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Posts posted by xtr

  1. Nate is already starting to get tired of Abby and her foolishness. He gave multiple looks today that showed he was not with the way she's acted, regarding attacking Summer, which was embarrassing. And how she's been treating him lately, and not valuing him, his feelings. He's already looking like he wants to move with Abby. Elena gave him some advice today about stepping away from her & he's already starting to follow it, by choosing to take Elena home instead of Abby. I believe he may end up falling for Elena and Abby will lose him. I think that he deserves better than they way she has been behaving.







    I also didn't like how she called Summer a nasty little cow today. That's her niece and Summer hasn't really done anything to her. But Abby doesn't treat her like a family member, Summer may as well not claim her with the way she treats her. 


    Also, I liked the scenes with Connor/Adam today. 



  2. Here are some upcoming spoilers from the Zap2it Website for Y&R:


    Victor will keep Adam in line, Abby and Phyllis will butt heads, Nick worries about his future, and Chelsea will expose a con. Also, Lola will dodge an invite, Victoria will be caught in a lie, Victor will deliver an ultimatum, and Jack will set out on a mission. 

  3. Here is a recent interview Loren did with SOD, when she talks about being let go. She also said her management told her about possibly being let go and at first it seemed like they were just considering it. She then said that Anthony Morina called her with the news and that he was surprised that she took it well. But even with that she wasn't fully sure until she had filmed her last scene. Also, according to her management she has booked a recurring guest role on a new one hour show. I hope she does well with that role and gets more in the future.


    loren lott interview about leaving the show..jpg

  4. Just now, Soapsuds said:

    The best they could come up with story wise was Lola upset because Kyle was rich. That was lame and now they are a bore. 


    They are so boring and they drag down the rest of the young people. Hardly any of the young people have much of a storyline, because everything in that set is centered around Lola.  And they keep throwing storylines at her and it's not working. Making Theo a troublemaker who wants to break up her and Kyle's relationship isn't working. And I think it's taking away from Theo who I believe could have been a more interesting character if he had his own storyline. (Even though I do like Theo).


    Or at least a separate one with Summer away from Kyle and Lola. Now they have this secret from Kyle's which may not end up being good. And they will probably throw Papa Rosales into the mix. I wish they would focus on the other people in the young set more and stop focusing so much on Lola. I don't think she or her and Kyle as a couple can really carry a storyline on their own. They are too boring. I do believe Kyle could carry one away from her, he's done it before. 


    And I think is kind of funny. Another post that was underneath that Y&R twitter post about, Kyle and Lola. Fans like the Tessa/Mariah fans are also getting tired of her. And a while back a lot those fans actually liked her, but they are turning against her. Even some of her own fans are turning against her now.






  5. 1 minute ago, Soapsuds said:

    @xtr  Don't forget Billy who is going nuts all over again after he had already come to terms with it and had it out with Adam before...pure nonsense.


    Yeah, it really is a lot of poorly written storylines, with focuses on characters that a lot of people don't care for. Like Lola and Chelsea.  I think that Jason Thompson is doing decent work with his storyline, but I can understand why people don't want to see the Delia stuff rehashed all over again. And I'm not sure where Josh is going with this storyline. I've seen people speculate he's losing his mind or Chloe is gaslighting him. I'm not sure what it is. But a lot of people aren't liking that and the other storylines on right now. 


    I've seen several people say they've abandoned ship because they just can't take Lola and the propping of her and Kyle any longer. Lola and Kyle are getting a lot of negative reaction at least on online on places like Twitter from different fanbases. A lot of the fanbases of the younger characters feel those characters are being cheated out of storyline because of Kyle/Lola. And have been reduced to propping them. Which I believe is true.


    There were a lot of negative comments underneath this tweet by various fanbases when the show asked people to RT to support Kyle/Lola:


    Here is a couple of reactions to that post:





    People are getting so tired of Lola and this couple. The show  really needs better writing and more balance. People are tired of the boring and poorly written storylines featuring unlikeable and/or overexposed characters. 







  6. I do wonder how much of this drop can be attributed to the Directv blackout which began the week of the 20th. And I heard from fans who have that provider that their dispute with CBS has been resolved and a lot of people have now gotten CBS back.


    None the less this show is still focusing way too much on Adam, Nick, Chelsea and Kyle and Lola. All of these characters get too much airtime and their storylines aren't very interesting. 

  7. On tomorrow's show Elena gives Nate some advice about Abby, and he starts to follow it. According to the day ahead recap from soaps.com:


    Devon will have to leave the joint party to talk with an artist he is trying to sign. Nate will end up talking to Elena about how Abby keeps shutting him out & talk about how she was fighting with Summer at the party. He will tell Elena that he thinks that Abby really isn't thinking of him. Elena will tell him that Abby appears to be all over the place and that he needs to pull back. She will advise him to stop chasing after Abby. Elena will pull Nate onto the dance floor to dance & Abby will show up and ask him to squeeze in a dance with her. Nate will tell her he is taking Elena home and that he will text her tomorrow. He will leave with Elena who will tell him that his method is working already and say let's see what happens when he is no longer in hot pursuit of Abby.


    IMO, it serves Abby right that Nate would choose to dance with Elena/leave the party to take Elena home. Instead of hanging around Abby more. He deserves to be treated better by Abby and Abby was embarrassing at that party with the way she went after Summer. I'm glad Nate is taking a step back from that. I think that him and Elena do have chemistry as well.


    Also, at the beginning of the episode, Summer/Abby and Kyle and Theo will continue to fight each other. Theo and Kyle will throw punches. Lola will grab the mike and tell everyone to stop it and that everyone there is important and that she wants them to have fun. Jack and Traci will praise Lola and be happy that she is joining the family. Kyle will apologize to Rey for fighting and Rey will tell him not to let Theo get underneath his skin. Abby will apologize to Lola and tell her that she won't be fighting anymore at least not that night.


    Abby will try and explain why she fought Summer and Traci will advise her to let Kyle/Lola handle their own matters. Mariah will tell Summer that Lola wants them to behave. And Summer will tell Jack that Abby started the fight and Jack will warn her that Theo is trouble. Kyle will say that he is flying to Miami to get Celeste. But Jack will offer to fly there instead and says that he's not coming back without her. Summer and Theo will leave the party and then the stuff with Nate/Elena/Abby will happen.


    And Connor will find out that Adam is alive and will be reunited with him. 

  8. I have liked Abby in the past, but I do not like the way she treats Summer. Abby was acting very mean and jerky towards Summer today. IMO, she honestly deserved to have Summer dump that bucket of ice water over her head. Sometimes Abby like to play the role of fake tough girl, and when she tries to do that, it often doesn't end well. Abby was acting weak today when she acted like Summer had hurt her after Summer pushed her, when Abby pushed Summer first. And then she was acting like she could barely stand up and take Summer's verbal insults. She had no business starting a fight with Summer that the joint party, just because she overheard Summer/Theo talking about Kyle/Lola.


    She should have left Summer alone and just let the party go along. Especially since Lola invited Summer to the party. But Abby is obsessed with Lola & Kyle and Lola's relationship and picked a fight she shouldn't have. And Abby also likes to pick on Summer for really no good reason and has been acting like she has a problem with Summer, before Lola even really showed up. This time Summer stood up for herself and I was glad to see it.





  9. 25 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:

    Wait...Hope has to fight that frozen face bitch for her own baby AFTER she keeps the name Phoebe for the kid?  What the entire [!@#$%^&*]?!  


    It sounds like she may have to. And the Steffy fans are acting up on places like Twitter about this lol. They are acting like Hope stole Steffy's baby and all this other stuff. Beth/Phoebe needs to with Hope her real mother who she was stolen from. A lot of the Steffy fans acted like Hope knowingly and purposely abandoned Beth/Phoebe. They wouldn't be saying this if things were reversed for the characters.


    On today's show Steffy is already acting very possessive of baby Beth/Phoebe. She actually tells Hope to put her baby down, because something about how the baby doesn't need to be carried all the time. And Liam/Hope acting like they are scared of Steffy. 



  10. According to SOD: Lauren Woodland is returning as Britney on August 27th.


    Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Summer will learn Kyle's secret. Nick will question Chelsea's motives, Victoria will stand up for Nick, and Chelsea will receive unexpected news. Also Abby will confide in Ashley, and Sharon and Rey will make amends. Also, Adam puts his plan in motion, Lauren will demand the truth from Michael, Victor will protect Abby's interests, Chelsea will cut a deal.


    And according to the recap for tomorrow for soaps.com a little bit more about Kyle's secret is revealed.


    In this episode Kyle will tell Theo that someone from his past a "She" was only 17 years old and almost died. He will say that Theo paid off the girl's father. 


    Also, the joint bachelor/bachelorette party will get underway. Sharon will be surprised to see Rey there. Other people there besides the young people will be Nate, Abby, Devon, Elena, Jack, Traci, and later Billy.  Rey & Sharon will talk for a bit, he will bring up Adam, she will say she doesn't want to fight. And they will agree to keep their distance. Mariah will confront Summer/Theo about being at the party, and Summer will tell her that Lola invited her. Mariah will think that Kyle doesn't want Theo there. Kyle will show up and try to get rid of Theo, but Lola will not want to make a scene & will be okay with Theo staying. Abby will give Summer a hard stare down and will also complain to Nate about posing together in the Happily Ever After booth. Mariah will show a video of Kyle/Lola that has pictures of them as children. Rey will toast them & tell Kyle that he stepped up when it mattered but warns him to be good to Lola. He will also say it was a joy to watch Lola growing up. 


    Abby will hear Summer tell Theo that she can't believe that people are trying to sell Kyle/Lola as a happy couple. Abby will tell Nate what Summer/Theo said. Summer will tell Abby if she has something to say, say it to her face. Jack will also toast the couple. Theo will take the mike and talk about Kyle's life in NY, and Kyle will try and get him to stop talking. Kyle and him will get into it and that's when the information about the woman from Kyle's past will come out. Abby and Summer will also get into and start a screaming match. Abby will suggest that Summer leave and tell her to get lost. Summer will tell Abby that she's a loser who can't keep a relationship going and that she plows through men. They will both shove each other. Abby will tell Summer that she lost and that she knows that Kyle would never love her and Summer will dump a bucket of ice water on Abby's head. Mariah will have to separate them.


    I'm glad that Summer will stand up to Abby. Abby is a bully when it comes to Summer and her obsession with Lola is strange and actually creepy at times. Abby should be minding her own business, and not trying to cause trouble because she didn't like Summer's/Theo's comments. Especially since Lola invited Summer and was fine with Theo staying. Abby is miserable and needs to work on herself and her relationship issues, which are now unfortunately negatively affecting Nate.


    Also, I wonder if the young woman from Kyle's past almost died because she overdosed at party Kyle/Theo threw.

  11. I though that Katherine Kelly Lang did a really solid job today portraying Brooke's reaction to finding out the truth about Beth. I thought her reaction was realistic and that she did a solid job of showing how angry, disgusted & in disbelief Brooke was to learn what the others did to keep the truth about Beth a secret. 


    OTOH,  I thought Zoe's reaction came across as fake. 

  12. I didn't like the way that Nick was acting today. He continued to act like a brute with the way he cut Adam's visit with Christian short and then started punching him. I also didn't like when he said sc*ew Sharon, because she sided with Adam after she found Nick punching him. I think that Nick is acting too aggressive here and is coming across like he's trying to hoard Christian. He needs to follow the court order by the judge, which allows Adam visitation. 


    Also, I didn't care for the way that Abby was acting today after she found out that Mariah was throwing the joint bachelor/bachelorette party for Kyle/Lola. Abby was overreacting to someone else giving Lola a party. She should have just offered to help Mariah with the joint one. Abby has often acted obsessed with Lola and making her happy. It's unfortunate to watch. 


    And I thought that Sharon's/Adam's love scene was good. I think they have chemistry and look good together. 

  13. I liked Theo and Phyllis's scenes today. He does seem intrigued/interested by her. Theo is also good at what he does professionally and actually seems to care about his job. I liked how Phyllis called out Kyle for his role in his marriage with Summer failing. Didn't care for Mariah trying to absolve Kyle of his part in that marriage happening/falling apart.


    I think that Nick is acting like a bit of a brute. I didn't care for the way he got upset when he found out that the judge actually enforced the court order and that Adam was seeing Christian. I didn't like the way he threatened Michael either. I did like Adam and Christian's scenes together in the park. 


    Also, I liked the flashback in the beginning of today's show from some years ago. When Victor and a little Adam were shown playing with a soccer ball.  That was a nice tie in with today's scenes with Adam and Christian when they were playing with a soccer ball. And Adam told Christian about playing with Victor when he was little but not knowing he was his dad. And then Adam proceeding to tell Christian that Connor was his brother & that he was his biological dad. 















  14. Here are some spoilers from tomorrow that may be hinting that there may be a quad with Devon/Elena/Nate/Abby. According to soaps.com day ahead recap for tomorrow:


    Abby will get upset when she finds out that Mariah is planning Kyle and Lola's joint bachelor/bachelorette party. Mariah will be planning a Miami Themed joint party, called the Final Fiesta. She will find this out when Tessa tells her she is writing a song for the party. Abby will be angry & vent to Nate that she's been relegated to being a guest at a party she should be planning as the maid of honor. She will tell Nate that she needs a date and she will let him know when. Nate will be stunned by this and will go to Devon's penthouse to vent about her. He will do this when Devon is having romantic moments with Elena including rubbing her feet. Elena will caution Nate to be patient with Abby and will wonder why Abby doesn't see what a great guy he is. Prior to these scenes Mariah will spend a little time with Devon where she tells him she's happy about him and Elena, that she's learning on her job and say she wants to rent out the roof top bar for the party. 


    Also, Kyle and Theo will clash again & Kyle will warn Theo not to put crazy ideas about him into Phyllis's head. He will also warn Theo not to say anything about NY. Lola will invite Summer to the party and Summer will accept & invite Theo. Abby will act upset with Mariah at Society and snark that she should have been consulted about the party & accuses Mariah of taking it over. Mariah will tell her she can contribute but Abby will refuse and storm off. 


    Also, Adam and Nick will clash over who should raise Christian in the park. Nick will punch Adam after Adam threatens to take away Christian. Sharon will show up (Adam will call her) & accuse Nick of beating up Adam. She will take Adam home and tend to his cuts. He will say he needs her and they will sleep together.


    Christian will also assure Nick that he is his daddy. And Chelsea will talk with Connor on the phone. She and Nick will say they will fight Adam together, regarding their children. Chelsea will call Anita to bring Connor to GC. 

  15. That fight scene today between Thomas & Liam was something....lol. And it looked like Thomas kneed Liam in the groin area during the fight. He was winning at first but then Liam came back and finally knocked him out. Also, I did like the scenes of seeing how happy Hope was when she found out the truth about Beth being her daughter. 

  16. 16 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    "Meanwhile Chelsea is shocked when an old yet very horny criminal associate of hers comes to Genoa City."


    Um, what??!


    lol. :lol: I was also going to say something about that spoiler & the way it was worded. Like DRW50, was saying some of these really are worded in funny ways. Also the spoiler saying that Devon/Elena/Nate/Abby are going to be involved in a "very twisted" love quadrangle, sounded like a bit much.

  17. I do get the sense ( including of watching scenes when they were all having dinner at Devon's penthouse) that Devon/Elena/Nate/Abby may end up being a quad. I think that the special moment between Elena/Nate may be about him helping her try to deal with her grief and anxiousness/fear of losing patients. Or maybe about her trying to make a career change. There was a spoiler from one of the soap mags that says that Elena will start a new chapter in her life.


    Maybe Nate will have something to do with that. I can understand why he might grow closer to her, especially while he's confused/not happy about the way his and Abby's relationship is going. He wants something serious, she doesn't. Maybe if this turns into a quad, Abby may gravitate more towards Devon, because she's known him for a while and feels like she can trust him more than Nate, who she doesn't know very well.


    I also think it's interesting that the spoilers say that Phyllis will find herself having feelings for both Abbott brothers again. I do think her best pairing is Jack and is in limbo right now relationship wise. It seems like they have dropped or at least suspended the storyline where he was supposed to be getting closer to Lauren. Maybe he will become close to Phyllis again.


    I also wonder if they dropped or have suspended the storyline with Chance. I thought he would be coming on the canvas shortly, but there haven't been any spoilers mentioning him lately and I haven't heard any casting news regarding him. 



  18. Here are some spoilers for next week from Lynda Hirsch's soap column:


    Kyle will put Mariah in charge of planning his and Lola's joint bachelor and bachelorette party. Abby will be upset about that and feel like Mariah is butting in on her maid of honor duties. Abby will ask Nate to be her date to the party and he will be confused by that and wonder where they stand. Lola will extend an olive branch to Summer and invite her to the party. Summer will agree to and decide to take Theo as her date. Mariah will invite Rey and Sharon hoping to play matchmaker for them. Sharon will interrupt Adam and Nick's heated argument and blame Nick for taunting Adam. 

  19. Here is the promo for next week:



    I am glad to see Summer stand up for herself against Abby. Abby has continuously insulted Summer and bullied her at times. It looks like Summer finally had enough. And there really isn't much of a good reason for it, especially considering that Abby is the one who slept with Summer's husband. Abby has gotten in Summer's face several times, since she first came back & even encouraged Lola to sleep with a married Kyle, not caring that it would hurt her own niece. It's time that Summer put her in her place. They are going to end up fighting and Mariah will try and break it up.



  20. Here are some upcoming spoilers for next week from the Zap2it website:


    Mariah will take charge, Kyle and Lola's bachelor and bachelorette party take an unexpected turn, Victoria backs Adam into a corner. Jack will also take matter into his own hands and Nate will see Abby in a new light. 

  21. Here are some more spoilers from SID.


    Theo will convince Summer to bring him as a plus one to Kyle and Lola's engagement party. This party will be hosted by Mariah for the couple. Theo will want to expose all of the stuff Kyle did in NY. Kyle will not want that and will want to kick Theo out of the party.  Lola will stop Kyle and suggest they give Theo another chance.


    The mag asks if some dramatic consequences including Lola maybe cancelling her wedding. And if Kyle may have to pick up pieces of his shattered heart.



  22. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Jack will take matters into own hands, Rey and Sharon will share a tense moment. Chelsea struggles with a tough decision and Nikki will play hardball.


    Also, Nick will lose his cool, Victor will take control, Adam will cross the line and Phyllis will question Theo's intentions. Chelsea will receive shocking news, Kyle and Lola's wedding day arrives and Elena will start a new chapter.

  23. Somebody on another site who gets the soap mags earlier than other people says that Sharon/Adam are going to sleep together. They said in article about this Josh Griffith seemed excited about Chadam vs Shadam. While Joshua Morrow was instead in a Nick/Chelsea/Adam storyline. They didn't specify what mag this was from but once I find out I will try and post where it's from and additional information.


    They also said that Theo will try and.expose a dark secret of Kyle's.


  24. 20 hours ago, Vizion said:


    On Twitter  a week or two ago Hunter basically said something like the show has been nonsensical crap since 2001 so I doubt she is pressed to come back unless she gets bored and feels like getting a recurring check or something. 


    Speaking of Hunter's and her feelings about this show. Here is a post she posted today about a fan's comments about the mess going on with Thomas. Including his awful treatment of Douglas, Hope & his role in the baby switch storyline.



    Lol. We may not be seeing Hunter/Taylor anytime soon. Hunter knows that the writing for this show is bad right now. And this mess with Thomas and the way he is acting is awful.






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