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Posts posted by xtr

  1. Here are some upcoming spoilers including from SOD:


    Steffy will rage at Thomas for the damage he's cause. Ridge will unexpectedly find himself holding the keys to Thomas's and Flo's futures. Steffy will end up unleashing her fury on Flo, while Brooke makes her feelings about Thomas clear. Ridge will make a difficult decision based on what he thinks is best for his son. Trouble will brew when Ridge explains the deal he made regarding Thomas and Flo. Brooke and Ridge will fight over Thomas and it will end with him leaving.


    Shauna will make an expected visit to Brooke. Shauna will cozy up next to a very drunk Ridge at the Bikini Bar. Overhearing her plan, Sally will go off on Flo for her con against Wyatt and the Forrester. Brooke will turn to Eric after her fight with Ridge. Ridge will be shocked when he wakes up and finds himself hungover next to Shauna.


    I wonder if Ridge really sleeps with Shauna or if she makes him think he did. Either way I could see her blackmailing him with that information to help Flo. I do like Denise Richards as Shauna.

  2. 2 hours ago, David_Vickers said:

    Who's going to have DID!!!??  Billy?


    It's Billy, and his alter has already "appeared" on the show. Whenever Billy is shown chewing gum it's his alter.


    On 9/3/2019 at 9:27 AM, Vee said:

    Kelly Coffield?! Someone shoot the bat signal to @DRW50.


    On 9/3/2019 at 10:49 AM, DRW50 said:


    I couldn't believe that. So thrilled! I said elsewhere that if they cast Kim Wayans too I'd actually want to watch more often. 


    Regarding Kelly Coffield Park's appearance on the show, she makes a brief appearance tomorrow. According to the day ahead recap from soaps.com:


    On tomorrow's show she plays a woman that helps Adam get a hold of the medication that Victor is taking, for his experimental treatment. She tells Adam that doubling Victor's dose could cause his side effects to increase dramatically. It looks like a one time appearance for right now but I wonder if she may appear again later on after people discover Adam has doubled Victor's dosage. Here is some still someone posted on Twitter of her from tomorrow's show:








    Also according to the recap, Nate will confront Adam about stealing the tablet. Nate will threaten to call the police and warns Adam what he did was a serious crime. Adam will deny it and Nate will tell him to leave/him Abby out of whatever he's doing. Connor will see Adam with the prescription bottle and ask him if he's sick like Victor. Adam will tell Connor that Victor will end up being fine.


    Also, Billy will awake and wonder why he's in the boathouse. Chloe will tell him he tried to kill Adam and he won't remember any of that. Chloe will feel like she is the only one who can help him.


    And Summer/Kyle go to Society together. Lola will wait on them and Theo/Zoe will also show up. Kyle/Theo will clash again & Kyle will continue to feel like Theo is causing trouble. 





  3. Regarding yesterday's episode, I disliked when Lola said "Why can't everyone be happy like us" to Kyle, after Rey left the apartment. (Still unhappy about his breakup with Sharon). IMO, Lola is so naive, obnoxious and just all around unlikable. I wish they would stop forcing this character and her relationship with Kyle down the viewers throats. Yet another thing broke in their apartment the other day and now Lola wants to finally move because she thinks the apartment reminds Rey of Sharon. It's always Lola's way or the highway. She forced Kyle to move into that apartment when he wanted to live in the mansion/have a better place than it. And now she wants to move because of how she thinks it makes her brother feel. She is very self-absorbed.


    Also, I did like the scenes with Devon telling Elena about Katherine. I am interested in learning who is contesting the will. I also wonder what Jack discovers on his soul searching trip and how long Kyle may be interim CEO of Jabot. 

  4. Ratings for Monday & Tuesday of this week were higher than the Monday/Tuesday episodes for the previous week of ratings. However, the ratings for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were lower than the previous week of ratings. Less people are continuing to stay watching throughout the week. I think that people are less interested in stories because of the bad writing and same characters being featured all the time. The Rosales family was on every day (in some capacity) of this particular week. And Adam was on everyday. These characters along with Nick/Chelsea are featured too much & I think that along with the bad writiing/boring stories are affecting the ratings. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Bright Eyes said:

    If Sharon and Jack are both going on a trip at the same time, does that mean they're about to reunite?


    I think that it's two unrelated trips. Jack is supposed to lead to a storyline for him, I'm not sure what Sharon's may lead to. (Outside of clearing her head about Adam.) The fall preview said that Jack will be starting some type of journey. It didn't mention Sharon's trip. And I think that I read somewhere that Sharon Case had a took a trip IRL, so maybe that might be why she's being sent off canvas for a little bit. 

  6. 35 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Griffith’s is such a boring, trash, and regressive writer. This is not 2013 - LET IT GO ALREADY!!!




    That's right, Fen was also involved with drugs in 2013. I do wish that Josh would stop revisiting this year and storylines that happened in it.


    Also, Pop TV has decided to take Y&R off of it's lineup completely. It will no longer air the next day (after already being removed from same day viewing).

  7. According to soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's show:


    Zoe will introduce herself to Lola and they will take a selfie together. She will then talk to Phyllis and tell her they are alike and want the same things. She suggest to Phyllis that they team up and sabotage the opening of the Grand Phoenix. Phyllis will shut down that idea and will tell Zoe she is out of her league trying to go against Chelsea and Abby. She will also not want to do it because Summer is working the opening and she doesn't want to hurt her.


    Devon and Elena will tell Elena about his relationship with Katharine and they will wonder what the discrepancies in the will are. Elena will tell him they will get through whatever happens together. Both Sharon and Jack will decide to take trips. Sharon will take one after she talks to Adam and he's upset they aren't together and about Christian. He will also be upset that she doesn't admit that she wants him. Sharon will also talk to Rey who will offer to talk to her, but she will tell him that she has to go. She will go to Nick and tell him that she wants to take a trip. She will ask him to keep Faith and tell him that when she comes back she will have a new purpose.


    Jack will talk to Victor including about their families. Jack will also decide to take a trip, to figure out what he wants to do regarding the unfulfilled feelings he has in his life. He will ask Kyle to step in as Interim CEO of Jabot. Lola will also tell Kyle that she wants to move, she will mention that the apartment reminds Rey of his failed relationship with Sharon. I wouldn't be surprised if Kyle/Lola ended up moving into the Abbott mansion.


    Also according to SOD actress Kelly Collfield Park (From In Living Color) will appear on the show on Thursday as a character named Suzanne Fuller. Not other details were given about who the character is or what she would be doing. 

  8. I didn't like at all seeing on today's show that Fen has gone back to using drugs and is dealing them. Especially since I don't believe that he is coming back to show his role in this story. And I wouldn't be surprised if Michael/Lauren didn't get much of a storyline out of this either outside of being angry at Adam about trying to blackmail Michael with it.  I didn't like Adam using that information to blackmail Michael. It felt unnecessary & just another way to get more people angry (& angrier) with Adam. They could have just had him blackmail over the Chloe/Kevin knowing that Billy tried to run him over & hiding/protecting him from that. Whenever that secret came out. 

  9. The time jump stuff sounds interesting. I could see how that could potentially upset some viewers. Like you might have a couple get married & then in the time jump they are divorced and one of them has had a baby with someone else. A rich character could end up broke...etc. I am interested in seeing how far they jump ahead and what they might do in the time jump.

  10. 29 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:

    In custody?  My only question is, how old is this angry white male?  


    Reports are saying he was a white man in his mid 30's.




    I am so sorry that this happened to the victims and their families. This just keeps on happening without any real change being made to stop it or at least reduce the frequency of it.


  11. Thanks FrenchFan,


    After his story line with Traci being dropped DG/Cane is back to not having any story line. But this time he's not getting any air time, this go around.  When his story line with AH/Victoria was dropped he was on only one episode a month for a couple of months after. This is even worse for him than that with no appearances. He should have embraced his story line with BM/Traci more. I don't know when we will see Cane again. I haven't seen any spoilers regarding him, including in the Fall preview. His family is not around and he really doesn't hardly any connections left on the canvas.



    Maybe they might let him make an appearance next month with Jill when she comes back. But I'm not even sure that will happen. And in the fall she will be busy trying to help Billy. 


    And Adam/Nick are on too much.

  12. Here are some more spoilers for next week from Lynda Hirsch's soap column:


    Summer's patience will wear thin with Zoe. Summer finally snap at Zoe and tell her not to be so clingy. Theo will back Summer which will further upset Zoe. Kyle will warn Theo not to sully his reputation or he will regret it. Theo will say it's great to have the take no guff Kyle back. Adam will steal Nate's tablet & get Phyllis to help him hack into it, so that they can use Victor's medical records against him. Nate will discover his tablet is missing & will suspect Adam. But he won't have any proof and Adam will not admit anything. Nate will tell Abby about his suspicions and him and her will worry that Adam will use Victor's medical records against him. 


    Also, after an unsuccessful attempt to get through to Adam Sharon will realize that she needs a change of scenery. She will plan to take a trip to reevaluate what she really wants. Nick will be quick to support her decision and tell her to take time for herself. Billy will end up suffering a broken leg & Adam/Chloe will try & help nurse him back to Physical and mental health.

  13. 2 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Last time Days did a twist never before seen in daytime drama, Carly ended up buried alive and Marlena ended up possessed by a demon.




    I don't know if this is true or not. But I saw a post on Twitter, where someone said there is a rumor that the twist is that Days is doing a time jump. And a reporter from TV Source on Twitter also said that it's definitely something different. And that they suspect that most viewers won't like it, because they aren't use to change.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Devon will get airtime only bc of a white character trying to steal his fortune. Whether that is Chance or someone else, said white character will end up becoming a lead and Devon will go back to once a week when the introduction story is over. That is BS but on brand and 100% what I think will happen. 


    I am interested in seeing where this story goes, but I wouldn't be surprised if Devon isn't featured that much after it ends. Or given much in the way of storylines aftewards. I think that this current storyline could be mainly used to bring Chance back to the canvas. 

  15. According to the recap tomorrow from soaps.com Fen is using drugs again and dealing them. Adam will show Michael a picture of Fen partying and dealing drugs. He will show Michael this when Michael tries to get out of her working for him. Adam will show Michael the pictures of Fen and say that he can get eight years in a prison if people find out what he is doing. Lauren will tell Jack that she wants up her contribution to the addiction facility. Michael will tell Lauren to set up a visit with Fen so that he doesn't know about it. Michael will tell her that Fen is using drugs again. Lauren will want to believe it is a horrible rumor and will try and unsuccessfully contact Fen, but Michael will tell her that Adam has photos. He will tell her to find Fen and get him into treatment. Lauren will vow to help him take down Adam once she returns.


    I don't like that they are having Fen use drugs again. I wonder what happened to his music career. Michael does mention he hasn't heard from him in a while. I wonder if this will lead to a bigger storyline for Michael/Lauren and maybe a returning Fen. Or if the writers decided to use this just to have Adam have something to blackmail Michael with. I think it's probably just a way for Adam to have leverage over Michael and force him to continue to work for him. 

  16. 11 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:

    If they listen to me, we'll be seeing a Steffy/Carter/Brooke triangle this fall on B&B:lol:  Yeah we'll see about that... 


    I said I wanted more of Carter all throughout that survey, lol. Except I said I wanted to see him with Sally. I think they would make a good looking couple. I also said I wanted to see more of the Avants and Justin. 

  17. 5 minutes ago, ajsp35801 said:


    I have no desire to see Jack fog Phyllis I'm favor of Celeste the way Kyle does summer for Lola. I hope that triangle doesn't happen 


    I think a triangle could be interesting, but I also think that Jack/Celeste could be good by themselves. I think they would look nice together and seem like they would be a good fit for each other. I find Celeste to be less annoying than Lola. She was uptight at first, but she's gotten better and is more likable than her daughter. 

  18. 1 minute ago, ajsp35801 said:


    Phyllis doesn't need a love interest. Neither does Adam. They have enough happening, it seems, without one 


    Their characters are kind of all over the place and IMO need something to ground them. Adam could use a love interest to soften him and show another side of him. Right now it's basically him vs. everybody and that type of thing can wear thin and become one dimensional. 


    Phyllis needs something more interesting to do besides fight over a hotel. I think she could also benefit from having a love interest. I don't know that they would do it but I think that a Phyllis/Jack/Celeste triangle could work. 

  19. Here are some more spoilers from the Fall Preview from SOD. It sounds like Carter, Maya and Rick will be featured more.

    The magazine says they are looking closely at the next Chapter for Maya and what lies ahead for her and also Carter and Rick. The mag says that we will see more of the Avants in the coming months. Xander and Zoe are also sticking around for right now and will work hard to redeem themselves. Zoe in particular will work to get back into the good graces of the Forrester family. Xander and Zoe will also have concerns about Thomas's stability.


    It looks like maybe B&B listened to some of the feedback that viewers gave them on the survey. I believe that a lot of people said (myself included) that they wanted more diversity on the show. Maybe that is why they will be featuring the black characters more. 


    Now it's time for Y&R to put another survey and pay attention to the feedback on that as well. 

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