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Posts posted by xtr

  1. According to the day ahead recap from soaps.com on tomorrow's show:


    Amanda will tell Devon that Chance learned from David Sherman that Tucker paid him to alter the will. David has passed away but made this confession on his deathbed. Devon will be in disbelief and insist that the claim isn't real. He will ask Amanda where did Chance find her and mention her resemblance to Hilary. She will tell him she's sorry for his loss and give him her card. She will be staying at the Grand Phoenix Hotel. 


    Also Paul and Rey will question Kelly Coffield's character about the drugs that Victor took. They will tell her that the prescription was only from the pharmacy where she works. They will press her to come clean and issues warnings. She will think about her options and ask for immunity in return for her giving them information. Rey will call Michael who will agree to the immunity. Kelly's character will admit that she upped the dosage and state that she forged the label for Victoria. Victoria will end up telling Rey/Paul at her home that the pharmacist is lying. She will tell them to search her apartment and that she has nothing to hide. 


    Michael will call Adam and tell him that Paul called like he predicted and that he granted the woman immunity. At Newman Victor's pill bottle is found along with Nate's tablet in Victoria's desk. 


    And Nick and Chelsea will say I love you to each other and Theo will tell Summer a little about his father. Theo will tell Summer that his father passed away of a heart attack when he was 15 years old. He will tell her this when he is trying to comfort her about losing Victor. Kyle will also comfort and hug Summer when they talk about her losing Victor at Jabot. 

  2. Kelly Coffield Park is back on tomorrow's episode. Someone on Twitter who is currently watching the Canadian Show posted a screen clip of her.






    It looks like Paul and Rey are questioning about the drugs that ended up in Victor's system. 


    Also, on tomorrow's show Mishael's character confirms that her name is Amanda Sinclair and that her client is Chance. She also states that another draft of Katherine's will doesn't bequeath the majority of the estate to Devon.




  3. I  also think that this is a nice picture that Mishael posted today of her and Christel on Mishael's instagram page.



    I wonder if Lily factors into this stuff with the will/Amanda showing up. (They haven't officially confirmed Mishael is the lawyer Amanda Sinclair, but I will that is who she will be playing.) I also wonder when Chance may show up. I haven't read anything about him being cast yet, but I think he may be involved with the will.  Maybe he will just show up like Jett did (just showed up without his appearance being spoiled) or kind of like Papa Rosales did (mentioned that he might show up, but no officially air date was given before he did).

  4. Chad and Abby in Paris Chapter 2 debuts on Thursday on the Dool App. They will have some new characters joining including Mr. Shin's son, Li Shin played by actor Remmington Hoffman:


    Mr. Shin's son.jpg


    Another newcomer named Sylvie is also going to be on this latest episodes. She will be played by actress Shawna Della-Ricca.

    Sylvie Days.jpg


    Juliet who was in the first batch of episodes will also be returning and a surprise person from Salem will be showing up as well. There will be eight episodes in this next Chapter.


    I wouldn't mind seeing Mr. Shin's son appearing on regular Days. 




  5. 1 minute ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

    I dont think mal should ever be a HW again but maybe a consultant just for the young people stories


    Mal had his faults including that super long boring, JT storyline. But IMO, he wrote the young people (with an exception being Summer) way better than Josh is doing. Underneath Mal of the young people were actually interesting and viable, including the young men. Josh is writing this young set very poorly. Lola actually got even worse underneath Josh and the young men are not written well.

  6. 6 minutes ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

    Im interested in how this plays out. finally everythings not so boring


    I think this may not end too well for Theo. I don't know if they will make a him a bad guy or just have him do a bunch of random stuff. Until they ultimately write him off. They really should have just kept Ana and had him do the mentor storyline with her. Instead of throwing him in this storyline with Tessa/Mariah that's going to probably be lopsided in their favor. 


    I think that Theo had potential and they should have written him differently. But they used him for boring Kyle/Lola angst. And now they are throwing him into a storyline with Mariah/Tessa, when they IMO, they should have just kept Ana for him to interact with. I would have rather watched an Ana/Theo storyline and/or an Ana/Theo/Summer triangle than this stuff with Mariah/Tessa. They are wasting yet another young man on this story.

  7. 8 minutes ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

    Agreed. But yeah wasnt as bad as anthony suggests.


    Yeah, I actually thought that Tessa jumped to conclusion a little by suggesting he was hitting on her, after he complimented her. Now granted he did say he was attacted to her/mentioned he was hitting on her. However, his initial comment about her being beautiful and talented was not inappropriate. And I don't think he would have even mentioned or confirmed hitting on her had she not brought it up. I think he's trying to undermine Mariah and maybe trying to use Tessa in whatever plan he has for Mariah regarding Power Communications. He already broached the subject of Tessa's career a few days ago with Mariah, when he asked about it. And Mariah mentioned she was exclusively managing Tessa's career. I think that Theo mainly wants to try and remove Mariah from running Power and take over. That's why he's interacting with Tessa, trying to get a role in managing her career.



  8. It was not bad as that tweet is suggesting. Theo told Tessa she was talented and beautiful after he brought up that she should be athe main act on a tour. Tessa then jumped the the conclusion he was hitting on her and said she was gay. Theo then said he didn't believe in label, admitted that he was hitting on her. And flirted with her. Theo was being flirty more than anything and may have been trying to butter up her to one up Mariah. He did not say he wanted to change her.


    The show seems to be all over the place when it comes to Theo and his motivations for doing things. I'm not sure what exactly he's trying to do with Tessa/Mariah, but I believe he may be trying to undermine/get over on Mariah to take her position in Powers Communications. I'm not even sure he really wants Tessa like that. He' has never hit on her or shown romantic interest in her prior to today's show. He's actually been all about Summer (romantically) in spite of his antics. 


    I don't like the writing for him right now and once again the show is messing up the writing for a male character in that mid 20's to early 30's set. This show needs more viable male characters in that group, but for some reason they keep messing over men in that group. (Noah, Fen, Theo). Theo should not have been used mostly as angst for Lola and now doing whatever they are trying to do with him Tessa/Mariah. Which will probably not end up amounting to much. This could also be an attempt to give Tessa/Mariah another story but IMO, it will fall flat. Just like the story with Ana did. 

  9. Here are some more spoilers from SOD:


    Victoria is blindsighted, Nick will surprise Phyllis, Nikki will turn to Paul for help, Abby and Nikki will comfort each other and Jill, and Nate will offer support to Devon. Also, Billy's standalone episode took three days to film.

  10. 2 minutes ago, AdamNewmanFan said:


    Im just sad we are getting a fen story off screen.


    Does it seem to you like they are lessening adams airtime and giving more stuff to the others? 


    I feel like he's getting about the same amount of airtime. I don't think he was on for at least a day (maybe two) this week. But for the most part I feel like he's getting around the same amount of airtime. I feel like the amount of airtime that characters are getting in general hasn't really changed or been adjusted much.

  11. 4 minutes ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

    SOD week of September 23

    Michael shares unsettling news with Lauren

    Nikki reveals a secret

    Sharon embarks on a fresh start

    Jill worries about Billy


    I wonder if the unsettling news is about Fen. Lauren was supposed to find him and get him help. I wonder if something didn't go right there, and Michael finds out some more unsettling news about him. Or if this spoiler is about something else. 

  12. 25 minutes ago, Khan said:

    It might sound silly, but I want Adam to have the kind of love interest that Victor had once upon a time with Nikki.  Know what I mean?  Someone from the "wrong side of the tracks," with a tragic past, whom Adam gradually turns into a "lady."  Or maybe even a farm girl, whose integrity and kindness reminds him of his mother, Hope.  I'm just sick of Y&R playing the same, dastardly notes with Adam.  It's time we see different, more human layers to him.


    I think that either one of these types of women could work for Adam. A "good girl" type could be good for him. He could use someone who will help humanize him more. Someone will love him and accept him but who will still make him want to act like a better man. I think that is one of the reasons why he's running around causing a lot of mischief, is because he's lonely and bored. A woman could help ground him. He needs one IMHO. It's a waste not giving him a real love interest. Right now all Chelsea and Sharon are doing is rejecting him, and that's not really good for him or interesting to watch. 


    A woman who's not afraid to stir up trouble could also work, but I don't think they should have her go too far with her antics. Like they are having Adam go too far with tampering with Victor's medication. Phyllis has liked to stir up trouble, but I don't think that her and Adam have much chemistry together. And I think he would be better off with someone younger than her. 


  13. 14 minutes ago, Khan said:


    IA.  Hell, I'd be down with bringing on Taylor Miller as a Patty recast, if it meant sparing us Jack/Sharon again.  That [!@#$%^&*] never worked.



    Amen.  She wasn't at NBC when he was at DAYS, and he made a mess out of that show, too.



    Josh is struggling quite a bit with the writing and I think he does also bear a lot of responsibility for what is going on with the show. Angelica pushed the Rosales on the show, but Josh didn't have to write Kyle/Lola digging through trash and getting pasta sauce on their clothes. A lot of the stories right now are a like a flat soft drink and I think that a lot of that has to do with the writing in general not being good.


    The stuff with Kyle/Theo's secret/Zoe has been pretty boring. The stuff with the Grand Phoenix Hotel is boring. The show has been teasing stuff with Chance possibly returning on and off. Phyllis isn't doing much of anything substantial. Adam is kind of all over the place and could be grounded more. (Like make it more clear who he wants to be with romantically. He's seemed both interested in Sharon and Chelsea, but both women have rejected him. If they won't put him with one of them, then they should move him on with someone else). Elena should be developed more, etc.... I do think that a lot of these problems have to do with the writing. And that could help explain why a lot of stories are uninteresting/not having much of a direction to them. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Next thing you know, Jack will be giving Jill a (booty) call.


    I think that as far as a romantic pairing goes putting him with Celeste could work. I think they could fit each other and that they would look good together. And though, I might be in the minority with this, I also wouldn't mind them revisiting him and Phyllis. I never really cared much for Jack/Sharon as a couple. I never saw really any chemistry between them romantically. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, rlj said:

    Griffith did write for Jack/Sharon in 08


    Griffith clearly doesn't know what to do with Sharon either, he consummated her with Rey, built her up with Adam, previewed her with Rey again, and might flirt her and Jack again.  Truth be told, he doesn't seem to know what to do with any of his stories!


    I agree. Josh does seem lost with a lot of the stories in general. I think that is one big reason why many of the stories aren't interesting and aren't "soapy." And I did read not too long ago too that they were hinting that she would get back with Rey. And in this week's episodes, it seemed they were headed that direction, with her acting upset about him talking to other women, them kissing (though they were drugged) and Rey wanted to get justice for her by catching the person who drugged her. And now they might do Sharon/Jack again.... Plus, I also heard that they might revisit a Summer/Kyle/Lola triangle.


    I wonder how much of this may have to do with Angelica having too much influence over the storytelling and that messing things up. I did see a post of her on social media not too long ago. that looked like her receiving an envelope with story outlines. I think she had too much influence over the stories and that was messing with things. Now that's she's gone maybe Josh will feel more free to do what he wants writing wise. Though, I also think he is just struggling in general and a lot of what he is writing isn't good. 



  16. I wonder if they will end up trying to revisit Sharon/Jack or if this trip will just strengthen their friendship. I really like Jack and Sharon individually, but I would prefer if they weren't revisited romantically. It seems like the show doesn't really know what to do with Jack. They teased something with him and Lauren and then dropped it. And now it looks like they might do something with him and Sharon. Maybe. I had read that Eva would be back taping some more scenes so maybe her and Jack will cross paths again and they will ultimately go in that direction with him.


  17. Here are some upcoming spoilers from SID:


    Billy will decide to face his demons head on and Victoria will be determined to help him., Michael will confront Adam, Phyllis will surprise Nick, and Chelsea will set a few boundaries. Devon will also receive a special delivery.


    Also, Jack and Sharon will end up at the same desert retreat hoping to hit the reset button. Jack is looking to examine why his past relationships have been unsuccessful while Sharon is looking for a fresh start after her recent drama involving Adam. Jack and Sharon will literally bump into each other at the front desk. Josh says that they have shared a warm relationship and running into each other will be a pleasant surprise.


    While they sit down to talk Jack will insist that he's not going through any personal crisis but wants to take stock of his life and figure out the next step. Sharon will get Jack to admit that in spite of his professional success in the business world, he doesn't feel as fullfilled as he would like to be personally. The situation with Dina has given him insight into his childhood and he will feel like John's workaholic nature pushed his mother into the arms of other men. Jack and Sharon will confide in each other about their relationship failures.


    The magazine will say they can be candid with each other because they are far from home and away from drama in their lives. It will mention that they are in different but also the same place in their lives. It also asks could their individual desires could lead them into a relationship they wouldn't have imagined they got into before they left town. Josh says that their trip will be rewarding for them in multiple ways and strengthen the close bond they have. 



  18. Just now, dragonflies said:

    From the Bossip article


    Tisha Campbell is coming back to TV very soon. The veteran actress is guest-starring on CBS’ “The Bold and the Beautiful.” Campbell who’s filming today, September 11, will play a character named Dr. Davis and her first episode airs 10/4.


    Thanks for the information. I wonder if she will be Katie's doctor. I did see some spoilers that said that Katie will have some health troubles. The fall preview also mentioned her and Bill dealing with a major health crisis.

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