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Posts posted by xtr

  1. 1 minute ago, Khan said:

    I'll laugh myself silly if the long-lost Brooks child turns out to be Jill after all.


    And isn't "Doris" also the name of Sharon's mother?





    Yeah, it is also Sharon's mother's name. 


    Also, I wonder who the long lost Brooks child/sibling is. I wonder if we might see the return of some of the Brooks sisters at some point in this storyline. 

  2. On 10/21/2019 at 3:49 PM, vetsoapfan said:




    The show is saying that Dina and Stuart were once involved somehow?


    Did Traci or Jack say anything more about Chris and Peggy, other than they were unaware of a relationship between Dina and Stuart?


    This boggles my mind. 


    Here are some spoiler listed below for anyone interested in learning right now where this storyline may be headed.



    According to Josh Griffith in SOD, it will be revealed by an old friend of Dina named Doris Tilling that Dina slept with Stuart Brooks (and cheated on John) on prom night. Doris will tell Jack and Traci that Dina confessed this. She will also tell them that Dina went to Europe several months afterwards.


    Jack and Traci will believe that Dina gave birth in Europe to another child. They will search her archives to find out the truth and about their possible long lost sibling. It looks like there may be a long lost Brooks child out there.


    I also posted this information in the Fall Preview spoilers thread and will try and post more information about it there whenever it becomes available.

  3. Here are some more spoilers from Josh Griffith from SOD about Dina/Jack and Traci posted at the Inquistir website.


    Jack and Traci will discover that Dina had a child before she married John Abbott. It will be revealed she slept with Stuart Brooks on prom night (and when she was dating John) and that she went to Europe aftewards. Jack and Traci believe that she went to Europe to have Stuart's baby. This will find this information from a friend of Dina's named Doris. Jack and Traci will be shocked and will search for information in Dina's Archives to back up Doris's claims.  


    I wonder where the long lost Brooks child is and when he or she may show up. 


    And on tomorrow's show Lily is back and will be interacting with Devon, Amanda and Cane. 





    Devon will also decide to give the money to Cane, because he believes that is what Katherine wanted. 



  4. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SID:


    Phyllis will ponder a tempting offer, Jack and Kyle won't see eye to eye, Nikki will find herself having to make an incredibly tough decision, and Chelsea will be haunted by the past. Also, the new character Simon Black will interact with, Nick, Adam, Chelsea, and Abby. He will show up on November 1.


    Here is a pic of his character with Chelsea:


    Chelsea Simon Black.jpg




  5. I actually think it could be Flo. The actress that plays her recently said she won't be on the show for six and a half weeks because she is filming a movie in Australia. She said the show gave her that time off but promised fans she will be back. Maybe Flo is presumed dead, some characters actually feel bad about it, because she donated her kidney to Katie and then she shows up several weeks later.



  6. 8 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:


    The day the Trane kiss aired, he was posting pics of Lane asking if fans missed them.  Very disrespectful and hurtful to BM.  Karma!


    7 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Yup!  Beth Maitland deserved better than to be treated that way by someone who, frankly, doesn't have nearly the same amount of goodwill built up with longtime fans that she does!


    I agree, she definitely deserved better. And to make matter worse some of his fans were also really mean to Beth. I saw posts from women on Twitter saying he didn't need to be with "granny" Traci and insulting her age/looks. And some of these women looked to be around her age or maybe even older than her doing that stuff. Some other viewers tried to reason with them and let them know she was his best chance of having a decent storyline, but they wouldn't listen. And they insisted that he and Traci didn't have fans. (Even though they did and even polled in SID in top 10 couples multiple weeks.)


    Some of his fans wanted him and Lily even though that wasn't realistic, with CK barely being around these days. And now he's gone and you have several people on Twitter acting like they shocked he's been let go. Some of them should have supported him having multiple opportunities to have a love interest, like other fans would have done for their favorites.

  7. As others have mentioned in this thread, he had an opportunitity with Beth Maitland to have a storyline and extend his time on the show. But he didn't seem very keen on it. He also had an opportunity with a potential pairing with Victoria/ Amelia Heinle after Lily was sent to prison. He was on the most episodes post Lily leaving/Kristoff being rarely shown/after his passing with those two possible pairings. I definitely think he should have embraced those pairings more instead of waiting around for whatever scrap he could get during Lily's now rare appearances. 


    I wonder how they will write him off. Maybe it will be revealed that Cane/Collin are indeed in a scam together regarding the will and he will exit as result of that. 

  8. It would be a nice treat if she did indeed sing at the wedding. I like these clips that people on Twitter and youtube posted of her time on the show. Including this one that I saw not too long ago of her meeting Abe for the first time. (And also interacting with Marlena).



    Her singing at John and Marlena's wedding:




    And another time she sung that featured Bo/Hope and Steve/Kayla.




    I am interested in seeing who she interacts with when she makes her appearance. In addition to her Lani, Eli, Abe, I definitely hope she interacts with Marlena and John.





  9. According to sites like soapoperanews and soaps.com Marilyn McCoo is returning to the show as Lani's mother Tamara Price. She is bringing her real life husband Billy Davis, Jr with them. They will be coming to the show on November 1.



    .Marilyn Billy.jpg


    I am glad they are bringing Lani's mother back. I was wondering if they were going to bring her on for the wedding or make up some excuse as to why she couldn't make it. Maybe Billy's character is her new boyfriend or husband. Marilyn and Billy are aging well. 



  10. I am enjoying Nate and Amanda's interactions with each other. I think they have nice chemistry together, and that they are a sleek and refined pair. They would be a pretty couple.



    She's digging him, lol and I think he's attracted to her as well. IMO, Amanda has a "drier" personality and more reserved than Hilary was, but I like her. 


    I also thought that Nate's conversation with Elena was interesting today. She accused him of being attracted to Amanda and tried to push him back towards Abby. I originally liked the idea of Nate/Abby, but I can't blame him for breaking up with her. He seemed more into her and the possibility of a serious relationship, than she was with him.

  11. Here are some spoilers for next week from the Zap2it website:


    Elena will confide in Nate, Nick and Chelsea will deal with a tough decision,Phyllis will make a power move and Summer will control her feelings for Kyle. Cane will search for the truth and Jill will choose sides.

  12. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Devon will lose his patience with Amanda, while Jill will share disturbing news, Victor will question Chelsea's motives, while Nick will press his luck and Sharon and Rey will embark on a fresh start. Also, Summer will fight her feelings for Kyle while Victoria will worry about Billy's dark side, Lily will return home to finish unsettled business, Lily will meet Amanda, Nick will go to Vegas to bring Adam home because of Connor, Chelsea will make a tough decision, and Billy and Adam will trade threats. 


    Also Papa Rosales will be back on tomorrow's show. According to soaps.com day ahead recap, Adrian will show up with a black eye. He will tell Lola that he got into a fight with someone because he was messing around with a married woman. The woman's husband is looking for him. Lola will tell him to leave but Kyle will end up showing up. Lola will warn Kyle that Adrian wants money and Adrian will say he needs a place to stay. Lola will tell him to make sure Adrian is gone when she comes back. She will slam out.  Adrian will tell Kyle that if something happened to him, Lola will take it the hardest, and Kyle will write him a check. Adrian will also end up interacting with Traci, he will gush over being a best selling author and they will share a toast. 


    And Jack and Traci will continue to wonder about Dina's connection to Stuart Brooks. Traci will mention that he had daughters. Traci will say that Chris and Peggy don't remember anything significant but that she will reach out to Lori and Leslie. Jack will pull a yearbook with John and Dina in their salad days. Leslie Brooks calls and Traci will relay that they remember a letter from Dina to Stuart in their archives. Kyle will arrive and Jack will ask him if Dina ever mentioned Stuart to him. Kyle will say he doesn't recall that she did.


    Traci will tell Jack that the Brooks sisters are emailing the letter. Jack and Traci will read it and will be bewildered that it includes a quote from Shakespeare. Jack will notice smudges on the letter and Traci will say that their mother was crying when she wrote the letter. Traci will leave and Jack will be puzzled by the letter. 


    Also, Chelsea will want Nick to find Adam, because of Connor's behavior. Both Nick and Chelsea will try and comfort Connor who continues to struggle without Adam. Connor will get upset when he tries to call Adam but only gets a voicemail and they will talk about his fight at school with another boy. Nick will promise Chelsea they will get through things as a family. 

  13. According to the recap tomorrow from soaps.com


    Devon will tell Elena that he talked to Tucker's assistant and that things have gotten weird with Tucker. Tucker has reportedly has gone off on some spiritural journey after complaining about the negative effects of technology. Devon tells Elena that Tucker left no instructions for the company and it's facing a meltdown.


    This is the third man in recent months that the show has done strange stuff with offscreen, in order to try and push a story. First Chance got arrested for assault and was allegedly involved in acts like money laundering offscreen. And is now being mentioned as a connection to this will, but is nowhere to be found. Now Tucker has issues with technology and has gone on a spiritual journey and has abandoned his company. IMO, this is some cheap writing. A lot of this stuff doesn't make sense but if Josh is going to write it, at least some of this stuff should be playing out on screen. 


    Also Kyle will be yelling at Lola tomorrow about her thinking that Theo wants to change. He will tell Lola to stay away from him. Summer will also tell Theo she deserves better than him, when he say she wants to better himself for her. It does seem like the show is setting up a quad with these four and Kyle and Lola also talk about having kids on tomorrow's show. I could see Lola being or maybe ending up pregnant. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, John said:


    Harper and Sydnee Udell, who have played Arianna Horton since the character's birth in 2013, are wrapping up their six-year run. Their last episode will air later this year. The role will be recast. Good luck to Harper and Sydnee, who started on "Days" as babies and leave as first graders!


    Image may contain: 15 people, people smiling, people standing, baby and child


    I wish these little girls the best. I always thought they had good chemistry with the cast, especially Freddie. I wonder how old the next Arianna will be. I'm guessing they might make her at least a little older.

  15. 9 minutes ago, Days22 said:


    The writing for black characters has been the biggest stain on soaps since forever. Most have been written to just be their job basically. Either cops, or a doctor, or the poor kid. 


    There is a reason Y&R was able to build such a large black audience. They did it right for awhile before they fumbled it all away. 


    Other than AMC in the 80's and sometimes 90s and Y&R in the 90's there been very few examples of the black characters getting to be real fleshed out characters. ATWT had some good periods with Jessica. OLTL had some moments too. RJ was allowed to be a smart villain sometimes. I also loved when Lexie went bad at Days and was the star of the show for like 3 years. 


    Outside of that, it really is embarrassing. 


    I enjoyed the way that the Frye family was written in the 90s on AMC. I loved the way that Livia was written and her relationships with Derek, Terrence, Mimi, Tom and Jamal. And the way that the Barber/Winters families were written in the 90s on Y&R. But nowadays the writing for black characters is either bad or just about non existent. Lani is begging on her knees, and isn't really fleshed out as a character, Ana was given very colorist writing on Y&R. And most of the other black characters on soaps, aren't really written much for. Or given good writing and story lines. It's a shame.

  16. I can understand why people didn't Lani begging on her knees to Gabi. That didn't look right, regardless of the history between them.  Not to mention, why is Lani begging Gabi to give Stefan's heart to Julie.  Lani cares for Julie but she doesn't love her more than Hope, Jennifer, Doug or any other  family member/ person who is closer to Julie and has known her longer. It would make more sense if Lani had that type of desperation to save her own mother, Abe, Eli or maybe Val. It shouldn't have been on Lani to be the one to try and beg for Julie to get Stefan's heart. 


    It looks like they are really upping the ante in the rivarly between Gabi/Eli. But they could have found a more appropriate/less offensive and soapier way to do that. Gabi could demanded that Lani give something up in return for Julie's heart instead of making her literally beg on her knees. 

    8 minutes ago, Days22 said:

    . She had no reason to do the begging. Its obvious the writing team has no black writers in them like usual. 




    Exactly. I don't like the begging. But if they were going to force Lani to do this, at least let it be for someone that she's closer to like Abe, Eli (if his life were hanging in the balance) or even Val. 


    Some white writers (especially white male writers) really stink when it comes to writing black characters. (Josh Griffin and how he wrote Ana Hamilton on Y&R is another example of this IMO). They should be embarrassed by the way that they portray black characters.

  17. 3 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I see these names: Tucker. Chance. Is Y&R recasting these roles, or will they just remain off screen?


    I haven't seen anything yet mentioning that they have been recast or will be recast any time soon. I did see someone on Twitter say that Tristan Rogers/ Colin would be coming back before the year is over. (Though, I haven't seen official confirmation of that by a valid source anywhere). The show doesn't seem to be in any rush to bring back Chance. I could see them continuing to throw his name around, but him not show up anytime soon. Especially if the report about Colin coming back is indeed true. Maybe they will say someone was pretending like Chance was behind the stuff with the will or he was forced to do it. But keep him and (also Tucker) off screen.


    Also in a preview that shows some scenes for next week Amanda mentions that she shouldn't have let an "old" jerk drag her into this mess with the will. Devon will question her about this and say she can't be talking about Chance. I think she could be talking about Colin who may be behind this stuff with the will.


    Here is that preview:



    Looking at that preview it also sounds like Lola might could be pregnant.


    And here are some spoilers next week from the Zap2it website:


    Nick will consider a career change, Kyle and Lola will get a reality check, Jack will protect the Abbot legacy and Chelsea will swallow her pride. Amanda will also let her guard down with Nate. 



  18. According to soaps.com day ahead recap, on tomorrow's show Cane is going to get a text from Chance telling him it's too risky to meet in public. He gives Cane a place and time to meet him at. Once Cane shows up someone knocks him in the head and drags him off. Things will also get tense between Jill and Devon when they talk about Cane and the will and he accuses her of wanting to ensure there is no hard feelings if Katherine's final wishes really were to give Cane that inheritance. Her and Cane will also talk, he will tell her he's meeting with Chance. She will tell him that she understands that Devon is upset and  she will tell him that if the new version of the will is correct she feels they should honor Katherine's wishes.


    Devon and Amanda will also interact. He will ask her about Chance disappearing and tell her he suspects she feels they are both being played and wonders what she got herself into. Amanda will say he doesn't know what she's thinking and leave. Elena and Nate will also interact. Elena will tell Nate she's worried about Devon and his focus on Amanda the will. Earlier in the episode Devon will be searching for Amanda online and find out that she doesn't have an internet presence. Elena will want him to hire someone to investigate her, but he doesn't want to do that. He will tell Elena he is flying out Tucker's assistant. Nate will reassure Elena and tells her that he believes that Devon wants to find out more about Tucker's role in things and that things will settle down. 

  19. Here is some more information from SID about Nate and Amanda:


    Nate will invite Amanda to play a game of pool with him at the Grand Phoenix. He will want to get to know her better. He wants to try and protect Devon who he feels is dealing with his emotions of her her being around as a reminder of Hilary, but he also wants to give Amanda a fair chance. Nate wants to find out who she really is without having an preconceived notions of her, and while he's not setting her up to get information, he might find something that could help Devon. However, when he is playing pool with her he finds out that he has a lot in common with her. She's a Type A personality and he will see her humanity.


    Sean Dominic says that Nate has a soft spot for women with strong and unique personalities. As Nate is trying to figure out Amanda, Abby might not like seeing her boyfriend play a friendly game of pool with Amanda, especially since her last relationship with Arturo implode with Arturo due to cheating. Sean says that even though Nate is just being friendly with Amanda he could see that being a problem with his and Abby's relationship.


    I am interested in seeing these scenes with Nate/Amanda. I think they have chemistry and I have enjoyed them interacting together so far. 

  20. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Nick will take on a new challenge, Devon will uncover a secret, Phyllis will push Sharon's buttons, Victor will interrogate Billy. Chelsea will be troubled by Connor's behavior, Cane will hit pay dirt and Abby will have problems in her relationship with Nate. Nate will cozy up to Amanda. He will want to know more about her and her life. He will ask about her life and law school. He will want to know the real Amanda. Devon will lash out, Jill will learn a shocking secret, Nick will search for Adam and Amanda will set the record straight. Also, Jack and Traci will stumble upon a mystery. Jack will get a call that Dina fell. When he goes and sees her she will mention a man named Stuart. Traci will find a photo from several years ago of Dina with several men including Stuart Brooks (newspaper owner). 

  21. Here is some minor casting news:


    According to soaps.com actor John Briddell has been cast as Eric Vanderway.


    john Briddell pic 1.jpg


    He will appear on November 7th. I wonder if he will end up playing Theo's dad.  Theo mentioned that his dad passed away, so maybe he will appear in a flashback. Maybe the show will start to flesh Theo out more and this casting will help flesh out his backstory. 

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