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Posts posted by xtr

  1. According to the day ahead recap from soaps.com on tomorrow's show:


    Devon and Elena will tell each other I love you. This will be after Devon tells Elena he worried he was going to die after he was drugged at the party. He will say he's nowhere near ready to leave the life he has with her and that he appreciates her caring nature. They will then confess they love each other.


    Also, Summer will be embarrassed about kissing Kyle. They will talk about that, he will tell her they are good and give her a hug before she leaves his office. And Phyllis will get Zoe to admit that she drugged the drinks at the party. She will end up recording Zoe admitting this.


    Tomorrow's show was when Elena was supposed to make a shocking confession, and it looks like that was the "I Love You." to Devon. 

  2. I hope that Cam ends up getting well. I understand that a lot of people didn't care for Ryan, though I did like that character. I agree with those that say Cam in real live has always seemed like such a nice guy. He has always been very appreciative of the soap genre and of soap fans. He was basically an ambassador for All My Children and the ABC soaps in general for years. (Often happily participating in events like the Super Soap Weekends/Fun in the Sun types to promote the shows).

  3. 1 minute ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

    Thank you! Sounds good i liked his work yesterdays cdn. I hope he gives the men something too i liked kyles colorful suits and shirts when mal was on. 


    I hope he puts the men in some nice looking outfits as well. Right now I really like how Nate dresses. Hopefully he will continue to wear nice looking suits.  I also like some of the colorful suits that Kyle was wearing when he first came on. I don't if his designs were showing up last week but I did like Kyle in this suit. It wasn't colorful, but I thought he looked good in it. And it was the best I have seen Kyle look in a bit:



  4. 10 minutes ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

    Do we know when that new costume designer comes on? The last one kept dressing the women so badly with those ugly sweaters and bad dresses


    It sounds like the new designer David Zyla has taken over already. In this article from soapcentral, he says that his outfits will start to really appear this week at the Grand Phoenix opening. I did like several of the dresses on the ladies at this event and on the show so far this week:




    This article also says he was a costume designer on All My Children in the 2000's and won an Emmy as a costume designer in 2010. I always thought that the ladies in the 2000's, especially during the last years of the show like (2005 and up) often looked very good. I always thought that AMC had the best looking cast on Daytime/one of the best dressed during those years. I am interested in seeing what type of other outfits the ladies on Y&R will wear now that David has taken over.

  5. I don't like Zoe. Those scenes of her watching everyone at the party with that annoying looking expression on her face, do not work for me. I don't find her or her desperate need to be noticed interesting. IMO, she comes across as an immature loser and her character is a waste of a part of the budget and a role. And I think she seems out of place with other characters on the show, including the 20 something set.


    I did find it funny when Lola asked Nate to help with a medical emergency and he goes he couldn't help but the could get his bag. The way that Sean Dominic said that made me laugh. 


    And on the bright side I have liked the way that a lot of the women on the show have been dressing lately. I think that Michelle Stafford has been looking good lately and I've been liking her outfits. Nikki looked good on yesterday's episode. I also like the dress that Sharon is wearing at the opening of the hotel, along with Mariah's dress and Elena's dress. Elena's dress is my favorite dress of all of the ones the ladies are wearing. 

  6. 4 hours ago, AT1980 said:

    Sorry I'm new at this. Try watching now


    Thanks for sharing. That episode from 1975 was great. I particularly liked the scene where Leslie and Stuart were talking about Jennifer's concerns about having the surgery, and how she would be viewed by men. I also liked when Peggy showed up right before her mother was going into surgery after no one thought she would. I really enjoyed this episode.

  7. Here is a recap from tomorrow for soaps.com day ahead recap:


    People will figure out that Zoe drugged the drinks with Molly. This will cause people to act strange. Summer will end up telling Kyle that the drinks have Molly in them and will kiss him. Kyle will help Summer over to Phyllis. Lola will worry that Summer is not over Kyle. Sharon will also kiss Rey about she agonizes about their relationship and pass out due to the drug mixing from her medication. Devon will end up having a panic attack and Elena will help him. Zoe will take pictures of the people at the party acting drugged and will post the pictures to her blog. Rey will call in the medical emergency and the mass drugging. Paul will ask some questions and Theo will mention Zoe putting the pictures on her blog. Paul will shut the party down. 


    On 9/8/2019 at 9:57 AM, dio said:

    the way all the characters on the show within her age group are treating Zoe like ish they stepped in, tho realistic, is very off-putting (to me, towards them) and is making me kind of root for her... like, Lola is supposed to be this amazing, sweet person but she always treats Zoe like a nuisance. Same thing with Mariah and Tess... none of these people know this girl, but they all treat her like they don't want to and Summer always commenting on how she's such a wannabe... I hope whatever plan she has for them all goes off without a hitch. What a bunch of a-holes. 


    I think that she comes across as too young to be hanging out with the mostly mid to late 20 something crowd. She seems like she would fit in with more Reed/Mattie/Charlie. She's maybe 19 which I think is why she was drinking a virgin drink at Society. Everybody else is at least mid to late 20's. (An exception being Lola, who I think is early 20's) I have been finding Zoe annoying and I think her role has been mostly useless. I think a pot stirrer from Kyle's past (not named Theo) could have worked. But I was hoping for someone more mature/interesting. IMO, that's not Zoe. 

  8. According to the recap for Monday's show, the opening of the Grand Phoenix will begin. Zoey will end up putting drugs in the alcoholic drinks at the party. Mariah will interact with Theo some more. She will meet two more of his influencers, who she will send to get cocktail dresses at Fenmore's. Theo will mention Tessa's career and Mariah will tell him that she manages that exclusively. Theo will tell Mariah that they make a good team and he will kiss her cheek before he leaves with the influencers. Mariah will tell Tessa she trusts him even less now. Phyllis will overheard Devon say that Chance may be challenging Katherine's will and Victor will have weak spells do to taking the pills Adam put in his pocket. 

  9. I think that this Amanda Sinclair character that Devon was trying to find information about on today's show could be MM's new character.I think she may end up being Hilary's doppelganger. Devon is supposed to be meeting with the lawyer this month. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up being played by Mishael.


    Also, I think that the show is foreshadowing that something romantically might happen between Theo/Mariah. Or at least Theo and another woman on the show that isn't Summer. But they had multiple people point out today how Theo/Mariah have things and common and Tessa say she hopes they don't have any more in common besides their work. Maybe something might happen between them. 



  10. 57 minutes ago, mango said:

    Kyle and Lola have been married a whole nanosecond and Kyle is already sniffing around Summer? No wonder people don't care anymore. There's no point in getting invested in any storyline.


    I wonder if Josh may end up reuniting Summer/Kyle, especially now that Angelica is gone. I think maybe the show realizes that K o l a just isn't doing it for a lot of viewers and stuff like them fixing an air conditioner, isn't good television. And that is why they are having Kyle mix it up with Summer again. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:


    Devon and Elena aren't that popular either. Lord knows I wish they were for Bryton's sake but I just don't see it for them. They've got a few organized stans and most folks aren't bothered by them but they are nowhere near having the buzz that Hevon had. 


    The show won't keep Kyle in that pairing with Lola. They see him as the younger generation lead. TPTB will eventually look for bigger for him. I wish they had kept Loren Lott and given her an opportunity alongside Mealer. 


    While I've always been a Fen/Ana fan, I said in the very beginning after Loren first showed up, that I also would have been fine with an Ana/Kyle pairing. Lola doesn't work for him. (Or in general) She drags him down. At this point with Angelica being gone, I wouldn't be surprised if Josh revisited Kyle/Summer. It looks like they are already teasing stuff with them. Now with the record low ratings for K o l a' s wedding and Angelica gone, maybe Josh will this as an opportunity to reunite them. Especially since it seems like the show hasn't really given Theo's character much direction. 



  12. 1 minute ago, ajsp35801 said:

    Yeah, DG not even getting episodes is different for him. Even without story, they'd have him on. I wonder if he's been dropped to recurring? 


     It really doesn't seem like they have any plans for his character anytime soon. There was a spoiler that was supposed to happen a couple of week ago that said that Traci would question her feelings for Cane during that week. But that never played out. And I don't think he will be involved in the new storyline that is coming for Traci. I wonder what the show may do with him.

  13. Here are some more spoilers for next week from the Zap2it website.


    Trouble will loom for Abby/Chelsea as the Grand Phoenix opens, Devon's world will spin out of control and Elena will end up making a shocking confession. Victor will deliver unsettling news and Devon will confide in Mariah.


    I wonder what exactly happens to Devon and what shocking confession that Elena makes. I wonder if maybe she is pregnant.



  14. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Adam makes a dangerous bet, Summer and Kyle will share a charged moment, Devon's world is turned upside. Paul will chase a lead, while Elena will make a confession. Phyllis will save the day and Billy will explore his dark side.


    Here are a couple of pictures from the Grand Phoenix opening:


    grand phoenix opening scan pg 1.jpg


    Grand phoenix opening pic 2.jpg

  15. 1 hour ago, rlj said:

    Yeah, the massive drop in ratings happened before the onslaught of Rosaleses a came. The two left are in popular couplings (on social media too), the writing for [!@#$%^&*] def needs to be current for a young couple in this era!


    I don't think that Lola is very popular on social media. She/K o l a get a lot of hate whenever the CBS accounts post something about him. I was looking at an instagram post about them recently. that had several hundred posts and most of them were overwhelming negative. There were a lot of people even attacking Sasha Calle personally. A lot of people do not like Lola/K o l a and they had the lowest ranked wedding. That episode was the last in total viewers for the week. Summer/Kyle's wedding, Rey and Mia's vow renewal from earlier in the year had better ratings than  K o l a's wedding. Even Billy/Victoria's commitment  ceremony in June performed better than K o l a's wedding. Billy and Victoria unlike K o la managed to hit a 3.0 for their ceremony episode and was the highest ranked episode of that week.


    K o l a is not very popular on Social Media and they are heavily disliked on several different soap sites. I frequent/post/lurk on several soap sites. Kyle and Lola are heavily disliked on Twitter, Instagram, Soapcentral, soaps.com, (Soaps.com had a support group type of thread where people gathered to talk about personal things while they refused to watch the wedding. And there were several people participating in that thread) Daytime  Royalty and this site. And I think I may be forgetting one, lol.


    Rey has some fans and some people like him with Sharon.  But a lot of people don't like him either.  Y&R may have had issues before the Rosales showed up, but I think  the heavy focus on them has been to the detriment of this show. 

  16. 46 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Pray this is the end of the Rosales.


    43 minutes ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

    And kyle and lola

    I hope the new person running the soaps cares though 


    Hope this will be the beginning of the end of a lot of the Lola propping and maybe Kyle/Lola as well. IMO, Lola is an awful character who has dragged the show down. The constant propping/showcasing of her at the expense of other characters (especially others in the young set) is sickening. I dislike what has become of Kyle since he has been paired with her. Their storylines together have been awful, boring and not the least bit soapy or entertaining.


    I believe their wedding was the lowest ranked wedding on Y&R of all time. And at the very least it was the lowest ranked in total viewers for that week. A lot of people were getting irritated and frustrated by the constant focus on Lola (as well as the Rosales family in general had six family members on in the past year.)


    Some people suspected that Angelica was trying to push her own agenda in regards to Lola and the Rosales family. And they very well could have been right. I hope things change regarding the continued and heavy/damaging focus on Lola/this family.

  17. 23 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Oh, God, this better not be another Libidizone (AMC).


    That is what I was thinking too. This looks like it could be another one of those situations. Summer making a move on a remarried Kyle, and Sharon/Rey kissing even though they are broken up. I also wouldn't be surprised if Theo kissed or maybe fell into bed with somebody.

  18. 7 minutes ago, Bright Eyes said:


    I read this and first thought you meant Summer kissed all four of them. I didn't know how to feel.


    lol. I fixed that. I wonder who drugs them. I think it may be Zoe. Phyllis is supposed to do something but she wouldn't purposely hurt Summer.  (Unless Phyllis drugs people but her plan not to involve Summer, fails.) Zoe said she wanted to cause a disturbance at the party so I could see her drugging people/spiking drinks. And maybe Phyllis just takes advantage of the situation and helps highlight stuff that may go wrong at the opening. 

  19. Here is the preview for some scenes from next week that someone posted on Twitter:



    It looks like maybe someone drugged people at the party or spiked some drinks. Many of them are acting weird, including Summer who kisses Kyle. Her, Mariah, Tessa and Sharon are all acting strange and look like they are under the influence of something.  Victor looks sickly because Adam sneaks the bottle of pills he got in Victor's pocket and Victor took one of them.


    Also according to the recap tomorrow from soaps.com Devon will talk with Nick and Jill. He will them about someone contesting the will and they will wonder if it's Chance. Jill will reveal to them that Chance sent her a cryptic email saying he was working on something lucrative. She will hope that he isn't into anything sleazy. Devon will tell her that whoever is contesting, will get a fight from him. He will also look up an attorney named Amanda Sinclair who is involved with the case. He wonder who she's working for.  (Some people are speculating that maybe this character Amanda Sinclair could be Hilary's Doppelganger. 

  20. Here are a few spoilers I saw on another site from SOD about Phyllis and the Grand Phoenix opening. Michelle Stafford tells the magazine that Phyllis will show up to the event uninvited. People will think she's there to start trouble but she will end up toasting Abby/Chelsea and wishing them well with the hotel. She has planned shenanigans for the opening of the hotel.


    MS says that people will see characters like they have never seen them before and it's a really, really fun couple of episodes. And in an earlier interview from a little while ago her and MCE said that something that had never happened on daytime before would occur with the opening. I wonder what that will be. 

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