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Posts posted by xtr

  1. Here are some more spoilers for next week from the Zap2it website:


    Jennifer will be reunited with JJ & Abigail, Jack informs Jennifer the person that is responsible for her fall is in prison, Brady will recall his struggles from the past year and Chad will make a confession to Abigail. And Julie will be alarmed that her heart start to race for no apparent reason.


    I think that the wrong person went to jail for pushing Jennifer. (I don't think that Princess Gina went to jail for pushing her. There is a spoiler that says that she has a shocking new companion, but I think regardless of what that is about, she doesn't go to jail.) I wonder if it's Will (and the rumors about him going to jail are true.) If so I wonder how he may have gotten convicted because pushing Jennifer is not something he would do. Maybe it's someone else instead of him that ends up in prison. 


    Also, I wonder if Gabi is messing with Julie's pacemaker again after the time jump.


  2. Here are some upcoming spoilers from the Zap2it website for next week:


    Victor will catch Adam off guard, Chelsea will find herself in danger, Paul & Rey will manage a crisis, Nick strategizes with Jack, & Phyllis will set a trap. Also, Adam will interrogate Chelsea, Amanda will connect with Chance, Victoria & Billy will mix business with pleasure, Abby protects her interests, Adam opens up to Sharon, Devon will receive a distress call from Jill.


    Amanda connection with Chance could be interesting and I wonder what type of trouble Jill may be in. Maybe Devon will have to help her or rescue her in some way. I like the thought of him and her interacting together more. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Faulkner said:

    In the lower right-hand screen, Nate is looking a bit like Neil.


    I have noticed in some other scenes more recently that he has been looking quite a bit/reminding me of Neil. Especially in his scenes with Amanda. He had a scene with her not too long ago where he asked her if she was homesick and he reminded me of Neil. I continue to enjoy him, especially in his scenes with Amanda.

  4. On 11/5/2019 at 6:02 PM, soapfan770 said:




    Lol I know it was stated the 10/25 episode was the last time we'd see DG and CK on screen together but was that really DG's final episode? I figured he'd make at least a couple additional appearances but after he had zero screen-time in Aug and Sept it makes sense they'd drop him without warning him, especially after his attitude. Now he's whining about the road not taken on Twitter? GMFAB lol!


    DG/Cane will be on tomorrow's episode. According to a poster on Twitter who is watching the Canadian episode/tomorrow's US, Cane is on.



    I wonder if he may appear in any more episodes after this one. I could see him appearing on at least a couple of more episodes. 



  5. Here are some more spoilers from SOD, including from after the time jump.


    Sarah's baby drama will take a surprising turn, Ciara will tell Victor that she is giving up on Ben, JJ will blow up at Brady, Sonny will find a friendly shoulder to lean on, and Marlena will plan alone time with John. Also, Jack will thank Abigail for her support, Ciara will tell Ben about the suspicious conversation that she heard, Rafe will suggest that Ben take Ciara to a safehouse, Brady and Eric are suspicious of Kristen and John will comfort Jack. 

  6. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD for Y&R:


    Victor surprises Adam, Phyllis sets a trap, Paul manages a crisis, Adam interrogates Chelsea and Ashley returns home to chaos. Also, Victor and Nikki will protect Newman's reputation, Nick's campaign will take a hit, Devon will smell trouble, Nick issues a threat, and Jill will make a shocking discovery. Billy will surprise Jack, Ashley will come home and her and Theo will bond over not being blood Abbotts. Ashley will offer Theo a job but it will be in France. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    That’s the thing. This new Chance feels totally plot-driven. They are banking on the idea that John Driscoll’s Chance didn’t make a very strong impression to justify this 180. Maybe that’s a fair assessment. But, yeah, a Nina return would be a must. And maybe TC would be up for it in spite of her recent tragedy.


    I wonder if they will end up saying that Chance was forced into doing these things. There is some shady/weird stuff going on. Cane was knocked in the head in Vegas when he went to look for Chance. Tucker has also disappeared after deciding to complain about technology, leave his company and go on a spiritual journey. 


    It's been reported over the past few months that both Chance and Tucker were doing weird stuff. So, I wonder if someone is forcing them to do these things. Maybe Colin is behind all of this stuff, plus the will. Or maybe someone else is pulling their strings.

  8. I wonder how old he is? I enjoyed John Driscoll in the role, but if he wasn't coming back, I had thought it would be a good idea to de-age Chance some. Like early 30's. 32 or 33 would have been a good age for a recast IMO. I would like to see more men on the show in that mid 20's to early 30's range, especially since we don't have characters like Noah/Fen around anymore. 


    I guess his return is a part of the spoiler about Devon returning with unsettling news. Maybe he found Chance. Or Chance shows up after Devon announces his news. I also wonder if Chance is going to be edgier this time around. They have mentioned over the past few months that he has gotten arrested for assault and was involved in money laundering. Though Jill still seems to think he's a good person. I wonder how they will explain his sudden change in behavior over the past year, or there is an explanation behind the things he has been accused of. 

  9. 9 hours ago, ranger1rg said:


    So is the writing. Why did Lani wait until then to stop the wedding? Why hadn’t  someone grabbed Gabi’s damn phone? 


    5 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    What Lani needed to do was immediately go to Eli, tell him everything, secretly marry him, stage a breakup and then beat Gabi at her own game and send her bitter hateful ass back to prison.


    The drama was nice and Sal Stowers is a good actress, and the story does sort of reach back to the old days of soap storytelling, but no person is that stupid in real life. 


    2 hours ago, pdm1974 said:

    Exactly! It was just too simple for her to grab the phone...or have a good twist like you mentioned where Eli and Lani beat Gabi at her own game. That would have been a lot of fun!  It makes the character of Lani appear to have the smarts of a paper bag.


    The writing for this storyline is and continues to be terrible. Ron has really dumbed down Lani to elevate Gabi. And this isn't the first time that a character has been dumbed down, so that Gabi could do some sort or revenge plan & scheme. I felt that both Abigail and even Stefan to some degree were dumbed down so that Gabi could try and run over them. I think that Ron really favors Gabi and this is one big reason we are and have gotten this type of writing regarding other characters and her.


    This is why I SMH when some of the Gabi fans on places like twitter were acting like this was going to be some sort of rivalrly. It's not, Lani is being written without a backbone or much intelligence, while Gabi gets to control her. It's really unfortunate, especially since Lani isn't featured much as it is and hasn't been fleshed out that much as a character. 


    This could have been a better storyline if Lani was written with more of a backbone and been allowed to thwart Gabi in some way. At the very least she should have told Eli and others about Gabi's plan regarding Julie and the pacemaker. They could have thwarted that and Gabi could have come up with some other plan to get Lani to break up with Eli. Lani and Eli could have gotten married and then later on after the spoiled event happens, we could have seen Gabi still trying to break them up. Or maybe even Eli/Gabi together, (which I think will probably happen.) The show could have shown us how that happened in spite of Lani thwarting Gabi's original plan. And Lani still could have reunited with Eli again in some fashion. 


    Those types of things would have made this storyline more interesting, much less ridiculous and would have put Lani on more equal footing with Gabi. Instead it's heavily lopsided in favor of Gabi and Lani looks very weak. I think that Eli will be the next person to be dumbed down and weakened in this story.



  10. I do wonder if the last episode he appeared in when he said good-bye was really his last episode. I wonder how they may end up tying up this inheritance storyline. Maybe something will happen offscreen and reveal that Devon really should have kept the inheritance.


    There is an upcoming spoiler that says that Devon returns to town with unsettling news. Maybe he's found out the stuff regarding the new will is a scam.

  11. Here are some spoilers from Daytime Royalty and soaps.com that will happen after the time jump:


    From Daytime Royalty:


    Ben shares his woes with a surprising confidante. Sonny is going to get acquainted with Evan, who will be Rafe's new nanny. Nicole and Sarah share their guilt over a deception. Gabi tells Eli that she thinks that Chad is plotting against her. Kristen talks about the incident that caused her to leave Salem and Kayla heads home for a romantic evening.


    From soaps.com


    Chad and Abigail will return. Eric will realize that JJ Is high, Princess Gina will have a shocking new companion, She will also make a move on John, Ciara tells Victor she has given up on Ben, and Chad will tell Abigail that he has been in contact with Stefano. Also, Gabi will tell Eli she thinks that Chad is plotting against her. 


    I think that a lot of these spoilers sound interesting. I wonder if the person that Ben confides in is indeed Will. Maybe the rumors about him being prison are true. Also, I think that Evan being Rafe's nanny is interesting, and I wonder if the rumors about him being John and Marlena's son are true. It looks like Kristen left town (maybe because her baby was stolen), which could also tie into Nicole and Sarah sharing guilt over a deception. Maybe they are feeling guilty over stealing/knowing Kristen's baby was stolen. And maybe JJ turns back to doing drugs again to cope with Jen being in the coma. 

  12. I really don't like Gabi's behavior or how Lani is being written in this storyline. Lani should be written much smarter and shouldn't just be cowering to Gabi and her threats. Lani is a police officer and should be warning Gabi about the potential consequences of her actions. Including jail time. She should have told on Gabi already/or at the very least threatened to tell on her. That could have forced Gabi to change her plans. Lani should have also reminded Gabi that she could be away from  Ari for a long period of time if she goes to jail again for killing Julie. I hate how Lani has been dumbed down and written as virtually helpless against Gabi. That looks terrible especially because Lani is a police officer, Eli is the commissioner. And this comes on the heels of Lani already looking very weak by begging on her knees. 


    Lani should stand up to Gabi. If she doesn't Gabi could continue to make demands regardless of whether Lani dumps Eli or not. Plus she could purposely or even accidentally kill Julie, anyway by pressing the button. I know Gabi has already messed with the pacemaker, but I wonder if she's really thought things all the way through and is prepared to possibly go to jail again and long term for murder. Lani could have thwarted Gabi's plans about the pacemaker and forced Gabi to go in another direction with her revenge.


    Like plot to seduce Eli/break them up in another way, that won't land her in jail for a long time. That would be a soapy way of handling things that doesn't have Gabi completely running over Lani and Lani looking very weak. The way that Lani/Gabi are being written in this storyline is really irritating a lot of people, (myself included). And has actually caused people to actually lash out at Camila Banus. Granted, I don't condone that, but that shows the types of negative feelings this type of writing is stirring up. And IMO if anyone should be criticized for it, it should be Ron. 




  13. 25 minutes ago, John said:

    Still nothing On Will being in jail or Tony & Anna Adopting. That was rumored as well


    Yeah, I haven't seen anything yet mentioning that Will may go to jail or about Tony and Anna possibly adopting. I think within the next few days we will get some more spoilers about the time jump. On Fridays Soaps.com usually has spoilers for a couple of weeks ahead, maybe they will give us some more information about this event. 

  14. 3 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    I read a spoiler, supposedly it's from TV Guide, that shortly after the time jump, Sarah has a mental break down from losing her baby so she steals Kristen's(ugh I'd hope that witch wouldn't have hers), and Eric and others team up to find Sarah.


    So it looks like Sarah may be the one who has the mental breakdown and not Lani as rumored.


    Here are some confirmed spoilers from SOD, that can be used to help us try and figure out some of the other rumors/teasers floating around.


    According to SOD Jennifer will be pushed over the bistro balcony by Princess Gina. Jennifer will plummet in the square in front of JJ and Jack. Jennifer will end up fighting for her life. I'm going to guess that Jennifer is the person that was rumored to be in a coma. Soapoperanews website says that Jennifer will go into a coma, but they don't say where they originally got this information from. 


    Also, it sounds like Ben may indeed go to jail. SOD says that Ben will dream of killing Jordan and will find a dead body. Soapoperanews says he will go to jail. Though like the spoiler regarding Jennifer being in the coma I'm not sure where there original source for that is. I do think Jen being in a coma/Ben going to jail spoilers are true, because the spoilers from SOD seem to be leading up to these things. 


    Also according to SOD Justin/Adrienne and Jennifer/Jack will have a double wedding. I believe this will happen before Jennifer is pushed over the balcony. And Lani will devastate Eli by dumping him at the altar and he will try and cope with being dumped by her. 



  15. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD for Y&R:


    Chelsea will cover her tracks, Jack will keep the peace and Adam plays with the truth, Phyllis will connect the dots and Chloe and Kevin will go undercover. Also, Billy and Nikki will play with fire, Amanda will run from her past and she will be forced to come clean. Victor will also surprise Adam, Ashley will come home with surprising news and Chelsea's past will catch up with her. Chelsea will also be threatened by the new character Simon Black.

  16. 48 minutes ago, Ponds said:

    Didn't Theo say his dad had died??? 


    Theo said his dad died of a heart attack when he was 15 years old. But if he were still alive today he would be around the right age to be Stuart/Dina's son. The actor cast to play him (John Briddell) is 53 years old. I could see the show making a small adjustment to his character's age and saying that Eric was in his mid 50's when he died. According to soaps.com Eric Vanderway is supposed to make an appearance on the show on November 8th. I think it will be in a flashback. 

  17. 18 hours ago, soapfan770 said:




    Regarding Y&R spoilers @xtr what is this about Sharon being "loose"? Hadn't seen that in the SOD spoilers yet. 


    I'm not sure. I wonder it just means that Sharon will be torn about her feelings for Adam. The November sweeps spoilers from SOD did mention that Sharon would try and stay away from Adam. Maybe she will have a hard time doing that and won't seem like she can commit to Rey.


    Also, according to the day ahead recap from soaps.com it is confirmed that Theo's dad Eric Vanderway is indeed the child that Dina gave up for adoption. Jack and Traci find his name on the adoption decree. So now we have Theo with connections on and off of canvas as a Brooks and Dina's grandchild and Jack/Traci/Ashley's nephew/Kyle's cousin. I wonder how this will impact his relationship with Kyle once they learn all of this information. 

  18. I wonder who else's death that Thomas ends up being responsible for. Maybe Zoe? She did recently return and interact with him. I also wonder what might happen to Flo and how her upcoming absence will be explained. The actress will be offscreen for a bit due to the actress taking off 6 and half weeks to film a movie. Also, it sounds like Hope might go to some desperate measures to continue to act as a mother figure to Thomas.


    Here are some more spoilers from the Zap2it site for B&B going into November.


    Ridge will explain to Eric how Brooke's history with Stefanie is repeating itself with Hope and Thomas. Ridge will unexpectedly find Shauna asleep in his bed. Ridge will surprise Shauna with the answer to her question about their current sleeping arrangement. Hope will share her plan about using Thomas's love for her to take Douglas away from him with Brooke. Shauna will confide in Quinn about her kiss with Ridge, and Brooke will call Ridge to tell him how much she misses him but things will go South when she brings up Thomas.


    Hope will attend Eric & Quinn's Halloween party to manipulate Thomas into signing adoption papers. And Liam and Steffy will reconnect when he takes Beth to spend Halloween night with her & Kelly. Steffy and Liam will take great comfort and joy in their daughters. Hope will find herself in a bind when Thomas and Douglas question her about their future together.



  19. Here is the promo for next week:



    Some spoilers from Global Canada say that the Halloween episode will focus on the dreams of five characters. Nick, Kyle, Abby, Phyllis and Rey. Josh Griffin talks about this and say she likes doing dreams and showing what is going on in the characters psyche. Nick will be flipping through channels and stop on a horror movie. Each of the five characters will fall asleep and have their own dreams. In Nick's dream everyone is praising Adam.


    Abby will in the position of getting success but will wonder in the back of her mind, if she deserves it. It is mentioned that she is perfect for a Mary Tyler Moore Sitcom from the 70s. Rey and Sharon will be poised for a 1940's black and white film noir. Kyle/Lola/Theo will experience an 80's Rom Com. Phyllis will be on top of the world but the rug will be pulled out from under her, and it's mentioned what will she do to fight back.


    There won't be any specific takeaways from each dream but each character will emotionally learn a bit more about themselves.

  20. Here are some more upcoming spoilers from the Zap2it website for next week:


    Adam will end up confronting Billy, Victor and Adam will reach a compromise and Victoria will have revenge on her mind. Jack and Kyle will have a difference of opinion and Billy will assume a new identity. Nate will make a surprising connection, Amanda will take on a new challenge and Chelsea will meet a handsome stranger. 


    I think that Amanda will end up helping Nate will whatever legal help he needs and they will become closer. I am looking forward to them interacting more. I like their scenes and chemistry together. 

  21. 14 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    If Dina and Stuart Brooks had had a child shortly after their high school prom, that "child" would be in his/her early 70s by now.


    What type of story is Y&R willing to tell about a newly-created senior citizen?


    Don't get me wrong, the fact that the show is mining its roots and even referring to its original core family at all is thrilling. But unless this "newly-found" Brooks offspring has nubile 20-something grandkids who look good in speedos, LOL, where would the show go with this character?



    10 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Yes a grandchild seems to be the only viable outcome of this story.




    9 hours ago, rlj said:

    I think Theo's Dad, who is on his way to the canvas, will turn outvto be Dina's son!


    I definitely think that Theo's dad Eric Vanderway could be Dina's and Stuart's son. In a preview for next week's scenes  Jack and Traci will find an adoption decree that reveals they have a half brother:






    The actor that is playing Theo's dad is 53 years old in real life. But Theo mentioned that his dad died when he was 16 years old. If the show acknowledges that Theo is in his 30's (and Tyler Johnson that plays Theo is in his 30s), and says that Eric died when he was in his mid 50's (like 55 or maybe 56) things would match up. With Eric being in his early 70's if he were still living.


    And I think that the actor Jon Briddell who is playing Eric looks like he could be Stuart's son. Here is a picture of him alongside a picture of Stuart:




              Stuart Brooks pic 1.jpg  Eric Vanderway pic 3.jpg



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