton.


    done . I promised myself I wouldn't engage with people who can't think logically and are just here to troll.



    So by the way the HEALTHCARE bill cuts 14% from the CDC because I guess infectious diseases are a thing of the past. Seriously these are the same people who let folks die from Zika while playing political football with money needed for it.

    Jane. Dear.......this is what trolls do. get you riled up with outright lies to hijack a thread. don't DO this to yourself. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Has anyone heard the rumor that Rex Tillerson may be considering leaving?  That vacay may be starting to make sense.:lol:

    just read a few seconds ago that he is taking a break due to the tension in the WH. 

    Rome is starting to burn....

    Senate rejects Obamacare repeal only bill.....

  11. 42 minutes ago, GMac said:




    I'm trying to understand how anyone can watch trump's speeches or tweets and come away thinking that "this man is doing a great job!" :rolleyes:  Because all I see is a geriatric spoiled daddy's boy.  I certainly don't see a president.


    G, people see what they want to see. this particular troll we have in the political thread doesn't want to discuss anything. it's either lies, defense or "The Dems did it first and worst!!!" Republicans and conservatives are turning against that man. he is a cancer in DC and speaks VOLUMES. it will only get worse as next year gets here.....because they will have republicans who's seats are up and then some will have no choice but to make a choice....Trump or their careers. meanwhile....at The Trump Troll Hall Of Ignorance......

    18 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    So let's get McCain off the pedestal. After his grandstanding and the press salivating over him, and many hugging him on the floor, guess what he did last evening. He votered YES on the BRCA(Obamacare replacement). Even Lindsey Graham voted no. 10 republicans voted no and McCain was not one of them.

    well apparently they voted on repeal last night and 9 republican senators voted no. please let me know if I have this wrong because I just saw this on MSNBC and CNN but haven't seen any net news on it. 

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