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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 40 minutes ago, OLTL #1 fan said:

    we don't know if it's caused his way of thinking anymore than RBG has alzheimer's or dementia  

    like we don;t know if Trump has alzheimer's or dementia...oh wait...

    Yes we do. 

  2. On 7/14/2017 at 3:34 PM, heffer said:

    This all reminds me of a GREAT story. In the late 1980's.5AM in the morning I was switching to the E train going to Manhattan at Queens Plaza. I happen to see an old acquaintance of mine standing at one of the subway doors. He calls me over when I notice a bunch of dark suited men in his car (weird at that time in the morning). I come in and see he is there with Jimmy and Roslyn Carter sitting in the corner seats decked out in work clothes!! They were all heading for the South Bronx to work for HFH in coordination with the guy's church(no press was present). I had a nice conversation with them but couldn't go because I had miss too many days of work (should have got Jimmy to write an absentee note...).

    I have always loved them both. when I read he went straght from the hosp. back out to help finish building homes I just smiled. I don;t care what anyone says...he was a good POTUS and such a great man. 

  3. 14 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I have to roll at my eyes over the media fervor over Joe Scarborough quitting the GOP. He's an attention whore, just like his pal Trump. He will rejoin any day that it suits him, any day he'll get more copy. This buffoon gets the pity parties because as always the media only cares about itself and sees itself as the only story around. Even with all this I still wouldn't be surprised if he and Trump are still friends. They're more alike than "Morning Joe" will ever say.

    I find it sickening. Joe is going for a ratings grab and not wanting to take responsibility for helping this fool into office. he may run for some office down the road and doesn't want to be a part of HIS party....after he's spent 30 years defending and lying for them. the TVMSM with few exceptions are just sickening. Trump all damn day. I mean 7 days a damn week. and the same topics every single day. how much time did MJ spend on the transport crash that killed 16 soldiers? 30 seconds? but spends 3 hours going off o this tiny little orange. Joe is a fake ass punk. and the TVMSM are whores for ratings....no matter what they have to slap on screen. 

  4. 2 hours ago, marceline said:

    I've lived in Ohio most of my life and presidential elections are usually madness but they are kindergarten nap time compared to a Sherrod Brown Senate race. The money that gets dumped into this state is mind-boggling.



    an article was written in St. Louis Post-Dispatch last week saying Claire McCaskill would need up to 30 million to run for re-election. I sent her a tweet.....informing her that Dracula would get my vote for the second straight time she's ran for re-election. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    ^^^^^This.  I watch a News Program that talks about how he is the most mistreated President.  It makes me LAUGH.  He doesn't need to give us this much material over social media.  He's an Idiot and I can't HELP IF I JUDGE HIM FOR WHAT HE SAYS IMMEDIATELY!  Guess what you idiots - about 40 years ago - it took another day for a President's thoughts to get out in the public.  Now he has a fast finger with Twitter.  He's an Idiot.  And you try to find reasons why he's not an idiot.  But he is.  If you don't want us to disparage him - tell him to get the hell off of social media.  But his mantra was ANY publicity is GOOD.  So that's why he acts an ass.  And is TRULY STUPID.  It pays in this country - to act as a Leader and then be totally STUPID.  It pays to be that person.

    THIS!!!! This right here!!!

  6. people losing their healthcare......mass shootings nationwide.....illegal deportations.....jobs being lost every single day.....millions of struggling americans.....



  7. 4 hours ago, Khan said:


    Frankly, I find Joe and Mika's claims to be more than a little disingenuous.  You didn't know he was so...obnoxious?  The guy who made those remarks about Mika is not the same guy you knew two years ago?  Bullshit.  You knew who and what Donald Trump was all along, and not only did you not care, you egged him on.


    I say to those two what I'd say to anyone, from GOP leaders on down, who might have endorsed Trump in the beginning and are now feigning shock over his narcissism, his racism, his misogyny and complete disregard for law and order, professionalism, common sense and basic respect for others: you knew he was a snake when you brought him in the house, so enjoy.

    Then read this.....I do NOT like the author, but tell me if this doesn't get this on point?


  8. 7 hours ago, marceline said:


    I'd hate it. Hatehatehate it. Sherrod is such an amazing advocate for the people of Ohio that I simply refuse to give him up. I've often said that if Sherrod decided to run, I would chain myself to his front porch and sing "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going." But that's my selfishness talking.  :P


    Do I think he would win? Probably. His cred as being an champion of the working class is unassailable and minority voters here love him. He's basically Joe Biden 2.0. There would be some real problems with his wife though. She's an outspoken, pro-choice, feminist journalist who kept her maiden name. It would be the same attacks we saw against Hillary 30 years ago but on Fox News/Twitter steroids. Also the lefty purity ponies would turn on him after looking at his voting record. Just like they attack Cory Booker for his vote against Bernie's drug bill, Sherrod has made votes in the past that won't pass their high standards. He also was one of the first to endorse Hillary and the Berniacs still throw shade at him for that.

    I would love for Sherrod to run, but nowadays.....the POTUS just isn't worth it. and he does such good work on behalf of us all, that I think he should stay where he is.

  9. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/morning-joe-donald-trump_us_595657cde4b02734df31cb3c?section=us_politics


    1 hour ago, Eric83 said:

    Trump is such a petty, vindictive, feral pig. Like.... 8 months later and I still can't believe people hated Obama and/or Hillary that much that they'd vote for this trash. He is an embarrassment.


    And I can't say this enough but f*ck Bernie Sanders. He can run around making excuses for the racists that voted for Trump and blaming blacks, women, and other minorities for "identity politics" on someone else's dime. I wish the Democratic party would stop complying with him. He lost the primary by large margins. Democrats do not want him. I don't care how vocal his Tumblr supporters are and how many YouTube and HuffPo comments sections they flood.

    I voted for Bernie in the primaries. then listened to him and found out than other than rhetoric, there ws no substance. he and his cult like followers can just go far far away...and say hi to Darth Vader for me.

    trump is just a worldwide embarrassment.  countries are once again laughing their asses off at us. that fools and ignorant people put this clown in office.....make me wretch.

  10. 3 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    It's so weird. Wasn't Van Susteren at CNN before she went to FXNC?  I remember once thinking it would be weird for her to go to make the switch from CNN but, I guess the money was right and switch she did, with aplomb!


    Also strange that anyone, let alone NBC would be banking on Kelly to be a 'hit' on daytime TV.  She has nerve struck me as the type that had a daytime 'personality'.  

    Then again, she tried to compare herself to Oprah and those two never struck me as having any similarities whatsoever.

    she was a centrist ion CNN, and I enjoyed her show. she was factual and fair.....two qualities she dropped once she hit Fixed Noise. now my guess is she'll end up back at CNN. 

  11. 2 hours ago, marceline said:


    Seriously? Ugh. That's why I always like to hear from the actual constituents of politicians. That's the kind of story you only learn from someone with boots on the ground so to speak. One of the things I love about this thread is getting "local" perspective from posters here.


    and Richard Ramirez ended up leaving SF and going upstate where the murders continued, because police no longer had any evidence to go on. 

  12. 6 hours ago, dragonflies said:


    One GIGANTIC reason why I don't like her......she held a PC years ago during the Night Stalker Murders and gave out all police evidence live on tv, including a mugshot that said for police only. The killer, who saw the broadcast, promptly walked on the GG Bridge and threw everything into the bay. she has never, to my knowledge, admitted she was wrong. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Wendy said:


    Nice try, making it sound like the whole thing is a fraud. This is one event. I'll even link:




    But in fairness, these three SHOULD LOSE their jobs for this. But this does not negate the rest of the investigation.


    In any case, I'm not sure why I'm bothering. Maybe hoping for some light to come through. But forget it. I'll re-initialize the filter for the sake of thread harmony.

    I mean, if you want to engage by all means go for it. I appreciate that. I guess all I'm saying is there's a difference having a passionate discussion with someone with a differing viewpoint, and someone who just pops in to stir up and try to hijack the entire thread.

  14. 6 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    Most of that was before 1965 and the passing of the Voting Rights and Civil Rights acts which LBJ acknowledged would lose the southern states for the democrats for at least one generation. So stop parroting the points relative to the party when it wqas actually reasonable and believed that public policy could help people. Corporate taxes under Eisenhower was also around 75% so are you advocating for those policies, policies under Roosevelt and Eisenhower which helped elevate the middle class?


    Educate yourself and read about the Southern Strategy.




    My fault. I take the blame. But it is evidence of ignorance and that they could care less about what the GOP stands for today. White men and corporations. How sad that they have done nothing in terms of public policy since Eisenhower but hey if Eisenhower is the prototype, can we get the 75% tax rate on businesses again?

    NP at all Jane...I know this person and some others tick you off, and its HARD not to respond. but al they want to do is hijack the thread. everything posted was like you said, before '65. and blacks are STILL waiting on 40 acres and a mule. put this person on ignore....that is now what I do. and it has nothing to do with a differing viewpoint....but if someone won;t listen and have a civil discussion, bump them.

  15. 18 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    You're right, even though at times we all get baited unfortunately.  

    It's just a great general rule to ignore people whose clear and sole intent seems to be to continually provoke. 


  16. 42 minutes ago, sivad40 said:

    Ignoring the Right won't change the fact that they exist.

    I didn't say anything about ignoring the right......I'm talking about trolling, complete ignorance and people who don't want to discuss politics. they pop in, post stuff and then split. period.

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