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Posts posted by xtr

  1. 10 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:


    I haven't been watching. What's her airtime like?


    She's getting decent air time. Not as much as Adam, Nick and Chelsea, but since she's been back I would say it's been adequate. But there doesn't seem to be much direction regarding her character. She's schemed with Adam, then schemed against him to help Nick get Dark Horse back. And now she's teaming up with him again after Abby/Chelsea cut her out of the Grand Phoenix hotel deal. She's interacted some with Summer and Theo, who she hired to help bring celebrities/influencers to the opening. But on today's episode he will be working for Abby/Chelsea.


    She doesn't seem interested in a romance. She wanted Nick to forgive her for her role in telling on the women in the JT storyline. He grudgingly said it was a start but they haven't interacted much. She's interacted a little with Jack here and there. He told her she needed to try and do better with Summer. She's interacted a little with Billy. Theo was complimenting her, acting flirty towards her, (though he flirts with multiple people lol.) And some people were wondering if they going to have her mess around with him. But I don't think that anything will come of that. And she's made peace with Summer and they have gotten closer. She also interacted with Celeste who thanked her for Summer saving Lola's life.


    She was running around asking people to help her scrounge up enough money for Grand Phoenix hotel. Including Devon, Nikki, I believe Nick as well. And she was turned down by all of them. Abby agreed to help her, if she invested some of her own money (20%). Phyllis went to Chelsea for help, who turned around and teamed up with Abby, cutting Phyllis out of the deal. 


    The people she's interacted the most with has been Adam and Summer.  Her fans are complaining about her not really doing much outside of scheming with Adam, the stuff involving the hotel and some scenes with Summer. A lot of them wonder when she may get a love interest. 

  2. Someone on Soapcentral posed a theory regarding the spoilers about Nikki and the Newman family. They speculated that maybe it will be revealed that Nikki was the one who really killed Delia and that is why her world will be turned upside down. And that could be the thing that changes the dynamic in the Newman family. Though, I don't know if the show would do that.

  3. 10 hours ago, rlj said:

    Sharon is headed back to Rey,


    Yeah, that is what it looks like. I guess they dropped whatever plans they were going to do with Sharon and Adam. Barely anyone reacted to her sleeping with him. And she hasn't mentioned the proposal to hardly anyone outside of Mariah. 

    8 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:

    The show wants Adam in some Bonnie and Clyde pairing. It's unfortunate being I've always seen him as someone who takes advantage of vulnerable women to use as pawns in his schemes.  I don't think it'll be Sharon or Phyllis. 


    My theory, Adam will be paired with Mishael's character for her entrance story. It's explain why he's suddenly around Devon. 


    It's so odd to me how they've brought MS back as Phyllis yet don't play any of the relationships her Phyllis had. Her being kept from Jack is Angelica McDaniel IMO. He's being saved for Celeste. But has she even been interacting with Micheal and Lauren. The show would usually trot them out to listen to her problems if nothing else. Why is she rivaling Abby? It seems off. Honestly, I think she's a stand in. Cause it just doesn't make sense. 


    I think he needs a love interest. Even though he's on a lot, I think his potential storyline is being limited because he's not in a real relationship with anybody. He just likes to interact with both Sharon/Chelsea while neither woman chooses to be with him. And they have Chelsea choosing Nick. I'm not sure who he may be paired with. Maybe they will eventually reunite him and Chelsea. I have liked their family scenes with Connor. I don't think he has much romantic chemistry with Phyllis. They might need to try and pair him with a younger woman, not sure who that will be. And He's related to Abby/Summer, which eliminates them.


    I don't know what's going on with Phyllis. Her storyline doesn't have much of a direction to it. It doesn't look like she's headed for romance any time soon. Nor does she seem interested in being in a pairing with anyone. And she was running around asking for money. The Fall preview spoilers say she will get the last laugh with Chelsea/Abby regarding the hotel. So maybe she ends up getting control of the hotel, but that still isn't giving her a lot to do storyline wise. 


  4. 11 hours ago, detroitpiston said:


    Ever since Chloe came back and shot Adam when JH was exiting she's been a nice adrenaline shot for the show at least for me. I haven't watched in a while but I scrolled through some of this weeks episodes just to see her (even been willing to suffer through Kevin's annoying ass).


    I haven't liked her in the past, but I have been enjoying her this time around. Out of all of the recent returns hers is working the most IMHO. It feels like her return has a purpose to it. She's not being overused and I think she has nice chemistry with JT's Billy. Her bonding with him over their struggle of losing Delia is believable and I have enjoyed their scenes together. I also have been enjoying her scenes with Esther.


    11 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Chance may have been undercover, hence the personality shift?


    That could be the case. I am interested in seeing how they write his return and what explanation they give regarding him going or at least acting darker. I don't know that they will do it, but I think it would be interesting if they did an "In Too Deep" type of storyline with Chance. It could also be interesting if they showed him and amnesiac Adam in flashbacks while they were interacting in Vegas. I think that amnesiac Adam was the best version of this Adam. They could show them interacting together in Vegas (in addition to in the present) while Chance was undercover.

  5. 54 minutes ago, cattykittens said:



    I can't see Chance contesting the will. They are going to have to explain a major personality change to me if it's him. Just last year he seemed to be happy climbing mountains with his father.


    Brock, Mac, Phillip 3,Chance & Nina did split a 1/4 of Katherine's estate evenly, so he did get something. And Jill owns the mansion, and Chancellor Industries. I'm sure she would pass those down to Chance if he wanted them. She would never deny Phillip III, or Chance their father/grandfather's home, or company. I imagine they are already in her will to receive them, cutting out some portion for Billy.





    I think it could be Chance. Not too long ago Rey did mention that Chance was involved in shady dealings including money laundering. That doesn't sound llike Chance but it seems they may have had him go dark for some reason. And he has a past with Adam that they have stopped talking about for now. But maybe it may come up again later.


    If it's Chance I am interested in seeing how they explain his change of personality and behavior.

  6. Here are some more spoilers from tomorrow's episode and next week. From the recaps and people who have seen next week's previews.


    Chloe and Kevin are going to take Billy to the Chancellor Mansion after he almost tried to kill Adam. (Adam will not know tried to kill him or who pushed him out of the way.) Kevin is going to stick a needle in his neck. They will wonder what to do with him and Chloe will say they should take him to the boat house. According to SOD they will hide/try and help him. Kevin will end up texting a love one saying he's getting treatment. But they will keep him stashed away for a bit. I guess this is what the Fall Previews spoiler meant it said they would get in trouble.


    Also next week Jack will tell Kyle he's leaving for a bit and that he wants Kyle to step in as Interim CEO. That is the new role Kyle will be taking on. Also Adam will ask Phyllis to hack into Nate's computer to get access to Victor's medical records. He wants revenge against Victor even more so because they have a very heated argument on tomorrow's show.


  7. 1 hour ago, slick jones said:

    Nothing like a piece of Trident to make a scene ominous.  (Cue the spooky music.)


    The Rosali sitting around complimenting each other....




    Give it up Anjelica....


    The only one I can tolerate is ELR, and only when she's in scenes with characters other than her children.....


    Neutered Kyle (Michael Mealor) needs more to do than follow Lola's boring azz....







    Lol. :lol:


    I'm telling you I literally was like

    ewww when I watched those scenes today with the Rosales family and Kyle. That was my reaction to it. Kyle acting like a scared phoney shell of himself and saying stuff like he has never been around a family that's had fun before. He just totally disregarded his own family.


    And then once again acting like he feels bad about being wealthy and him/Lola refusing to get someone to fix stuff in their apartment. Even though the logical thing to do would be to contact Sharon to get their stuff fixed.


    And then that stuff he was talking about his guns in the beginning which IMO was not sexy or funny. Him and Lola aren't really that sexy together. Even though every time they turn around they are sleeping with each other. I really disliked their scenes today. The only person I found tolerable in those scenes was Celeste.


    I thought Chloe was the best part of today's show. I have actually been enjoying her latest return. And I have been liking her scenes with Billy.

  8. 29 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    So, Sally/Wyatt/Flo is gonna become the next Hope/Liam/Steffy


    I hope a it's better triangle than that one. And I'm glad to see Wyatt has two women that want him and not Liam.


    He's often played second fiddle to Liam when it came to romance/being someone's first choice. And It's nice to see him be someone's first choice for a change. I like him much better than I do Liam. I think he's a better man than Liam is.


  9. From SOD and SID


    The situation with their kids will put a wedge between Brooke and Ridge. Steffy will still feel the effects of losing Beth. Ridge will try and be there for Steffy/Thomas. 


    Also, the aftermath of the baby beth situation will spill into work. SOD asks if it's time for Steffy to take control.of Forrester Creations. And if Hope should move forward with her Hope for the future line. And Liam/Brooke will want Douglass to stay safe in the house with baby Beth, but Thomas isn't giving up on his son. SOD asks if Thomas should be condemned or redeemed. Thomas will be determined to clear his name and run Forrester Creations.


    Bill/Katie will have a major story where they will face a life threatening situation that will put their relarionship to test.


    And everyone will want to throw book at Flo and see her behind bars. She's in deep trouble. Sally and Wyatt will reconnect and reignite the passion they had. However, Flo isn't giving up on Wyatt. He is the love of her life and she believes that she will eventually get through to him and he will forgive her. And Shauna will set her sights on a man.

  10. These are from SID/SOD:


    Billy's battle with dark side will impact relationship with Victoria. Jill will return to help but it may be too late to rescue him.


    Sharon & Rey will find it difficult to avoid each other and will question their feelings.


    Chloe/Kevin move back to GC but trouble will follow them.  Also, Nick will push Adam too far and it will jeopardize his relationship with Chelsea. Connor being back will complicate things for Chelsea/Adam. Chelsea will worry about his dark side.


    Victor will feel any attempt to give Adam the benefit of the doubt has backfired. A shocking twist will change the dynamic of the Newman family and Nikki's world will be turned upside down.


    Paul will return to investigate a shocking scandal in GC. Abby, and Chelsea will open the Grand Phoenix Hotel. But Phyllis will want to settle a score & get the last laugh after being pushed out of hotel deal. Devon's empire will be at risk when someone contests Katharine's will. And Devon will contemplate his future.


    Jack will be back on track at Jabot but  feel like something is missing in his life. He will step away from the helms of it and after doing some soul searching will step away & embark on a fascinating journey. Traci will venture on a passion project which leads to life changing results. Ashley will run Jabot from Paris but still visit her family.


    Kyle will take on a bigger role at Jabot. He will spend longer hours there working with Summer. There will be chemistry between them. Also his past with Theo will come back to haunt him. Lola will get closer to learning his secret.  Summer will also still be drawn to Theo's bad boy ways.

  11. I think that as a whole these spoilers sound good. But I'm not crazy about Sarah being pregnant with Eric's baby especially as he's reuniting with Nicole. Nicole is his first choice and Sarah already acts shrill when it comes to him.


    I can only imagine how shrill she may become while she's pregnant with his baby. And while he's reuniting with Nicole and being a family with her and Holly. It does sound like Xander may offer to pretend to be the father of the baby and this will draw him and Sarah closer. I think this will bring out a softer side of Xander which I am interested in seeing. 


    I am looking forward to the Jack and Jen storyline.


  12. The show definitely was A LOT darker in tonight's mid season finale.. Some of the stuff that happened was sad (Poor Senior) and it had introduced one or multiple mysteries.


    Overall, I still prefer not to have a very dark show and most episodes so far weren't like tonight's. Though, I do wonder if there will be more dark episodes going forward. But several people were talking about tonight's finale and it is trending again tonight on twitter (6th highest twitter trend right now).

  13. The episode that showed Kyle and Lola getting married had one of the lowest ratings for the week for the show.. Even though the show promoted that wedding a lot. Especially on places like Twitter. Someone on another site said that the Y&R account promoted that wedding  around 17 times leading up to it. I'm not sure exactly how many times they promoted it, but it was a lot. Every time you turned around they were promoting and pushing that wedding.


    It turns out though that people weren't as interested in watching it as they had hoped. I did see a lot of people say they weren't going to watch the wedding, because they find the couple boring. It doesn't help that Kyle's secret was a let down and nothing happened at the wedding regarding it.


  14. 12 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:


    It could just be a scare with the will. Also could be a fake planted will story. It really could be anything. I can see the show deciding that Devon can't have back up money and taking it to give more stakes to HWG. Though, I think it being Neil's legacy is more than enough. It's been enough for Jack with jabot. 


    I am not so sure about Mariah fans. Most of FB loves Mariah and they hated she was gay. Recall most her fans wanted her to have Hilary's entire life with Devon cause "Hilary didn't deserve it".  Mariah fans aren't necessarily Teriah fans. 


    If Elena cheats on Devon with Nate, you'd be right that Abby will get the story while Devon is an afterthought. I can just see him now going to Nate and defending Abby's honor without ever mentioning Nate's betrayal of him. 




    I could see them doing a quad with Devon/Elena/Nate/Abby. (And I have always liked Abby's chemistry with Devon). Elena has been asking Nate about Abby and has encouraged Nate to not pursue Abby as hard. I could see Abby eventually being moved out of their orbit though, MM come back. Maybe something will happen with Devon/Abby. Though maybe she will be removed from that orbit once or by the time that MM may come back.


    I could see a situation where her and Nate just end things because they aren't on the same page in regards to the type of relationship they both want. Or maybe she will notice he has feelings for Elena and will end things. Maybe she will warn Devon and then be done with that group. If she does end up being removed from the group, I wonder who she may end up being paired with next. Maybe Rey. 



  15. Here are some more spoilers for B&B for next week from the Zap2it website:


    Ridge and Brooke's marriage will hang in the balance after he accuses her of an unspeakable crime, and Liam will attempt to convince Hope that Thomas got himself in his current predicament. Ridge will express his disbelief towards Brooke's explanation and Thomas's actions. Shauna will come clean to Quinn and ask her friend to help get Flo out of prison. Ridge will become furious when he sees Liam scorn an unconscious Thomas. The Forresters, Spencers and Logans will struggle with whether or not Thomas will survive his injuries. Detective Sanchez will question Ridge and Brooke hard about Thomas's fall. 


    Vincent Irizarry should also be be showing up soon. It looks like his character Dr. Jordan Armstrong may be Thomas's doctor, who will tend to him after his fall.

  16. 17 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:


    When Elena was first cast as being in medicine, I figured she was for Nate. Seems like the show just used Devon to introduce her. That was smart IMO. Like you said though, Devon is really a great catch. How do they tell that story to make it make sense for her to fall for Nate? I can see them having a high pressure situation where they lose a young patient that can draw them together. Emotions running high. It could be good but writers will not show the details well enough for us to understand or feel it. 


    I understand why Teriah fans hate when folks mention Mariah being with a man. They never thought the show was committed to Mariah being gay. Nobody thought it. 






    I have a theory on what could happen with the Devon/Katharine's will storyline that could lead Elena closer to Nate. I think that Devon could try and fight hard whatever happens regarding the discrepancies in the will. And maybe this will actually turn off Elena, who might think he cares too much about wealth. Elena did give Devon a really hard time when he paid off her student loans, she was acting a bit like Lola there for a moment. Maybe that type of attitude will resurface should Devon really dig in and try and fight whatever will happen with Katharine's will. Maybe this will cause Elena to get even closer to Nate, who she may feel is more down to earth.


    I've seen some people mention that Tucker is his father and he could go to him and get money if he loses wealth due to the stuff with the will. I'm not sure they will even mention Tucker in this story. Or maybe they will have Devon briefly mention Tucker but have him decide to go against asking him for money. And just decide to fight whatever is going on with the will.


    I also wonder if this is just some type of "scare" that will be used to usher Chance back onto the canvas. It was reported by Rey not too long ago that Chance had gotten involved in some shady stuff including money laundering. This surprised Nick who mentioned that Chance had his own trust. Maybe something is going on with the will that might play into Chance doing shady/stuff. And this stuff with Devon will help usher him back on canvas.


    And regarding Mariah, a lot of her fans don;'t want her to like men as well. They've never flat out said she was gay, and when Summer first came back last year, it was hinted that Mariah still liked men as well. Her fans get up in arms every time it's mentioned she might could be with a man. Even though her and Tessa IMO, have gotten a decent amount of storyline as a couple. They are going to be so upset if the show ever puts her with a man again. Though I do think she is stuck with Tessa for the time being,.


    Maybe a long time, much like Kyle will probably be stuck with Lola for a long time. I could see both Tessa/Mariah and  Kyle/Lola (especially Kyle/Lola) being like Lane. Where they are together for a really long time. But they won't have things like infidelity plague them the way it did Lane. Nor will they have family members who aren't crazy about the pairings. Everyone in Kyle's family supports Kyle/Lola. And people in Mariah's family are fine with Mariah/Tessa. (In spite of the blackmailing stuff) I think these two pairings will be like Lane with less problems and less interesting stories. 



  17. 24 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:


    TPTB told Loren they wanted to spend their time and money on characters that they care about. It doesn't surprise me that one of those characters is Mariah and she'd get Ana's story. 


    Elena has no reason to hide her friendship with Nate from Devon. None. Writers, as usual, showing their hand. I'm not sure how they plan to have Elena fall for Nate. That it's happening now prior to Mishael's return lets me know it'll have nothing to do with her character. I'm hoping that it has nothing to do with Devon possibly losing money cause Elena was never played as a golddigger. I'm at least interested in how that's going to play out. 


    I am interested in seeing how they have Elena start to have romantic feelings for Nate as well. He's very appealing, but she does have a man in Devon that is good to her. I can see it from Nate's end, they have some things in common and Abby doesn't seem to want to invest into a relationship the way he does. I think that Abby not wanting to get serious could end up causing things to end between her and Nate. 


    I had read recaps for Monday's episode that said that Nate offers to take Elena out for dinner. (To celebrate her first day at the hospital as a resident.) It sounded like she would take him up on that offer at some point. On Monday's show they don't have the dinner because he has to go back to work. But maybe a little later they have that dinner and she doesn't tell Devon about it. Maybe that is what she "hides" from Devon.  Maybe she will get closer to Nate at the dinner & she will continue to get closer to him. And try and downplay their growing closeness. Maybe this possible dinner is the start of that.


    Also, I really am disgusted with the way that Josh/Tony did Ana/LL. They had a story right there for her with Theo (& Summer) but they got rid of her. And now Mariah is getting that story. I do wonder what ends up happening between Mariah/Theo. Right now I don't think it's going to be anything romantic, but I don't know for sure. Some people were saying that they saw chemistry between Mariah/Theo. And some Tessa/Mariah fans got upset about that. 


    Up until this point the show hasn't really established a clear direction for Theo. He was fun loving & then he was trying to stir the pot with Kyle/Lola, then he wanted to help Phyllis, now he's working with Mariah.  He has  just mainly going around stirring the pot and racking up jobs. Though when he is shown working he is good at what he does. He's shown he's very competent when he was helping Phyllis plan for the opening of the hotel. I wonder if they decided to do this story with him going to Power, because now Abby/Chelsea will own the hotel. And he won't be working with Phyllis anymore. So they decided to give him something else to do professionally.  

  18. It sounds like they are basically giving the storyline they were going to give to Ana to Mariah. Mariah and Theo being hestiant to work together and then hitting it off. They could have done that with him and Ana, with some romance & a possible triangle with Summer as well. I'm not sure what they will end up fully doing with Theo/Mariah. But this sounds like something they could have done with him/Ana. It was a crock of crap that Tony/Josh claimed they couldn't think of what to write for Ana. I won't forget the way they treated her character/Loren the entire time they were in control. It was just wrong and blatant disrespect.


    I'm not sure what exactly will happen with Devon and the Katharine's will. I believe whatever it is may help usher Chance back on the canvas. I'm not sure how much wealth he may lose regarding the will. Or if it's just a situation where there is a threat wealth will be taken away, but things end up working out for him in regards to the situation with the will.


    I think that Nate/Elena have chemistry but I do think if they are going to eventually put Nate/Elena together, they need to write that in a solid way. Nate is a very sexy, and appealing man, but Elena does have a good man in Devon, who treats her very well. I wonder if they will end up having one of the reasons Elena is drawn to Nate because she may end up feeling like he has more in common with her. Plus, if they bring MM back that could help cause tension between Elena/Devon and push Elena closer to Nate. 

  19. Here are some upcoming spoilers for next week from Lynda Hirsch's soap column:


    Theo will try and make amends with Mariah by offering that they work together. She will cautiously take him up on his offer and the two will hit it off. But after parting ways it's clear that neither person trust the other one. Abby will be excited when Adam hands her over paperwork to the Grand Phoenix hotel and tells her that it's hers. She will be thrilled by this news and her and Nate will spend the night together. Elena will grow closer to Nate after she begins her residency at the hospital. But she will keep the details of her and Nate's new friendship a secret from Devon.

  20. A sequel for the show is coming back on Disney's streaming platform Disney+. It has been created by the series original series creator Terry Minsky.  HIlary Duff is revising her role as Lizzie and the show will follow a 30 year old milliennal navigating life in NYC. They will still feature an animated version of Lizzie showing what older Lizzie is thinking. 



  21. I like the scenes with Gabi admitting she's fallen for Stefan. This also looks like this is the beginning of Eric searching for Holly and Nicole. It looks like Eric's relationship with Sarah may be very short-lived. And I don't really feel bad about that. Sarah has chemistry with him (and I think she has chemistry also with Rex/Xander) but I think it's clear to everyone (including Sarah) that he loves Nicole more than her. And will also love want Nicole as long as he thinks there is a real chance with her.


    He even wanted Nicole when Kristen pretended to be her and she kept rejecting him/treating him terribly. Sarah chose to get with a man who she knows she isn't his first choice. Even though she was married & had multiple options. And I think that she turns into a bit of a shrill harpy around Eric, especially when she is defending him from someone. IMO, She's more likable around Xander & I liked her with Rex as well (& the best). 

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